Towards Europe 2007-2013 Experiences in the management


Towards Europe 2007-2013 Experiences in the management
ESF Article 6 Innovative Measures - ACTING Project (VS/2004/0372)
Towards Europe 2007-2013
Experiences in the management of economic and demographic change
Hotel Posta, Piazza del Monte 2, Reggio Emilia (IT), 23rd of February 2007
10.00 – Registration and Welcome coffee
10.30 – Opening of the meeting
Renato Brevini - IFOA President (IT)
Giuseppe Pezzarossi - IFOA Managing Director (IT)
Welcome to the participants and presentation of the meeting
Aldo Ferrari - President of the Chambers of Commerce of Reggio Emilia (IT)
Ugo Girardi - General Secretary of UnionCamere, the Union of the Chambers of Commerce of Emilia-Romagna (IT)
Comparative analysis of the socio-economic and demographic change in Europe and in EmiliaRomagna: indicators and statistics
Guido Caselli – Director of the Studies Office of UnionCamere Emilia-Romagna (IT)
The management of change in the new EU programming period 2007-2013
Massimo Marchesi - Representation in Italy of the European Commission, Milan (EU)
Local and European experiences in the management of change
Demographic change/The work of the “over 45” people
The active ageing in the workplace: the Project ACTING (FSE Innovative Measures -Article 6)
Luca Boetti, IFOA Project Manager (IT)
The transfer of the competencies from/to the seniors: a company good practice
Juan Amado, HR Manager Felguera Calderería Pesada (ES)
Economic Change/Crisis, restructuring and internationalisation: the launch of the territorial
Integrated territorial roundtables for the monitoring of the productive dynamics and the anticipation
of the unemployment crises: the ANTEVERTO experience
Gianluca Ferrari, Spokesman for the Employment of the Province of Reggio Emilia (IT)
The territorial laboratories for change: the LISP Project (FSE Innovative Measures -Article 6)
Federico Callegari, Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Project Manager (IT)
12.45 – Conclusions
Cristina Balboni, Chief Executive for Vocational Training and Employment, Emilia-Romagna Region (IT)
Chairperson: Rita Fatiguso, Journalist of “Il Sole 24 Ore”

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