Rho Milano Linea Pelle Trend Selection We leather you


Rho Milano Linea Pelle Trend Selection We leather you
Founded in 1991
THE MURMUR of a bee
A witchcraft yieldeth me.
If any ask me why,
’Twere easier to die
Than tell.
Emily Dickinson
We leather you
The rebellion of the form
Rho Milano Linea Pelle Trend Selection
The ever-changing international trade fair puts colour at centre stage
Loyal and supportive readers of our T Post, now in its 9th edition,
will notice that the title remains the same. The truth is that since we
created the “We leather You” slogan, we have realized just how much
it belongs to us, to what extent it’s an integral part of our being a brilliant, extrovert, friendly and reliable tanning business.
We leather You. Two personal pronouns, a singular noun: these alone
are enough to create a story, tell a tale, point to a path, allow interpretation, surprise, highlight the fact that “You” and “We”, through
“leather”, can build our flourishing commercial destinies.
It’s easy to say, unless you have the patience and curiosity to visit
our promotional installation, our stand, with the critical eye of the
traveller, attentive to detail, eager to experience the surprise of an
innovative, concrete, iconic array of leather products. In a nutshell,
we feel we can reaffirm the concept: We leather You.
And if, just over a month from now, you are able to visit the new
Tuscania spa operations base, you’ll reach the conclusion that
actually, this editorial displays remarkable correspondence with our:
Articles from left to right Macrame, Imperia, Kidima, Metal India
Tuscania Industria Conciaria spa: Pav. 15P Stand H23/H29 - K24/K30
FW 17+18 Sign & Colour: oblivion of being
Showcase SS 2017 by Silvia Matteoli
Once more at this edition of Linea Pelle, we will see
an increase in the number of visitors who opt to go
straight into the Trend Areas.
And yes, it really is necessary to get an overview of
what’s on offer immediately.
Regular visitors only need a glance to assess the stated
value, the density, the specific weight of the trade fair.
Naturally every visitor has already arranged a series
of meetings; nevertheless, this does not exclude the
possibility of inserting new names deemed interesting
having browsed the various Trend Areas. Big kisses!
Tuscania POST: director Fredi Perucci photographer Jacopo Caggiano redaction Sara Maggio
Issue #9: Fall Winter 17+18
The red upon the hill
Taketh away my will;
If anybody sneer,
Take care,
for God is here,
That ’s all.
Emily Dickinson
Sursum Corda
Nostalgia prevails
The triumph of
Organizing the transfer of a Tannery from a beloved old
building, timeworn and full of memories, dear faces, meetings, clashes and witticisms to an enormous, elegant building, perfectly partitioned, all kitted out with brand new production plant and able to surprise and astonish... as we were
saying, on the one hand it’s thrilling and joyful, but on the
other hand, nostalgia puts a brake on our enthusiasm. We’re
not the first business to uproot and move to new premises, but
what can we do, the feeling uppermost in our minds - and we
say this most sincerely - is nostalgia!
Does a happiness exist which fills the body and
the spirit, reaches the depths of our being? Happiness that bursts with enthusiasm, that multiplies a thousand times? The eye, incredulous,
asks questions with no answers. The hopeless
dream remains, delicious, beguiling, intoxicating, until we awake and catastrophe immediately plays its tune. In the face of absolute beauty
our destiny wobbles, becomes confused, collapses, is utterly wrecked.
Dear Facebook, tell me who I am
Beautiful - ugly. Tall - short. Happy - sad. That’s it!
During his first presidential election campaign in 1990, Ronald Reagan
was in the habit of telling an anecdote from the Second World War: the
Republican candidate remembered pinning a medal on a heroic pilot
who, when his bomber was hit by Nazi fire, ordered the crew to bail
out, while he stayed with an injured soldier as the plane plummeted.
It was a moving story, and Reagan himself couldn’t hold back a tear as
he quoted the pilot’s last words: “Don’t worry son, we’ll bring it down
together”. There was just one problem: it wasn’t a memory, but a scene
from the 1944 film Wing and a Prayer. 40% of 35 to 44 year-olds store
most of their information on their smartphones, according to a study by
Kaspersky Lab. In Plato’s Phaedrus, the god Theuth brings the alphabet
to King Thamus as a gift, introducing writing as the remedy to make
the Egyptians wiser and improve their memories; but instead of being
glad, Thalmus becomes gloomy, claiming that if they put their trust in
the written word, the Egyptians will forget how to use their memories.
The text dates back to the 4th century BC, but Plato was not far off the
mark. In this respect, any system that helps us to externalize our memories also risks compromising our capacity to remember. Just as Reagan
confused a scene from a film with a real memory, so some pathological
liars end up believing their own lies, and those who spend hours every
day tarting up their social media images might find themselves - as Sole
24 ore reminds us - kidding themselves that the version of themselves
smiling from the other side of the screen is likeable, witty and altruistic
- or at least until they set foot outside the house!
Article Macrame
Poetry is life, the definitive point
Usually, in previous editions of our T Post,
we have chosen to dedicate this extensive
space to poetry. We have always considered
it a duty, a moral, ethical and intellectual obligation, even a necessity, accustomed as we
are to regarding poetry as the Art of Arts, the
Great Art. In this 9th edition, we were considering talking about Eugenio Montale, inspired
to do so by one of his poems, which highlights
an aspect of life that’s somewhat horribly intriguing: an opening. Entwined as we are in a
network which all too often prevents us from
thinking, from seeing beyond it, the Genoese
poet advises us to seek a flaw, a little chink
in the mesh, which will allow us to look out
once more on the world’s stage and make a
fresh start. Subsequently, we were won over
by the idea of discussing Paul Celan. The
poet of metaphysical anxiety, the futility of
existence, the pain of memory. Celan staked
his whole existence, his future perfect, on an
important meeting. He went to visit the philosopher Martin Heidegger in his cabin in the
mountains, and it was a disaster.
In April 1970, Paul Celan committed suicide,
throwing himself in the Seine.
The breaking of the day
Addeth to my degree;
If any ask me how,
Artist, who drew me so,
Must tell!
Emily Dickinson
Zeus - Amalthea - Aegis
The legend of a collection
Zeus - the Aegis shield
Amalthea - star among stars
The subtle allure of Greek mythology! And so: Amalthea was
the she-goat who suckled Zeus on Mount Ida in Crete. When
he became King of the Gods, Zeus thanked her by giving her
horns special power: their owner could obtain anything he desired. Hence the legend of the “horn of plenty”, or Cornucopia, also known as the Horn of Amalthea. On her death, Zeus
placed Amalthea with her two kids among the stars; moreover,
advised by Themis, he took her skin and used it as armour
during the battle with his father, and this protection became
known as the Aegis. Legend among legends! Yes.
You know, this is a creative compulsive time.
Once the fairs end and performance on the
world’s catwalks finishes, designers and stylists, stop and think, they examine notes, listen
to the atmosphere, visit untitled contemporary
art exhibits and events, leaf through magazines unknown to most people, phone to obscure individuals who know how to interpret the
Zeitgeist of the period, attending troubled places. We are not different!
The colour of the Myth
Let’s brainstorm for a moment, get a pencil and paper if you need to, it’ll
make life easier. So, in a nutshell: write, or think of, or say aloud, the
names of all the brands in circulation on Planet Earth which can be linked
directly or indirectly to Greek mythology.
You’ll immediately find it a difficult task. And if you limit the search just
within the Fashion industry, even here the list will be considerable.
It’s no accident: firms search mythology for brand names, to give themselves a chance to become a myth. Could we ignore their example? No.
We couldn’t. And thus, with holy Cistercian patience, backed by the immensity of the Web and the classics texts we studied in our schooldays,
we dug around in mythology, and immediately came up with the she-goat
Amalthea. Incredible! It really was she who suckled Zeus.
ZEUS! A great name for a brand! Short, concise, immediate, strong, surrounded by a thousand stories, a thousand artistic references. Amalthea
- Zeus, to follow the Titans and the Shield of Zeus: the Aegis.
Then there are the Satyrs, habitually portrayed as humans with the ears,
horns, tails and hooves of a goat, and the Fauns, human in form, but with
a goat’s hooves and horns.
Short words, but packed with Greek and Latin meanings referring to the
goat. And so, our problem now was to find a valid and coherent name for
a collection of items produced using goatskin, Mongolian goatskin. To
sum up: Amalthea, Aegis, Faun, Satyr, Zeus.
The winner is clear: ZEUS. And therefore Tuscania Spa Industria Conciaria is delighted to present the ZEUS Fall/Winter 17+18 Collection, a collection backed by the irresistible force of Colour. Colour, the everlasting
giddiness that knows neither embarrassment nor modesty, the need for an
experience to live, the spasmodic desire to tap into its mystery, a mystery
that thrills, intoxicates, moves. The colour of the Myth!
Articles from top to bottom Kidima Unito, Filo,
Lollo Wash, Tejus Kele, Taima Wash
We leather you, together
We are fond of our identifying slogan, we
can’t - and perhaps we don’t want to - replace it; it’s not about affection, on the contrary,
constant research into new solutions is part of
us, it characterises our approach to the advancement of a business. However, in this case,
we prefer to stick with it once more. At the
moment, for instance, we’re presenting our
new range of products named ZEUS: the starting point is the Mongolian Goat.
Lightweight, resistant, extraordinary, perfect
for use in footwear.
Permanent testing
Innovation, Research & Development,
Eco-sustainability. Essential assets for us at
Tuscania SPA, the landmark in the leather accessories sector, a tannery that is constantly
committed to perfecting its products.
And finally, thanks to the new ZEUS Collection, we will also have a presence within
the footwear sector; a sector until now voluntarily neglected, indicating our determination
to innovate with cautious caution. Major investment which - we are certain - will be favourably received on the market.
Edward Hopper
Edward Hopper was born in Nyach, a small town on the Hudson River in New York State,
on 22 July 1882. The biography of this poet of colour ends here. Sorry: the artist died on
15 May 1967, in the studio of his New York house. Between coming from Nowhere and
returning to Nowhere, his life story is told by his paintings. Many, so many, all of them
able to bring us closer to the poetry of this extraordinary artist. To understand Hopper you
don’t need to have read Tacitus, studied Heidegger, analyzed Duchamp, learned about
Bacon’s alcoholic misadventures. You just need to go to a museum of modern art and look
at his work. In silence, if possible. Or view our FW 17+18 Collection!
The Confessions
All hearts are equally valuable: No.
A banker, advanced in years, suddenly feels unwell. Panic. We’re
talking here about a banker, one of the ten most important and
powerful bankers in the world, an immanent man whom nobody
knows, except the other bankers. An immediate consultation
is arranged, and the famous cardiologist, a friend of the family,
having examined him carefully, gives his verdict: “An immediate heart transplant is needed”, he says, “there’s no time to lose,
and in real time, we have several options available: the heart of a
6-year-old child”. No! “Of an 18-year-old man”.
. No! “Of a 36-year-old manager”. No! “The heart of a 50-yearold judge”. No! “The heart of a 70-year-old banker”.
Yes! At last, this is my heart!
Aesthetic gravity
In the world of fashion - our world - earrings take on a ceaseless
importance. They must be worn, they are a crucial accessory, a
strong symbol of identity; they attract and consume the gaze
of others, they impose a moment of observation in spite of everything. And the choice of earring is somewhat tricky! Once
we’ve chosen, judgement will be silent and merciless. No-one
will ever say aloud, or even whisper:
“Your earrings are ghastly”. However, anyone might think it,
and that anyone will look askance at us, thinking: “But what’s
she got on, can’t she see they’re horrendous”. Well, not always,
take a look at the young lady in the photo, who has managed to
achieve a perfect match. She’s reading a text message from us:
“Your earrings are fabulous”.
AZU: The evocative citrus fragrances of Azzurra Gannoni
During the Linea Pelle Milano Fall Winter 17+18 fair, we will
once again have the pleasure of presenting AZU Eau de Parfum
TUSCANIA. The fragrance will scent our stand with enchanting
spicy notes, influencing the critical, cold and cynical eyes of our
visitors. Consider it as a divertissement, a distraction, a moment
of intermission between dance and song during a theatre performance, as used in 17th and 18th century France. In our case it’s a
holistic suggestion to widen the borders of creativity. Head notes,
heart notes, base notes, how could we do without them! Once
they were found in salons, exclusive to the snobbish few, as they
sat on their comfortable leather armchairs discussing the weather;
today they’re an everyday nourishment for the soul, wrapped in a
fragrant fragrance. Welcome back, AZU!
Possible love
Photography is linked to the verb to photograph, to capture light,
and to photograph is a piece of cake. It’s essential to own a digital
camera. Once upon a time it was an intricate and complex matter.
It was complicated by the roll of film: load it into the camera, take
the shots, take the film out and take it to be developed; wait a few
days to see your masterpieces, and pay for them. It’s unthinkable
today. One, a thousand, a hundred thousand photos can be taken
one after another, and one after another they can be examined,
critiqued, evaluated, deleted, sent anywhere in the world at no
extra cost, in no time at all, immediately after the Click which so
concerned Roland Barthes in his Camera Lucida.
Article Metal India
Francesco Giannoni
manager director
Azzurra Giannoni
sales manager, qualitity control
Sanny Giannoni
sales manager
+39 0571 20448
Anna Solimano
sales assistant
Gabriele Di Stefano
sales assistant
Simone Valtriani
production manager
Alessandra Rofi
Marco Angiolini
accounting departmen
Tuscania Industria Conciaria spa via delle Confina 18 50054 Fucecchio FI
I close my eyes and I see her. She’s walking towards
me slowly, her face serious, her gaze intense. She’s
wondering who I am. No longer young, I admit, but
still attractive, let’s say, with that old-school charm
that the many years lived through bring in the form
of permanent gravity. Now she’s just a few steps
away. I smile at her. She doesn’t return my smile.
She’s very close now, How are you, I ask, Fine, she
replies, I’m fine now. I can’t believe it. I introduce
myself: My name’s Fredi. Lucia, I’m Lucia. A
beautiful name, I say, unable to add anything more.
She - Lucia - takes my arm and together we walk
towards our life. I open my eyes and I see her!
Soir bleu
Edward Hopper
We Leather You
Edward Hopper
La ribellione della forma
Gli amabili e fedeli lettori del nostro T Post, giunto alla sua IX Edizione, avranno notato il permanere costante della titolazione. In verità, da quando è stato creato il claim “We leather You”, ci
siamo resi conto di quanto ci appartenesse, di quanto facesse parte integrante del nostro Essere una
Industria Conciaria brillante, estroversa, simpatica, affidabile. Nella lingua italiana, traducendo in
sequenza rapida: Noi pelle Tu. Due pronomi personali, un sostantivo singolare, i quali, da soli, sono
in grado di creare un racconto, narrare una storia, indicare una strada, consentire una interpretazione, sorprendere, evidenziare che “Tu” e “Noi”, attraverso la “Pelle”, possiamo costruire i nostri
fiorenti destini commerciali. Facile a dirsi, a meno che non si abbia la pazienza curiosa di visitare la
nostra installazione promozionale, lo stand, con lo sguardo critico del viandante, attento al dettaglio,
ansioso di vivere la sorpresa di una proposta Leather innovativa, concreta, iconica. In definitiva ci
sentiamo in grado di ribadire il concetto: We leather You.
E se, tra poco più di un mese, troverete il modo di visitare la nuova struttura operativa Tuscania spa,
arriverete alla conclusione che, in effetti, il presente editoriale evidenzia delle straordinarie corrispondenze, con il nostro We leather You!
Caro Face Book, dimmi tu chi sono
Durante la sua prima campagna presidenziale, nel 1990, Ronald Regan aveva l’abitudine di raccontare un aneddoto relativo alla II Guerra Mondiale: il candidato repubblicano ricordava di aver
appuntato una medaglia ad un eroico pilota il quale, dopo che il proprio bombardiere era stato
colpito dai nazisti, aveva ordinato all’equipaggio di paracadutarsi ed era poi rimasto al fianco di un
soldato ferito mentre l’area precipitava. Era un racconto commovente, lo stesso Regan non riusciva a trattenere le lacrime nel riportare le ultime parole del pilota: “Non ti preoccupare, figliolo, lo
portiamo a terra insieme”. C’era un solo problema: non si trattava di un ricordo, ma della scena di
un film del 1944 La nave senza nome. Il 40% delle persone tra i 35 ed i 44 anni consegna al proprio
smartphone la maggior parte delle informazioni, dice uno studio del Kaspersky Lab. In un passaggio
del Fedro di Platone, il dio Theuth porta in dono al Re Thamus l’alfabeto, presentando la scrittura
come il farmaco che renderà gli egiziani più sapienti e abili a ricordare; invece di rallegrasi, però,
Thalmus si incupisce, sostenendo che se si affideranno alla parola scritta gli egiziani disimpareranno
a fidarsi della propria memoria. Il testo risale al IV secolo a.C. ma Platone non ha mancato di molto
il bersaglio. In quest’ottica, qualunque sistema ci aiuti a esternare un ricordo rischia anche di compromettere le nostre abilità mnemoniche.
Così come Regan era arrivato a scambiare la scena di un film per un ricordo autentico, così come
alcuni bugiardi patologici finiscono per credere alle proprie stesse bugie, chi passa ore ogni giorno
ad imbellettare la propria immagine social potrebbe arrivare, come ci rammenta il Sole 24 ore, a
illudersi di essere l’aver ego simpatico, arguto e altruista che ogni giorno gli sorride dall’altra parte
dello schermo, almeno finché non mette i piedi fuori di casa!
Ci piace il nostro slogan identificativo, non riusciamo, e forse non vogliamo, sostituirlo; non si
tratta di affezione, al contrario, la ricerca costante di nuove soluzioni ci appartiene, caratterizza
il nostro interpretare l’andamento evolutivo di
un’azienda, tuttavia, in questo caso, preferiamo
ancora una volta riproporlo.
In questo tempo, ad esempio, presenteremo la
nuova produzione di articoli denominata ZEUS:
base di partenza le Capre Mongole. Leggere, resistenti, straordinarie, perfette per essere impiegate in campo calzaturiero.
Innovazione, Ricerca & Sviluppo, Eco sostenibilità. Asset imprescindibili per noi Tuscania
SPA, punto di riferimento per l’industria degli
accessori in pelle, conceria costantemente impegnata nel perfezionare le proprie produzioni.
E finalmente, grazie alla nuova Collezione
ZEUS, agiremo anche all’interno del settore calzaturiero, fino ad ora volontariamente trascurato,
a dimostrazione della nostra volontà di innovare
con oculata oculatezza.
Investimenti importanti, i quali, ne siamo certi,
incontreranno i favori critici del mercato.
We leather you, together
Sperimentazione permanente
ZEUS Il colore del Mito
Per qualche minuto minuto fate mente locale, e se lo ritenete opportuno, prendete carta e matita,
potrebbe facilitarvi il compito. Per farla breve: scrivete, o memorizzate, o pronunciate ad alta voce,
le denominazioni di tutti i Marchi in circolazione sul Pianeta Terra che siano direttamente o indirettamente collegabili alla Mitologia Greca. L’elenco vi apparirà subito impegnativo. E se circoscrivete
la ricerca al solo Sistema Moda, ebbene, anche in questo caso, l’elenco assumerà dimensioni considerevoli. Non è un caso: si cerca un brand name tra il Mito per avere buone opportunità di diventare
Mito. Potevamo non seguire l’esempio? No. Non potevamo.
E così, con la santa pazienza cistercense, supportati dalla immensità della Rete e dai testi consumati
nel tempo del nostro Liceo Classico, abbiamo scavato nel Mito incontrando subito la Capra Amalthea. Incredibile! Fu proprio lei ad allattare Zeus. ZEUS! Interessante per un marchio! Breve, rapido,
immediato, intenso, avvolto da mille storie, mille leggende, mille riferimenti artistici. Amalthea Zeus, a seguire i Titani e lo Scudo di Zeus: Egida. Poi ci sono i Satiri, generalmente raffigurati come
esseri umani barbuti con orecchi, corna, coda e zampe caprine, ed i Fauni dalle forme umane, con i
piedi e le corna di capra. Termini brevi, densi di significanti greco - latini riferibili alla Capra. Già,
il nostro problema infatti era proprio quello di cercare una denominazione valida e coerente per una
Collezione di articoli elaborati utilizzando Capre, Capre Mongole. Riassumiamo: Amalthea, Egida,
Fauno, Satiro, Zeus. Immediata la scelta vincente: ZEUS.
Edward Hopper nacque a Nyach, Stato di New
York, piccola cittadina sul fiume Hudson, il 22
luglio del 1882. La biografia di questo poeta del
colore termina qui. Scusate: l’artista scomparve
il 15 maggio del 1967, nello studio della sua casa
newyorkese. Tra l’uscita dal Nulla ed il rientro nel
Nulla a raccontare la sua vita ci sono le sue opere.
Tante, tantissime, capaci, tutte, di avvicinarci alla
poetica di questo artista straordinario. Per comprendere Hopper non occorre aver letto Tacito,
studiato Heidegger, approfondito Duchamp, conoscere le trasgressioni alcoliche di Bacon. Basta
entrare in un Museo d’Arte Moderna e guardare le
sue opere. Possibilmente in silenzio. Oppure visionare la nostra Collezione FW 17+18!
Zeus - Amalthea - Egida
Il fascino discreto della mitologia greca! Dunque:
Amalthea fu la Capra che allattò Zeus sul monte
Ida a Creta. Diventato il Re degli Dei, Zeus, per
ringraziarla, diede un potere alle sue corna: il possessore poteva ottenere tutto ciò che desiderava.
Da qui la leggenda del “corno dell’abbondanza”, o
Cornucopia, detto anche Corno di Amalthea. Alla
sua morte Zeus la pose, insieme ai suoi due amabili
capretti, tra gli astri del cielo, inoltre, consigliato
da Temi, prese la sua pelle e se ne vestì come di
una corazza, durante la lotta contro il padre e questo rivestimento è conosciuto come Egida. Leggenda tra le leggende! Sì.
AZU: Le fragranze agrumate e
pittoriche di Azzurra Gannoni
Nel corso della kermesse Linea Pelle Milano Fall
Winter 17+18 avremo ancora il piacere di presentare AZU Eau de Parfum TUSCANIA. La sua
fragranza profumiera inonderà la nostra installazione con gradevoli effluvi speziali, influenzando
lo sguardo critico, freddo e cinico, dei nostri visitatori. Consideratelo un divertissement, un divertimento, un tempo definito come intermezzo di canti
e danze inserito nel corso di opere teatrali, in uso
in Francia nei secoli XVII e XVIII. Nel nostro caso
una proposta olistica per allargare i confini della
creatività. Note di Testa, Note di Cuore, Note di
Fondo, come farne a meno! Un tempo argomenti
salottieri, solo per pochi snob, seduti su comode
poltrone di cuoio a discutere del tempo, oggi nutrimento quotidiano del nostro Essere avvolti da una
fragrante fragranza. Bentornata AZU!
Amore possibile
Chiudo gli occhi e la vedo. Cammina verso di me
con passo lento, il volto serio, lo sguardo intenso.
Si sta chiedendo chi io sia. Non più giovane, d’accordo, però, diciamolo, ancora affascinante, quel
fascino antico che gli anni, i tanti anni vissuti, di
mette addosso per gravità permanente. Ormai è a
pochi passi. Le sorrido. Il sorriso non viene ricambiato. Ora è vicina, le chiedo Come sta, risponde
Bene, ora Bene. Non ci posso credere. Mi presento, mi chiamo Fredi. Lucia, il mio nome è Lucia.
Un nome bellissimo, aggiungo, incapace di aggiungere altro. Lei, Lucia, mi prende sotto braccio
ed insieme proseguiamo verso la nostra vita.
Apro gli occhi e la vedo!