II Edizione


II Edizione
II Edizione
Cari Amici & consoci Rotaractiani,
dopo il successo della prima Newsletter, ecco a Voi la
seconda versione, ricca di proposte di viaggio, di iniziative
e progetti, di opportunità di gemellaggio e di curiosità dal mondo del Rotaract!!!
In questo numero troverete:
Notizie dalla nostra Commissione
Gli appuntamenti europei e i viaggi internazionali che Vi attendono
Aggiornamenti sul viaggio del nostro fantastico ambasciatore
“Little Horse” intorno al mondo
Le proposte di gemellaggio ed i progetti internazionali
A tutti Voi BUONA LETTURA!!!
La Commissione distrettuale
per l’Azione Internazionale e l’ERIC
Roberta, Eliana e Claudio
Nella precedente Newsletter Vi abbiamo comunicato i “buoni
propositi” della nostra Commissione e Vi abbiamo espresso il
desiderio di trovare, in Voi e nei Vostri Club, lo stesso interesse
e la medesima passione che la nostra Commissione ripone negli
aspetti internazionali dell’agire rotaractiano.
Vogliamo ora ringraziare chi ci è stato vicino, in particolare i
Club che hanno seguito da protagonisti le nostre attività e le nostre proposte!
Per assicurarci che le nostre comunicazioni raggiungano tutti i vostri Soci, all’interno dei Consigli
direttivi o delle Assemblee plenarie, vorremmo inoltre chiederVi di designare due soci per ciascun
Club che agiscano da nostri interlocutori e da fari segnalatori di ogni nave od opportunità
internazionale che passi e si intraveda nel mare del vostro Club!
A volte si tratterà di piccole barchette, altre volte di bottiglie con dentro interessanti messaggi
da decifrare, altre volte ancora di…… portaerei!!!
Perché sono ancora tanti i progetti che la nostra Commissione ha in programma per i prossimi sei
Ricorderete che i nostri principali obiettivi erano: 1) promuovere la cultura siciliana all’estero e 2)
far conoscere a ciascuno dei 663 soci della Sicilia (che nel frattempo speriamo siano aumentati di
numero!!) l’essenza internazionale del Rotaract.
Il primo traguardo sarà raggiunto quando Little Horse, il nostro amatissimo carretto siciliano, avrà
terminato il proprio viaggio intorno al mondo (a partire da pag. 9 troverete gli aggiornamenti sul
suo percorso!). Il secondo non potremo raggiungerlo se non con l’aiuto, l’interesse e la disponibilità
di tutti Voi!
Siamo pronti ad entrare nei Vostri Club, per parlare di Rotaract e delle infinite possibilità di
sperimentarlo nel suo spirito internazionale…. Basta che ci chiamiate nelle Vostre città!!
Siamo pronti a raccontarVi dei nostri viaggi, delle nostre scoperte, delle proposte di gemellaggio
che arrivano quotidianamente da ogni parte del pianeta… basta che ci ascoltiate!
Siamo pronti a farVi scoprire un Rotaract inimmaginabile, lontano dalle beghe e dalle false
certezze che spesso contraddistinguono i distretti e gli uomini troppo chiusi in se stessi….ma
molto più interessanti ed emozionanti!
Seguiteci in questa Newsletter e dopo…come sapete, sarà SOLO un ASSAGGIO!!
Miw3 – Milan International Weekend, 27/29 gennaio 2006
Ve lo accennammo già a settembre, adesso è l’ora di fare i bagagli!
Un gruppo consistente del nostro Distretto andrà a Milano dal 27 al 29 gennaio, per la terza
edizione di un weekend internazionale super-collaudato - è già alla sua terza edizione di viata! – e
Nella prossima Newsletter vi racconteremo la nostra esperienza e Vi sveleremo tutti i retroscena
di un viaggio che si preannuncia già affollatissimo di nuovi amici e di sorprese!
EUCO – European Congresso – Anversa, 26/30 aprile 2006
Basta chiedere a chi lo ha già frequentato nelle due ultime edizioni (Budapest 2004 e Parigi
2005)… l’EUCO è la vera Occasione con la O maiuscola per chi ha voglia di comprendere e VIVERE
lo spirito internazionale del Rotaract, il momento in cui i Rotaractiani di tutta l’Europa si riuniscono
per confrontarsi e organizzare progetti interdistrettuali e intercontinentali, gemellaggi a
distanza, scambi di idee e di doni di ogni tipo!
Per saperne un po’ di più basta collegarsi al sito Internet www.euco2006.be.
Ecco il programma:
Mercoledì 26 aprile 2006
Giovedì 27 aprile 2006
15:00 – 18:00 Registrazione in albergo
19:00 – 21:00 Cerimonia di apertura
21:00 – 23:00 Snack e primi incontri tra i
07:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 10:00 Trasferimento a Bruxelles
10:00 – 12:00 Visita all’European District
12:30 – 13:30 Pranzo
13:30 – 16:00 Tour guidato di Bruxelles
16:00 – 18:00 Tempo libero a Bruxelles
18:00 – 19:00 Trasferimento ad Anversa
20:00 – 21:30 Cena
22.00 – xx:xx Pub Crawl
Venerdì 28 aprile 2006
09:00 Breakfast
13:00 Company visit
14:00 Pranzo
18:00 Tour guidato di Anversa
20:00 Cena
xx:xx European Starparty
Sabato 29 aprile 2006
09:00 Breakfast
12:30 Conferenza (Rotaract Europe)
13:30 Pranzo
16:00 Star Activity
19:00 Tempo libero ad Anversa
xx:xx Grand Diamond Ball e cena di gala!!!
Domenica 30 aprile 2006
07:00 – 10:00 Breakfast & Arrivederci
Visita opzional di Bruges (a pagamento)
Potete registraVi all’EUCO compilando la scheda di registrazione sul sito
http://www.euco2006.be/Registration.asp !!
Questi I pacchetti proposti:
Diamond Days: da mercoledì 26 aprile 2006 a domenica 30 April 2006
Il pacchetto include:
4 notti + prima colazione in 4-stars Hotel Scandic: da mercoledì a sabato
Trasferimenti (5-days pass), trasferimento a Bruxelles
Partecipazione a tutte le visite guidate
Accesso alla Cerimonia di apertura
Pub Crawl
Accesso all’European Starparty
Tutti i pasti (eccetto la cena di giovedì)
Cena di Gala
Star Selection: da venerdì 28 aprile 2006 a domenica 30 aprile 2006
IL pacchetto include:
2 notti + prima colazione in 4-stars Hotel Scandic: da venerdì a domenica
Trasferimenti (5-days pass)
Tutti i pasti
Partecipazione al programma del Sabato
Pranzo del Sabato
Accsso all’European Starparty
Cena di Gala
La visita a Bruges (facoltativa)
Servizio di garage in hotel: 10€ per 4 giorni
Account per il bonifico bancario necessario alla registarzione ufficiale
Bank Account: 778-5991882-53
Banca: DEXIA
Nome: Christof Van Dessel
IBAN: BE53778599188253
Diamond Days
Star Selection
200 €
125 €
(***) Le camere doppie costano 7,5€/a notte in più.
Non ci sono voli diretti dalla Sicilia ad Anversa!
Dato il costo elevato delle tariffe aeree, abbiamo verificato diverse opzioni proposte da alcune
agenzie di viaggio con partenza dagli aeroporti di Palermo o di Catania.
La proposta più conveniente è quella del CTS – Centro Turistico Studentesco:
Il Volo Alitalia da Palermo (o Catania) a Bruxelles (e ritorno) con sosta a Roma Fiumicino costa:
- 264 € per soci con meno di 26 anni
- 270 € per soci tra i 26 e i 31 anni
- 276 € per tutti gli altri amici
Il costo è comprensivo di tessera CTS (o di rinnovo, per chi la ha già) che Vi potrà servir per tanti
altri viaggi ROTARACTIANI!! Il risparmio rispetto alle tariffe ordinarie (€290!) va da 15 a 25
Il biglietto va comprato ENTRO IL MESE DI FEBBRAIO direttamente a Palermo,
anche se si parte da altro aeroporto.
Ma….. cosa si fa in un EUCO?
… E RELAX!!!!
Convention internazionale del Rotary – Malmö e Copenhagen , 8/17 giugno 2006
Come in una piramide capovolta, l’evento che Vi proponiamo per ultimo è, in realtà, il più ampio di
tutti sia per partecipazione che per durata!
Si tratta della Convention internazionale del Rotary, che ogni anno si tiene nel Paese di origine del
Presidente Internazionale.
Quest’anno è stata organizzata per la prima volta nella storia a cavallo tra Svezia e Norvegia, in
due cittadine che, a detta di tutti, sono davvero bellissime e molto accoglienti!
La preconvention del Rotaract si terrà nei giorni tra l8 e l’11 giugno!
Per maggiori informazioni potete collegarVi ai siti http://www.rotaract.se/preconvention2006/ e
www.riconvention2006.org e
N.B. Anche in questo caso, se il numero di Siciliani fosse consistente si potrebbe verificare
la possibilità di organizzare un volo di gruppo!
Cosa si fa in una Convention internazionale del Rotary?
All’inizio ci si guarda in giro, e non si riesce a credere ai propri occhi: dovunque si posi il proprio
sguardo, non si trovano mai più di cinque persone della stessa razza, o con lo stesso abbigliamento
Dopo si decide di “buttarsi nella mischia”, e si perdono le ore girando per insolite bancarelle con la
merce griffata Rotary più improbabile: magliette, palloncini, cravatte, portafogli, spille, persino
degli orecchini in oro zecchino e pietre preziose per le più eleganti signore (…americane!).
In altri momenti si sentila voglia di fermarsi a conoscere qualcuno, e questa attività resa ancora
più facile dallo spirito di festa che tutti condividono e dai badge con il proprio nome e nazionalità
che ognuno porta al collo con orgoglio di ambasciatore!
Infine ma non da ultimo, attraverso il Programma degli innumerevoli Workshop e seminari che si
tengono ad ogni ora del giorno, si sceglie l’argomento di proprio interesse (le opportunità e le di
borse di studio per i giovani, i finanziamenti della Rotary Foundation, consigli pratici e strategie
per aumentare l’effettivo del Club e motivarne i soci, etc.) per dibattiti che vedono intervenire
tutte le più importanti personalità del Rotary e del Rotaract di ogni continente!
Persino un palazzo dei congressi di migliaia di metri come il McCormick di Chicago si trasformava
in un alveare di api operose rotariane e rotaractiane alla ricerca di ogni curiosità …e la cosa più
straordinaria è che se incontri qualcuno e gli lanci un sorriso, si ricorderà di te per sempre!
Lo scorso anno il nostro Distretto Rotaract era rappresentato da Roberta, da Claudio e da
Roberta La Terza …….. date le “peripezie” delle due scatenatissime e inseparabili rappresentanti
femminili del 2110 alla Convention 2005….. ci sarà ancora qualcuno, in qualche zona del Libano,
pronto a scommettere che in Sicilia la maggior parte delle ragazze si chiamino ROBERTA!!!
The Hop Hop Little Horse Project – Distretto 2110
Il nostro coloratissimo carretto siciliano, dallo scorso mese di settembre, sta portando in giro per
il mondo tre carrettieri d’eccezione, ma per tutti i club che lo hanno ospitato il vero protagonista è
lui, il cavallino, , detto Little Horse in lingua mmerricana!
Dopo essere stato ad Alessandria d’Egitto e al Cairo, il Cavallino è andato a far visita al Rotaract
Club di Beirut, e sta viaggiando in questi giorni verso l’India!!
Come sapete, i Club che lo ospitano sono tenuti a scattare una foto con Little Horse davanti al
momento/luogo più rappresentativo della propria città ed hanno anche il piacevole obbligo di
continuare a scrivere un passaggio del romanzo del Cavallino in giro per il mondo!
Nelle pagine che seguiranno riportiamo i brani scritti dai rotaractiani, insieme alle foto più belle!
Confidiamo nel vostro buon inglese, o almeno in quello dei vostri Soci più… internazionali!!
Dal 2110
The Hop Hop Little Horse Story
Part I
Last August, in the streets of Noto (a Baroque Town - Unesco Humanity Cultural Heritage in the
Province of Siracuse), some Rotaractors met a young Little Sicilian horse
carrying three Sicilian people in the narrow artistic streets of the town.
They were astonished by his colors, smart and brightening in the lights of
the night, and they appreciated very much his ancient-traditional look, his
dignity, his gentleness in spite of his young age!
He looked like to have been grown by clever parents who taught him the traditional manners of his
But he had also a sad smile in his face, and the Sicilian Rotaractors couldn’t guess what the reason
could be…
So they asked him: <<What’s happening, dear Little Horse? Why are you so sad?>>
He answered that his sad mood was due to the new Sicilian generations’ luck of care about the ancient
traditions of horse-carrying!
The Carretto Siciliano (Sicilian Horse Carriage), born like means of transport for goods and people, then used in towns mainly by
pedlars, is surely the most known and characteristic object of the Sicilian popular art.
Closely linked to the economic and cultural history of the island, today it has become the symbol of the Sicily and of its tradition. At the
beginning of the '900 in Palermo – the main town of Sicily - they existed more than 5.000 exemplary!
These joyful and folkloristic "masterpiece" appear to the eyes of who observe them with one phantasmagoric outbreak of colors. In the
sides, in the wheels, in the case in which the yellow, the red, the green and the turquoise predominate, there are the colors of the
passion, of the Sicilian sun, of the sulfur, the oranges and the lemons, the water-melons and the ficodindias, of the sky and the sea, of
the Etna volcano and of the Sicilian warmth.
It represents a synthesis of the Mediterranean civilizations that ruled on the island. From the Arabic decorations to the TurkishByzantine arabesques, from the Greek-Albanians customs to the Spanish ceramics.
The Carretto Siciliano it is the symbol of the creativity of the craftsman who, still remaining anonymous, expresses all the creative
spirit of Sicilians. All is carved or colored - over, under, beside, within and outside, with suns, moons, stars, fruits, flowers, monster,
horses, angels, and human figures.
It’s an explosion of figures, ornaments, designs, arabesques, shapes and colors that cannot be described!
The sides were originally referred to popular religious images. Then the topic center became the epic and history of French Paladins and
the episodes of the first Crusades, with the predominant figures of Orlando and Rinaldo: simple but beautiful figures that look like
jumping outside with their naïf and dancing with the Carretto.
In the occasions of festivities and festivals the Carretto it was adorned with every kind of harnesses, bells and ribbons while a driver
Carrettiere dressed in its characteristic black velvet men-dress and Coppola (typical Sicilian hat), sang the melodic songs of popular
The Carretto Siciliano is a artwork in its every single piece!
Until the end of '60S, in the first morning light or at the sunset, the shapes of the carriages stood out still clear on the roads of the
Today to meet a Carretto pulled from a horse or a mule in the ways of the city or in the little roads, is one rarity; however, during
some festivities of folkloristic type it is possible to admire Carretti painted with the liveliest colors. Every Carretto, therefore, is
nowadays jealously guarded from the luky owners who possess it!
The Sicilian Rotaractors felt disappointed by his sadness and decided to give him a gift. So they asked
to him <<Which is your best dream, dear Little Horse? What would you like to do immediately if you
had the possibility?>>
<<I am struggling between my nature and the world around me who keeps changing very fasten! I had
never had enough money to go around the world to see many different places, meet new peoples and
make new friends>> he answered. <<If I could, then I would find my way between the Sicilian traditional
way of life and my real nature… Indeed, I would carry with me the beautiful essence of Sicily and make
the world appreciate Sicilian culture!>>.
The Sicilian Rotaractors suddenly realized they could help him!!!
- We are in the world of Rotary, aren’t we? So they asked his mobile number and promised to take only 10 days to give him a good news. Within 10
days they would have called him to give him the best news of his life!
<<We have a good news for you! Thanks to Rotaract and to 15 wonderful Rotaractors you will do your
tour around the world! They will host you with love, and they will take care of you and they will arrange
your travel to the next Club!>>
He was so beside himself astonished for his deepest joy that he couldn’t even reply!
<<You’ll visit far and exotic places like Egypt, Lebanon, India, Malesia, Philippines, Japan, Bolivia, Brazil,
Columbia, United States and the United Kingdom!>>
Imaging himself visiting all these wonderful places, the Little Horse couldn’t wait anymore and
proposed to start his tour as soon as possible, and asked us for some help to prepare everything for
his travel!
That is the beginning of the story: the Sicilian Rotaractors
collected some gifts for the Clubs and Friends who were going to
host him and put him in a travel-box of 1st class!!
So our dear Little Horse… READY? …STEADY?
……. ……………………GOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2110 R.I. Rotaract District
and The International Service
Committee 2005/2006
Dall’Alexandria Cosmopolitan Rotaract Club
On Saturday October the 1st, Rotaractors of Alex Cosmo were having their weekly meeting, but it
wasn't just an ordinary meeting, we had a very special guest that day: the Sicilian horse himself! He
had just arrived that morning; & after having his rest at my home, he regained his energy & was all
eager to meet the rest of the cosmopolitans!
RAC Alex Cosmo said: "Welcome to our land little horse, your beautiful colors have lightened our skies,
our Sicilian friends told us you want to see our land and go around the world. And here, "the best way
of seeing Alexandria is to wander aimlessly." We won't talk we will make you see and feel …".
The little horse replied with a smile that reflected the happiness in his eyes and said, " I can feel I
set my foot on the land of love, and although I haven't seen yet but I can smell the sweet breeze of
the sea. I am ready to go…"
And of we started our trip along the seas of Alexandria, where the mighty Macedonian, Alexander the
Great, came to Egypt after conquering Greece and selected, Alexandria, a small fishing village on the
Mediterranean coast to establish his new capital, Alexandria. Whether you come for past or present,
history or just a trip you will see more than one city, the land of dramas of Cleopatra, Julius Caesar,
Marc Anthony and Octavius.
Along the seas we went, walking by the magnificent
Corniche that sweeps round the curve of the eastern
Harbor and takes you right through the city centre,
the sweet breeze gently caressing our hair and face…
There are many sandy beaches stretching from east to
west: Ma'amura- Montazah- Mandara- Assafra- Miami Sidi Bishr - San Stefano - Glymonopolou - Stanley Rushdy - Sidi Gaber - Sporting - Ibrahimia and Shatby,
all of which lie along the seafront boulevard, the
The horse suddenly said "I can see my friends the horses riding carets… what are these for?" and we
replied saying " That's a tradition ever since our ancestors. Because Alexandria the city mostly lies on
the sea so it was long back a method of transportation but now, tourists and Egyptians love to ride
along the Cornish from el Montazah to Bahary to sense the sweet breeze…"
We continued, seeing the famous "Bibliotheca Alexandria", recently rebuilt on what was believed to be
the site of the Ancient Graeco- Roman Alexandria University.
The new library is a multi-purpose facility that has mastered the hard equation of mingling business
with fun. The modern Bibliotheca's Campus consists of 3 buildings: The main library, a conference
center & a planetarium.
The ancient library was built in a period of over 10 years, between 317 – 307 AD as a part of the
ancient Alexandria University "The Mouseion". The bibliotheca then had over 900,000 original
manuscripts, written by the most renowned intellectuals & scientists. It was destroyed by fire, & the
collapse of this great library is still the subject of speculations among historians & scientists.
Then, the Alexandria University conference Hall, a hall in Al-Silsilah, built on an area of 42,000 sq.
meters, comprises a conference center, the Alexandria library, an open courtyard and a garage. The
main auditorium (1700 seats) which is a large hall without any pillars to obstruct the view.
We stopped to have something to eat and we asked the colored horse, "How far do you like
Alexandria?" and he replies "I've not only seen places but sensed the peoples' love to one another. I
have seen no discrimination between religions; I have seen the simplicity of life you lead. You cooperate, you unite, and you help each other with no return."
I said, "Now we shall show you the Landmarks of Alexandria, let's go…"
First, we went to al Monatazah which was built on a low plateau east of Alexandria and overlooking a
beautiful beach, amid about 370 feddans of gardens and woods, the Palace comprises a number of
buildings, the most important being Al-Haramlek, the summer residence of the former royal family.
Ever since it was built it still proves to be a marvelous, exciting and extinguished place. Although at a
time it was only for the king, but now the people of Alexandria and the tourists watch this marvelous
Palace, with its beautiful palm trees which age ever since it was built. It’s the place where lovers meet,
and watch the romantic sunset site by its beaches.
And we couldn’t leave Alexandria before seeing its museums. First, was the museum of fine arts where
a collection ranging from drawings of rural life to Surrealist paintings. It also houses collections of
sculptures, and architectural works.
Then, we moved on to the Royal Jewelry Museum in Glym which is set in a former palace and has a
magnificent collection of the jewelry accumulated by Mohammed Ali and his descendants as well as
statues and paintings. Originally the Palace of Fatma al-Zahraa, in Zizinia, it is an architectural
masterpiece. Its many rooms and halls contain many rare paintings, statues and decorations, as well as
a priceless collection of jewels of the Mohammed Ali dynasty.
Last but not least was the Hydrobiological Museum near Fort Qaitbey, which has a rare collection of
fish and marine life. Located at Al-Anfushi, near Qait Bay Fortress, the museum houses a rare
collection of fish and marine life.
The citadel of Qaitbey lies on the northern tip of the Eastern Harbour, Sultan Qaitbey's Fort is an
Alexandrian landmark. The Fort is on the original site of Pharos, Alexandria's ancient lighthouse, built
in 279BC to a height of 125 meters and topped with a statue of Poseidon. Although Pharos was
restored at various times it had finally crumbled by the time that the original Fort was built here, in
the 1480s. Today, the Fort contains a mosque and the Naval Museum and provides wonderful views of
the city and the Mediterranean.
Besides, we can't forget the Islamic Alexandria. El-Gomruk and el-Anfushi are interesting
neighborhoods to explore, for their souks and streetlife as well as Ottoman mosques and Mashrabiya
decorated houses. The Atarine Mosque is occupying the site of the famous Mosque of a Thousand
Columns (from which Napoleon removed the seven-ton sarcophagus now in the British Museum) the
current mosque dates form the 14th century. The Mosque Of Abu Al -Abbas Al-Mursi is dedicated to
the patron saint of Alexandria's fishermen and sailors, this is the city's biggest mosque.
"And here we finished our quick trip along the Alexandria, so beautiful colors Sicilian horse how do you
like Alexandria?"
He replied with the utmost satisfaction in his voice, "It’s indeed the Pearl of the Mediterranean as I
heard. I shall go back and talk all about what I've seen & felt to my friends and to every country I go."
"Now our dear horse I'm afraid it's time for us to say goodbye… our friends from RAC Alex West are
waiting for you now…."
But did we let our newest guest leave empty handed??? Noooooo! We made sure that he took over with
marvelous postcards & pics from Alex…
"Now my friends I think it's time for me to leave… & I know I will remember this week for as long as I
shall live…"
RAC Alex Cosmo
Noha A.Megid - International Service Director
& Maha Hassanein - Cyber Media Director
Dal Rotaract Club Alexandria West
Bienvenu a Alex West. Thank you dear Alex Cosmo for taking care
of our little friend, we make you sure that you will have fun in
here too ☺...
“Hello guys, I’ve heard about you and I did wish to visit you..” said
our little friend
“And we are very glad by your sweet visit, so let’s waste no time
and have some fun..”
So, after a little cozy rest in our guest house, we woke up early
morning of October the 14th to prepare for a great celebration
while our lovely hourse is asleep in his slumper; walking slowly and
calmly, decorating, setting some music, “hey guys, and the band”,
lights, drinks, and a delicious meal...now everything is ready?? Yes!...
“Deeeaaar Hop Hop..? Com’on, wake up....”
“Oh, I’m too sleepy, I need to sleep”
“No! Com’on, wake up, don’t be lazy..we are all waiting for you downstairs...”
“Ok, moment and I’ll be ready..”
“Oh, WOW, what a party!!!!!” said the horse
and the little horse came down with his colorful suit for the party....
At 6:00pm:
“Oh guys, what a fun. Oh, how I’ve been waiting for such a great time. I really enjoyed it; wish
it lasts all day long....”
Yeah it was that fun, and you were incredible in dancing, when did you learn that?..oh and we
all had fun in that game of colors..
“I’m glad we all had fun; playing, dancing, drinking and eating some great food...”
“Okay, time for bed..”
“see you in the morning.. Good night”
Then on the other day, our brave little hourse
joined us in our visit to Quaitbay Citadle..
“Oh yes, I’ve seen it with my friends in Alex
Cosmo..it’s lovely..Thank you guys I did wish to
visit it again, we couldn’t see it all last time”
So, we spend some good time around the city,
parting, and visiting lots of very interesting
“Oh guys..I’m sooo happy...and so tired as well,
we really did so much things in very little time, I
wish I can stay here forever..”
“We are so happy by your visit, dear Hop Hop! We
had so much fun and enjoyed a great time with you. You are really great...”
“Thank you guys but I have to leave, my fellows in El-Tahrir are waiting for me in the station
now. Hey Maged prepare yourself, we are leaving to Cairo....”
“Hurry my dear we shall be there on time..”
“Guys, I don’t wanna leave you but I have to. Promise to visit you again next year and to have
some more fun...”
“Good Bye dear, take care”
“au revoir...love to see you again”
Maged F. Elsamny
Rotaract club of Alexandria West, Egypt, D#2450.
Dal Rotaract Club El-Tahrir
Cairo, Egypt - Cheops pyramid
Dal Beirut Cosmopolitan Rotaract Club
An interview was conducted with the Sicilian little horse to discover his adventures in Lebanon.
LH: Little horse
BCRAC: Beirut Cosmopolitan Rotaract club
I arrived in Lebanon in mid November 2005, to my advantage the weather was sunny and
warm. The first place they took me was to the home of the international service director.
She let me share her room.
really??!! And where exactly did you meet this someone and how?
Well I didn’t meet this someone while we were having a drink it was afterwards we went to
the stables of Beirut. And we went for a carriage ride. I met the mare who was pulling our
carriage…she was so beautiful.
drinks eh? With that smile on your face it looks like it was a wild night!
you got me all embarrassed now, yeah I had a great time, I even met someone…
Wow! Well what else did you guys do?
The mission of the visit was to take a picture with me. We stood next to the famous Big
Ben looking clock. The square is called the star square and in its center stands the proud
clock that rings on the hour, every hour. After that we went out for a drink!
What is the heart of the city like?
the heart of Beirut was full! There were lots and lots of people, all walking around holding
hands, playing with their children. All the streets are for pedestrians only. It is so rich in
culture. The place looks like the beautiful streets of London with the elegance of Paris.
The women are so well dressed. Their designer outfits and labels blew me away!
What did you do next?
I was taken to the heart of their club, downtown Beirut, to experience the “Paris of the
middle east”.
So how was your trip to Lebanon from Egypt? And what did you do first?
well did you get her number?
mmm…of course I did. And after that we went out for
dinner in a traditional Lebanese restaurant.
so did you enjoy the Lebanese cuisine?
the Lebanese are so hospitable and their dishes so generous. a mix of chicken,
beef, vegetables…I learnt that not only are they famous their mezze they are most
famous for their two national dishes, Kibbeh and Tabouleh (Tabouli).
Kibbeh is a combination of the freshest lamb and bulgur wheat. Kibbeh can be
considered the Lebanese pate. Originally, kibbeh was made by pounding lamb with a
jorn (mortar) and modaqqa (pestle), then kneading in spices and soaked bulgur.
Tabouleh is a salad made of fresh cut parsley, minced tomatoes and onions. Mixed
with cracked wheat (bulgur wheat) and seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. This
national dish of Lebanon often judges a woman's skill as a cook by her preparation
of this cracked wheat salad.
I even learnt how to make it! And I can teach you too!
Tabouleh (Bulgur Wheat, Parsley, and Mint Salad)
Yield: 4-6 servings
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup bulgur wheat
3 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cups warm water
2 diced tomatoes
2 cups chopped parsley
2 teaspoons salt
3/4 cup chopped mint
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup sliced green onions
Soak the bulgur wheat in the warm water for 1/2 hour, or until it is soft When the
bulgur wheat is soft, squeeze out any excess water. In a large bowl, combine the
bulgur wheat, parsley, mint, green onions, olive oil, lemon juice, tomatoes, salt, and
pepper. Refrigerate for 1/2 hour before serving. a taste for their traditional dish
That Lebanon is one of the oldest, wine producing regions of the world. Wine is made
across Lebanon in numerous wineries from the Bekaa Valley to the Mount Lebanon region.
Musar is the first Lebanese winery to become a member of the OIV (Office International
de la Vigne et du Vin). These wineries have set the international stage of quality vintages.
what else did you learn little horse?
wow! And the people? What did you learn about them?
A country being as small as the state of New Jersey, it is a surprise that it has such a
wide variety of religious and cultural backgrounds. The three main religions are Christian,
Muslim and Druze. And the three main languages are Arabic, French and English…it blew
me away!
since we don’t have so much time with you…how can you sum up your visit to
Lebanon before you go off to India?
LH: Lebanon can be described like a diamond ring, small in size but large in value.
Beirut Cosmopolitan Rotaract Club
Beirut – Lebanon
19 December 2005
Rotaract Club Gombak - Malesia
Il 16 ottobre 2005 15 soci del Rotaract Club di Gombak si sono recati presso l’Orfanotrofio
Agathians Shelter di New Town per trascorrere una giornata felice co tantissimi bambini dai 5 ai
14 anni!
In particolare, tra le varie attività realizzate con, da e per i bambini, una sesssione di disegno
artistico su 118 cartoline postali…una delle quali è giunta al nostro Distretto 2110!!
Per vedere le foto del grande evento, andate sul sito http://photos.yahoo.com/warp143
Se volete ricambiare i loro saluti e la loro amicizia per i Club siciliani, inviate una cartolina della
vostra città al seguente indirizzo:
Rotaract Club of Gombak - District 3300
c/o Andrew Michael Kho Position in Club: International Service Director
P.O. Box 12636
Postal Code: 50784
Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
ROTARACT INTERNATIONAL FLAG" project – Le Bandiere del Rotaract
Traduciamo una lettera ricevuta da Nairobi
Cari amici Rotaractiani,
con l’avvio di un nuovo calendario e la conclusione della prima metà dell’anno rotaractiano, vorrei:
1. augurarvi un ottimo nuovo anno e
2. inviatarvi a participare al progetto "ROTARACT INTERNATIONAL FLAG" del Rotaract Club di
Nairobi Central!!
Il nostro scopo è comporre una bandiera enorme attraverso le bandiere dei singoli Paesi del mondo
del Rotaract... con l’emblema del Rotaract al centro. E per questo, abbiamo bisogno che ci mandiate
una bandiera della vostra nazione (di qualunque misura).
L’indirizzo postale è il seguente:
Director, International Service & Understanding
Rotaract Club of Nairobi Central
P O Box 10379 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Good day.
Yours in Service,
Aamena Jiwaji
Director for International Understanding, 2005-2006
Rotaract Club of Nairobi Central
"May Peace Prevail on Earth"
-------------------------------------------------------------------(testo originale in lingua inglese)
Per ottenere maggiori informazioni, potete inviare una mail all’indirizzo
[email protected] !
Traduciamo una lettera ricevuta dall’Egitto
Cari Rotaractiani di ogni angolo della Terra,
i migliori auguri dalla terra dei Faraoni,.....Egitto......
Vi scrive Amir El-Sasy del Rotaract Alex-Cosmopolitan Club D2450 .......per preannunciarvi un
facile progetto di amicizia internazionale in cui vorremmo coinvolgervi ..dal nome “MY PLACE
Tutto ciò che dovete fare è inserire le informazioni riguardanti la vostra Nazione sul Forum del
nostro sito web o inviarcele via e-mail.
Le informazioni richieste riuguardano la storia, la geografia, la popolazione, le vacanze, e i più bei
posti da visitarenel vostro Paese & qualunque altra speciale informazione in formato video o
fotografico …oltre, naturalmente, al nome del vostro Club e Distretto Rotaract.
Aspetteremo le vostre risposte………………..
I nostri più cari saluti
Amir EL-Sasy
International Service vice Chair
Alexandria Cosmopolitan Rotaract Club
Egypt - District 2450
"Our Unity..Our Strength"
----------------------------------------------------------------------(testo originale in lingua inglese)
Per ricevere maggiori informazioni sul progetto potete contattare Amir all’indirizzo di posta
elettronica [email protected]
Amici di “mail”
Rotaract Club Kyiv Centre (Ukraine)
Chi di voi è stato all’EUCO di Parigi e all’Interota di Monaco avrà sicuramente notato una vispa
ragazza bionda dal capello corto piuttosto vivace e disinibita proveniente dall’Ucraina:bene Olga
Voitovych,proprio lei,che fra l’altro rivedremo al Week-end Internazionale di Milano,ha scritto a
tutti i Distretti Rotaract Europei per proporre “The Culture Exchange Project”…
Vediamo di cosa si tratta. Nulla di più semplice che uno scambio di idee, culture e tradizioni tra i
differenti paesi d’Europa e l’Ucraina. Ma vuole essere anche motivo di progetto/service comune da
portare avanti anche e nonostante la distanza che separa noi e la citta’di Kiev .
Per chi volesse maggiori informazioni o prontamente contattare l’interessata puo’scrivere a
Olga Voitovych – Rotaract Club Kyiv Centre (Ukraine)
[email protected]
Dalla Nigeria
I am Akarigbo Tunde, a Rotaractor from Nigeria.
I am the International Service Director of Rotaract Club of Iperu Remo, District 9110, Nigeria.
Myself and Rotr. Rabiu Ope who is the Director of Publicity of the same club wishes to send Post
cards to other clubs.
Please send contact address of your club to [email protected] with the subject Post
Akarigbo Tunde
International Service Director of Rotaract Club of Iperu Remo
District 9110 - Nigeria.
([email protected])
Non smetteremo mai di raccomandarVi di iscrivervi a Rotaractnet, il forum in cui i Rotaractiani di
tutto il mondo si incontrano per scambiare progetti, iniziative e LIBERI pensieri!! Provate a
collegarVi al lonk
troverete una schermata in cui, se avete un account yahoo,basta inserire il vostro nome utente e la
password, se no occorre seguire il link
Don't have a Yahoo! ID?
Signing up is easy.
Sign Up
e aprirne uno….vedrete che ne vale la pena!!!
I progetti più belli scelti per Voi in tutto il
mondo del Rotaract!!
Progetti dal Nepal e da Hong Kong
Tra i progetti umanitari che si distingono nel panorama rotaractiano mondiale ve ne segnalo 2
davvero importanti .
“Project in Kashmir” – Il Rotaract Club Dhulikhel in Nepal lancia un appello a tutti i Rotaract del
mondo per finanziare la costruzione di un centro riabilitativo rivolto alle tante persone disabili e
povere che abitano in quell’area nepalese.Il responsabile del progetto e’un socio onorario rotariano.
Per contatto diretto scrivere a
Rob Buchanan
Director Mend
PoBox 94 KeriKeri New Zeland
“Progetto scarpette”(little shoes) – Il Rotaract Club KingsPark di HongKong(D.3450) nell’ambito di
un’azione a favore dell’infanzia ha fornito scarpe da ginnastica a circa 1100 bambini delle scuole
elementari e medie abitanti nelle aree piu’disagiate di HongKong spesso costretti a camminare per
ore scalzi in mancanza di queste.Si sono inoltre impegnati a fornirne per tutto l’arco dell’anno
scolastico.Un’idea da prendere come esempio.
e-Rotaract Clubs
Infine…un progetto ancora in via sperimentale nato nel 2003 a cadenza triennale:”The Cyber
Rotaract Club” – Un vero e proprio Club virtuale, una comunità rotaractiana virtuale che s’incontra
regolarmente in rete per discutere in ‘caminetti’ ed appuntamenti prefissati sui temi che
caratterizzano da sempre il nostro mondo.
Al momento ne esistono solo 2 , Nations Working Togheter e l’e-Rotaract of Rotaract District
Digitateli e scoprirete come diventarne membri!!