Armariolum 2011 - Società Botanica Italiana


Armariolum 2011 - Società Botanica Italiana
Armariolum librarium
Breve rassegna di lavori scientifici
degli afferenti ai Gruppi di
Paleobotanica e Palinologia
Anzidei AP, Carboni G, Carboni L, Catalano P, Celant A, Cereghino R, Cerilli E, Guerrini S,
Lemorini C, Mieli G, Musco S, Rambelli C, Pizzuti F. 2011. Il Gaudo a sud del Tevere:
abitati e necropoli dall’area romana. Atti della XLIII Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto
Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria - L’età del rame in Italia, pp 309-321. Parole chiave:
Eneolitico, paleobotanica, archeozoologia, antropologia fisica
Anzidei AP, Carboni G, Celant A, Funiciello R, Giordano G. 2011. A reconstruction of
geomorphological and environmental transformations and the peopling of the territory
south-east of Rome during Recent Prehistory. In: van Leusen M, Pizziolo G, Sarti L, editors.
Hidden Landscapes of Mediterranean Europe. BAR International Series 2320, Archeopress:
Oxford. p 237-239. Parole chiave: insediamenti neo-eneolitici, lahar, ricostruzione
Aranguren B, Longo L, Mariotti Lippi M, Revedin A, 2011. Evidence of edible plant exploitation.
In: Svoboda JA, editor. Pavlov, Excavations 2007 - 2011. Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic, Institute of Archaeology at Brno (ISBN: 978-80-86023-85-4). pp. 170-179.
Bellini C, Condoluci C, Giachi G, Gonnelli T, Mariotti Lippi M. 2011 Interpretative scenarios
emerging from plant micro- and macro-remains in the Iron Age site of Salut, Sultanate of
Oman. Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 2775-2789. Parole chiave: South-east Arabia,
palaeoethnobotany, oasis farming, plant offering
Bellotti P, Calderoni G, Di Rita F, D’Orefice M, D’Amico C, Esu D, Magri D, Preite Martinez M,
Tortora P, Valeri P. 2011. The Tiber river delta plain (central Italy): Coastal evolution and
implications for the ancient Ostia Roman settlement. The Holocene 21(7): 1105–1116.
Parole chiave: geoarchaeology, Ostia, palaeoenvironment, pollen analysis, Holocene
Benvenuti M, Bellini C, Censini G, Mariotti Lippi M, Pallecchi P, Sagri M. 2011. Floods,
Mudflows, Landslides: Adaptation of Etruscan–Roman Communities to Hydrogeological
Hazards in the Arno River Catchment (Tuscany, Central Italy). In: Martini IP, Chesworth
W, editors. Landscapes and Societies. Selected Cases. Springer. pp. 187-201. Parole chiave:
alluvial plain, palynology, palaeoenvironment
Bosi G, Bandini Mazzanti M, Florenzano A, Massamba N’siala I, Pederzoli A, Rinaldi R, Torri P,
Mercuri A.M. 2011. Seeds/fruits, pollen and parasite remains as evidence of site function:
Piazza Garibaldi – Parma (N Italy) in Roman and Mediaeval times. Journal of
Archaeological Sciences, 38, 1621-1633, ISSN: 0305-4403. Parole chiave: parasite
remains, pollen, palynological treatment, site functionality, Northern Italy
Bruni S, Guglielmi V, Pozzi F, Mercuri AM. 2011. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
on silver colloids for the identification of ancient textile dyes. Part II: pomegranate and
sumac. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(3): 465–473. Parole chiave: Sers,
chromatography, ancient dyes, pomegranate, sumac.
Castelletti L, Motella De Carlo S, Procacci G. 2011. Archeologia del Paesaggio nelle Alpi
Lepontine meridionali fra Italia e Svizzera. Il caso della Valle Cavargna, Colloque de
l’Association Suisse des Préhistoriens (AGUS/GPS) “Paysage…Landschaft…Paesaggio”,
15-16 mars 2007 Genève, Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle.
Castelletti L, Motella De Carlo S. 2011. Il legno in archeologia: metodi di indagine e casi di studio.
In ANTICO GALLINA M. (a cura di) Archeologia del legno. Uso, tecnologia, continuità in
una ricerca pluridisciplinare, pp.279-312, EDUCatt, Milano
Celant A. 2011. Antracologia, utilizzazione del legno e ricostruzione paleoambientale
dell’insediamento eneolitico di Selva dei Muli (Frosinone). Origini 33: 237-248. Parole
chiave: Eneolitico, palizzata lignea, analisi antracologica
Celant A. 2011. Risultati delle analisi paleobotaniche effettuate su macroresti vegetali. In: Panella
C, editor. I segni del potere. Realtà e immaginario della sovranità nella Roma imperiale.
Bari: Edipuglia. p 231-233. Parole chiave: Palatino, insegne imperiali, reperti lignei,
papiro, fibre di lino
Corrado P, Magri D. 2011. A late Early Pleistocene pollen record from Fontana Ranuccio (central
Italy). Journal of Quaternary Science 26: 335-344. Parole chiave: Early Pleistocene, MIS
21, Mid Pleistocene revolution, central Italy, Pterocarya, Cathaya
Dal Corso J, Preto N, Kustatscher E, Mietto P, Roghi G, Jenkyns HC. 2011. Carbon-isotope
variability of Triassic amber, as compared with wood and leaves (Southern Alps, Italy).
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 320:187-193.
Danti R, Della Rocca G, Calamassi R, Mori B, Mariotti Lippi M. 2011. Insights into a hydration
regulating system in Cupressus pollen grains. Annals of Botany 108: 299–306.
Di Domenico F, Lucchese F, Magri D. 2011. Late glacial and Holocene history of Buxus
sempervirens L. in Italy. Ann.Bot. (Roma) 1: 45–58. Parole chiave: Buxus distribution,
pollen, Sicily, Apulia, postglacial
Di Rita F, Simone O, Caldara M, Gehrels W.R, Magri D. 2011. Holocene environmental changes in
the coastal Tavoliere Plain (Apulia, southern Italy): a multiproxy approach.
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 310: 139–151. Parole chiave: Holocene,
coastal plain, salt marsh, pollen analysis, molluscs, foraminifera, southern Italy
Kustatscher E, Bizzarrini F, Roghi G. 2011. Plant fossils in the Cassian beds and other Carnian
formations of the Southern Alps (Italy). Geo.Alp. 8:146-155.
Kustatscher E, Pott C, Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert JHA., 2011. A contribution to the knowledge
of the Triassic fern genus Symopteris. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 165:41-60.
Kustatscher E, Pott C, Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert JHA., 2011. Scytophyllum waehneri (Stur)
nov. comb., the correct name for Scytophyllum persicum (Schenk) Kilpper, 1975. Zitteliana A, 51: 9 - 18.
Kustatscher E, Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert JHA., 2011. Ferns from the Triassic Flora of Thale
(Germany). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 261:209-248.
Magri D. 2011. Past UV-B flux from fossil pollen: prospects for climate, environment and
evolution. New Phytologist 192, 310-312. Parole chiave: climate, evolution, pollen,
stratospheric ozone, terrestrial ecosystems, UV-B flux
Manzi G, Magri D, Palombo MR. 2011. Early-Middle Pleistocene environmental changes and
human evolution in the Italian peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews 30: 1420-1438.
Parole chiave: pollen, mammal fauna, human evolution, Pleistocene, Italy
Mariotti Lippi M, Bellini C, Benvenuti M, Fedi M. 2011. Palaeoenvironmental signals in ancient
urban settings: the heavy rainfall record in Sumhuram, a pre-Islamic archaeological site of
Dhofar (S Oman). The Holocene 21: 951–965. Parole chiave: Arabian Peninsula, long
distance pollen transport, monsoon circulation
Mariotti Lippi M, Gonnelli T, Pallecchi P. 2011 Rice chaff in ceramics from the archaeological site
of Sumhuram (Dhofar, Southern Oman). Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 1173-1179.
Parole chiave: chaff, ceramic temper, Oryza, pottery, Indian Ocean
Mazzini I, Faranda S, Giardini M, Giraudi C, Sadori L. 2011. Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental
evolution of the Roman harbour of Portus, Italy. J Paleolimn 46: 243–256. Parole chiave:
ostracods, Rome harbour, archaeological park, Tiber delta, central Italy, Roman period,
sediment cores, water environmental reconstruction, pollen
Mercuri AM, Sadori L, Uzquiamo Ollero P. 2011 Mediterranean and north-African cultural
adaptations to mid-Holocene environmental and climatic changes. The Holocene, 21 (1):
189-206. Parole chiave: archaeobotany, charcoal, human impact, Mediterranean area, midHolocene climate changes, on-site pollen
Motella De Carlo S, 2011. Il significato delle “terre di rogo” Per la ricostruzione del paesaggio
vegetale tra l’XI sec. a. C. e il II sec. d. C. in Italia settentrionale, Colloque de l’Association
Suisse des Préhistoriens (AGUS/GPS) “Paysage…Landschaft…Paesaggio”, 15-16 mars
2007Genève, Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle .
Motella De Carlo S. 2011- I roghi funerari : una chiave di lettura per il paesaggio vegetale e per il
rituale funebre. In Gambari F.M. E Cerri R. (a cura di) L’alba della città. Le prime necropoli
del centro proto urbano di Castelletto Ticino, pp.209-224, Novara
Olmi L, Mercuri AM, Gilbert M Th P, Biagetti S, Fordyce S, Cappellini E, Massamba N'siala I, di
Lernia S. 2011. Morphological and genetic analyses of early-mid Holocene wild cereals
from the Takarkori rockshelter (central Sahara,Libya): first result and prospects. In : Fahmy,
A.G., Kahlheber, S., D’Andrea, A.C. (eds.) Windows on the African Past: Contemporary
Approaches to African Archaeobotany. Reports in African Archaeology 3. Frankfurt: Africa
Magna Verlag, 175-184, ISBN: 978-3-937248-32-5. Parole chiave: archaeobotany, aDNA,
central Sahara, Fezzan, Holocene, Late Acacus foragers, Panicum laetum, Pastoral
herders, wild cereals
Rattighieri E, Florenzano A, Mercuri AM, Levi ST. 2011. Una ricostruzione archeoambientale del
sito di San Vincenzo, villaggio del bronzo a Stromboli. Atti dei Naturalisti e Matematici di
Modena, 141 (2010): 219-230. Parole chiave: pollen, archaeobotany, Stromboli, Middle
Bronze Age
Roberts N, Brayshaw D, Kuzucuoğlu C, Perez R, Sadori L. 2011. The mid-Holocene climatic
transition in the Mediterranean: Causes and consequences. Holocene 21:3-13. Parole
chiave: Mid-Holocene, climate change, Mediterranean region, special issue
Sadori L, Jahns S, Peyron O. 2011. Mid-Holocene vegetation history of the central Mediterranean.
Holocene 21:117-129. Parole chiave: pollen records, climate change, Mid-Holocene,
central Mediterranean region, human impact)
Solida L, Celant A, Luiselli L, Grasso DA, Mori A, Fanfani A. 2011. Competition for foraging
resources and coexistence of two syntopic species of Messor harvester ants in Mediterranean
grassland. Ecological Entomology 36: 409-416. Parole chiave: Tenuta di Castelporziano,
formiche Messor, frammenti vegetali, foraggiamento
Vannière B, Power MJ, Roberts N, Tinner W, Carrión J, Magny M, Bartlein P, Colombaroli D,
Daniau AL, Finsinger W, Gil-Romera G, Kaltenrieder P, Pini R, Sadori L, Turner R,
Valsecchi V, Vescovi E. 2011. Circum-Mediterranean fire activity and climate changes
during the mid-Holocene environmental transition (8500-2500 cal. BP). Holocene 21: 53-73.
Parole chiave: sediment records, fires, climate change, Mid-Holocene, Mediterranean
region, human impact

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