our wireless sensor network


our wireless sensor network
The internet of nature
OUR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK decrease environmental risk, liability and costs 1 THE MARKET
“…real-time environmental sensing is
growing rapidly…”[1]
“Market prospects of M2M … expected to reach
€200 Billion in 2010”[2]
“This year alone, the RFID market appears set to reach a
size of $4.47 Billion...”[3]
[1] The Gartner Group, 2009 [2] Machine-­‐to-­‐Machine: An Emerging Communication Paradigm, 2010 [3] Report: RFID Market To Reach $5.35 Billion In 2010, March 08, 2010 Pag. 2 THE COMPANY
Minteos was founded in 2005 in Turin.
The company is focused in the development of applications based on the Wireless
Sensor Network technology for monitoring and alerting on Environment and Industrial
In the 2005 Minteos was admitted at I3P – Turin Politechnic incubator - and named
« Best Wireless idea of the year – Torino Wireless ».
In 2008 Minteos owners decided to launch EnvEve in Lugano, Switzerland; EnvEve has
been admitted at the « Tecnopolo di Lugano ».
Since the foundation, EnvEve and Minteos have continuously invested in research , and
have completed industrial projects in Italy, Greece and Switzerland.
EnvEve e Minteos have build a consolidated distributor network in various countries
(Nederland, Spain, Israel, Greece, Brasil, Iran).
Regione Piemonte -­‐ Italian Region Comune di Imperia -­‐ Italian Municipality Comune di Roma -­‐ Italian Municipality UISP -­‐ Italian Association WSL -­‐ Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research Politecnico di Torino -­‐ Italian Engineering Institute DICHI, Chemical Engineering Department of Politecnico di Torino -­‐ Italian Engineering Institute Civil Protection of Bolzano and CNR National Research Council Byte Computer S.A.-­‐ System Integrator, Greece CVA -­‐ Hydroelectric power provider, Italy Agrindustria -­‐ Agroalimentary Company, Italy EYDAP -­‐ Water supply & sewerage company, Greece Pag. 4 4 GENERAL TECNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE
Technology Architecture
RF mesh
Central Sw
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User Interfaces
(+ 3G)
Pag. 5 Software
Telecommunication Channels
HW & SW Modules
Communication Channels
Our innovative monitoring and detection technology helps companies reduce their risk, liability and drastically reduces asset costs. TINY WIRELESS COMPUTERS
Low cost
Very Low power consumption: up to 10 year life with 900mA battery
Easy to integrate to many sensors and to adapt do other frenquencies
High reliability and resistant to harsh environment condition
Long distance Communication up to 1km (optimized radio and antenna)
High reliability (software installed on 2 data center with db synchronization)
Low cost
Very Low power consumption: up to 2 years powered on battery
Unlimited customer management
Easy integration with external applications (APIs)
Complete technology (from sensor to web interface and phone call)
Totally owned technology (hardware, firmware, µOS and software)
Fast, easy and cheap creation of new applications
Easy integration with other technologies and applications
Pag. 7 Why it’s different and unique
What are the characteristics that make unique and advantageous our solutions and
tecnologies compared to traditional systems :
Wireless: it doesn't requires wires, cables and power – it is a fast, economical and reliable
Low consumption solution: since it installed, lives and works without operation
Online system: from your computer, you can see the status of sensors positioned in the
field and the history of their signal
Georeferenced: each sensor tells us exactly where something is happening
Proactive: when it reaches an alert level, it automatically notifies by SMS / phone / web that
there is a danger or alarm situation
RUSSIA, 2010: $300 billion damage (based on timber market prices and reforestation costs) Gulf of Mexico, 2010: $29.5 billion damage (cleanup costs + victims compensation) Hungary, 2010: $ …. still counting them (huge toxic contamination) Pakistan, 2010: $43 billion damage (crop damage, infrastructure destroyed, 20 Billion people displaced) Brasil, 2011: +600 deaths … continuing http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=brazil-­‐rains-­‐death-­‐toll-­‐rises Pag. 9 THE PROBLEM
Vicenza, 2010: 1.2 bil damages, 150.ooo death animals http://www.ilgiornale.it/interni Fiume Lambro, Lombardia, 2010: 2,5 mil liter oil spill http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disastro_ambientale_del_fiume_Lambro Italian Landslides: 1.475 deaths from 1950 25 bil damages -­‐ 52 bil investments From Annuario ISPRA Thyssen, Torino, 2007: 4 deaths http://it.wikinews.org/wiki/
Torino:_quattro_i_morti_nell'incendio_alla_ThyssenKrupp Saras, Sardegna, 2009: 3 deaths http://lanuovasardegna.gelocal.it/dettaglio/articolo/1640552 Ppg, Napoli, 2003: 4 deaths http://www.repubblica.it/online/cronaca/vernici/vernici/vernici.html Pag. 10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Ø RF : 433MHz / GPRS Communication
Ø Communication range : 1,5km line of sight
Ø Average power consumption: 50mW/h
Ø Power sources : solar power, back-up battery
Ø Status autocheck & notification
Ø Interference avoidance mechanisms
Ø Integrability : UMTS, HSDPS, Ethernet, WiFi
Ø Configurable and updatable via Internet
Ø Expected lifetime: > 2 years
Ø RF : 433 MHz
Ø Communication range : 1,5km line of sight
Ø Typical power consumption :
• Active mode : 2mA
• Power-down mode : 4,5uA
• Transmission mode : 30mA
Ø Expected lifetime : 10 years
Ø Operating temperature : from -20°C to 80°C
Ø Available via Internet
Ø Login access
Ø Real-time monitoring
Ø G.I.S Based
Ø Google-Earth Interface
Ø Historical database (5 years minimum)
Ø Customizable (interface, language)
Ø 2 distinct locations for redundancy
è 100% availability
Ø Integrity test on each field message
è 100% data reliability
Ø Data back-up : 5 years
Ø Autocheck modules on the whole hierarchy
Ø Multichannel alerts (SMS, phone-call, email)
è Real-time notification in case of system anomaly
Pag. 11 MARKET SEGMENTATION APPLICATION’S TARGET MARKET Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability is of great importance in such geographical locations in the world, where it could be improved through sensor monitoring, by protecting valuable resources, and collecting valuable information previously considered too difficult and too costly. Process Efficiency Improvements in Process Efficiency can reduce the need for investment in energy infrastructure, cut fuel costs, increase competitiveness and improve consumer welfare. ü 25% commercial building energy reduction will be attributed to WSN in 2013,worth $7.4 billion in global energy savings. Industrial Security The Industrial Sector is likely to undergo workflow churn as WSN applications increase safety, reliability and efficiency of industrial facilities. Frequency agility requirements are driving evolution toward industrial standards Pag. 12 MARKET SEGMENTATION APPLICATION’S TARGET MARKET Smart Environmental FIRELESS: early detec>on of fires in remote and risky loca>ons •  Torino (Italy): pilot project of 2 ha, 50 sentries, 2 GW •  Filiatra (Greece): pilot project of 2ha, 50 sentries, 2 GW •  Lecce: industrial site, 20 ha, 110 sentries, 1 GW, 2 R •  Imperia: pilot project, 1.5 ha, 37 sentries, 2 GW • Roma: industrial site, 40 ha, 1000 sentries, 2GW, 6 R FIRELESS 2: frequent data update of environmental condi>ons that may lead to fires •  Lecce: industrial site, 1 meteogateway, 4 sentries •  Roma: indutrial site, 1 meteogateway, 4 sentries •  Bellinzona: pilot project, 1 meteogateway, 4 sentries FLOODALERT: monitoring of water level in remote loca>ons with high probability of floods •  Imperia: pilot project, 3 sentries, 2 GW Pag. 13 MARKET SEGMENTATION Smart Industrial and Safety Building APPLICATION’S TARGET MARKET monitoring FIRESENSE: fire detec>ons for industrial warehouses thorugh CO •  Tecco Agroindustria OIL & GAS SUITE: detec>on of intrusion or leakage of hazard gas and/or oil in pipelines or industrial sites •  Iraq DAM WATCH: constant monitoring of bridges and dams movement to prevent disaster CONTAMINATION ALERT: density monitoring of liquid to determine if it has been contamined, preven>ng process inefficiencies SMART ENERGY: Allows to op>mize building energy consump>on based on humidity, temperature, CO, methane and lightness Pag. 14 MARKET SEGMENTATION APPLICATION’S TARGET MARKET Smart city SEWAGE: real >me level monitoring. Can ac>vate pumps in overflow risk. Useful to sewage management •  Athens: 90 sentries, 45 GW ELETTROSMOG: electromagne>c environmental pollu>on monitoring •  Imperia ZTL MONITORING: air water and noise control measurement •  Torino Pag. 15 MARKET SEGMENTATION APPLICATION’S TARGET MARKET Smart Agriculture AGRISENSE: measurement of different environmental factors providing agriculturists a greater control of their resources and take adequate measures at key points in the crop cycle. Main advantages are: saving water (up to 50%) and saving on chemical treatment Pag. 16 CONTACTS
Minteos srl
Via San Quintino, 3
10121 Torino
Tel +39 0110200455
Fax +39 0114785226
Website: http://www.minteos.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Sales contact: [email protected]
Enveve SA
Via della Posta, 10
CH-6934 Bioggio
Lugano Switzerland
Tel +41 916053303
Website: www.enveve.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Sales contact: [email protected]
Pag. 17