Curriculum vitae - Dipartimento di Storia dell`Arte e Spettacolo


Curriculum vitae - Dipartimento di Storia dell`Arte e Spettacolo
Paolo Carignani
Curriculum studiorum
High School Level (Maturità Scientifica) in July 1980
From September 1985 to June 1988 attended in Paris a 3 year training named “Éducateur Spécialisé
pour l'Enfance et l'Adolescence Inadaptées”
From 1988 to 1990 attended the Tavistock Accredited Rome Observation Cours
From 1990 to 1993 attended Work Discussion and Theory Seminars with Tavistock Clinic tutors
In July 1994 was awarded an MA with Distinction in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies (Master
of Arts in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies organised jointly by the University of East London
and the Tavistock Clinic)
From September 1993 to July 1997 attended the Florence Tavistock Model Course in
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children, Young People and Families (Centro Studi Martha
Harris di Firenze – Scuola Quadriennale in Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica per bambini adolescenti e
famiglie). This Training is recognized by Italian Regulations and by the European Federation of
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Qualified in October 1997.
Registered at ‘Ordine degli Psicologi’ since 1999.
Working Experience
From 1982 to 1985 did social work in two institutions for mentally handicapped children and
adolescents (autistic and psychotic patients) called “Centro di Occupazione ed Educazione
Subnormali” and “Cooperativa di Ricerca e Psichiatria Sociale”
In 1986/1987 worked with M. Mannoni in the “École Expérimentale de Bonneuil- sur-Marne Centre d'Études et de Recherches Pédagogiques et Psychanalytiques” the commitment was with
autistic and psychotic children and with adolescents at risk
From 1988 to 1992 worked as a nursery school teacher at “Scuola per l'Infanzia L'Arcobalena” in
Rome with children aged from 18 months to 6 years. Did a two year ‘Special Time’ there with a
child with brain damage
From 1992 to 2001 was also involved in organising and in teaching in several Tavistock Model
Seminars organised by Centro Studi Martha Harris in Rome (Essay Writing Seminars for PG/Dip.MA in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies)
Since 1993 worked privately as Trainee Child Psychotherapist with children and adolescents
From 1993 to 1996 was co-seminar leader in a Workshop in Institutional Work with Small Children
(O-6 years) organised by Centro Studi Martha Harris in Rome
In 1994-95 working for Centro Studi Martha Harris in Rome (Tavistock Model Observation
Courses) was seminar Leader in Work Discussion Seminars for Nursery School Teachers at the
Foreign Office Nursery School in Rome
Since 1994 to date Supervisor for MA Dissertations in the Tavistock Clinic/UEL MA in
Psychoanalytic Observational Studies
Since September 1995 tutor in the Tavistock Model Observation Course in Venice
From September 1997 to July 2001 tutor in Infant Observation Seminars at the Tavistock
Accredited Observation Course in Rome
Since 1997 worked privately as qualified Child Psychotherapist with children and adolescents
Since September 1997 was co-organising tutor of Venice Centro Studi Martha Harris Courses
Since 1998 tutor in Florence Observational and Clinical Courses and supervisor of students of
clinical course.
From 1999 to July 2005 organizing tutor and tutor of Trieste Observational Course.
In 2001 was visiting tutor at the Course in Psychotherapy (2nd and 3rd year) of the Psychiatry
Department, Università “La Sapienza” - Roma
In 2003 seminar Leader in Work Discussion Seminars for Nursery School Teachers at the Foreign
Office Nursery School in Rome.
Since 2010 tutor in Palermo Observational and Clinical Courses and supervisor of students of
clinical course.
Conferences and published essays
In May 1992 presented a paper at the first Centro Studi Martha Harris Conference in Rome:
“Un’esperienza di ‘Special Time’ in una scuola materna: possibilità e limiti di intervento” (Special
Time in a Nursery School: Possibilities and Limits).
In August 1992 presented at the Larmor Place (France) AEDPEA International Conference The
paper: “Le développement de la communication lors de ‘moments privilégiés’ dans une école
maternelle” which was then published in the event’s Acta.
In April 1994 presented a paper in a Larmor Plage (France) International Conference (Centre
d’Etudes Martha Harris) “Un intervento terapeutico con una bambina di 4 anni: modalità tecniche e
cliniche” (Psychotherapy with a Four Year Old Girl: Clinical and Technical Discussion
In May 1994 presented a paper in a Palermo (Italy) International Conference organised by Centro
Studi Martha Harris: “Un’osservazione a scuola con un bambino di 22 mesi” (Observation in
School of a child aged 22 months)
In September 1994 presented a paper in an International Conference held in Calambrone (Pisa Italy) organized by the PISA University and the Tavistock Model Courses: “Aspetti della
riparazione in due Infant Observations” (Aspects of Reparation in Two Infant Observations),
published in Cosenza A., Monteleone M. e Williams Polacco G. (editors) (1995), La riparazione,
Edizioni del Cerro, Tirrenia (Pisa).
In January 1998 presented at the Tavistock Clinic Conference “Exploring the Work of Donald
Meltzer. A Kleinian Development” a paper called: “Clinical Notes on the Organizing Function of
Time during Puberty”, published in Cohen M. and Hahn A. (eds) (2000), Exploring the Work of
Donald Meltzer. A Festschrift, London, Karnac Books.
In March 1998 published a paper in “Psicoterapia e Istituzioni”, IV, n. 1, 1998, together with Dr. R.
Lombardi: “La scoperta del corpo: sviluppo senso-motorio ed integrazione corpo-mente nell’analisi
di una bambina” (The Discovery of the Body: Sensory-Motor Development and Body-Mind
Integration in the Psychotherapy of a Little Girl).
In April 1998 published a paper in “Parolechiave”, 16, 1998, “La finta calma della latenza”
(Latency’s False Calm).
In January 2000 read a paper at IRRSAEV/Centro Studi Martha Harris – Venezia Conference for
teachers: “Da 6 a 10: bambini in età di latenza e scuola” (From 6 to 10: Cildren in Latency at
In August 2000 submitted a paper at the 5th International Conference on Mother- Infant
Observation organized by the Esther Bick Association and the Brazilian
Psychoanalytic Society: “Esperienza sensoriale e coordinatore psichico” (Sensory Experience and
Psychic Organization)
In Decembre 2000 published in “Parolechiave”, 2000, “Difese fisiche e difese psichiche” (Physical
and psychic defences).
In January 2001 presented a paper at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma: “Percezione del
tempo in adolescenza” (Time Perception in Adolescence)
In January 2001 presented a paper at the Italian Psychoanalytic Society “ Percezione del tempo
nell’infanzia” (Time Perception in Childhood).
In March 2001 presented a paper at the Trinity College in Dublin; conference chaired by Eric
Rayner for the Bi-logic Study Group: “Body-Mind Relation in Individual Development and Clinical
In March 2002 presented two papers at the 2nd International Rome Conference (Italy, England,
Ireland, Portugal, Brazil): “On the Analytic Proposition” and “Countertransference in work with
Children and Adolescents”.
In April 2002 presented a paper at the IRRSAEV/Centro Studi Martha Harris– Venezia, Conference
for teachers: “Dall’infanzia all’adolescenza” (From Childhood to Adolescence)
In January 2003 presented a paper at the Rotary Club in Arezzo at a Conference on Adolescence:
“Corpo ed emozioni come regolatori della glicemia in un adolescente diabetico” (Body and
Emotions as Regulators of Glycemia in a Adolescent Boy with Diabetes).
Carignani P. (2006), «Dialoghi con i bambini», Atti del IV incontro Italo-Brasiliano di Psicoanalisi,
28-30 luglio 2006, in Romano F., Romanini M. e Tauriello S. (a cura di), La metafora nella
relazione analitica, Mimesis, Milano 2007, pp. 231- 247.
Carignani P. e Romano F. (2006), Prendere corpo. Il dialogo tra corpo e mente in psicoanalisi:
teoria e clinica, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano 2006.
Carignani P. (2010), «Malattie del corpo, malattie della testa», in Atti del Convegno Dai fenomeni
di conversione alla
funzione organizzatrice della corporeità, a cura di Bucci P. e Romanini M., Roma 21-22-23 maggio
2010, & MyBooks, Vasto 2010.
Carignani P. «The Body in Psychoanalysis», British Journal of Psychotherapy, vol. 28, Issue 3, pp
288-318, August 2012.
Angeletti G., Carignani P, Santucci C. De Pisa E. (2012), «Le terapie farmacologiche e la loro
integrazione con la psicoterapia e la riabilitazione», in Girardi P., Brugnoli R. (eds), Manuale di
farmacoterapia psichiatrica, Pisa: Pacini
Editore, 2012, pp. 417-437.
Carignani P. «Note sul concetto di responsabilità nella relazione analitica con bambini e
adolescenti», Atti del Convegno Il fare analitico, Roma 9-11 maggio 2014, Vasto: &MyBook 2014.
Carignani P. «I due angeli. La psicoterapia dei bambini tra oblio e memoria», in Procaccio W. (a
cura di), Oblio, Cronopio, Napoli 2016.
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Il sottoscritto, Paolo Carignani ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003 n. 196 e successive
modificazioni, autorizza codesto Servizio al trattamento dei dati personali e sensibili.
Paolo Carignani