Liceo “G.B. Vico”


Liceo “G.B. Vico”
Liceo “G.B. Vico”
Programma svolto durante l’anno scolastico 2014-15
Classe: III^C
Materia: Lingua e letteratura inglese
Insegnante: Carlo Spalla
Testo utilizzato: Grammar: Gateway, Student’s book & Workbook, Macmillan
Literature: Performer Culture & Literature 1, Zanichelli
Argomenti svolti
Unit 1:
Reading: Student helpline Internet forum
Writing: replying to an informal Email
Speaking: Giving personal information, preferences
Vocabulary: Studying at university, Life at university, make and do
Grammar: Present simple, past simple, present continuous, past
continuous, present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, gerunds
and infinitives
Unit 2:
Writing: An opinion essay 1
Speaking: Stimulus-based discussions 1
Vocabulary: Work and jobs – conditions, stages, phrasal verbs, etc.
Grammar: past perfect simple and continuous, past and present habits,
gerunds and infinitives 2
Unit 3
Writing: A story
Speaking: Stimulus-based discussions 2
Vocabulary: Space and space travel; travel, trip, journey
Grammar: Future forms, future activities in the past, future continuous,
future perfect
Unit 4
Writing: A description
Speaking: Presentations 1
Vocabulary: personality adjectives
Grammar: Making comparisons; So and such; Too and enough
Unit 5
Writing: Deductions and speculations
Speaking: speculation and deduction
Vocabulary: Buying and selling
Grammar: Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition and advice
Unit 1: Study plans
Unit 2: Work experience
Unit 3: Space and time
Unit 4: Extraordinary behavior
Unit 5: Money talks
Unit 6
Speaking: Cooking habits
Vocabulary: the body; health; idioms connected with health
Grammar: conditionals, unless, in case, as long as, provided (that); I
wish, if only
Unit 6: Healthy habits
Unit 7
Grammar: reported speech
Vocabulary: music and film, Media habits, Compound nouns and
Listening: Woodstock
Reading: Glastonbury Festival
Unit 7: What’s hot, what’s not
The Birth of the Nation
Specification 1
1.1 Meet the Celts
1.3 Welcome to Roman Britain
1.9 The Viking attacks
1.10 The Norman invasion
Developing Society
Specification 2
2.2 The Gothic cathedral
2.5 The medieval ballad
2.9 Geoffrey Chaucer’s portrait of English society
The Canterbury Tales
The Wife of Bath
The Miller
2.11 The Wife of Bafa by P. Agbabi
A Cultural Awakening
Specification 3
3.6 The English Renaissance
3.7 The Sonnet
Text Bank 11 – 12 Shakespeare’s sonnets
3.9 My Mistress’ Eyes by W. Shakespeare
Anne Hathaway by Carol Ann Duffy
William Shakespeare: England’s Genius
4.1 Why study Shakespeare?
4.4 The structure of theatres
4.5 The world of drama
Specification 4
Literary language: the dialogue, the monologue, the soliloquy, the aside, the
stage directions
What is comedy? What is tragedy?
Corsico, 28 /05 /2015
I rappresentanti degli studenti:
N.B. - Questo testo, pubblicato su web senza firma, è identico
a quello firmato depositato in segreteria didattica
Indicazioni per le prove di recupero di settembre
Argomenti fondamentali per la prova di recupero
Strutture grammaticali (livello B2)
Tempi verbali:
presente semplice
presente progressivo
passato semplice
passato progressivo
presente perfetto semplice
presente perfetto progressivo
passato perfetto semplice
passato perfetto progressivo
used to / would per esprimere abitudini nel passato
costruzioni: be used to / get used to + -ing
il futuro
l’uso dei tempi verbali nelle subordinate
il periodo ipotetico tipo zero, primo, secondo, terzo e mixed
i verbi modali: abilità, permesso, consiglio/critica, obbligo
la forma passiva
verbi che reggono l’infinito o il gerundio
Funzioni e contenuti lessicali
presentati dal testo in
Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili
Comparativi e superlativi
Pronomi partitivi e indefiniti
Tragedy vs comedy
The traditional ballad
The sonnet
PARTE TERZA - Lavori consigliati per il recupero estivo
Revisione di tutti gli esercizi de “Use of English” presenti nello student’s book e nel workbook
PARTE QUARTA - Esempi di prove di recupero
prova scritta ( Use of English) ed orale (letteratura)
prova scritta: Use of English
►esercizi a scelta multipla (quattro alternative)
es.: In the following sentences, choose the correct alternative.
I was walking along the Main Street yesterday and I bumped ………. Jane.
A. on
B. into
C. across
D. at
►esercizi trasformazione (rephrasing)
es.: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use the word in bracket.
This is the first time I have been in New York.
I …………………………………………….New York before..
►esercizi di completamento (cloze)
es.: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable word.
I went ………………the supermarket to buy some milk.
►formazione di parole partendo da una parola data (word formation)
I am going to write an……………………. for that job. (apply)
prova orale: letteratura
The Italian vs the English sonnet

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