ITES R.VALTURIO – RIMINI Programma di lingua inglese
ITES R.VALTURIO – RIMINI Programma di lingua inglese
ITES R.VALTURIO – RIMINI Programma di lingua inglese Classe 4E RIM a.s. 2013/14 prof.ssa Patrizia Orazi Dal testo: Ryan, “Working in business”, ed. Europass THE ECONOMIC BACKGROUND Goods and services Factors of production Sectors of activity Economic systems Government taxation and spending The economic cycle THE MARKETING MIX Markets Marketing: the “four Ps” Product Place Price ISSUES IN THE NEWS: “How can Apple be so successful?” METHODS OF COMMUNICATION Making business phone calls Letters, e-mails and fax messages Other forms of written communication BUSINESS WORLD Types of business organization Limited companies Company structure Applying for a job Having a job interview The Curriculum Vitae Letters of application MARKETING Enquiries Enquiries on the phone How to analyse a graph ( online presentation + photocopies ) Dal testo:Radaelli, Invernizzi, “Eyewitness”, ed. Longman Storytellers Words: issues in society today What is the Music? Extreme sports "Writing our future" Street Art Living Europe Colonial times: the British Empire India: Gandhi India in the 21st century Burma now and then Introduction to William Shakespeare. Da altre fonti: South Africa: Mandela biography ( photocopy ) “Romeo and Juliet": plot ( online ) Reading a literary text: Loot by Nadine Gordimer Visione di film in lingua originale "Invictus" "Shakespeare in Love” “ET” “Into the Wild” L’Insegnante Prof.ssa Patrizia Orazi Rimini, 7 giugno 2014
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