
Stato dell’arte e prospe-ve della ricerca al DISCo Informa7ca e Robo7ca per l’Automazione (IRAlab) Domenico G. Sorren- lab. website: h6p://www.ira.disco.unimib.it Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 1 Index •  research topics •  2009 research ac-vity •  2010 research evolu-on Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 2 IRA research: high level view representa-on of the world (reasoning) modeling of physics modeling of physics probabilis-c reasoning control systems programming programming analog and digital electronics Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 3 IRA research: high level view Perception
16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 4 pedestrian traffic monitoring Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 5 pedestrian traffic monitoring Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 6 pedestrian traffic monitoring Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 7 vehicular traffic monitoring Ghost Foreground Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 8 vehicular traffic monitoring Ghost Foreground Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 9 vehicular traffic monitoring Ghost Foreground Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 10 vehicular traffic monitoring Ghost Foreground Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 11 indoor mobile robo7cs Panoramic vision Specchio
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Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 12 indoor mobile robo7cs Localiza-on (par-cle filtering for global localiza-on) Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 13 indoor mobile robo7cs World modeling in 2D and 3D 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 14 urban outdoor mobile robo7cs Convergence of mobile robo-cs and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 15 urban outdoor mobile robo7cs Requires again world modeling, dynamic. 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 16 urban outdoor mobile robo7cs Our vehicle, robo-za-on nearly concluded: wheel, thro6le, wheel-­‐based odemetry, etc. 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 17 IRA reseach: domains • 
pedestrian traffic monitoring; vehicular traffic monitoring; indoor mobile robo-cs; urban outdoor mobile robo-cs; Thu 03.06.10 Stato dell’arte e prospeAve della ricerca al DISCo 18 2009 research ac7vity vision-­‐based SLAM • 
this is poten-ally both indoor and outdoor mobile robo-cs; we tackled the uncertainty modeling problem, relevant in vision-­‐based SLAM; we are now at the fron-er of the research, at the interna-onal level, with the “inverse scaling” parameteriza-on; inverse scaling is the most frugal parameteriza-on that allows un-­‐delayed ini-aliza-on; 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 19 2009 research ac7vity benchmarking in SLAM • 
this is poten-ally both indoor and outdoor mobile robo-cs, but the research difficul-es are in indoor only; benchmarking is fundamental for advancing science; we are leader in SLAM benchmarking, thanks to the successful RAWSEEDS project; benchmarking mobile robo-cs algorithms requires Ground Truth, e.g., for the robot pose; gaining pose GT turns into a research problem per sé; we developed 3 methods for pose GT in indoor; 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 20 2009 research ac7vity mul7-­‐target tracking • 
this is poten-ally both indoor and outdoor mobile robo-cs and pedestrian traffic monitoring; it is required to build a correct model of the world around a robot in a dynamic world, e.g., in urban outdoor mobile robo-cs; we found a way to reduce to a tractable number the images in the training set of the well-­‐known approach IMS (Implicit Shape Model); 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 21 2010 research evolu7on vision-­‐based SLAM •  we tackled the uncertainty modeling problem, relevant in vision-­‐based SLAM; •  we are now at the fron-er of the research, at the interna-onal level, with the “inverse scaling” parameteriza-on; •  expecta-ons: –  to consolidate the results publishing comparisons with other proposals on known benchmarks; –  to handle large maps (CISLAM approach from Zaragoza); –  to handle dynamic scenes; •  this is a joint work with Politecnico di Milano; 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 22 2010 research evolu7on benchmarking in SLAM • 
we tackled the problem of procuring datasets for benchmarking of SLAM algorithm by any research groups, in a project funded by the EEC, quite successful; this is a “support of the research” ac-vity, though innova-on had to be brought in for: –  the defini-on of the Ground Truth collec-on systems for the robot pose, –  the defini-on of performance measures, –  the defini-on of some algorithms, i.e., benchmark solu-ons; • 
in this field we are the fron-er of the research, at the interna-onal level; expecta-ons: –  to publish our results in papers devoted to robo-c benchmarking; –  to apply our SLAM research results to the collected datasets; –  to maintain the lead in the field, e.g., by using the Grandi A6rezzature 2008 infrastructure for benchmarking research fields where offline datasets are not viable. • 
coopera-on: Politecnico di Milano, Universidad de Zaragoza, Albert Ludwig Universiteit Freiburg; 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 23 2010 research evolu7on mul7-­‐target tracking •  we found a way to reduce to a tractable number the images in the training set of the well-­‐known approach IMS (Implicit Shape Model); •  expecta-ons: –  to publish our current results in papers based on comparisons with other proposals, on known benchmarks; –  to integrate with the research in SLAM, to deal with dynamic scenes; –  to apply our systems to both indoor (project Grandi A6rezzature 2008) and urban outdoor (robo-c cars/buses) naviga-on. •  coopera-on: Politecnico di Milano 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 24 Publica7ons 2009 • 
S. Ceriani, G. Fontana, A. Gius-, D. Marzora-, M. Ma6eucci, D. Migliore, D. Rizzi, D. Sorren-, P. Taddei Rawseeds ground truth collec-on systems for indoor self-­‐localiza-on and mapping Autonomous Robots, ISSN 0929-­‐5593, volume 27, pages 353-­‐371, Springer US, 2009 A. Furlan, D. Marzora-, D. Sorren- Scale-­‐independent object detec-on with an Implicit Shape Model 3rd IET Interna-onal Conference on Imaging for Crime Detec-on and Preven-on (ICDP-­‐09), 2009 D. Marzora-, M. Ma6eucci, D. Migliore, D. Sorren- On the use of inverse scaling in monocular SLAM IEEE Interna-onal Conference on Robo-cs and Automa-on (ICRA), 2009 D. Marzora-, M. Ma6eucci, D. Migliore, R. Rigamon-, D. Sorren- Use a Single Camera for Simultaneous Localiza-on And Mapping with Mobile Object Tracking in dynamic environments ICRA09 Workshop on Safe naviga-on in open and dynamic environments -­‐ Applica-on to autonomous vehicles, 2009 G. Fontana, A. Gius-, M. Ma6eucci, D. Sorren-, P. Taddei RAWSEEDS: Datasets and Problems for SLAM Benchmarking EURON 2009 Annual Mee-ng -­‐ Workshop on Good Experimental Methodologies and Benchmarking in Robo-cs Research and Applica-on -­‐ GEMBENCH09, 2009 16.06.09 State of the art and research perspec-ves at DISCo 25