New monophraphs April 2011_pdf


New monophraphs April 2011_pdf
Projekt Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie
New monographs April 2011
30ø Convegno nazionale sulla preistoria, protostoria, storia della Daunia. San Severeo
21-22 novembre 2009. Atti. (San Severo, Archeoclub d'Italia, 2010), ed. Gravina, A.
A companion to hellenistic literature. (Malden Mass., Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), ed.
Clauss, J.J.; Cuypers, M.
Aegina. Contexts for choral lyric poetry. Myth, history, and identity in the fifth
century B.C. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011), ed. Fearn, D.
Aimone, M.; Arrhenius, B.; Comba, P.: Il tesoro di Desana. Una fonte per lo studio
della società romano-ostrogota in Italia. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2010), (British
archaeological reports. International series, 2127)
Alciati, R.: Monaci, vescovi e scuola nella Gallia tardoantica. (Roma, Edizioni di
storia e letteratura, 2009), (Temi e testi, 72)
Alea iacta est. Giulio Cesare in archivio. [Mostra Rimini 25 settembre 2010 - 25
novembre 2010.](Cesena, Il Ponte Vecchio, 2010), ed. Ravara Montebelli, C.
Alessandro Magno in età moderna. (Padova, CLEUP, 2010), ed. Biasutti, F.; Coppola,
Alfonso Garovaglio. Archeologo, collezionista, viaggiatore. (Como, New Press,
2010), ed. Uboldi, M.
Aquileia. Patrimonio dell'umanità. (Udine, Magnus, 2010), ed. Fozzati, L.
Archaeology of identity. Archäologie der Identität. (Wien, Verlag der
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2010), ed. Pohl, W.; Mehofer, M.,
(Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse.
Denkschriften, 406)
Arveiller-Dulong, V.: Les verres antiques du Musée du Louvre, 3. Parures,
instruments et éléments d'incrustation. (Paris, Somogy, 2011)
Attema, P.A.J.; Burgers, G.J.L.M.; Leusen, P.M. van: Regional pathways to
complexity. Settlement and land-use dynamics in early Italy from the bronze age to
the republican period. (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2010), (Amsterdam
archaeological studies, 15)
Atti del XVI Colloquio dell'associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del
mosaico. Palermo, 17-19 marzo 2010, Piazza Armerina, 20 marzo 2010. (Tivoli,
Edizioni scripta manent, 2011), ed. Angelelli, C.
Auberger, J.: Manger en Grèce classique. La nourriture, ses plaisirs et ses contraintes.
(Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2010)
Bálint, C.; Török, L.; Bondár, M. u.a.:Fifty years of the Archaeological Institute of the
Hungarian Academy of science. (Budapest, Archaeological Institute, 2010), ed.
Darázsy, B.
Bartoloni, G.; Benedettini, M.G.: Veio. Il deposito votivo di comunità (scavi 1889 2005). (Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2011), (Corpus delle stipi votive in Italia, 21.
Regio VII, 3)
Bechert, T.: Kreta in römischer Zeit. (Mainz, von Zabern, 2011)
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Beltrán Fortes, J.; Maier Allende, J.; Miranda Valdés, J. u.a.:El mausoleo de los
Pompeyos de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba). Análisis historiográfico y
arqueológico. (Madrid, Museo histórico municipal de Baena, 2010), (Salsum, 1)
Blanshard, A.J.L.: Sex. Vice and love from antiquity to modernity. Classical
receptions. (Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
Blaylock, S.: Tille Höyük, 3. The iron age. Introduction, stratification and architecture.
(London, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 2009), (British Institute of
Archaeology at Ankara. Monographs, 41)
Bookidis, N.: Corinth, 15, 5. The sanctuary of Demeter and Kore. The terracotta
sculpture. (Princeton, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2010)
Bowes, K.: Houses and society in the later Roman empire. (London, Duckworth,
Braunkohlenarchäologie im Rheinland. Entwicklung von Kultur, Umwelt und
Landschaft. Kolloquium der Stiftung zur Föderung der Archäologie im rheinischen
Braunkohlenrevier in Braunweiler vom 5.-6. Oktober 2006. (Weilerswist, Liebe,
2010), ed. Aufleger, M., (Materialien zur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, 21)
Brent, A.: Cyprian and Roman Carthage. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
Burkert, W.: Kleine Schriften, 4. Mythica, ritualia, religiosa, 1. (Göttingen,
Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2011), ed. Graf, F., (Hypomnemata. Supplement-Reihe,
Burkert, W.: Kleine Schriften, 5. Mythica, ritualia, religiosa, 2. (Göttingen,
Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2011), ed. Graf, F., (Hypomnemata. Supplement-Reihe,
Camassa, G.: Scrittura e mutamento delle leggi nel mondo antico. Dal Vicino Oriente
alla Grecia di età arcaica e classica. (Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2011), (Problemi
e ricerche di storia antica, 26)
Cameron, A.: The last pagans of Rome. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011)
Caneva, G.: Il codice botanico di Augusto. Roma, Ara Pacis. Parlare al popolo
attraverso le immagini della natura. (Roma, Gangemi, 2010)
Castello di Gerione. Ricerche topographiche e scavi. (Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider,
2010), ed. Quilici, L.; Quilici Gigli, S., (Atlante tematico di topografia antica.
Supplementi, 17)
Christiansen, J.; Winter, N.A.; Lulof, P.S.: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Catalogue Etruria,
1. Architectural terracottas and painted wall plaques, Pinakes c. 625 - 200 B.C.
(København, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 2010)
Ciolek, R.: Emisje króla ballaiosa. Poczatki mennictwa w Ilirii. (Warszawa, Instytut
archeologii Uniwersytetu warszawskiego, 2011)
Cline, R.: Ancient angels. Conceptualizing angeloi in the Roman empire. (Leiden,
Brill, 2011), (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, 172)
Commutatio e contentio. Studies in late Roman, Sasanian and early Islamic Near East.
In memory of Zeev Rubin. (Düsseldorf, Wellem Verlag, 2010), ed. Börm, H.;
Wiesehöfer, J., (Reihe Geschichte, 3)
Connah, G.: Writing about archaeology. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
Dagan, Y.: The Ramat Bet Shemesh Regional Project. The gazetteer. (Jerusalem,
Israel Antiquities Authority, 2010), (IAA reports, 46)
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Dando-Collins, S.: The great fire of Rome. The fall of the emperor Nero and his city.
(Cambridge, Da Capo Press, 2010)
De Gennaro, E.: Führer durch das Römermuseum Güglingen und die archäologische
Freilichtanlage. (Güglingen, Römermuseum, 2010), (Schriftenreihe des
Römermuseums Güglingen, 1)
De Haan, N.: Römische Privatbäder. Entwicklung, Verbreitung und sozialer Status.
(Frankfurt a.M., Lang, 2010) Diss. Nijmegen 2003,
Depeyrot, G.: La colonne de Marc Aurèle, 1. Introduction, la colonne. (Wetteren,
Moneta, 2010), (Collection Moneta, 104)
Depeyrot, G.: La colonne de Marc Aurèle, 2. Iconographie. (Wetteren, Moneta, 2010),
(Collection Moneta, 105)
Depeyrot, G.: Les trésors et les invasions. Les enfouissements d'or et d'orfèvrerie de
379 à 491), 1. Introduction, l'Europe orientale et centrale. (Wetteren, Moneta, 2009),
(Collection Moneta, 85)
Depuydt, L.: From Xerxes' murder (465) to Arridaios' execution (317). Updates to
Achaemenid chronology (including errata in past reports). (Oxford, Archaeopress,
2008), (British archaeological reports. International series, 1887)
Dietmar, C.: Schatzkammer rheinisches Braunkohlenrevier. Geschichten aus der
Vergangenheit. (Mainz, von Zabern, 2010)
Dima, M.; Elefterescu, D.: Monnaies de Durostorum - Ostrov (4. siècle av. J.-C. - 6.
siècle ap. J.-C.). (Wetteren, Moneta, 2009), (Collection Moneta, 88)
Doms, P.: Keizer Trajanus en zijn bouwprogramma in Rome. De voorwaarden en
betekenis van het stedenbouwkundige landschap in Rome zoals vormgegeven onder
Trajanus (98 - 117) voor stad en bewoners. (Eindhoven, Lecturis, 2010)
Dular, J.; Tomanic Jevremov, M.: Ormoz. Utrjeno naselje iz pozne bronaste in starejse
zelezne dobe. Ormoz. Befestigte Siedlung aus der späten Bronze- und der älteren
Eisenzeit. (Ljubljana, Institut za arheologijo, 2010), (Opera Instituti Archaeologici
Sloveniae, 18)
Early Roman Thrace. New evidence from Bulgaria. (Portsmouth, Journal of Roman
Archaeology, 2011), ed. Haynes, I.P., (Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplementary
series, 82)
Ecrire le passé. La fabrique de la préhistoire et de l'histoire à travers les siècles. (Paris,
CNRS éditions, 2010), ed. Beaune, S.A. de
El Carambolo. 50 años de un tesoro. (Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, ), ed. La
Bandera Romero, M.L. u.a.:, (Historia y geografía, 165)
Ellinghaus, C.: Die Parthenonskulpturen. Der Bauschmuck eines öffentlichen
Monumentes der demokratischen Gesellschaft Athens zur Zeit des Perikles. Techniken
in der bildenden Kunst zur Tradierung von Aussagen. (Hamburg, Kovac, 2011)
Epigrammata. Iscrizioni greche e comunicazione letteraria in ricordo di Giancarlo
Susini. Atti del Convegno di Roma, Roma, 1-2 ottobre 2009. (Tivoli, Tored, 2010),
ed. Inglese, A., (Themata, 7)
Ercole il fondatore dall'antichità al Rinascimento. (Milano, Fondazione Brescia musei,
2011) Mostra Brescia 11 febbraio - 12 giugno 2011, ed. Bona Castellotti, M.;
Giuliano, A.
Exploring ancient sculpture. Essays in honour of Geoffrey Waywell. (London,
Institute of Classical Studies, 2010), ed. Macfarlane, F.; Morgan, C., (Bulletin of the
Institute of Classical Studies. Supplements, 105)
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Ferguson, E.: Baptism in the early church. History, theology, and liturgy in the first
five centuries. (Grand Rapids Mich., Eerdmans, 2009)
Fernández Díaz, A.; López Monteagudo, G.; Luzón, J.M. u.a.:Arte romano de la
Bética. Mosaico. Pintura. Manufacturas. (Sevilla, Fundación Focus-Abengoa, 2010),
ed. León, P.
Frankel, R.; Syon, D.; Feig, N. u.a.:Oil and wine presses in Israel from the hellenistic,
Roman and Byzantine periods. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2009), ed. Ayalon, E.; Frankel,
R.; Kloner, A., (British archaeological reports. International series, 1972)
Früchte der Venus. Begleitheft zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Museum Fronfeste,
Stadt Neumarkt in Kooperation mit dem Salzburg-Museum/Landesarchäologie, 25.
Juni 2010 bis 1. März 2011. (Neumarkt am Wallersee, Museum Fronfeste, 2010), ed.
Kastler, R.; Lang, F.
Fürstensitze und Zentralorte der frühen Kelten. Abschlusskolloquium des DFGSchwerpunktprogramms 1171 in Stuttgart, 12.-15. Oktober 2009, 1. (Stuttgart, Theiss,
2010), ed. Krausse, D.; Beilharz, D., (Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und
Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 120)
Fürstensitze und Zentralorte der frühen Kelten. Abschlusskolloquium des DFGSchwerpunktprogramms 1171 in Stuttgart, 12.-15. Oktober 2009, 2. (Stuttgart, Theiss,
2010), ed. Krausse, D.; Beilharz, D., (Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und
Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 120)
Gebura, K.: Poikilia. Szkice antyczne. (Siedlce, Akademia Podlaska, 2010)
Gedzeviciute, V.; Knief, M.; Wehgartner, I.: 2000 Jahre antikes Glas. Schmuck und
Alltagsgerät. Die Sammlung antiker Gläser im Martin von Wagner Museum der
Universität Würzburg. Katalog zur Sonderausstellung der Antikensammlung des
Martin von Wagner Museums 2010. (Würzburg, Ergon, 2010)
Gerasimovska, D.: Ulogata na zivealisteto vo kulturata na ziveenje niz antikata vo R.
Makedonija. (Skopje, Kalamus, 2009)
Giorda, M.: Monachesimo e istituzioni ecclesiastiche in Egitto. Alcuni casi di
interazione e integrazione. (Bologna, Dehoniane, 2010), (Scienze religiose. New
series, 22)
Gli Etruschi delle città. Fonti, ricerche e scavi. (Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2010), ed.
Bruni, S.
Gricourt, D.; Hollard, D.: Cernunnos, le dioscure sauvage. Recherches comparatives
sur la divinité dionysiaque des Celtes. (Paris, L'Harmattan, 2010)
Guarnieri, C.; Pellicioni, M.T.: Cibus. A tavola con i Romani. Museo archeologico
nazionale Sarsina. (Cesena, Il vicolo, 2009)
Guidobaldi, F.; Angelelli, C.; Spadano, L. u.a.:La "Descrittione di Roma" di Benedetto
Mellini nel codice Vat.Lat. 11905. (Città del Vaticano, Pontificio istituto di
archeologia cristiana, 2010), (Sussidi allo studio delle antichità cristiane, 23)
Gutsche, A.: Auf den Spuren der antiken Via Egnatia. Vom Weströmischen ins
Oströmische Reich. Ein historischer Reiseführer durch den südlichen Balkan.
Albanien, Mazedonien, Griechenland, Türkei. (Schweinfurt, Wiesenburg, 2010)
Hadas-Lebel, M.: Rome, la Judée et les Juifs. (Paris, Picard, 2009), (Antiquité synthèses, 12)
Hansen, L.: Hochorf, 8. Die Goldfunde und Trachtbeigaben des späthallstattzeitlichen
Fürstengrabes von Eberdingen-Hochdorf (Kreis Ludwigsburg). (Stuttgart, Theiss,
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Heemstra, M.: The fiscus judaicus and the parting of the ways. (Tübingen, Mohr
Siebeck, 2010), (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Reihe 2,
Heinz, M.; Kulemann-Ossen, S.; Linke, J. u.a.:Kamid el-Loz. Intermediary between
cultures. More than 10 years of archaeological research in Kamid el-Loz (1997 to
2007). (Beirut, Ministère de la culture, 2010), (Bulletin d'archéologie et d'architecture
libanaises. Hors-Série, 7)
Held, M.: Caesar im Senat niedergestochen. Wendepunkte der Geschichte. (Stuttgart,
Theiss, 2010)
Hispania et Gallia. Dos provincias del Occidente romano. (Barcelona, Universitat de
Barcelona, 2010), ed. Pons Pujol, L., (Colùlecció Instrumenta, 38)
Horvat, J.; Dolenc Vicic, A.; Tomanic Jevremov, M. u.a.:Arheoloska najdisca Ptuja.
Rabelcja Vas. Archaeological sites of Ptuj. Rabelcja Vas. (Ljubljana, Institut za
arheologijo, 2010), (Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 20)
I marmi antichi del Palazzo Rondinini. (Roma, De Luca, 2011), ed. Candilio, D.;
Bertinetti, M.
III Ciclo de conferencias sobre el mundo clásico. Cristianos y paganos en Roma.
Facultad de derecho de la UPV-EHU, San Sebastián 11, 12 y 13 diciembre de 2006.
(San Sebastián, Puntoweb, 2007), ed. Tamayo Errazquin, J.A.
Il mondo classico nell'immaginario contemporaneo. (Roma, APES, 2008), ed. Coccia,
Il quinto secolo. Studi di filosofia antica in onore di Livio Rossetti. (Città di Castello,
Aguaplano, 2010), ed. Giombini, S.; Marcacci, F.
In search of Celtic Tylis in Thrace (III c. B.C.). Proceedings of the interdisciplinary
colloquium, Sofia, 8 May, 2010. (Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2010), ed.
Vagalinski, L.F.
Ismard, P.: La cité des résaux. Athènes et ses associations, VIe - Ier siècle av. J.-C.
(Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2010), (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 105)
Joshel, S.R.: Slavery in the Roman world. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
Kloner, A.; Eshel, E.; Korzakova, H.B. u.a.:Maresha excavations final report, 3.
Epigraphic finds from the 1989 - 2000 seasons. (Jerusalem, Israel Antiquities
Authority, 2010), (IAA reports, 45)
Koch, G.: Türkiye'deki Roma imparatorluk dönemi lahitleri. Genel bir bakis
(kaynakça eki ile). Sarkophage der römischen Kaiserzeit in der Türkei. Ein Überblick
(mit einer Bibliographie). (Antalya, Suna-Inan Kiraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri
Arastirma Enstitüsü, 2010), (Suna. Inan Kiraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Arastirma
Enstitüsü. Monografi dizisi, 5)
La quarta capitale. (Roma, Gangemi, 2010), ed. Cutrufo, M.
La ville au quotidien. Regards croisés sur l'habitat et l'artisanat antiques Afrique du
Nord, Gaule et Italie. Actes du colloque international, Maison méditerranéenne des
sciences de l'homme, Aix-en-Provence, 23 et 24 novembre 2007. (Aix-en-Provence,
Université de Provence, 2011), ed. Fontaine, S.; Satre, S.; Tekki, A.
Lautier, L.; Rothé, M.P. u.a.:Carte archéologique de la Gaule, 6. Les Alpes-Maritimes.
(Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 2010)
Leben auf dem Tell als soziale Praxis. Beiträge des Internationalen Symposiums in
Berlin vom 26. - 27. Februar 2007. (Bonn, Habelt, 2010), ed. Hansen, S., (Kolloquien
zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 14)
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Les anciens pièges à poissons des côtes de Bretagne. Un patrimoine au rythme des
marées. (Saint-Malo, Centre régional d'archéologie d'Alet, 2010), ed. Daire, M.Y.;
Langouët, L., (Les dossiers du Centre régional d'archéologie d'Alet. Supplément,
Les savoirs professionnels des gens de métier. Etudes sur le monde du travail dans les
sociétés urbaines de l'empire romain. (Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 2011), ed. Monteix,
N.; Tran, N., (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard, 37)
Lewis-Williams, D.: Conceiving god. The cognitive origin and evolution of religion.
(London, Thames and Hudson, 2010)
Liwieratos, K.: Competitive advantage strategy in cultural heritage management. A
case study of the Mani area in the southern Peloponnese, Greece. (Oxford,
Archaeopress, 2009), (British archaeological reports. International series, 1989)
Lozano Gómez, F.: Un dios entre los hombres. La adoración a los emperadores
romanos en Grecia. (Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2010), (Colùlecció
Instrumenta, 37)
Manucu-Adamesteanu, M.: Orgame-Argamum. Cercetari arheologice, 2. Ceramica
arhaica. (Bucuresti, AGIR, 2008)
March, C.: Spatial and religious transformations in the late antique polis. A multidisciplinary analysis with a case-study of the city of Gerasa. (Oxford, Archaeopress,
2009), (British archaeological reports. International series, 1981)
Marcu, F.: The internal planning of Roman forts of Dacia. (Cluj, Mega Publishing
House, 2009), (Bibliotheca Musei Napocensis, 30)
Marmoribus vestita. Studi in onore di Federico Guidobaldi,(Roma, Pontificio istituto
di archeologia cristiana, 2011) 2 Bde., ed. Brandt, O.; Pergola, P., (Studi di antichità
cristiana, 62)
Martínez Maza, C.: Los misterios y el cristianismo. Comportamiento y reacciones ante
un proceso de cambio. (Huelva, Universidad de Huelva, 2010), (Arys. Anejo, 2)
Mastos in the Berbati Valley. An intensive archaeological survey. (Stockholm,
Svenska institutet i Athen, 2011), ed. Lindblom, M., (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska
institutet i Athen. 4ø, 54)
Mazza, F.: Siderno e la Locride. Storia, cultura, economia. (Soveria Mannelli,
Rubbettino, 2010)
Medioevo. Le officine. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Parma 22-27
settembre 2009. (Parma, Electa Mondadori, 2010), ed. Quintavalle, A.C., (I convegni
di Parma, 12)
Miscellanea papyrologica Herculanensia, 1. (Pisa, Serra, 2010), ed. Antoni, A.;
Arrighetti, G.; Bertagna, M.I.
Molten color. Glassmaking in the antiquity. (Los Angeles, Getty Publications, 2011),
ed. Wight, K.
Moni Odigitria. A prepalatial cemetery and its environs in the Asterousia, southern
Crete. (Philadelphia, Instap, 2010), ed. Vasilakis, A.; Branigan, K., (Prehistory
monographs, 30)
Monteix, N.: Les lieux de métier. Boutiques et ateliers d'Herculanum. (Rome, Ecole
française de Rome, 2010), (Bibliothèque des Ecoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome,
Morán Sánchez, C.J.: Piedras, ruinas, antiguallas. Visiones del los restos
arqueológicos de Mérida, siglos XVI a XIX. (Mérida, Junta de Extremadura, 2009),
(Memorias de arqueología extremeña, 11)
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Murciano Calles, J.M.: Historiografía de los aspectos funerarios de Augusta Emerita
(siglo I - IV). (Mérida, Museo nacional de arte romano, 2010), (Cuadernos
emeritenses, 36)
Musei Capitolini. Le sculture del Palazzo Nuovo, 1. (Milano, Mondadori Electa,
2010), ed. La Rocca, E.; Parisi Presicce, C.
Myers, E.A.: The Ituraeans and the Roman Near East. Reassessing the sources.
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010), (Society for New Testament Studies.
Monograph series, 147)
Nerone. (Milano, Mondadori Electa, 2011) Mostra Roma 12 aprile - 18 settembre
2011, ed. Tomei, M.A.; Rea, R.
Oakley, J.H.: Die antiken Sarkophagreliefs, 9, 1. Die attischen Sarkophage, 3. Andere
Mythen. (Berlin, Mann, 2011)
Occhilupo, S.: La necropoli capuana. Per una definizione della prima fase tra l'età del
bronzo finale e prima età del ferro. (Pisa, Serra, 2011), (Capua preromana, 10)
Ovadiah, A.; Turnheim, Y.: Roman temples, shrines and temene in Israel. (Roma,
Bretschneider, 2011), (Rivista di archeologia. Supplementi, 30)
Paesaggi e insediamenti urbani in Italia meridionale fra tardoantico e altomedioevo.
Atti del secondo seminario sul tardoantico e l'altomedioevo in Italia meridionale
(Foggia, Monte Sant'Angelo 27-28 maggio 2006). (Bari, Edipuglia, 2010), ed. Volpe,
G.; Giuliani, R., (Insulae Diomedeae. Collana di ricerche storiche e archeologiche, 14)
Paipetis, S.A.: The unknown technology in Homer. (New York, Springer, 2010),
(History of mechanism and machine science, 9)
Paysage et religion en Grèce antique. Mélanges offerts à Madeleine Jost. (Paris,
Boccard, 2010), ed. Carlier, P.; Lerouge-Cohen, C., (Travaux de la Maison RenéGinouvès, 10)
Pfeiffer, S.: Die Zeit der Flavier. Vespasian, Titus, Domitian. (Darmstadt,
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2009)
Pinna Vestinorum e il popolo dei Vestini. (Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2010), ed.
Franchi Dell'Orto, L., (Storia e civiltà di Penne, 1)
Polizzello. Scavi del 2004 nell'area del santuario arcaico dell'acropoli. (Caltanissetta,
Soprintendenza per i Beni culturali ed ambientali di Caltanissetta, 2009), ed. Panvini,
R.; Guzzone, C.; Palermo, D.
Post, P.: De Romeinse katakomben in Valkenburg. Het verhaal van een unieke kopie.
(Nijmegen, Valkof Pers, 2010)
Potter, D.: The victor's crown. A history of ancient sport from Homer to Byzantium.
(London, Quercus, 2011)
Quaderni Coldragonesi. (Colfelice, Comune di Colfelice, 2010), ed. Nicosia, A.
Quentovic. Environnement, archéologie, histoire. Actes du colloque international de
Montreuil-sur-Mer, Étaples et Le Touquet et de la journée d'études de Lille sur les
origines de Montreuil-sur-Mer (11-13 mai 2006 et 1er décembre 2006). (Lille,
Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3, 2010), ed. Lebecq, S.; Bethouat, B.; Verslype, L.
Queyrel, A.; Queyrel, F.: Lexique d'histoire et de civilisation grecques. (Paris 2010) 3.
édition, ed. Thibault, P., (Ellipses
Raguso, F.; D'Agostino, M.: Poggiorsini. Signoria della Murgia. (Bari, Stilo, 2007)
Researches in Cypriote history and archaeology. Proceedings of the meeting held in
Florence, April 29 - 30th 2009. (Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2010), ed. Jasink,
A.M.; Bombardieri, L., (Periploi, 2)
Projekt Dyabola, Archäologische Bibliographie. New monographs April 2011
Responses to Oliver Stone's "Alexander". Film, history, and cultural studies. (Madison
Wisc., The University of Wisconsin Press, 2010), ed. Cartledge, P.; Greenland, F.R.
Riflessioni sulla tutela. Temi, problemi, esperienze. (Firenze, Polistampa, 2010), ed.
Cagiano de Azevedo, E.; Nucci, R.G.
Roman colonies in the first century of their foundation. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2011), ed.
Sweetman, R.J.
Roman sculpture in Asia Minor. Proceedings of the International Conference to
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Italian excavations at Hierapolis in Phrygia held
on May 24-26, 2007, in Cavallino (Lecce). (Portsmouth, Journal of Roman
Archaeology, 2011), ed. D'Andria, F.; Romeo, I., (Journal of Roman Archaeology.
Supplementary series, 80)
Rovetta, A. u.a.:Musei e gallerie di Milano, 6. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana. Collezioni
Settala e Litta Modignani. Arti applicati da donazioni diverse. Numismatica. (Milano,
Mondadori Electa, 2010)
Rudebusch, G.: Socrates. (Malden Mass., Wiley-Blackwell, 2009)
Sanz Palomera, G.: La annona y la política agraria durante el Alto Imperio romano.
(Oxford, Archaeopress, 2010), (British archaeological reports. International series,
Scavi dei Fori imperiali. Il foro di Augusto. L'area centrale. (Roma, L'Erma di
Bretschneider, 2010), ed. Meneghini, R.; Santangeli Valenzani, R., (Bullettino della
Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma. Supplementi, 20)
Schirripa, P.: Religione e società nella Grecia antica. Una guida. (Roma, Carocci,
2010), (Quality paperbacks, 315)
Schmidlin, C.: Ornament und Bedeutung. Zur Motivik mittelminoischer Feinkeramik.
(Oxford, Archaeopress, 2010), (British archaeological reports. International series,
Schollmeyer, P.: Einführung in die antike Ikonographie. (Darmstadt,
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011)
Sepolture anomale. Indagini archeologici e antropologiche dall'epoca classica al
medioevo in Emilia Romagna. Giornata di studi (Castelfranco Emilia, 19 dicembre
2009). (Borgo S. Lorenzo, All'insegna del giglio, 2010), ed. Belcastro, M.G.; Ortalli,
J.; Baraldi, u.a.:, (Quaderni di archeologia dell'Emilia Romagna, 28)
Social bioarchaeology. (Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), ed. Agarwal, S. u.a.:,
(Blackwell studies in global archaeology, 14)
Soverato. Storia, cultura, economia. (Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2009), ed. Mazza,
Stansbury-O'Donnell, M.D.: Looking at Greek art. (Cambridge, Cambridge University
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Stroup, S.C.: Catullus, Cicero, and a society of patrons. The generation of the text.
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Sussman, V.: Greek and hellenistic wheel- and mould-made closed oil lamps in the
Holy Land. Collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Oxford, Archaeopress,
2009), (British archaeological reports. International series, 2015)
The archaeology of sanctuaries and ritual in Etruria. (Portsmouth, Journal of Roman
Archaeology, 2011), ed. Grummond, N.T. de; Edlund-Berry, I., (Journal of Roman
Archaeology. Supplementary series, 81)
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The Thirty-fith Annual Byzantine Studies Conference. Florida State University. The
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The western Roman atlantic façade. A study of the economy and trade in the Mar
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Theodorakopoulos, E.: Ancient Rome at the cinema. Story and spectacle in
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Tonart. Virtuosität antiker Töpfertechniken. Eine Ausstellung im Akademischen
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Torelli, M.: Dei e artigiani. Archeologie delle colonie greche d'Occidente. (Roma,
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Tra panellenismo e tradizioni locali. Generi poetici e storiografia. (Alessandria,
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Venning, T.: A chronology of the Roman empire. (London, Continuum, 2011)
Verdegem, S.: Plutarch's "Life of Alcibiades. Story, text and moralism. (Leuven,
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Veyne, P.: When our world became christian, 312 - 394. (Cambridge, Polity Press,
2010) Original: Quand notre monde est devenu chrétien (Paris 2007),
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Werlings, M.J.: Le dèmos avant la démocratie. Mot, concepts, réalités historiques.
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White, P.: Cicero in letters. Epistolary relations of the late republic. (New York,
Oxford University Press, 2010)