
Istituto tecnico turistico “F. Algarotti”
Docente: M.Grazia Laviano
Anno scolastico 2015/16
Classe 2RIM
Testo in adozione: Ben Wetz, English Plus Elementary - English Plus Preintermediate, Oxford.
da English Plus Elementary:
Unit 8 – Sport for all. Be going to. Will. Present continuous for future
arrangements. Ask about intentions and arrangements. Talk about intentions
and arrangements.
Unit 9 – No fear. Present perfect: positive and negative. Present perfect v past
simple. Ever, never. Talk about experiences. React to what people say. How to
write an article about an adventurer.
Consolidation:Units 8+9
da English Plus Pre-intermediate:
Unit 1 – Face to Face. Character and personality. Communication and
attitude. Present simple and adverbs of frequency. Adverbs of manner. Present
simple v present continuous. Talk about frequency. Remind and advise.
Identify and find out about people. Describe a friend.
Unit 2 – TV. Television. Television programmes. Past simple of to be, there
was, there were. Past simple. Past continuous. Past simple v past continuous.
Compare opinions. Talk about television. Discuss tv programmes. How to write
a TV review.
Unit 3- Disposable world. Containers and quantities. The environment. Much/
many, lots of/a lot of. Defining relative clauses. Comparative and superlative
adjectives. Talk about quantity. Make comparisons. Compare ideas for a
present. How to write an e-mail to a newspaper.
Consolidation: Units 1-3
Unit 4 – Life online. The internet. Website contents- interests. Present perfect
with ever/never. Present perfect: regular and irregular verbs. Present perfect v
past simple. Talk about experiences. Talk about and react to news. How to
write an e-mail giving news.
Unit 5 – You’re a star. Show business. Star qualities. Present perfect with
just, already,still and yet. Present perfect with for and since. Present perfect
continuous. How to write a biography.
Unit 6 – School life. Should v must, have to/don’t have to. School life: verbs
and compound nouns. American English. Reading: Cheat! Agree and disagree.
Ask for and give advice.
Consolidation: Units 4-6
Unit 7: Take Action. Will v might, 1st conditional, be going to, will v be going
to. Phrasal verbs: a campaign. Make suggestions. Talk about future plans.
Write a formal letter.
Unit 8: Film and action. Books and film: genres. Books and films: features.
Like v would like.
Video: New Zealand – extreme sports in Queensland; Multiculturalism in the
UK; Agatha Christie; Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes.
Sono stati assegnati come compiti per casa e corretti in classe tutti gli esercizi
dei workbook dei libri di testo. Sono state inoltre svolte diverse esercitazioni di
comprensione del testo con materiale fornito dall’insegnante.
Attività CLIL: In collaborazione con la docente di Italiano è stato proposto agli
studenti un percorso di lettura di poesie. Nelle ore di inglese sono state lette,
tradotte e analizzate poesie di Emily Dickinson, W. A. Auden, E.A. Poe.
Sono stati forniti strumenti di analisi del testo poetico e sono stati presi in
considerazione generi poetici diversi.
Venezia, 3 giugno 2016
Gli allievi:
Istituto tecnico turistico “F. Algarotti”
Anno scolastico 2015/16
Docente: M.Grazia Laviano
Classe 3 RIM
Testo in adozione – Ben Wetz, English Plus intermediate, Oxford
Unit 1 – Grammar: Present perfect, present perfect with for and since, present perfect v
past simple, present perfect v present perfect continuous. Vocabulary: Relationships,
extreme adjectives. Reading: Learning to love, Great dates. Communication: Invite
someone out. Writing: Email asking for advice. Both and neither.
Unit 2 – Grammar: used to. Past perfect, past simple. Subject and object questions. Past
simple v past continuous. Vocabulary: Generations, uses of get. Reading: Becky’s blog –
the generation gap. Communication: Talk about events in the past. Check facts with
question tags.
Unit 3 – Grammar: could, managed to, can, will be able to. Possibility and certainty: may,
might, could, must, can’t. Past modals: possibility and certainty. Advice and obligation:
should, must, have to. Vocabulary: Medical science. Phrasal vebs: health and lifestyle.
Noun suffixes. Reading: Creature cures. Communication: Give and respond to advice.
Talk about past mistakes.
Consolidation 1 – 3
Unit 4 – Grammar: Be going to, will v be going to. Present simple v present continuous –
future. Vocabulary: Travel – compound nouns, phrasal verbs. Reading. What not to do on
holiday. Communication: Ask about time and timetables. Ask for and give information.
Unit 5 – So, such, too, (not) enough. Active and passive forms. Passive forms of all
tenses, questions and short answers. Vocabulary: Fashion, commerce. Negative prefixes.
Reading: Clothes crimes. Unethical fashion. Communication: Expressing likes and
dislikes. Change something in a shop. Time expressions.
Unit 6 - Grammar: Reflexive pronouns and each other. Have/get something done.
Defining and non-defining relative clauses. Vocabulary : Body decoration, feelings.
Reading: Urban tribes. Communication: Give your opinion about appearance. Express
Unit 7 – Grammar: Make, let and be allowed to. 1st Conditional with if, when, as soon as,
unless. 2nd Conditional. I wish, if only + past simple. Vocabulary: Politics and government.
Policies. Reading: Micronations. Communication: Express certainty and doubt. Apologize
for a misunderstanding.
Unit 8 – Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. 3rd Conditional.
Gerund v infinitive. Vocabulary: Personality and behaviour. Managing your time. Reading:
Yes man. Make yourself happy. Communication: Express regret. Talk about things that
affect you.
Sono stati eseguiti come compito per casa e corretti in classe tutti gli esercizi del
Workbook di English plus corrispondenti alle unità svolte.
Sono state svolte diverse comprensioni del testo in preparazione alla certificazione B2,
con materiale in fotocopia.
Sono stati letti “The Landlady” e “Genesis and Catastrophe” di Roald Dahl;“The Werewolf”
di A. Carter.
Alternanza scuola – lavoro: sono state dedicate 5 ore all’alternanza scuola – lavoro. Gli
studenti hanno appreso come scrivere una cover letter e rispondere a una offerta di
La docente :
Venezia, 2/6/16
gli allievi :
Istituto tecnico turistico “F. Algarotti”
Docente: M.Grazia Laviano
Anno scolastico 2015/16
Classe 4 RIM
Testo in adozione – Mind your Business, Ciaffaroni, Zanichelli
Module A – Unit 1: Career opportunities. How to write a CV. Covering letters. Adverts.
Internships for high school students.
Unit 2: Getting ready for an interview.
Getting in Touch. Phone calls.
Module B - Unit 3: E-mail messages. Business letters. Written business communication.
Reading: “E-mail- a blessing or a curse?”
Module E – Unit 9: Business organization – What's business. Business structure.
Describing companies. Reading: “United Colors of Benetton”, “Zara”.
Describing company structure. Types of organisation structure. Netsuite organisational
chart. Reading:”The Best Leader I've ever known”.
Unit 10: Start-ups. Business activity. Goods, needs / Products, services. Factors of
production. Sectors of production. Choosing the right type of business. Business models.
Reading: “Starting a business in a Downturn”.
The purpose of the business activity (fotocopia).
Types of business: sole trader, partnership, company.
Franchising, cooperatives, multinationals. Outsourcing, offshoring (fotocopie).
Understanding a business plan (fotocopia).
Module F - Marketing. Different definitions of marketing.
Unit 11 – The structure of a typical marketing plan. The marketing concept. The marketing
Market research. Setting objectives.
Marketing strategy. Market segmentation.
Targeted marketing. Market selection. Different target marketing strategies. The 4 Ps. The
marketing mix. The product. Branding. Price. Distribution. Promotion. The product life
cycle. Reading: “Social Media Magazines”.
Sono state svolte numerose esercitazioni di comprensione del testo a livello B2 sia in
classe che come compito assegnato per casa.
Utilizzando il testo di grammatica in adozione (Top Grammar) sono stati studiati i capitoli
dedicati ai phrasal verbs, l’uso di would nel passato, il past perfect continuous. Sono state
ripassate strutture grammaticali studiate negli anni precedenti.
Venezia, 1/06/16
La docente:
gli allievi:
Istituto Tecnico Turistico “Algarotti”
Anno scolastico 2015/16
Testo in adozione: MIND YOUR BUSINESS, Zanichelli.
“How do adverts work?” Adverts appeal.
Start-up finance. Sources of finance. Types of banks. Bank services.
The credit crunch. Credit crunch consequences.
The financial plan.
Breakeven analysis.
Economic policies. The economic system. Economic indicators.
The World Trade Organization. The IMF. The World Bank.
Globalisation: the good, the bad, the uncontrollable.
The Fair Trade movement. Its principles.
The EU in brief. The institutions. The policies. Reasons for the Union. The European treaties.
The Common Market concept.
Main steps – The Schengen agreement. The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Enlargement
of the EU to former communist countries.
Making decisions in the EU – The European Parliament. The European Commission. The Council
of the European Union.
Economic and monetary issues – Production and growth. Economic and monetary union.
Social matters – Not only business. Education and training.
Today’s challenges – The global financial crisis. International security crisis.
How to write letters of enquiry, orders, reminders, complaint, invitation to seminars.
“Innovation: Neither Invention nor Discovery”, “Changing Course to Create a New Future” (from
Pathways to Innovation, A. Portnoff, Futuribles)
“The Incentive Economy”, “The Sharing Economy” (from Betting on Intelligence, A. Portnoff,
Reading and analysis of the following short-stories from Dubliners by James Joyce:
“Araby”, “Eveline”, “A Painful Case”.
Dubliners – The origin of the collection. The use of epiphany. Paralysis. Escape. The narrative
Venezia, 5 maggio 2016
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