curriculum vitae et studiorum


curriculum vitae et studiorum
LAMÉ Marion
PhD in History, specialized in Digital Epigraphy.
Piazza Arcivescovado 17,
56126, Pisa
Email: [email protected]
Alternate email: [email protected]
Phone: (+39) 050 99 12 111
Mobile: (+39) 3 772 416 049
Work Experience
July 2013 - Present: Post-doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Computational
Linguistics "Antonio Zampoli", Italian National Research Council.
Development of theoretical digital models and practical methodologies for Digital History and
Digital Epigraphy, based on heterogeneous primary sources (written, iconographic, iconotextual).
Study of multilingual epigraphic texts. Using Information Technologies for Digital History.
February 2013 - May 2013: Researcher at EPHE, Anhima, UMR 8210, Paris.
Preliminary work on a digital database of Greek inscriptions of the Louvre Museum under
supervision of Prof. Michèle Brunet.
April 2012 - August 2012: Internship at the Institute of Computational Linguistics "Antonio
Zampoli", Italian National Research Council.
PhD Internship co-directed by the University of Bologna and the University of Aix-en-Provence.
April 2009 - July 2009: Visiting Scholar at the Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University, Medford,
Teaching use and practice of XML to non-specialist humanists in charge of archeological,
geographical and historical information identification.
Involved in the encoding work of several layers of abstraction of Thucydides’s work.
Evaluation of time and genealogical xml languages.
2003: APEA (Association de Prévention et d’Aide à l’Insertion), La Seyne-sur-Mer, France.
IT teacher. Use and practice of IT for people facing difficulties.
2002: Counselor at Externat Saint-Joseph, Ollioules, France.
Counselor in charge of the computer room.
2001: "Culture et Communication" Association, Toulon, France.
Art and social services adviser.
1996-1999: Piano teacher, Orléans, France.
Piano teacher for the otherwise-abled.
Teaching and other work experiences
1) Epigrafia digitale: metodologie generali e applicazione pratica alla procedura auoptica.
L'esempio delle tecnologie RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), Medieval Epigraphy
course, Prof. Flavia De Rubeis, Universitá Ca’ Foscari - Venice, November 4th 2014.
2) Digital scientific edition "TSS - Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge" scientific responsability of Ivan
Radman. 2012-2014.
3) Supervision of the open source arab font update in the "IGAMWI - Imperial Government
and Authority in Medieval Western Islam" project con scientific responsability of Pascal
Buresi. Collaborators: Arnaud Chabrol, Redwan Chetuan, Camilla Tanca, Cultura Digitale
Laboratory, 2013-2014.
4) Digital epigraphy seminar, Prof. Marguerita Orfila Pons Archeology course, University of
Granada, October 17th, 2013, invited by Prof. Victoria Luzón.
5) Seminario di epigrafia digitale, Latin epigraphy course, Prof. Giovanni Salmeri, University of
Pisa, may 7th-9th, 2013.
6) Seminario di epigrafia digitale, parte del ciclo di seminari di cultura digitale della Prof.ssa
Enrica Salvatori, Università di Pisa, 24 ottobre 2012.
7) EpiDoc Reggio Calabria, University degli Studi Mediterranea, CNR, June 4th - 7th, 2012.
8) Risorse digitale per le scienze dell’antichità, University Lumière Lyon 2, Greek epigraphy
course, Prof. Michèle Brunet, December 2nd, 2011.
9) Risorse digitale per le scienze dell’antichità, École Française d’Athènes at Thasos, Greek
epigraphy course, Prof. Michèle Brunet, 1-8 maggio 2011 on archeological site, May 6th,
10)EpiDoc Aix-en-Provence, MMSH (Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme), CCJ
(Centre Camille Jullian), February, 9th - 11th, 2011.
11) EpiDoc Lyon, MOM (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée), Hisoma Laboratory (Histoire
et Source des Mondes Antiques – UMR CNRS Lyon 2), September 13th - 17th, 2010.
12) EpiDoc Rome, British School at Rome, September 21st-25th, 2009.
13)Seminario Banche di dati per l’epigrafia latina, Latin Epigraphy course, Prof. Giovanella
Cresci, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, June 14th - 16th, 2010.
14)Seminario Strumenti informatici per l’epigrafia greca, course Strumenti informatici per lo
Studio dell’Antichità Classica, Researcher Carla Salvaterra and Prof. Camillo Neri, University
of Bologne 2007.
2012 : University of Bologne/Aix-Marseille University, Italy/France.
PhD in History.
Thesis: Epigrafia in rete: riflessioni sulle potenzialità d’innovazione delle pubblicazioni
epigrafiche digitali attraverso l’uso dei linguaggi di mark-up per la rappresentazione di
epigrafi complesse = Epigraphie en réseau: réflexions sur les potentialités d'innovation das la
représentation numérique d'inscriptions complexes.
Supervisors: Prof. Angela Donati and Prof. Catherine Virlouvet.
Mark: Très honorable.
2008: University of Venice "Ca’Foscari”, Venice, Italy.
Master Degree in Informatica per le Discipline Umanistiche, fifth and last year of the Italian
academic training in Digital Humanities.
Thesis: Codificare le inscrizioni antiche: l'esempio delle Res Gestae Divi Augusti, edite da Th.
Mommsen. (Study about the use of encoding for epigraphy, based on the famous augustean
Supervisors: Giovanella Cresci-Marrone and Fabio Ciotti.
Mark: 110/110 Magna cum laude.
2006: Aix-Marseille University (Previously University of Provence), Aix-En-Provence, France.
Master research 2nd year, "Historical Sciences and Humanities", "History of Mediterranean,
European, and African Civilizations".
Thesis: Critères d’évaluation des documents écrits primaires des sciences de l’Antiquité sur
le Web: l’exemple des Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Evaluation of the digital representations
available on the Web of the augustean text).
Supervisors: Brigitte Sabattini (Aix-en-Provence) and Carla Salvaterra (Bologne, Italie).
Research Center: Centre Camille Julian, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme
Mark: Magna cum laude.
2005: University of Provence, Aix-En-Provence, France.
Master research 1st year "Historical Sciences and Humanities", "History of Mediterranean,
European, and African Civilizations".
Thesis: Mise en ligne des documents primaires de l'histoire ancienne: de leur numérisation à
leur utilisation, vers de nouveaux usages ? (Study of the use of the Web for primary sources
of Ancient History).
Supervisor: Philippe Jockey, Centre Camille Julian, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences
de l’Homme (MMSH).
Mark: 16/20, Mention très bien.
2003: University of Provence, Aix-En-Provence, France.
B.A. in History.
2000 – 2001: Université de Montréal, Canada.
“Mineur en Langue et Civilisation Anglaise” One year study in English language and culture.
Personal Skills
Mothertongue: French.
Other languages:
Job-related skills: TEI e EpiDoc XML languages, Digital representation of historical and geographical
information in primary sources.
Computer skills:
Good command of metalanguages (XML, HTML).
Good command of tools and databases for the study of History (online and offline).
Good Command of MS Office suite e Open Office suite.
- Knowledge base of programming (C), Web design, multimedia information systems,
networks, software engineering.
Selected Bibliography
Camilla Tanca, Marion Lamé, Hi-storytelling: Street Museum & Speaking Stones! A
Study Case, "Museums and the Web 2013" N. Proctor & R. Cherry (eds). Silver Spring, MD:
Museums and the Web. Published May 31th, 2014. Consulted October 17th, 2014. http://
● Marion Lamé, Valeria Valchera, Federico Boschetti, Epigrafia digitale: paradigmi di
rappresentazione per il trattamento digitale delle epigrafi, in "Epigraphica", 2012, p. 386-392.
● Marion Lamé, Pour une codification historique des inscriptions, "Rivista Storica
dell’Antiquità" 38 (2008), p. 213–225. Italian translation: Per una codifica storica delle
iscrizioni, "Griselda Online", 2008.
Erica Filippini e Marion Lamé, "Roman Provincial Coinage Online", Aldébaran, Portale e
base tematici, online from January 27th 2012.
Marion Lamé e Nicolas Genis, "Searchable Greek Inscriptions", Aldébaran, Portale e base
tematici, online from June 7th 2011.
Conferences – Selected Contributions by Scientific Committee
Computer Assisted Annotation of Themes and Motifs in Ancient Greek, Epigrams:
First Steps, Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Riccardo Del Gratta (ILC-CNR), Marion Lamé (ILCCNR). "Clic-it 2014". 9-10 December 9th-10th 2014.
Technology & Tradition: A Synergic Approach To Deciphering, Analyzing And Annotating
Epigraphic Writings, Marion Lamé, Federico Boschetti, Matteo Dellepiane, Serge Rosmorduc,
Stéphane Polis, Giulia Sarullo, Angelos Barmpoutis, Elenie Bozia. "EAGLE 2014 International
Conference", École Normale Supérieure & Collège de France, Paris, September 29th, 2014.
● Fonti in cerca di storici digitali: ridefinizione e mutamenti della fonte primaria. Una
ricerca in informatica umanistica, Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR), Chiara Mannari (Laboratorio di
Cultura Digitale, University of Pisa) e Federico Ponchio (VLC-CNR). "AIUCD - Associazione per
l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale. Terzo convegno annuale: La metodologia della
ricerca umanistica nell’ecosistema digitale", University of Bologne, September 18th-19th, 2014.
A top-down approach to the design of components for the philological domain, Federico
Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Angelo Mario Del Grosso (ILC-CNR), Fahad Khan (ILC-CNR), Marion Lamé
(ILC-CNR), Ouafae Nahli (ILC-CNR). "Digital Humanities 2014" Lausanne, Switzerland, July 8th12th 2014.
● Hi-storytelling: Street Museum & Speaking Stones! Marion Lamé (CNR-Pisa), Camilla
Tanca (University of Pisa), Marion Lamé, Anna Maria Marras (Museum of Cagliari), Camilla
Tanca ( Pisa University), Massimiliano Vassalli (La Sapienza University), Enrica Salvatori (Prof.
Pisa University) . "Museum and the Web Florence 2014", Florence, February 18th-21th, 2014.
● From paper browser to digital edition of inscriptions, Marion Lamé (ILC, CNR), Perrine
Kossmann (Université de Bourgogne)."Text-Encoding Inititative Roma", University La Sapienza,
October 3rd-4th, 2013.
● Pour une délivraison des inscriptions, Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR), Perrine Kossmann
(University of Burgundy). "Les Humanités délivrées", Université de Lausanne, October 2nd-3th
De la transcription graphique à la reconstitution diplomatique, Marion Lamé (Anhima),
Victoria Luzón & Francisco Soler (University of Granada), Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Luca
Benedetti (VCL-CNR). "Gestion Informatisée des ÉCritures Anciennes (GIÉCA)", Centre d’Études
Supérieures de la Renaissance, University of Tours, May 21th-22th, 2013.
● La matière épigraphique dans un espace numérique: l’importance du support
archéologique. "Journées d’Informatique et Archéologie de Paris (JIAP 2012)", June 1st-2nd,
2012 – Paris. Organized by University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (UFR 03) and CNRS UMR
7041 Arscan. In collaboration with Federico Boschetti, Angelo Mario del Grosso (ILC-CNR) e
Luca Benedetti (VCL-INIST-CNR).
● Asking Text-Bearing Objects: Contribution of Epigraphical theories to Digital
Representation of Texts, Marion Lamé (Aix-Marseille University / University of Bologne) Valeria
Valchera (University of Bologne), Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Cyril Masset (IRHT-TELMA),
Pascal Lemaire (ULB). "Supporting Digital Humanities 2011: Answering the unaskable", Faculty
of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, November 17th-18th, 2012.
Topic Maps and the Semantics of Inscriptions, "The Publication and Study of Inscriptions
in the Age of Computer" by American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (ASGLE) for the
conference Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the American Philological Association
(APA), Filadelfia, January 2009.
Epidoc Encoding of Mommsen’s 1883 edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti, "Text
Encoding Initiative Members Meeting", King’s College London, November 6th-8th, 2008. Grant
from CCH (Centre for Computing in the Humanities), King’s College.
Conferences – Invited Contributions
L’edizione scientifica digitale del testo letterario e del testo epigrafico: convergenze e
divergenze, Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Marion Lamé (ILC-CNR). Conference: "Risorse digitali
e strumenti collaborativi per le Scienze dell’Antichità", University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, October
2nd-3rd 2014.
Fonti in cerca di storici digitali, 2013-2014, “Cultura Digitale” Seminar. Enrica Salvatori,
Medieval History Professor and coordinator of the Laurea Specialistica of Informatica
Umanistica, University of Pisa. In collaboration with Chiara Mannari (dottoressa magistrale,
Informatica Umanistica), May 14th 2014, Pisa.
● Du navigateur à papier à l’édition scientifique numérique de la source: paradoxes et
continuité? Atelier des Humanités Numériques, 2013-14, Prof. Jean-Philippe Magué, École
Normale Supérieure of Lyon , December 2nd , 2013.
● La source, son historien, l’édition numérique: le paradoxe du navigateur à papier?,
"L’Histoire numérique", University Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail, June 13th, 2013, Toulouse.
● Epigraphy in 3D, 2012-2013, “Cultura Digitale” Seminar. Enrica Salvatori, Medieval
History Professor and coordinator of the Laurea Specialistica of Informatica Umanistica
dell’University of Pisa. In collaboration with Francisco Soler (University of Granada).
● Strumenti per l’analisi di testi bilingui al servizio dell’epigrafia digitale, "Poesia della
memoria e memoria poetica: Incontro di studi sulla versificazione epigrafica dall’antichità
all’umanesimo", May 3rd-4th 2012 – Venice. Ca’ Foscari University, Dipartimento di Studi
Umanistici. Musisque Deoque project, Prof. Paolo Mastandrea:
● Exploitation de la matière épigraphique dans un espace numérique, 2011-12, "Édition
savante et humanités numériques" seminar, February 8th 2012 - Paris. Prof. Aurélien Berra,
University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense. In collaboration with Valeria Valchera (University
of Bologne), Federico Boschetti (ILC-CNR), Cyril Masset (IRHT-TELMA), Pascal Lemaire (ULB).
Epigraphic Annotation: From the Stone to the Digital Edition, "Trends in Computational
and Formal Philology: an Italian Overview", Venice-Padua, May 22th-24th, 2008. Poster: http://
● La formation des Antiquisants à l’informatique, VI° Ateliers ATHIS, "Histoire,
Informatique et Pédagogies", May 15th-18th 2008 – Porquerolles. Réseau Ménestrel, Universiy
di Parigi 1 Sorbonne (Jean-Philippe Genet) and Reti medievali, University of Florence (Andrea
Zorzi). Slide:
2010 Student Assistant Bursary, Digital Humanities Conference, 2010.
2009 Italian Government Research Grant (3 months).
● 2008 Student Bursary CCH (Centre for Computing in the Humanities), King’s College,
for. Epidoc Encoding of Mommsen’s 1883 edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti at the Text
Encoding Initiative Members Meeting, King’s College, Novembre 6-8, 2008.
2008 Italian Government Research Grant (9 months).
2008 Mobility Grant, Franco-Italian University (Call “Vinci 2008”).
2007 Ph. D. Grant Franco-Italian University for Cotutella (Call “Vinci 2007”).
2006 Italian Government Research Grant (9 months).