Donne e sviluppo sostenibile


Donne e sviluppo sostenibile
Donne e sviluppo sostenibile
Iniziativa del CLUB UNESCO BENEVENTO con l’Università del Sannio, curata da Gaetano Continillo
Cortometraggio: “Destino” di Salvador Dali e Walt Disney
Indirizzi di saluto:
Prof. Filippo de’ Rossi – Rettore, Università degli Studi del Sannio
Dott.ssa Paola Cecere – Presidente, Club Unesco di Benevento
Apertura dei lavori. Introduce: Prof.ssa Rossella Del Prete, Delegato alle Attività culturali del dipartimento di
Diritto, Economia, Management e Metodi quantitativi (DEMM).
Donne e sviluppo sostenibile: opportunità e riflessioni
Dott. ing. Monica Iadarola – Laureata in Ingegneria Energetica e studentessa, Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria
Energetica; vincitrice del premio 2012 Enertour 4 university students promosso da TIS innovation park e
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano
Dott. ing. Miriam Albini – Laureata in Ingegneria Energetica
Maria Skłodowska, l’apripista
Dr Katarzyna Bizon – Professore a contratto, Dipartimento di INGegneria (DING); vincitrice della Bernard
Lewis Fellowship 2012, “established to encourage high quality research in combustion by young scientists and
Sviluppo vs progresso: riflessione corsara
Prof.ssa Marisa De Luca – Ordinario di Lettere classiche nei licei
Lectio Magistralis: United Nations, Sustainable development, and Women
Prof.ssa Lusin Bagla, Université d’Orléans
In the 1970s UN and other ONGs called for a new international strategy of development and explained to governments of develop ing nations that without
the integration of women and their participation to education, economy, politics, it would be impossible to develop. In the 1990s the sc arcity of natural
resources, the way various nations were using them as if they were renewables led international experts to coin the concept of sustainability. Although there
are some controversies around its definitions and the strategies it is inspiring, this concept is now in every political agenda in various levels and the
"integration of women in development" issue launched by the UN and ONGs is reframed, and women are to be empowered in order to contribute to the
sustainability of development as they play a role in the majority of the domains covered by the concept of sustainability.
Chiusura dei lavori
Our Keynote Speaker
Lusin Bagla, born in Istanbul, sociologist, graduated from Université René Descartes
(Paris V-Sorbonne). After her PhD on the role of female workforce during the initial
stages of industrialization in different countries, she has been a consultant for UN
on the topic of "women and development" and "women and education". She has
been visiting scholar at the Department of Sociology in Berkeley, California, in the
Department of Social Studies at Harvard, the Department of STS (Science,
Technology and Society) at State College, Pennsylvania. Dr Bagla taught at l'Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, "industrialization policies",
"international relations" and "gender and technology", before moving to Orléans to
teach "environment and society", "engineering ethics", and "sociological
approaches to industrial risk" to engineering students both in Orléans and in
Bourges, where she has also been a consultant in HRM for a high-tech SME (small
and medium enterprise). Currently Dr Bagla teaches "organizational theory",
"project management" and "human resource management" (Faculty of Law,
Economy and Business), and "philosophy and sociology of science" (Faculty of
Sciences). In the last three years she has taught in a Master degree at the University of St Cyril and Methodius at Skopje
(Macedonia). Dr Bagla’s interest is in multidisciplinary approaches to social and technological issues. She has been involved in the
creation of a multidisciplinary and multicultural curriculum on New Energy Technologies (NET). Her current research topics are
"University-Industry relationship" and "New energy technologies and the social acceptability issue". Dr Bagla gives conferences on
various topics such as "innovation", "risk", "precautionary principle", "sociology of health", "organizational change", for various
institutions and associations (AFOMETRA, for occupational health experts, EDF, for managers of the French electricity company,
ANIORH, for the organization of hospitals, Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie for SME's, GROUPAMA, Crédit Agricole). She is
author of a popular textbook on Sociology of organizations.