
Materia: _Lingua e civiltà Inglese_ Classe: 2C
Prof. Zaccaria Antonia
Libro di testo_Network 1 and Network 2 ed. Oxford, Grammar reference classic + vocabulary resource book
ed. Petrini.
Gli argomenti evidenziati sono da considerarsi conoscenze irrinunciabili per la preparazione del 3 anno.
Unit 9 connect
The media;
past simple (interrogative form and short answers);
could-ability and possibilità; verbs – prepositions in
Talking about media habits, talking about past
ability, talking about past possibility or
Unit 10: People
Personality adjectives;
Subject and object questions, be like vs look like vs
like, adjective order
Clothes, personality adjectives
The comparative, not as…. As, less…. Than; the
Rooms and furniture, housework,
Whose and possessive pronouns, modal verbs – can,
could, may (permission and requests) lend or borrow
The weather;
Be going to (intentions and predictions); be going to,
present simple or present continuous for the future
Emotions, adjectives, -ed and -ing adjectives, holidays
Present perfect – ever, present perfect or past simple,
present perfect – never; present perfect – other
adverbs; been or gone
Transport, transport places, transport verbs
Present perfect –just, already, yet, already, still; verb
tense revision
Life choices, clothes
Will, prediction, and future facts, revision – verb
tenses, may, might – future possibility
The environment,
1st conditional, when as soon as, unless; revision –
future forms, will – offers and promises
Describing people, appearance and personality
Unit 11: Fair Fashion?
Unit 12: Helping out
Unit 13 Looking ahead
Unit 14: Feelings
Unit 15: On the move
Unit 1: the right choice
Unit 2: save our planet
Talking about what you wear, describing clothes,
making comparisons and expressing
Talking about housework, talking about
possessions, asking for permission, asking for
permission and making requests
Talking about the weather, talking about future
intentions, making sure predictions;
Expressing emotions, talking about life
Describing journeys, talking about recent events.
Predicting your future, discussing hopes and
aspirations, talking about future possibility
Discussing the environment, talking about
present and future conditions, discussing
dilemmas and choices
Per le vacanze estive, per consolidare quanto appreso durante l’anno si raccomanda un accurato ripasso delle strutture grammaticali e
di rifare gli esercizi svolti nella grammar reference classic ed Petrini: Basics, cap 1: il presente, cap 2 il passato, cap 3 il futuro, cap 4
l’imperativo e modi di esprimere proposte, cap 7 i verbi modali – sezioni 1,2,3. , cap 11 costrutti verbali particolari sezioni: 1,2,3.
Gli elementi della frase
Cap 1 i sostantivi, cap 3: uso degli articoli; cap 4 gli interrogativi, cap 5 espressioni di quantità, cap 6: gli indefiniti; cap 7: gli aggettivi;
cap 8: la comparazione, cap 10 gli avverbi, cap 11 le preposizioni.
Si raccomanda la lettura del libro: W. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar ed Cideb black cat con cd audio e delle svolgimento delle attività –
Julius Caesar è all’apice della sua potenza. Ma a Roma c’è scontento: il popolo soffre la fame e gli aristocratici temono che Cesare voglia
farsi incoronare. Un gruppo di repubblicani guidati da Bruto decide di assassinarlo.
Dossier: the historical Julius Caesar, the theatre in Shakespeare’s Time, the Romans in Britian, Shakespeare’s Roman plays.
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