Allergeni - i poeti del gusto


Allergeni - i poeti del gusto
Allergeni – Allergens
(Direttiva 2003/89/CE e ss. mm.) – (Directive 2003/89/CE and later updates)
1) Cereali contenenti glutine (grano, orzo, segale, avena, farro, kamut o i loro ceppi ibridati) e prodotti
derivati - Cereals containing gluten, (i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their
hybridized strains) and products thereof
2) Crostacei e prodotti derivati - Crustaceans and products thereof
3) Uova e prodotti derivati - Eggs and products thereof
4) Pesce e prodotti derivati - Fish and products thereof
5) Arachidi e prodotti derivati - Peanuts and products thereof
6) Soia e prodotti derivati - Soybeans and products thereof
7) Latte e prodotti derivati (compreso lattosio) - Milk, milk products and lactose
8) Frutta a guscio cioè mandorle ( Amigdalus communis), nocciole (Corylus avellana), noci comuni
(Juglans regia), noci di acagiù (Anacardium occidentale), noci pecan [Carya illinoiensis(Wangenh) K.
Koch], noci del Brasile (Bertholletia excelsa), pistacchi (Pistacia vera), noci del Queensland (Macadamia
ternifolia) e prodotti derivati - Shell fruit – almonds (Amigdalus communis), hazelnuts (Corylus
avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (anacardium occidentale), pecan nuts [Carya
Illinoiensis (Wangenh)K.Koch], Brazilian nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia
vera), Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia) and products thereof
9) Sedano e prodotti derivati - Celery and products thereof
10) Senape e prodotti derivati - Mustard and products thereof
11) Semi di sesamo e prodotti derivati - Sesame seeds and products thereof
12) Anidride solforosa e solfiti in concentrazioni superiori a 10 mg/kg o mg/l espressi come SO2 Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations above 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l expressed as SO2.
13) Lupino e prodotti a base di lupino* - Lupin* and products thereof
14)Molluschi e prodotti a base di mollusco* - Molluscs* and products thereof
*Prodotti introdotti da Direttiva 2006/142, recepita a livello nazionale con D.Lgs. 178/2007 * Lupin
and molluscs listed in the European Directive 2006/142/EC enacted with the national D.Lgs.
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If you have any food allergies or food intolerance, please inform our service staff