Brunelli Daniele


Brunelli Daniele
Brunelli Daniele – CURRICULUM VITAE
Born July 1st, 1964 in Verona, Italy.
Present position:
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
L.go St. Eufemia, 19 – 41100 Modena, Italy
and associated researcher at:
Section of Bologna
Via Gobetti, 101 – 40129 Bologna, Italy
+33 059 205 5815
e-mail: [email protected]
mother tongue
oral (fluent), written (good)
oral (fluent), written (base)
Last update: October 2014
Research interests
Mantle partial melting along the Mid-Ocean Ridges, source and thermal variability
Mantle – melt interaction
Mantle geochemistry: major, trace element and isotopic systematic.
Melt extraction and MORB aggregation.
Life in the hydrated mantle
Global geodynamic and seafloor crust formation
Academic research and teaching positions
Associate Professor in Petrology and Petrography at Modena University, November 1st 2014.
Invited Visiting Professor at Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, February 2014.
Invited Visiting Professor at Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, IPGP. July-August, 2011.
Invited Visiting Professor at Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, IPGP. February-March 2010.
Invited Visiting Professor at Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, IPGP. May - June 2009.
Associate researcher, Marine Geology lab, Bologna, of the Institute for Marine Sciences (ISMAR) of
Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy.
Researcher Assistant Professor in Petrology and Petrography at Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Modena, Italy.
Post-doc researcher: Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, Geosciences Marines.
Post-Doc researcher in the frame of EUROMELT (European Research Training Network) c/o:
Laboratoire Pierre Süe, CEA – CNRS (March 2003 – December 2005). Scientific coordinator: Clocchiatti
Roberto (Lab. P. Süe, CEA – CNRS); Pierre Schiano (Clermont Ferrand University – France); K. Burton
(Open University – Milton Keynes – UK).
Teaching: Structural geology applied to the metamorphic basement c/o Dip. di Scienze della Terra,
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, A.A. 2005/2006. Field work: structural analyses of the Balmuccia
peridotitic massif (Ivrea-Verbano zone, western Alps).
Research assistant: Department of Earth Sciences “La Sapienza” University, Roma, Italy. “Red Sea,
Petrological transition from subcontinental to suboceanic mantle”.
Research assistant: “Assegno di ricerca” c/o Institute for Marine Geology – CNR, Bologna, Italy (Nov.
2001 – May 2002).
Research assistant: Institute of Marine Geology – CNR, Bologna, Italy “Petrography and mineral
chemistry (major and trace element) of abyssal peridotites from the Equatorial Atlantic”.
Apprenticeship at the Institute of Marine Geology – CNR, Bologna, Italy “Petrology of the Vema and
Romanche FZ residual peridotites”. Tutor: E. Bonatti (CNR-ISMAR; Roma1 University) .
Research assistant: University of Pisa, Department of Earth Sciences “Mineral chemistry and
petrography of the Vema FZ peridotites”.
Editorial & Membership
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 2003
Since 2008
Foreign member of the French Scientific Fleet evaluation panel CNFH.
Member of Ofioliti editorial board.
Reviewer for Earth Planetary Science Letters, Journal of Petrology, Geology, G-cubed, Lithos,
Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology.
Member of the American Geophysical Union
ECORD member of the Science Steering Evaluation Panel (SSEP) of IODP.
Education & Awards
Certificate of Merit of the Modena University, 2008.
“Angelo Bianchi” Award 2007 for research in petrography by SIMP (Italian Society for Mineralogy and
Teaching diploma for the “Maître de conférence” position “Qualification aux fonctions d’enseignant
chercheur”, 02-02-2006. Qualification number : 06235169697.
PhD at the Bologna University and Institute for Marine Geology – CNR, Italy: “Temporal variations in
the lithospheric formation processes along the Mid Ocean Ridges”. Tutors: Prof. E. Bonatti (CNRISMAR; Roma1 University) and M. Seyler (Lille University, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
Paris). Bologna March 22nd, 2002.
Graduated “cum laude” in Geology at Padova University, Italy. “Mantle thermal structure in the
Bouvet Triple Junction region (South Atlantic): a study of residual peridotites”. Tutors: Prof. P.
Tartarotti (Padova University) and Prof. E. Bonatti (CNR-ISMAR; Roma University). Padova, December
9th, 1997.
Seagoing experience and field work
January 23rd – February 2nd COLMEIA. Geophysical and Petrological survey of the St. Paul fracture
Zone, Equatorial Atlantic. R/V Atalante. PI Marcia Maia, Ifremer, Brest.
October 1st – November 5th Smoothseafloor. Defining the smoothseafloor tectonics and sampling
along the easternmost SWIR. R/V Marion Dufresne. PI D. Sauter, M. Cannat. IPGP-IPEV.
March 31st – April 12th. Magic project 2009. Mapping the Sicily seaward extension of the Iblean
plateau. R/V Urania. P.I. Marco Ligi (ISMAR-CNR).
February 6th – February 23rd Geological survey and sampling of the northern Patagonian massif in the
framework of PRIN Mazzucchelli 2007 project.
September 17th – October 9th Geological survey and sampling of the northern Patagonian massif in the
framework of PRIN Rivalenti 2005 project.
February 10th – March 10th. AB06 (S23) expedition. Andrew Bain fracture zone – SWIR. R/V A.N.
Strakhov. Principal investigators Prof. E. Bonatti, (CNR-ISMAR; Univ. Roma1); Prof. J. Sclater Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, UCSD La Jolla CA; Prof. A. Peyve (RAS, Moscow– Russia).
January 8th – March 3rd. IODP Leg 305 – Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif. Atlantic
Ocean 30 °N. R/V: Joides Resolution. Principal investigators: D.K. Blackman (Scripps, California – USA);
B.E. John (Wyoming University - USA); C.J. MacLeod (Cardiff University – UK); Y. Ohara (HOD, Tokyo –
JP); D.J. Miller (IODP, Texas University – USA).
April 18th – June 4th, Vema2000 (S22) expedition to the Vema Fracture Zone. Atlantic Ocean 11°N. R/V
A.N. Strakhov. Principal investigators Prof. E. Bonatti, (CNR-ISMAR; Univ. Roma1); Prof. A. Peyve (RAS,
Moscow– Russia).
January - March, Vema 1998 (S19) expedition to the Vema Fracture Zone. Atlantic Ocean 11°N. R/V
A.N. Strakhov. Principal investigators Prof. E. Bonatti, (CNR-ISMAR; Univ. Roma1); Prof. A. Peyve (RAS,
Moscow – Russia).
October 9th – October 23rd, Tirreno 1996, expedition to Marsili and Vavilov seamounts. Tyrrhenian sea.
R/V: Urania. Principal investigator: Dr. Michael Marani, (CNR-ISMAR).
May - July, PRIMAR96 cruise at the Romanche Fracture Zone, Equatorial Atlantic (0-2 °N). R/V
Gelendzhik. Principal investigator: Prof. E. Bonatti, (CNR-ISMAR; Univ. Roma1).
March – May, PNRA Bouvet TJ cruise at the Bouvet Triple Junction in the South Atlantic (54 °S). R/V
Gelendzhik. Principal investigator: Prof. E. Bonatti, (CNR-ISMAR; Univ. Roma1).
Summary of the main oceanographic expeditions and field works since 1996. Red star relates to STORM cruise that
will be held in December 2014
Techniques and analytical skills
Preparation of thin sections for petrography, melt and fluid inclusion studies. Separation and preparation of
crystal grains for homogenization o melt inclusions
Electron microprobe: JEOL JXA 8600, Cameca SX Five, Cameca Camebax SX100, Cameca Camebax SX50
Mini- probe EDX / CL
Secondary Emission Ion Microprobe: Cameca IMS 4f
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: Thermo ICP-MS XSeriesII, Laser ablation: UP 213 - New Wave
Heating stage melt inclusion: Linkam TMS93 and Sobolev (under controlled He-Ar atmosphere).
Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
Selected Publications
Brunelli, D., Paganelli, E., Seyler, M., 2014. Percolation of enriched melts during incremental open-system
melting in the spine field: A REE approach to abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Act, 127, pp. 190-203.
Ligi, M., Bonatti, E., Cuffaro, M., Brunelli, D., 2013. Post-Mesozoic rapid increase of seawater Mg/Ca due to
enhanced mantle-seawater interaction. Scientific Reports, Nature Pub. Group. Vol. 3, doi:10.1038/srep02752.
Pasini, V., D. Brunelli, P. Dumas, C. Sandt, J. Frederick, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, and B. Ménez Low temperature
hydrothermal oil and associated biological precursors in serpentinites from Mid-Ocean Ridge, Lithos(0),
Brunelli, D., S. T. Levi, P. Fragnoli, A. Renzulli, P. Santi, E. Paganelli, and M. C. Martinelli (2013), Bronze Age
pottery from the Aeolian Islands: definition of Temper Compositional Reference Units by an integrated
mineralogical and microchemical approach, Applied Physics A, 1-9, doi:10.1007/s00339-013-7775-3.
Boschi, C., Bonatti, E., Ligi, M., Brunelli, D., Cipriani, A., Dallai, L., D’Orazio, M., Früh-Green, G.L., Tonarini, S.,
Barnes, J.D., Bedini, R.M., 2013. Serpentinization of Mantle Peridotites along an Uplifted Lithospheric Section,
Mid Atlantic Ridge at 11° N. Lithos, v. 178, pp. 3-23.
Sauter, D., Cannat, M., Rouméjon, S., Andreani, M., Birot, D., Bronner, A., Brunelli, D., Carlut, J., Delacour, A.,
Guyader, V., MacLeod, C.J., Manatschal, G., Mendel, V., Ménez, B., Pasini, V., Ruellan, E., Searle, R., 2013.
Continuous exhumation of mantle-derived rocks at the Southwest Indian Ridge for 11 million years. Nature
Geoscience 6, 1–7. doi:10.1038/ngeo1771
Menez B., Pasini V., and Brunelli, D., 2012. Life in the hydrated suboceanic mantle, Nature Geoscience,
5(2):133-137. doi:10.1038/ngeo1359
Seyler, M., D. Brunelli, M. J. Toplis, and C. Mével (2011), Multiscale chemical heterogeneities beneath the
eastern Southwest Indian Ridge (52°E–68°E): Trace element compositions of along-axis dredged peridotites,
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q0AC15, doi:10.1029/2011GC003585.
E. Aragon, F. D‘Eramo, A. Castro, L. Pinotti, D. Brunelli, O. Rabbia, G. Rivalenti, R. Varela, W. Spakman, M.
Demartis, C.E. Cavarozzi, Y.E. Aguilera, M. Mazzucchelli, A. Ribot, 2011. Tectono-magmatic response to major
convergence changes in the North Patagonian suprasubduction system; the Paleogene subduction-transcurrent
plate margin transition, Tectonophysics, n. 509, pp. 218-237, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.06.012
D.K. Blackman, B. Ildefonse, B.E. John, Y. Ohara, D.J. Miller, and IODP 304-305 Science Party: N. Abe, M. Abratis,
E.S. Andal, M. Andreani, S. Awaji, J.S. Beard, D. Brunelli, A.B. Charney, D.M. Christie, J. Collins, A.G. Delacour, H.
Delius, M. Drouin, F. Einaudi, J. Escartín, B.R. Frost, G. Früh-Green, P.B. Fryer, J.S. Gee, M. Godard, C.B. Grimes,
A. Halfpenny, H-E. Hansen, A.C. Harris, A. Tamura, N.W. Hayman, E. Hellebrand, T. Hirose, J.G. Hirth, S.
Ishimaru, K.T.M. Johnson, G.D. Karner, M. Linek, C.J. MacLeod, J. Maeda, O.U. Mason, A.M. McCaig, K.
Michibayashi, A. Morris, T. Nakagawa, T. Nozaka, M. Rosner, R.C., Searle, G. Suhr, M. Tominaga, A. von der
Handt, T. Yamasaki, X. Zhao, 2011. Drilling Constraints on Lithospheric Accretion and Evolution at Atlantis
Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(B7), B07103, doi:
Brunelli, D. and Seyler, M., Asthenospheric percolation of alkaline melts beneath the St. Paul region (Central
Atlantic Ocean), 2010. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 289, pp 393-405.
Belayouni H., Brunelli, D., Clocchiatti, R., Di Staso, A., Hassani, I.E.A., Guerrera, F., Kassaa, S., Laridhi Ouazaa,
N., Martín. M.M., Serrano, F., Tramontana, M., 2009. La Galite Archipelago (Tunisia, North Africa): new
geological data and insights for geodynamic evolution of the Maghrebian Chain (African-European plate
boundary). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 56-1, pp. 15-28. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2009.05.004.
A., Cipriani, E., Bonatti, M., Seyler, H., Brueckner, D., Brunelli, L., Dallai, S., Hemming, M., Ligi, L., Ottolini, B.,
Turrin, 2009. A 19 to 17 Ma amagmatic extension event at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: ultramafic mylonites from
the Vema Lithospheric Section. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystem, 10, 2009. doi:10.1029/2009GC002534.
A., Cipriani, E., Bonatti, D., Brunelli, M., Ligi, 2009. 26 Million Years of Mantle Upwelling Below a Segment of
the Mid Atlantic Ridge: the Vema Lithospheric Section Revisited. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 285, pp 87-95.
Godard, M., S. Awaji, H. Hansen, E. Hellebrand, D. Brunelli, K. Johnson, T. Yamasaki, J. Maeda, M. Abratis, D.
Christie, Y. Kato, C. Mariet, M. Rosner 2009, Geochemistry of a long in-situ section of intrusive slow-spread
oceanic lithosphere: Results from IODP Site U1309 (Atlantis Massif, 30°N Mid-Atlantic-Ridge), Earth Planetary
Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.12.034
Mazzucchelli, M., Rivalenti, G., Brunelli, D., Zanetti, A., & Boari, E., 2009. Formation of highly-refractory dunite
by focused percolation of pyroxenite-derived melt in the Balmuccia peridotite massif (Italy). Journal of
Petrology, 50, pp 1205-1233, doi:10.1093/petrology/egn053.
Suhr, G., E. Hellebrand, K. Johnson, and D. Brunelli 2008, Stacked gabbro units and intervening mantle: A
detailed look at a section of IODP Leg 305, Hole U1309D, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystem, 9, Q10007,
A.A. Peyve, S.g. Skolotnev, M. Ligi, N.N. Turko, E. Bonatti, S.Yu. Kolodyazhnyi, N.P. Chamov, N.V. Tsukanov, Yu.
E. Baramyokov,, A.E. Eskin, N. Grindlay, J.G. Sclater, D. Brunelly, A.N. Pertsev, A. Cipriani, G. Bortoluzzi, R.
Mercuri, E. Paganelli, F. Muccini, Ch. Takeuchi, F. Zaffagnini and K.O. Dobrolyubova., 2007, Investigation of the
Andrew Bain transform fault zone (African-Antartctic Region), Doklady Earth Sciences, 2007, vol.416, no. 7, pp.
991-994. DOI:10.1134/S1028334X07070021.
Ildefonse, B., Blackman, D., John, B.E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D.J., MacLeod, C.J., and Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program Expeditions 304/305 Science Party, 2007. Oceanic core complexes and crustal accretion at slowspreading ridges. Geology, 35, 623-626. doi: 10.1130/G23531A.
Ildefonse, B., Blackman, D., John, B.E. Ohara, Y., Miller, D.J., IODP Expeditions 304 & 305, 2006. Characterize
the Lithology, Structure, and Alteration of an Oceanic Core Complex. Scientific Drilling Journal, 3:4–11.
Expedition Scientific Party, 2005. Oceanic core complex formation, Atlantis Massif—oceanic core complex
formation, Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: drilling into the footwall and hanging wall of a tectonic exposure
of deep, young oceanic lithosphere to study deformation, alteration, and melt generation. IODP Prel. Rept.,
305. doi:10.2204/
IODP Expeditions 304 and 305 Scientists, 2005. IODP Expeditions 304 and 305: oceanic core complex formation,
Atlantis Massif. Scientific Drilling Journal, 1:28–31. doi:10.2204/
Brunelli D., Seyler M., Cipriani A., Bonatti E. and Ottolini L. 2006. Discontinuous melt extraction and weak
refertilization of mantle peridotites at the Vema Lithospheric Section (Mid Atlantic Ridge). Journal of Petrology,
47, 745-771. doi:10.1093/petrology/egi092.
E. Bonatti, D. Brunelli, W. R. Buck, A. Cipriani, P. Fabretti, V. Ferrante, L. Gasperini and M. Ligi, 2005. Flexural
uplift of a lithospheric slab near the Vema Transform (Central Atlantic): timing and mechanisms. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters 240, 642-655. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.10.010.
Cipriani A., Bruekner H., Bonatti E., Brunelli D., 2004. Oceanic crust generated by elusive parents: Sr/Nd
isotopes in basalt-peridotite pairs from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geology, v. 32, pp. 657-660. doi:
D’Orazio M., Boschi C., Brunelli D., 2004. Talc-rich hydrothermal rocks from the St. Paul and the Conrad
fracture zones in the Atlantic Ocean. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 16, 73 – 83. DOI: 10.1127/09351221/2004/0016-0073.
Bonatti E., Ligi M., Brunelli D., Cipriani A., Fabretti P., Ferrante V., Gasperini L., Ottolini L., 2003. Mantle thermal
pulses below the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and temporal variations in the formation of oceanic lithosphere. Nature, v.
423, pp. 499 – 505. doi:10.1038/nature01594.
Brunelli D., Cipriani A., Ottolini L., Peyve A., and Bonatti E., 2003. Mantle peridotites from the Bouvet Triple
Junction Region, South Atlantic. Terra Nova, v. 15, no. 3, pp. 194-203. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-3121.2003.00482.x
Bonatti E., Brunelli D., Fabretti P., Ligi M., Portaro R.A., Seyler M., 2001. Steady-state creation of crust-free
lithosphere at cold spots in mid-ocean ridges. Geology, v. 11, pp. 979-982.
Peyve A., Bonatti E., Brunelli D., and scientific party, 2000. New data on some major structures: preliminary
results of R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov 22 cruise. InterRidge News, 9 (2).
Fabretti P., Bonatti E., Peyve A., Brunelli D., and scientific party, 1998. First results of cruise S19 (Primar
Project): petrological and structural investigations of the Vema Transverse Ridge (Equatorial Atlantic). Giornale
di Geologia, 60.
Carrara G., Bortoluzzi G., Zitellini N., Bonatti E., Brunelli D., and scientific party, 1997. The Bouvet Triple
Junction Region (South Atlantic): a report on two geological expeditions. Giornale di Geologia, 59, n 1-2.
Gasperini, L., Bonatti, E., Brunelli, D., Carrara, G., Cipriani, A., Fabretti, P., Gilod, D., Ligi, M., Peyve, A.,
Skolotnev, S., Susini, S., Tartarotti, P. and Turko N. 1997. New data on the geology of the Romanche F.Z.,
equatorial Atlantic: PRIMAR-96 cruise report. Giornale di Geol., 59/1-2, 3-18.
Bortoluzzi G., Bertozzi F., Brunelli D., and scientific party, 1996. Cruise report of the BTJ-96. Bouvet Triple
Junction. PNRA – Institute for Marine Geology – CNR, Bologna.
D. Blackman, B. I ldefonse, B.E. John, Y. Ohara, D.J. Miller, C. J. MacLeod, N. Abe, M. Abrat is, E.S. Andal, M.
Andréani, S. Awaji, J.S. Beard, D. Brunelli, A.B. Charney, D.M. Christie, A.G. Delacour, H. Delius, M. Drouin, F.
Einaudi, J. Escartin, B.R. Frost, P.B. Fryer, J.S. Gee, M. Godard, C.B. Grimes, A. Halfpenny, H.-E. Hansen, A.C.
Harris, A. Tamura Hasebe, N.W. Hayman, E. Hellebrand, T. Hirose, J.G. Hirth, S. Ishimaru, K.T.M. Johnson, G.D.
Karner, M. Linek, J. Maeda, O.U. Mason, A.M. McCaig, K. Michibayashi, A. Morris, T. Nakagawa, T. Nozaka, M.
Rosner, R.C. Searle, G. Suhr, M. Tominaga, A. von der Handt, T. Yamasaki, and X. Zhao., 2006. Proc. IODP,
304/305: College Station TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.).