Wurtz CV en - Swim with Dolphins


Wurtz CV en - Swim with Dolphins
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Würtz Maurizio
Address(es) Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse (Dip.Te.Ris)
degli Studi
di Genova
Telephone(s) , Università
Mobile: + 39 333 5999095
+ 39 010 3538054
Fax(es) + 39 010 3538047
16132 Genova ITALY
Surname / First name
Date of birth
[email protected]
1950 March 21st
Occupational field Scientific Research and University teaching
Work experience
Teaching experiences
From 2006 up to now professor of Applied Ecology , Bachelor Degree Course in
Environmental Engineering, University of Genova.
In 2006 professor in Pelagic Fish stock assessment and management for the
Advanced Capacity Building Course of the Algerian Fishery Ministry, Algiers.
From 2004 to 2005 responsible and professor in five ACCOBAMS Capacity Building
Courses on cetacean Monitoring Techniques, funded by Italian Ministry of
Environment and Territory Conservation.
From 2003 up to now professor of Cetacean Monitoring Techniques, Master Degree
Course in Biological Science, University of Genova.
From 2002 up to now professor of Anatomical Structure and Adaptation to the
Environment. Bacheor Degree Course in Natural Science, University of Genova.
From 2002 up to now professor of Museography (Biological Module), Bachelor
Degree Course in Natural Science, University of Genova.
From 2001 up to now professor of Cetology (Cetacean Biology), Bachelor Degree
Course in Biological Science, University of Genova.
From 1995 to 2001 professor of Natural Science Didactic, Master Degree Course in
Natural Science, University of Genova.
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During the academic year 1999/2000 professor of Didactic of Biology at the
Secondary Teaching School, University of Genova.
From 1993 to 2001 professor of Laboratory of Comparative Anatomy, Master
Degree Course in Natural Science, University of Genova.
From 1974 to 1993 professor of Laboratory of Marine Biology, Animal Ecology,
Master Degree, Course in Biological Science, University of Genova.
During the period 1980-1995 professor of Fish Stock Assessment, Coastal Protection
and Management Capacity Building Courses for various Professional and
Administrative bodies (i.e. Fishery Cooperative Organization, Italian Food and
Agricultural resources Ministry.
Research experiences
From 2005 to 2008 up dating and reviewing present knowledge on Medietrranean
pelagic ecosystem in order to obtain tools for management and governance for the
IUCN, Malaga.
From 2001 up to now scientific director, as senior scientist, of the Research Group
on Cetacean Biology and Ecology of the Biology Department (DIBIO), University of
From 1995 to 2001 organization and responsible to the research activities on
cetacean of the Monaco Oceanographic Museum, Monte Carlo.
From 1995 to 2001 Scientific curator of the Monaco Oceanographic Museum. During
the same period, as esponsible of the scientific collections and exhibitions he carried
out studies on bony fish type specimens, on shark and rays specimens, on
cephalopods specimens and restoration of marine mammals skeletons and other
From 1990 to 1995 responsible of research group on food webs and energy turnover in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas. Project funded by University of Genova
From 1985 to 1990 scientific advisor for the research unit n.1, Ligurian Sea, of the
National Trawl Survey Program, funded by Italian Merchant Navy Ministry.
In 1985 in charge of the review of the central Mediterranean Fiheries for FAO Fishery
Department, Rome.
In 1983 in charge of world fishery statistic revision for FAO Fishery Department,
From 1977 to 1982 Italian CNR Trawl survey program, studies on bathyal fishing
grounds in the Ligurian Sea
In 1976 studies on artificial reefs in the Ligurian and Adriatic Seas
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In 1975 CNR finalized programs, studies on trophic relationships in the Ligurian Sea.
Present and past research fields
From 1974 up to now studies on:
Role of cetaceans in the pelagic ecosystem.
Mediterranean pelagic ecosystem processes and functioning
Role of cephalopods as cetacean prey.
Fish and cephalopod stock assessment.
Mesopelagic and bathyal food webs
Cephalopod life cycle and growth.
Museology and museography.
Didactic of Biological Science.
Researcher, Senior Scientist. Professor. Department Museum Curator
Main activities and responsibilities Teaching, research, organization
Name and address of employer Department of Biology, University of Genova, Italy
Comparative Anatomy Museum, Department of Biology, University of Genova, Italy.
Occupation or position held
Education and training
Master Degree in Biological Science. November 1974.
Name and type of organisation University of Genova, Italy.
Title of qualification awarded
providing education and training
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
English, French
European level (*)
Organisational skills and
Spoken interaction
Experiences in administration and direction of professional enterprises and societies.
Experiences in research group organization.
Experiences organization and management of museum and exhibition staff
Technical skills and competences
Main experiences in fibreglass and wood works.
Computer skills and competences
Normal competence in the standard software use.
Artistic skills and competences
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Spoken production
Painter, sculptor and scientific illustrator. Knowledge and use of several techniques
(tempera, oil, acrylic, and airbrush painting, wood carving, stone and marble
sculpturing, clay modelling and fibreglass moulding.
Main specialization in realization of life size three-dimensional models of large
marine animals for museums, aquaria and educational centres.
Bibliography (1975-2008)
Peer-reviewed Publications, Conference Proceedings, Books and
1) 1975. Osservazioni sull'alimentazione di Galeus melastomus dei fondi
batiali liguri. Quad. Lab.Tecnol. Pesca, 2(1),17-36. (in coll. Orsi L.).
(Chondrichthyes, Squalidae). Boll. Pesca. Piscic. Idrobiol., 31(1-2), 257265. (in coll. Orsi L. ).
3) 1977. Patterns and overlap in the feeding of two selachians of bathyal
fishing grounds in the Ligurian Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit., 24
(5), 89-94. (in coll. Orsi L. ).
4) 1977. Aspetti della rete trofica batiale riguardanti Aristeus antennatus
(Risso,1816) (Crustacea, Penaeidae). Atti IX Congresso S.I.B.M., 389398. (in coll. with Orsi L.).
5) 1977. La scogliera artificiale di Varazze (Mar Ligure) a sei anni
dall'immersione.Atti IX Congresso S.I.B.M., 363-371 (in coll. with Relini
6) 1977. Osservazioni sull'alimentazione di Helicolenus dactylopterus
(Delaroche, Scorpaenidae) dei fondi batiali strascicabili del Mar ligure.
Atti IX Congresso S.I.B.M., 463-469.
7) 1979. I cefalopodi raccolti in Mar Ligure durante le campagne di
pesca batiale 1977/78. Atti. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., Mem., Ser. B, 86, 374377.
8) 1979. Biology of Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus (Risso, 1810)
(Osteichtyes, Macruridae) during the first years of benthic life. Rapp.
Comm. int. Mer Medit., 25-26 (10), 71-77. (in coll. with Orsi L.).
9) 1979. Campagna di pesca a strascico batiale nel Mar Ligure : risultati
e problemi. Atti Conv. Scient. Naz. Progetto Finalizzato Oceanografia e
Fondi Marini., CNR ed., 243-255. (in coll. with Relini G. et al.).
10) 1981. Ricerca di cicli nittemerali nell'alimentazione di selaci batiali.
Quad. Lab. Tecno. Pesca, 3, 155-164. (in coll. with Vacchi M.).
11) 1981. Biologia di Nezumia aequalis (Osteichtyes, Macruridae) sui
fondi da pesca batiali liguri. Quad. Civ. Staz. Idrobiol. Milano, 7, 75-98.
(in coll. with Orsi L.).
12) 1981. Osservazioni sull'alimentazione di Bathypolypus sponsalis
(P.H.Fisher) (Caphalopoda, Octopoda). Naturalista Siciliano, 6 suppl.,
13) 1983 Aspects of cephalopod fishery in the Ligurian Sea. Rapp.
Comm. int. Mer Medit., 28 (5), 269-275). (in coll. with Repetto N.).
14) 1983/84. Osservazioni sulla distribuzione e riproduzione di Eledone
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cirrhosa (Lam., 1798) (Cephalopoda, Octopoda) in Mar Ligure. Nova
Thalassia, 6 suppl., 721-723. (in coll. with Palumbo F.).
15) 1984. Cartography of fisheries resources for the Ligurian and
Tyrrenian Seas. In Atlas of the fisheries of the Western and Central
Mediterranean, FAO-GFCM, S. Garcia and D. Charbonnier eds., 1-34.
16) 1984. Le risorse pelagiche. In La pesca in Liguria. Centro Studi
Union Camere Liguri ed., 87-125.
17) 1984. La molluschicoltura nel Golfo di LaSpezia. In La pesca in
Liguria. Centro Studi Union Camere Liguri ed., 127-130.
18) 1985. Parametri biologici di Engraulis encrasicolus ( L.) in Mar
Ligure. Nova Thalassia, 7 suppl., 428. (in coll with Repetto N. and
Palumbo F.).
19) 1985. First analysis of two fisheries in the LiguriaSea using detailed
production records. FAO Fish. Rep., 336, 61-68. (in coll with Baino R.
and Repetto N.).
20) 1985. Monitoring of trawl fisheries in the Ligurian Sea with detailed
production records. FAO Fish. Rep., 336, 69-76. (in coll with Baino R.
and Repetto N.).
21) 1985. Monitoring of purse-seine and multipurpose fisheries in the
Ligurian Sea with detailed production records. FAO Fish. Rep., 336, 6976. (in coll with Baino R. and Repetto N.).
22) 1985. Notes on the role of Cephalopods in yhe bathyal trophic webs
in the Ligurian Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit., 29(8), 227-230. (in
coll. with Palumbo F.).
23) 1986. Les resources halieutiques de la Mediterranée. IIme pertie :
Mediterranée centrale. FAO eds. 151 pp.
24) 1986. An attempt of growth paramenters computation for some
commercial species of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit.,
30 (2), 236. (in coll. with Matricardi G.).
25) 1988. Further consideration on growth of Cephalopods. Rapp.
Comm. int. Mer. Médit., 31(2), 255. (un coll. with Belcari P. and
Matricardi G.).
26) 1988. A simple and fast methods to obtain rough density maps of
the Posidonia oceanica beds. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer. Médit., 31(2), 236
(in coll with Repetto N. and Matricardi G.).
27) 1988. Valutazione delle risorse demersali del Mar Ligure occidentale.
Surveys 1985. Unità operativa 1. In Atti Seminari delle Unità Operative
Responsabili dei Progetti Promosssi nell'ambito dello schema preliminare
di piano per la pesca e l'acquacoltura. Ministero della Marina mercantile
e CNR eds., Roma, vol. 3, 1027-1042. (in coll. with Repetto N. and
Palumbo F.).
28) 1988. I problemi inerenti le atività ittiche in Liguria. I risultati di una
ricerca. Studi e Ricerche ILRES, 20(3), 13-24. (in coll. with Valtorta M.
and Repetto N.).
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29) 1989. Comportamento di giovani sparidi in una prateria di Posidonia
ocenaica del Mar Ligure. Oebalia, 15(1), 311-314. (in coll. with Porcile
30) 1989. Accrescimento e riproduzione di loligo vilgaris in Mar Ligure.
Oebalia, 15(1), 831-834. (in coll. with Giuffra G.).
31) 1989. Considerazioni sulle tecniche di analisi delle distribuzioni
lunghezza/frequenza. Oebalia, 15 (2), 703-713. (in coll with Matricardi
G. and Tufano M.).
32) 1989. Le Nautile. Collection Abysses, Museée océanographique
Monaco, 1, 44 pp.
33) 1990. Distribuzione di Cefalopodi Ottopodi in Mar Ligure occidentale.
Oebalia ,16(2), 755-759. (in coll. with Repetto N. et al.).
35) 1990. Distribuzione di Cefalopodi Ottopodi del Medio-Basso Tirreno.
Oebalia ,16(2), 761-765. (in coll. with Spedicato M.T. et al.).
36) 1990. Distribuzione di Cefalopodi Decapodi del Medio-Basso Tirreno.
Oebalia 16(2), 767-771. (in coll. with Spedicato M.T. et al.).
37) 1991. Estimation of abundance and distribution of Sepia elegans and
Sepia orbigyana in two fishing areas of Central Mediterranean. Trawl
surveys 1985-87. In Cuttlefish : Acta of the first international
Symposium on the cuttlefish Sepia. Centre of Publication, University
ofCaen, France, 235-246. (in coll with Matricardi G. and Rebora F.).
38) 1991. On the stomach contents of striped dolphin (Stenella
coeruleoalba Meyen, 1833) from the Ligurian coast. Central
Mediterranean. European Research on Cetaceans - 5,
Proceedings of the fifth Conference of the European Cetacean Society,
Sandefiord, Norway, P.G.H. Evans ed., (in coll with Marrale D.).
39) Cephalopod culture. Observation on Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda,
Octopoda). EAS special publication, 14, 228-229. (in coll. with Muratori
R. and Repetto N.).
40) 1992. Cephalopods from the stomach of a Risso's dolphin (Grampus
griseus Cuvier, 1812) from the Ligurian Sea, Central Mediterranean. J.
Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 72(4), 522-529. (in coll with Poggi R. and Clarke
41) 1992. Biological Baseline for restocking projects on seagrass
meadows. In Proceedings of Aquaculture '92 Conference, Mariott's
Orlando Wolrd Center ed., Orlando, Florida, 157. (in coll. with Matricardi
G. and Muratori R.).
42) 1992. Distribution and abundance of octopus Eledone cirrhosa in the
Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Mediterranean. Fisheries Reserch, 13, 53-66.
(in coll. with Matricardi G. and Belcari P.).
43) 1992. Cephalopods from the stomach of a Cuvier's beaked whale
(Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier, 1823) stranded at Fiumicino, Central
Tyrrhenian Coast. European Research on Cetaceans - 6, 190-191.
Proceedings of the fifth Conference of the European Cetacean Society,
SanRemo, Italy, P.G.H. Evans ed. (in coll with Carlini R. and Pulcini M.).
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44) 1992. Cephalopods from the stomach of Risso's dolphins (Grampus
griseus Cuvier, 1812) stranded along the Central Tyrrhenian Coast.
European Research on Cetaceans - 6, 196-198. Proceedings of the fifth
Conference of the European Cetacean Society, SanRemo, Italy, P.G.H.
Evans ed. (in coll with Carlini R. and Pulcini M.).
45) 1992. Stomach contents of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba
Meyen, 1833) from the South-Central Tyrrhenian Coast. European
Research on Cetaceans - 6, 194-195. Proceedings of the fifth
Conference of the European Cetacean Society, SanRemo, Italy, P.G.H.
Evans ed. (in coll with Carlini R. and Pulcini M.).
46) 1992. Crustaceans remains from stomachs and faeces of some
mediterranean cetaceans. An illustrated sheet. European Research on
Cetaceans - 6, 194-195. Proceedings of the fifth Conference of the
European Cetacean Society, SanRemo, Italy, P.G.H. Evans ed. (in coll
with Mori M., Bonaccorsi R. and Lauriano G.).
47) 1992. Mediterranean cetaceans and fisheries. Do they exploit the
same resources?
European Research on Cetaceans - 6, 37-39.
Proceedings of the fifth Conference of the European Cetacean Society,
SanRemo, Italy, P.G.H. Evans ed. (in coll with Pulcini M. and Marrale
48) 1992. Baleines et Dauphins de
océanographique de Monaco ed., 32 pp.
49) 1993. Food of striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, in the Ligurian
Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.k., 73(3), 571-578. (in coll. with Marrale D.).
50) 1994. Analysis of 1985 bottom trawl surveys in the Tyrrhenian Sea
(Central Mediterranean).In The Third Asian Fisheries forum , Asian
Fisheries Society, Manila , Philippines, 262-265. Proceedings of the 3rd
Asian Fishery Forum, Singapore, Chou L.M., Munro A.D., Lam T.J., Chen
T.W., Cheong L.K.K., Ding J.K., Hooi K.K., Khoo H.W., Phang V.P.E.,
Shim K.F. & Tan C.H. eds. (in coll. with Balestra V., Matricardi G. and
Muratori R.).
51) 1994. Pelagic cephalopod biomass estimates by cetacean predation
in the Ligurian Sea. Biol. Mar. Medit., 1(1), 131-132. (in coll with
Marrale D.).
52) 1994. Studio sull'accrescimento di Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda,
Octopoda) in condizioni controllate. Biol. Mar. Medit., 1(1), 447-448.
53) 1994. An octopus, Ocythoe, with a swimblabber and triple jets.
Philosophical Transactions ofthe Royal Society of London, 344, 261-275.
(in coll. with Packard A.).
54) 1994 . La Stenella ed altri amici delfini. Erga ed., Genova. (in coll.
with Repetto N.).
55) 1994 The Renin-Angiotensin system in a dolphin kidney (stenella
coeruleoalba).European Research on Cetaceans , -8, 269-271.
Proceedings of the fifth Conference of the European Cetacean Society,
Montpellier, France, P.G.H. Evans ed. (in coll. with Masini M.A., Veirana
N. and Uva M.B.).
56) 1995. Sepiolidae (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) from the lower Tyrrhenian
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Sea, Central Mediterranean. Bulletin del l'Institut océanographique,
Monaco, 16 , 35-39. (in coll. with Matricardi G. and Repetto G.).
57) 1995. Balene e capodogli. Enciclopedia del mare , vol. 1. Cd-Rom,.
Olivetti Opera Multimedia ed., Milano.
58) 1996 Delfini . Enciclopedia del mare, vol. 2. Cd-Rom, , Olivetti
Opera Multimedia ed., Milano.
64) 1996. Douphins en liberté. Édition Nathan, Parigi. (in coll. with
Soury G.).
59) 1998. A caccia negli oceani. Il comportamento alimentare e le
strategie di caccia dei Cetacei. A. Mondadori ed., Milano. (in coll with
Repetto N.).
60) 1998. Valutazione delle pesche speciali in Liguria. Biologia Marina
Mediterranea, 5 (3), 622-628. (in coll with Repetto N. et al. )
61) 1998. Whales and dolphins. Guide to the biology and behaviour of
cetaceans. Swan Hill Press, Shrewsbury. (in coll. with Repetto N.)
62) 2000. Il Santuario dei cetacei. Balene e delfini. Erga ed., Genova.
(in coll. with Repetto N.).
63) 2001. A view into the Third Millennium Aquarium. Are the new
Aquaria really the future? Bulletin de l’Institut océanographique,
Monaco, 20 (2), 49-56.
64) 2002. Musée de l'oceanographie ou Musée oceanographique? Le
Scienze naturali nella Scuola, Bollettino dell’ANISN, 19, 37-46.
65) 2002. The Chondrichtyan Fish collection of the oceanogephic
Museum of Monaco . History and present status. In Proc. 4th Europ.
Elasm. Meet., Livorno (Italy), 2000. Vacchi M., La Mesa G., Serena F. &
B. Séret eds. ICRAM, ARPAT & SFI, 49-63. (in coll. with Bruni M.) .
66) 2002. Réflexion sur différentes stratégies d'échantillonnage pour
contribuer à améliorer l'étude de l'abondance et de la distribution des
cétacés. Actes de la 11e conférence internationale sur les cétacés de
Méditerranée (RIMMO), Antibes, FRANCE. 29 novembre – 1 décembre,
pp. 61-71. (in coll. with Moulins A. and Desruisseaux M.).
67) 2003. Studies on oceanographic parameters affecting non-uniform
density of the mediterranean fin whale population. Choice of the
sampling design. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European
cetacean Society, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.. (in coll. with Moulins A.
and Desruisseaux M.). In press
68) 2004. Guida ai delfini e balene del Mediterraneo. Auriga Publishing,
Genova (in coll. with Repetto N.).
69) 2004. Enquêtes historiques (1900 – 1966) sur le échouages de
Ziphius cavirostris G. Cuvier, en Mer Ligure. International Commission
for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea 37th, 388. (in
coll. with Littardi V. and Rosso M.).
70) 2005. Occurrence of a herd of female sperm whales and their calves
(Physeter catodon), off Monaco, in the Ligurian Sea. Journal of the
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Marine Biological Association of the UK, 85 (1), 213-214. (in coll. with
Moulins A.).
71) 2005. Preliminary results on fin whale distribution in Ligurian Sea
(oral). The Fin Whale Workshop of Accobams. 12-13 november,
MONACO–MONTE CARLO. (in coll. with Moulins A., Provenzale A. and
Rosso M.).
72) 2005 . Cetacean habitat in the Ligurian Sea (oral). 15th Meeting of
the Italian Society of Ecology. 12-14 september, Torino, ITALY. In coll.
with Moulins A., Rosso M. and Provenzale A. ). On line.
73) 2005. Preliminary results on fin whale photo-identification during
surveys of cetacean distribution in Ligurian Sea (oral). The Fin Whale
Workshop of Accobams. 12-13 november, MONACO–MONTE CARLO. (in
coll. with Rosso M., Moulins A. and Cappiello M.).
74) 2005. Case of two fin whale stranding events at Genoa, in 2005.
(oral). The Fin Whale Workshop of Accobams. 12-13 november,
MONACO–MONTE CARLO. (in coll. with Rosso M. and Moulins A.).
75) 2006. Long-term survival of a heavily injured fin whale
(Balaenoptera physalus) in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Poster). 34th Annual
Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. 17-20 march,
Riccione, ITALY. (in coll with Ballardini M., Nani B. and Rosso M.). In
77) 2006. Photographic identification of Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius
cavirostris): using natural marks to identify different individuals. 20th
Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 3-6 April, Gdynia,
POLAND. (in coll con. Ballardini M., Rosso M., Moulins A. and Tod
Pusser). In press.
78) 2006. Relationship between fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and
oceanographic features in the Ligurian Sea determined by GLM. 20th
Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 3-6 April, Gdynia,
POLAND. (in coll. with Cappiello M., Baudena M. and Nani B.). In press.
79) 2006. Occurrence of Sperm Whale calves (Physeter catodon) in the
Ligurian Sea off Monaco: usual or exceptional? 20th Annual Conference
of the European Cetacean Society. 3-6 April, Gdynia, POLAND. (in coll.
with Moulins A. and Corsi A.). In press.
80) 2006. Results on depth post-stratification of striped dolphin
distribution in the Ligurian Sea (Poster). 34th Annual Symposium of
European Association for Aquatic Mammals. 17-20 march, Riccione,
ITALY. (in coll. with Moulins A., Pulina S., Rosso M.).
81) 2006. Preliminary estimation population size of bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus) off Elba island (Poster). 34th Annual Symposium of
European Association for Aquatic Mammals. 17-20 march, Riccione,
ITALY. (in coll. with Moulins A., Pulina S. and Rosso M.).
82) 2006. Pigmentation patterns variability of the striped dolphin
Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) in the Ligurian Sea. 20th Annual
Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 3-6 April, Gdynia,
POLAND. (in coll. with Rosso M., Aznar I.S. and Corsi A.).
83) 2006. First review of whale-watching Activity in THE PELAGOS
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SANCTUARY. 20th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society.
3-6 April, Gdynia, POLAND. (in coll. with Scalise S., Moulins A.,
Ballardini M., Nani B., Trucchi R. and Pennello O.). In press.
84) 2006. First results on Cuvier’s beaked whale distribution in the
ligurian sea related to depth and depth gradient (Poster). 34th Annual
Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. 17-20 march,
Riccione, ITALY. (in coll. with Scalise S., Moulins A., Rosso M. and Corsi
A.). In press.
85) 2007. Aspects of distribution of Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius
cavirostris) in relation to topographic features in the Pelagos Sanctuary
(north-western Mediterranean sea). Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the UK, 87(1): 177-186. (in coll. with Moulins A., Rosso
M., Barbara Nani).
86) 2007. Sighting frequencies of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) on
a previous sighting position: implications for whale-watching data. Rapp.
Comm. int. Mer Médit. 38. [on-line] (in coll. with Moulins A., Rosso M.
and Barbara Nani).
87) 2007. Preliminary results on large-scale ecology of fin whale
(Balaenoptera physalus) in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings
of the 21th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 21. 36 April, San Sebastian, SPAIN. [Poster]. (in coll. with Moulins A., Antonio
Celona A., Comparetto G. and Mangano R.).
88) 2007. Preliminary estimation of the population size of Cuvier's
beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) in the Northern Ligurian Sea. Rapp.
Comm. int. Mer Médit. 38. [on-line] (in coll. with Rosso M., Moulins A.,
Ballardini M. and Gelsomino F.).
89) 2007. Peliminary results on Cuvier’s beaked whales social structure
in the northern Ligurian Sea. Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference
of the European Cetacean Society.21. 3-6 April, San Sebastian, SPAIN.
[Poster]. (in coll. with Rosso M., Moulins A. and Ballardini M.).
90) 2008. Large-scale distribution of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the UK., 88(6), 1253–1261. (in coll. with Aissi M., Celona
a., Comparetto G., Mangano R., and Moulins A.).
91) 2008. Google Earth Application to monitor cetacean on coast.
Proceedings of the 22 nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean
Society. 11-13 March, Egmond Aan Zee, Netherlands [Poster]. (in coll.
with Aissi M., Moulins A., Rosso M. and Daly Yahia M. N.).
92) 2008. Partition of the Pelagos Sanctuary (north-western
Mediterranean Sea) into hotspots and coldspots for cetacean sightings.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK., 88(6), 1273–
1281. (in coll.with Moulins A., Rosso M. and Ballardini M.).
93) 2008. Colour patterns and pigmentation variability on striped
dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) in North-Western
Mediterranean sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the
UK., 88(6), 1211–1219. (in coll. with Rosso M., Moulins A.).
94) 2008. Photo-id features in Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius
cavirostris) in the Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 22 nd Annual
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Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 11-13 March, Egmond
Aan Zee, Netherlands [Oral]. In Press. (in coll. with Rosso M., Moulins
A., Ballardini M., Revelli E. and Pusser T.).
95) 2009. Population estimation size, residency pattern and site fidelity
of Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) in the Genoa canyon, NW
Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 18th biennial conference on the
biology of marine mammals, 12-16 October 2009, Quebec city, Canada.
In press. (in coll. With Rosso M., Moulins A).
96) 2010.. The Ligurian sea: present status, problems and perspectives.
Convegno Nazionale per le Scienze del mare Lecce, 4-8 Novembre
2008. Chemistry and Ecology, 26, suppl., 319-340. (in coll. with
Cattaneo Vietti R., Aliani S., Bava S., Bavestrello G., Benedetti Cecchi
L., Bianchi C.N., Bozzo E., Capello M., Castellano M., Cerrano C.,
Chiantore M., Corradi N., Cocito S., Cutroneo L., Diviacco G., Fabiano
M., Faimali M., Gasparini G.P., Locritani M., Mangialajo L., Marin V.,
Montanari B., Moreno M., Morri C., Orsi Relini L., Pane L., Paoli C.,
Povero P., Pronzato R., Pruzzo C., Relini G., Santangelo G., Schiaparelli
S., Tucci S., Tunesi L., Vacchi M., Vassallo P., Vezzulli L. and Viarengo
97) 2010. Mediterranean Pelagic Habitat. Oceanographic and Biological
Processes, An Overview. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Malaga, Spain.
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