shiatsu therapy


shiatsu therapy
It's a technique used to preserve and regain health by rebalancing the energetic
communication systems of the body. Shiatsu deeply relaxes, improves posture,
strengthens immune system. It helps to solve the most common ailments: headaches,
back pain, neck pain, sciatica, periarthritis, digestive problems, menstrual problems,
insomnia, disturbances caused by stress, etc.
Shiatsu treatment lasts about an hour. You will receive it lying on the floor on a mat,
wearing comfortable clothes and remaining silent. The operator uses a simple and
fundamental tool: her hands, acting on the Chinese acupuncture points.
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This technique uses an Artemisia stick, a medicinal herb, which is turned smoldering.
The stick is held for a few minutes on specific areas to be treated and acts on the
same acupuncture points, producing a pleasant feeling of warmth. It is indicated for:
pain, contractures, cold, fatigue, astenie, chilliness, indigestion, diarrhea and
constipation, hypotension, breech position of the fetus and rheumatism in general.
It's a manual technique used to treat various diseases of lymphatic system. Through
a pumping and relaxing action, lymphatic drainage stimulates the lymph flow and
reduces and prevents the formation of water retention. It’s useful for: post surgical
edema, dental and dermatological infections, venous stagnation and swelling of the
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legs, saphenectomy or sclerosing agents for varicose veins, bruises, sprains and joint
dislocations, lymphatic edema caused by cancer therapy, post-phlebitis syndrome,
osteoarthritis, cellulitis, scars, adipose condition, fat melting, reduction of body
weight and to maintain a good skin tension.
Through child massage you can protect and stimulate your baby’s growth and wellbeing. The beneficial are:
- to communicate and be in touch with your child creating a climate of empathy and
-to support her/his state of well-being and relief
-to stimulate, strengthen and stabilize the circulatory system, the respiratory
system, the immune system and the gastrointestinal system
- to prevent and ease the discomfort of colic
-to ease the sleep-wake rhythm disorders
The course is indicated for babies up to 9-12 months.
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Phone N. +39 3280305594
Graduated at the Shiatsu Xin training school in Milan, 2005
Master DEO at the Shiatsu Xin training school in Milan
Qualified teacher in basic Shiatsu courses
Enrolled in Shiatsu Operators College (COS) and in Arts for Health Interassociation (IAS)
Lymphatic drainage massage – Vodder Method
Certified at the AIMI (Infant Massage Italian Association) training school in
Certified at the Macrobiotic Vegetarian Cooking training school by Prof.
Berrino in Brescia
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