
Unit 1
Title: The simultaneous linear equations
For/Destinatari: Secondary High Scool of Ireland (St. Joseph)
Time/ Tempi di esecuzione: 4 hours
Simultaneous linear equations are sets of equations that have common variables.
Solving this type of problem means determinate a couple of value, one for x and one
for y, the co-ordinate (x,y). (x,y) is a point on a plane and it is the real intersection of
two lines (the equations).
Objective/ Obiettivi specifici: 1Resolving the simultaneous linear equations using the reduction method
2 Recognizing the three different solutions of problem
3 Drawing a graph of the problem
Verifica/Valutazione: # Students have to show they are able to use the reduction method. The teacher
values/assesses their ability to resolve the problem:
- use the equivalent principles
 ability to calculate
 short passagges
 writw the co-ordinate (x,y).
# Students have to choose different ending when the simultaneous linear equations
aren't determinated (impossible and indeterminated).
# Students have to draw a corret graph of the problem. They make the table of
values for the two lines, draw them and individuate the point which is the solution of
the problem.
Unit 2
Title: Goniometry
For/Destinatari: Secondary High Scool of Ireland (St. Joseph). Transition Year. The number of the students
changes every lesson
Time/ Tempi di esecuzione: 5 hours
Define the goniometric circonference/circle ( like a circle with the centre in (0,0) and
radius equal 1). Draw the angle from the point (1,0)in anticlockwise. Evidence seno
coseno tangente.
Objective/ Obiettivi specifici: 1 Being able to draw an angle
2 Being able to draw seno coseno tangente.
3 Calculating seno coseno tangente in 0, 90, 180, 270, 360, 30, 45, 60
4 Resolving easy expressions with goniometric functions/ rectangular
5 Called the functions with italian names
Verifica/Valutazione: # Students have to draw an angle, and its functions: seno coseno tangente
# Students have to be able to resolve any exercises like expressions with
goniometric angles functions or rectangular triangles
# Students will be able to pronunciation the goniometric functionsin Italian.
Unit 3
Title: Circle and line: simultaneous positions
For/Destinatari: Secondary High Scool of Ireland (St. Joseph) The 6 Year
Time/ Tempi di esecuzione: 4 hours
Square equation and linear equation create a set. Resolve this type of problem
means calculate the co-ordinate of the point which circle and line have togheter.
You can obtain three different graphs and so three different answers to the problem:
2 points, 1 point, no point.
Objective/ Obiettivi specifici: 1 Using the substitution method: you can reduce
2 Resolving the square equation after the substitution
3 Calculating y or x
4 Calculating x or y (if x depends by y, you calculate x or the opposite)
Verifica/Valutazione: # Students have to show they are able to individuate the correct method, to use it
and to resolve a square equation.
# Students have to remember the solution is a point, a couple of co-ordinate (x,y).
# For the high level, they could do a correct graph in xOy dyagram