Quaderno 3 - Bibliografia - Autorità di bacino del fiume Po


Quaderno 3 - Bibliografia - Autorità di bacino del fiume Po
6 Bibliografia
6 Bibliografia
G. CHIAUDANI e G. PREMAZZI, 1992. Ecological quality of surface waters. Report
EUR 14563 EN, 123 p.
LIKENS, G.E., 1984. Beyond the shoreline: a watershed-ecosystem approach. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 22, p. 1.
LITTLEWOOD, I.G., 1992. Estimating contaminant loads in rivers: a review. IH Report No 117. Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK.
ELLIS J.C., VAN DIJK P.A.H. e R.D. KINLEY, 1993. Codes of practice for data handling - version 1. WRc report No NR 3203/1/4224. NRA R&D Note 241.
FERGUSON, R.I., 1986. River loads underestimated by rating curves, Water Res. Res.,
22, No 1, 74-76.
LOEHR, R.C., RYDING, S-O. e W.C. SONZOGNI, 1989. Estimating the nutrient load
to a waterbody. In: S-O. Ryding and W. Rast (eds), The Control of Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs, pp. 115-146. Parthenon Publishing Group, Carnforth/UNESCO,
VOLLENWEIDER, R.A., 1968. Scientific fundamentals of the eutrophication of lakes
and flowing waters, with particular reference to nitrogen and phosphorus as factor in
eutrophication. Tech. Report DA 5/SCI/68.27 OECD, Paris, 250 pp.
JOHNES, P., MOSS, B. e G. PHILLIPS, 1994. Lakes - Classification & monitoring. A
strategy for the classification of lakes. NRA R&D Note 253, NRA Project Record
CHIAUDANI, G. e G. PREMAZZI, 1988. Appraisal of the possible methods of combating the threat of eutrophication in Community waters. Quaderni di Ingegneria Ambientale n. 7: 94 pp.
A.D. e C. TURNER, 1994. Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality. NRA
Project Record 001/13/W.
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[12] ISTITUTO DI RICERCA SULLE ACQUE - CNR, 1991. Valutazione dei carichi inquinanti potenziali per i principali bacini idrografici italiani: Adige, Arno, Po e Tevere.
[13] MINISTERO DELL’AMBIENTE, 1992. Studi per la pianificazione ed il controllo del
risanamento del bacino padano (MASTERPLAN).
Autorità di bacino del fiume Po
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6 Bibliografia
[14] BOSTROM B., JANSSON M. e C. FORSBERG, 1982. Phosphorus release from lake
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[16] PROVINI, A. e G. PREMAZZI, 1985. Internal P-loading in lakes: a different approach
to its evaluation. Hydrobiologia: 120, 23-33.
[17] VIGHI, M. e CHIAUDANI, G., 1986. Una nuova metodologia per a valutazione della
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[21] ROSSI et Al.,1975. On the calculation of the mean residence time in monomictic lakes.
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[22] ROSSI G., 1996. Ecologia dei laghi: modelli matematici e applicazioni. Franco Angeli ed., 144 p.
[23] STRASKRABA M., 1973. Limnological basis for modelling reservoir ecosystems. In:
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[24] CALDERONI A. e R. MOSELLO, 1978. Caratteristiche termiche e chimiche. Il lago
di Pietra del Pertusillo: definizione delle sue caratteristiche limno-ecologiche. Pub. Ist.
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[25] WRIGHT J.C., 1967. Effect of impoundments on productivity, water chemistry and
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[26] MARTIN D.B. e R.D. ANDERSON, 1978. Comparative limnology of a deep-discharge lake on the Madison River, Montana. Freshwater Biology: 8: 33-42.
[27] Mc COMAS, S. 1993. Lake Smarts (The first lake maintenance handbook), Terrene Institute, 215 p.
[28] G.D. COOKE et al., 1993. Restoration and management by lakes and reservoirs, Lewis
Publishers, 548 p.
[29] RIPL, W.,1976. Biochemical oxidation of polluted lake sediment with nitrate. A new lake respration method. Ambio, 5/3: 132-135.
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6 Bibliografia
[30] U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, 1990. Report n° 440/4-90-006
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[31] UHLMANN, D. e H. KLAPPER (1985) Protection and restoration of lakes and reservoirs in the German Democratic Republic (case Studies), Proceedings of EWPCA International Congress, 262-271.
[32] LASCOMBE, C. (1987) Etat de degradation et mesures de restauration (soutirage
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[33] BRUNETTI, E. et Al., (1988) Interventi diretti per il recupero dei laghi. Ingegneria Ambientale n. 9, pag. 95.
[34] COOKE, G.D., E.B. WELCH, S.A. PETERSON, and P.R. NEWROTH. 1986. Lake
and Reservoir Restoration. Butterworth Publ., Boston, MA.
[35] CENTRO COMUNE DI RICERCA – ISTITUTO AMBIENTE, 1994. Piano di gestione e di controllo dei fenomeni di eutrofizzazione delle acque del lago di Varese. Report
EUR 12445 IT.
[36] CHIAUDANI, G. et Al., 1992. I laghi Briantei, situazione trofica e soluzioni scientifiche per il risanamento. Report EUR 14548 IT.
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