
PERSONAL DATA Name: Daniele Verirti
Binh date: 29 D cc 198 1
Citizenship: ltalian
Assisrant Professar
D,par/menl 'll Ophthalmologl\ [ 'nwm ily 0/
0/ Cdifle,
CdII/t'. IlaLy
Temporary Research Fcllo\>'
Deparlmenl 0/
Ophllmlmolo.~~ ( 'lIil't!fJi!y
lul v 20 12-S,p/ember 2() I J
vellia, lta/;, 2013
Reon al Discase,
~l odull':
i\led ieal Rnina and Surgical Retina
lune 2010
Lugal/<; Swil1.er/wld RESID C:'-:CY 1:"-1 OPHTH,\L\I O LOGY
Dcparlmrnl 'll
Ofi"l/l(Ilmul()g ~ Uniursit;' 0/ ( 'dù/(, L,'dil/t'. lLa!F Thcsis: " Tt'iple Th erapy far :\n[i-VEGF _"!on-responders in Scovascular :\ge-Rebted
Mae ular Dege nerario n. Ranibizumab,Juxeasclct'al Triamci no lonc Acetonide and
Photodvnamic rhcrapy ,,·irh \'ertc pot'fin '·. 1\laximUI1l g rad es and honours.
['n;C'm ilv 0/ Udine. Udill', Ilu/;' Thcsis: " Po,reriorJux r.scleral [n fusion of ÌI'lodified Triameinolone .\ceIOJl ide Fo rmula­
rion Far Refractorv D iabetie },!aCldar Edema. One-l'car Follo\\' Up"
Ocl"bcr 2007
I Yn:R..'.JSH I P 1.\1 OPHTHAI.\[OLOG \'
Deparlmenl n/ OpilUwlmolvg), l '" iwri§l'
0/ UdiI/l.
CdiI/I', I/aD' 2004-2007
Lieto scientifico (;J.nigi J\/agrùzi' : Crmolla de! rriuli (L'diTlf)J I[ab' Thcsis tide: uG ra\; tational L : lIscs: ì\liragcs in che Cosmos'"
20 00
Hibliomrlric flldicalvrs (ISI ff,b if Sei m,e IO. 10.20 U)
Number o f d ocum enrs:
or ci[ation ~ H index 26
Pur IÙ;;/f/('(d]ollrnals
Lan ze rra P, i\.lonaco P, Veritti D . In rcpl)' ro: ì\Ier ha S. i\!ajor oeul ar eomplicarions afrer organ
rra nsplantarion . India"J O"ht"a lmol. 200+; 52:255 -6.
Lall?('lta P, Pul ito A, Verit ti D . Subrhre,hold laser. Ophrh almol og)': 2008: 115:2 16-2 16c I .
Lametta P, Furlan ~; ;vlorgante L, Veritti D , Bandello f 'Jonvisiblc Subrhresh o ld Micropulse D iode
L.aser (810 11111) Trearmcnr "f Cemral Seralls Cho rio rerin opa th y. 1\ Pilo t S tudr: F.ur J Ophrhalmol.
2008; 18: 93·HO.
Ventti D, Lanzetta P, Peri.sin L, Bandello
Pos terior juxtdsclcral Infu ,ion 0 1' l\loelificd Tri a mcin o­
Ione Aceronide Formulari on ro r Refracrory Di abc tic l\hcular Edema. One-Yea r follow Up. Im'est
Opt halmol vis Sci. 2009; 50:2,,91 -7.
Ventti D , Lan zetta P, Ila nddlo f, Cortana Chiodini R. Viscodastic .-\ genr Retention and Fail ed
Mac ular Holc Surgcr\'. Retina l cases & bricf rcports. 2009; 3:77-9.
Banelello r; Battaglia Pa rodi 1\1 , Lanzena P, Locwcnste in A, :\lassin P, 1\ knehini
tic 1\[aeular Edema. Dcv Opl a h..u mol. 2010: 47:7 3-11 0.
Veritti D, Sarao V, Lanzetta P Updatc
r; Veritti D . Di abc­
Combinanon Therapy in \\'et Age-related l\laculdr Dc­
genera tion. E"p Rev Ophtha lmol. 20 I 0;3:68 1-688.
Veritti D, Perissin L, 7:0 17. e t , , La metta P T he Elle ct of Triamcinolonc Ace tonide, Sodium Hplu­
ronate, and Chondroirin Sul fate on Human Endothcii al Celi,: an in Vin'o Study. Eur j Ophthalmol.
2010,: S6:75-9.
Shcth S, Lanze tta P, Veritti D, Zucchiatti I, Savorgnani C, Ba ndello r Expcricnee ",itil the Pascal®
photocoagulator: an analvsis of O\'e r 1,200 lase r proceelures with regard tO paramercr rdillemcnt.
India llj Ophthalmol. 20 II :\l a r-Apr:59(2):87-91.
Veritti D, Vergallo S. Lan ze ll.t P Triple therapy for corneal neovascularizau on: a ca >è report. Eur J
Ophthalmo!. 2012: 22:S 126-8.
Veriui D J Tonearto G, Lanzetra P Lo\\'-concentratiol1 infracyaninc grecn-assisted internai limiting
membrane pceling in id iopal hi macular pucke r 25-gaup;l' 'u rget)'. Eur J Ophthalmo!. 20 12; 22:62 6­
Ventti D . Di Ciulio l\, Sarao \~ Lanzetta P Drug sa fer)' cvaluation of intravirreal t<ldmcinolone
acetonide. Expert Opi n Drug ar. 2012; Il :331--,0.
Veritti D , Sarilo \; Lanzetta P Onlin e optical eoherenee tomography during subthreshold lase r
irrad iati on. Eur J O phrhalmo!. 20 12: 22:575-9.
Sarao \; Vel'itti D, Lan le tta P. Tri amcino lone acetonide for rhe trealment of diabctic macula r ede­
ma. Europ Endncrinology. 20 Il; 8:42-+7.
Veritti D, Sarao
2012; 227: 11-20.
Lanzetla l'. .'Jeol·ascuIar Agc-Rclatcd /I IneuIar Degene ration . Ophthalmologiea.
Ventti D , Maeor S, !\[enrhini ,.; Lanze tta P EITecrs of VECI' ill hibiti on on retin al morphology,
neovase ul ar net\\'ork sile and \'Ì5ua l acuity in patienls wirh vascularized pi,o;ment epithcJium derach­
metH beca usl' of oecu lt choroidJ I neovascularization. Retina. 2013: 33:982-9.
Veritti D , Sarao V, Lanzetta P Bcvacizumab and Triamcin olonc Acctonide for C ho roid al Neovasc u­
ldrizatioll Due to i\ge-Rclated 1\ lacular Degenera lio n U nresponsil'e to !\mi-VECFs. j Ocul Pharma­
col Ther. 2013; 29:437-,1.
Sarao V, Veritti D , Prospe .i R. Pignatto S, Lanze tla P i\ case of eRB l negative Co ats-like reu nitis
pigm entosa.jl\,APOS. 2013; 17:4 14-6.
Sarao \: Veritti D, Lanzetta P Rcgression of diabctie maCldar edema aftc r subCUlaneous exenatid c.
Acta Diabeto!. 2014; 51:505-8.
Lanzerta P, Iditehcll P, \Volf S, Veritti D , DiITcrent antivaseular endothclial growth faclo r trcarments
and n.:gimens and lhei r outCO nld in neovascular ag-e-related macular dq;cne rarion: a literanm? re­
view, Brj Ophtha lmol. 20 l3; Y7: 1497-jOl
Veritti D , Lan zetta P. Triple rhcrapy for Ann-Vasl'ubr Endothclial Growth Factor "ionresponders
in Neo\'aseular I\ge- Rel ated ~bcular Degenerano n: Impac t of DifTcrent Photodynamic Therapy
Paramctccs. Ophthalmologica. 2013: 230: 13 I -7.
Lanzetta P, Hol z C ì\lonés J , QlIr rques G, Stanga P, Veritti D, Barbone f, Brusaferro S, Isola ì\l.
Intravitrcal Injccrions: A Hl'"lthca rc Failurc ì\lodcs and EfTeets ,\n"ly>i5. Ophthalmologica. 2013;
230: 15 1-5+.
Sarao \; Bertoli F, Veritti D. I.allze tta P. Pharmacotherapy for trcatmen t of retinal vcin occlusion.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 20 1+; 5: 1-12..
Sarao \: Veritti D, Boscia F, L,nZecta P. Intra\'i rreal steroid s for the treatment of retinal discase,.
Scientific\\'orldJournaJ. 20 I +; 8;201 +:98950 I.
Gab"i A, Veritti D, Lanzctt~ P. One-year ou tcomc of mn ibizumab for nCO\'ascular age-rclatcd
macular dcgcneration: a tltoro ugb ana lysis in a rcal-world cli nical sctling. Eur J Ophùlalmol. 20 1+;
2+:396-+0 I.
Santarclli M, Veritti D, Dal I\ la;; G, Lan7.etta P. Functional and morpilological changes a fte r macu­
Iar pucker surgery: "n optical coherence romography and micropo'illlCO'ic snld)'. Ophth almologica.
20 I +: l lòpub ahead of printJ.
Veritti D, Ivlacor S, Lanzelt:' P. Carly efTcns of dcxam ctha sonc implant on macu la r morphology
and "isual function in patiellls ",ith macular edema seconda I)' to rct inal vein occlusion . Ophrhalmo­
logica. 201+: lEpub ahead of print)
Book (haPlm
Antonucto G, Veritti D , La n7A' rta P, Ivfelato i\1. Occhio. fn : i\bI1U %7.i Gi\l , cd. Anatomia Patologica
e Corrclazioni Anatomo-Clinicl lc. I st cd . Pado\'a, Italy: Piccin ; 2006; voi '2: '2489-5'2 1.
Ventti D , Lanzc lta P. Ocular complicatiuns "fter ha nd transplantatio!l . In : La nzc tta ì\'I, Dubcrnard
Ji\I , eds. Hand TransplantatiotL I st ed. Ivl ilan, ltalv: Springer; 2006:24 1-6.
Polito i\, Veritti D , Lanzena P. Non-prolifcratiw diabctic rctinopathy. In : Agar",,,1 A, cd. Fundu s
F1uorescein and Indoeya ninc Grccn i\ngiograph y: ,\ Texthook a!ld I\d as. 1st ed. Thorofa re,
Siack (nc; '2008; chapter 24; 20 1-6.
Veritti D. Terapia combinata con ran ibi zumab c n..' n cpurfina. In : Lanzctta P, cd. Terapia ann-an­
giogenica in oftalmologia - c", i clinici. Torino, Italy: Elleboro sos; 2009; chapter 7; 33-+0.
Veritti D , Sborgia C, Boscia ~; Slllaldonc G, Lametta P Trauma "mi cmcrgcncics. In : I\ ga r\\'al A,
ed . Color atlas of ojlhthalmologr :-le", York: Thieme; 2009; cha ptcr I; 1-32.
Bandello r; Bartaglia Parod i i\1 , Lanzctta P, Loc\\'enstcin A. i\Ia" in P, Ivlcnchini C Veritti D. Diabc­
tic M andar lòdcma. In: Coscas G, cd. 1\ldcular edema. t\ praetical approaeh. Bascl: Kargcr; 20 IO;
Lanzetra P, Veritti D, Dal ì\bs G, SardO V. Idacular puckcr. In: S,xclla S, Iv'leyer CH, Ohji i\1 ,
I\kduman L, eds. Vitreoretinal Surgery. Daryaganj: Jaypec Erothers; 257-75.
Pignatro S, Veritti D, Gabai .\, Lanzetta P. Sclcctive laser traheeuloplasr)'. In: Gunvant P, cd. Gl a u­
coma - CurrcntClinical and Rcseareh ""pects. Rijeka: In 'lceh; 2011, 257 -72.
Ventti D, Lamena P. La degenerazione maCLdare legata all'età. Scheda allegata a Sole 2+ Orc
Sanità, Dicemhre 2006, 50.
Ventti D, Lanzetta P. La degenerazione maeulare l''gata all'età. Scheda allegata a Sole 24 Ore
Sanità, h:bbraio 2007,6.
Veritti D , LanZel1a P, Gcnow 'ic U. La degenerazione maculare legala all'età. Utilizzo olT-label dci
farma ci: asperri general i c ris\olii per b lerapia dell'AMO (prima parte). Scheda allegara a Sole 2-1­
Ore Sanirà, Aprile 2007, H.
Veritti D. Lamena P, Genovese U.
degenerazione mae ula re legara all'e ta . Util izzo ofT- labcl dci
farmaci : aspetti generali c n svolti per la lerapia ddl'AMD (seconda parre). Scheda allegata a Sole 24
Ore Sarùlà , t-·laggio 2007, 19.
Veritti D , La nle lla P. La dC!,'1:!nerazio ne maculare legata all·elà. Il trattam ento de ll'j,MO: terapia
fotodinamic a con \·(rteporfin :, c terapie combinate. Scheda allegata a Sole 24 Ore Sanità, Giugno
200 7,28.
Veritti D, Lanzetta P. La d,'gl' nerazione maCldare kgata all'elà. Ranibizumab c degenerazione
maculare legata all'età. Sched:\ allegata a Sole 2-1- Ore Sanità, Settembre '2(1)7, 36.
Lanzell a P, Veritti D , Dal t-las G. 'JuO\'e Tecniche di Fotocoagulazione Lase r. O cchio all a Retina.
20 10;2.
Veritti D , Da l l\ [as G , La nzet[" P. Triamcinolone acr lonide in soluzione \·i,eoe!as liea per via juxta­
scle rale nel rrattam en to c1 cll'edc.ma macul are diabetico refrattano. Viscochirurgia .20 10: 3;36--H.
Veritti D , Sarao V. Stem celi ' ma)' be th e ne xl fronrier for rctinal di"cd'c . Ocular Suro·crv
" , .\Jc",s
Europe Edition.]unc: 20 11.
Veritti D, Gabai A Devdopmene of cyc played ke)' role in emlutiona ry adva nl"ge. O cular Surgcry
Ne"s furope Edition. Aug'"'' 20 Il.
Veritti D , t-Iacor S. Microancurysm, ke)' in derecring diaberic retinopathv.
Oeular Surgery ~ews
Europe Edition . Scptcmbcr 20 I I .
Veriui D , Sarao V ,\l etods aim to decreasc laser cianlage in crearment or rerin al, choroida l condi­
tion,. Ocular Surgery ;-.le"'s furopc Eclilion. OClober 20 I I.
Veritti D, Gabai .'\. Updared guidelines on use of an li- \lEGF a lter Ircatmem course for exudati\'e
AMO, Ocular Surgery 'Je\Vs (;urope Edirion. Oecembcr 20 Il.
Veritti D, t-'lacor S. StLldy inlO pathology, treatmell! of epimaeufar memb ra ne contin ues. Ocular
Surgery :'>le\,·, Curope Edition . .January 20 12.
Veritti D , Tonea lto G. D ye, play viwl role in \irreOre lin al surgcry. Ocular Su rgel')' Ne"" Eul'opc
Edition . Mareh 20 1'2.
Gabai A, Veritti D . SLT ma)' be a go od first- d,uil'C treatment for glaucomatom el'es. Ocular Surgc­
rl' 'Jcws Europe Edit ion. May QO 12.
Medicai Biv/a hnvlv!!Ji Fw.lIlly of .\ Itdi";",, alld Surgny CI/ u.m i{yof Udiru; (l a!l'
'T'augh t: Gene The rapl' ancl rht. Lyc, :\nrficial Vision: Progrcss a nd ProsJ.lects.
Co ntacr homs: 3. Twenry gratinate studcnts.
Srhool of NUfJing, Fi.u-ulty of Medi, in, alld S//fs' l)' Li,iw"i~;, of t..:din~, llil!v.
Taught: Ca raracr, Glaucoma , l'uslopcrati\'e Assist" nce in Ophrhalmic Depanmenrs.
Contact ho urs: -1-. Fort)' graduate studenrs.
Mediral Bio/ecimologr, FaClllty of Jhdirine and SlIIgel)" Clli' asi!v of Udine, l /al)'
2007-2 012
Taught: Gene Therap' and Ihe Eyc, Arrifìcial \lision: ProgrL'ss and Prospects, Corneal and Reti nal Stem CciI>. Co nt ac t hours: 4. Fifteen gradua te stu dents. Mediral Sehool, Faculty of Medirulf vllcI Sné~rr" Unirml!,; of Udine, 1101;'
20 I O-p/m nl Conjunc tivitis and red e)'c, G laucoma, Rctinal c1etaclrmene , !\ gc-rdarcd macular dcgCllc rati o n, Retinal vcin ocrhl,ion ) diabcric retinopath y, calaraC[.
Contaet homs: 6-12. Eiglr ry graduare m ,dents.
DA1\JIELE VERITTI Supen'isor fol' the cducational program of the Uni\'Crsiry of Udine Ophthalmology Residcnc)" Program. Udine, Ital)'. 2012­
Giacomo 'lol1catto: !~Chilurgld dci puckcr macularc mediante v'llrcctomia 25 g-augc c pecling della membrana limitante interna
vcrde eli infracianina - assistito" Corso di Laurea Specialistica in i'vledicina c ChilUr~ia. Uni\'L'l';ità dc~li Studi di Udine; 20 IO.
Iv tartina Santarelli: "J\lorplo o ltlgical and functional corrclations before and after 25-gauge surgcrv for idiopathic maCldar puc­
kLT. !\ spectral domain OCT ,md rnicroperimetric stud),". Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Medicina e Chirurgia. Uni\'Crsità
degli Studi di Udine; 20 Il.
~![anucl Prctal.o: ·'.\Il'mbranr· blll c-cluai c \'crdc (Jinfracianina nel pccling della membrana limitante iurcrna durante chinlrgi a
25-gauge per foro maculare id iopatico". Corso di Laurea Specialistica in [\ledicina c Chirurgia. Università degli Studi di l'di ne;
Vcronica Papa: "Confronto rI ,1 membrane bluc-dual c verde d:infraciallina nel pccling della membrana limitante interna du­
rante chirurgia 25-gaugc pcr pucker macuiJ.rc idiopatico". Corso di LllIn'a Speeialisrica in ~Iedicina c Chirurgia. Uni\'ersità
degli Studi di Udine; 2013.
Erica J~daurutto: "Iniezioni intr<:l\'Ìtrcali cd cnduf(almite) rc\-isionc della letteratura f analisi della casi~{iea della Clinica Oculisti­
ca di Udine". Corso di Laurea Spec ia listica in Medicina c Chirurg'ia. Uni\"Cr,ità deg li Studi di Udine; 201+.
Ncstore Rota: "Trattamento d ci distacco rl,tinico regmawge no: tre (('cniche chirurgiche a confronto n , Corso di Laurea Speciali­
stica in Medicina c ChilUr~,'ia_ Llniwrsità degli Studi di Ldi nc ; 201+.
Lametta P, Polito A Roman Pognuz D, Veritti D. Detl'cnon of threshold and sub-threshold laser
irradiation \11th optieal cohercllcc tomography, Im'est Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006 '·~7: E-:\bstraet 5721.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. Patient management in the cra or anti-\'EGF tlll'raphy. Prescnted at the Ko­
rean Retina Sociery meeting: :\ovcmber 30, 2007; Chungju, Korea.
Veritti D, Lanzetta P, Bancltllo F E ' p oienza preliminare con il laser scmiautomatieo Paseal. Presen­
ted at the A.nnllal Idceting of the "Società Italiana Laser in Oftalmologia ';Januarv 25, 2008; Cortina
d'Ampezzo, Italy.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. Anti-\'E GF multicentre trials: what ha\"( wc Icarncd? Prcsented at the inter­
national symposillnl "Maeula: :\dvanees in diagllostic and Therapics'; Fobruary 8,2008.. Turin, [tal)'.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. Anti-V EGf intra\'itreal injeerion: ",hen and ho\\'? Presented at the "27e COll­
gri', dc la Soeiété- TlInisicnne d 'Ophthalmologic"; i\-Iarch 7, 2008; Gammanh, Tunisia.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. li futlllO d elL, terapia della Di\ILE. Presented at "Retina 2008: Le degenera­
zioni maculari": Mareh 8, 2008; Rome, Italy.
Veritti D, Lametta P Rctino piltia diabetica, nuO\'c terapiE:. Presented at "Retina 2008: Le degenera­
zioni maeulari"; [\loreh 8, 20 0~3: Rome, Ital)'­
Lametta P, Veritti D, 'li-iplc Therapy for Choroidal :'>ieovaseularization Due to !\gl'-rclated ì"lacular
Degeneration. Ranibizumab, lllxtaselerai Triameinolone Acetonidc, and Verteporfin PO'I Early
Vaseular Changes. Presented al' the [\/acllia Society Annual i\leenng: i\larch 28, 2008; Palm Beaen,
fL, eS/\.
Veritti D, Lanzetla P, Bandl.'lIo
Posterior juxtascleral Infusi o ll of i\[odified Triamcinolone Aceto­
nide l'ormulanon far Rcfractory Diabctic M"cular Edema. One-Vear l'ollo\\' Up Invest. Ophthalmol.
Viso Sci. 2008 '~9 E-Abstract 3489.
Veritti D, Lanzetta P Adva ncc.s in Laser Photocoagulation. Presented at the eourse "Terapia Laser
Classica della Retina"; May 17, 2008; Rume, Italy.
Lametta p.
Veritti D, OfT-la bel ,\vastin use: State of Expcricnee. Prescnted at the Euretina Con­
gl'e»: Iday 23,2008; Vicnna . •\ustria.
Veritti D , Lanzctta P, Bandel lo F InFusione ju xtascleralc posteriore cii rriameinolonc acetonidc in
nuova formulazione nel trattarn("nto clell 'edema nl"culare diabetico refrattario: 12 mesi di foll ow-up.
Prcsented at thc Annual IIJeet ing of the "Società Oftalmologica Trivcneta"; Jun e 13, 2008 ; Triestc,
Veritti D, Lametta P JlLxta.<c1eral In fusion of T ri a mcinolone Acetollide: a Clinical Casco Presented
at the coursc: "Rct1nopatia Diabetica: dalla Diagnosi alla "[,:rapia'; JUlle 23 , 2008;
Bassa no de'i
Grappa, Italv.
La nzetta P, Veritti D. Gli stl' roidi nel tratta mento dell'edema maeulare di abe tico. Prese nted at thc
congrc,,, " La mac ula diabetic", X
ed iz i on ~
Giornate di C hirurgia Vitrcoretin iea"; October Il , 2008 ;
Mon za, Italy.
Veritti D , Lmzctta P, Ba ndeliD F Studio Vl'I'AL: Vene po rfin . Tliameinolone Acetonicle lu "tasclera­
le e Luce ntis ne lb dcgenerazio lJc maculare se nile e sudati,·a. Presented at the Annual j\J''Cling' of the
"Società Ira liana Lase r in Oft:ll mologia";January 30, 2009; Cortina d'Ampezzo, ltak
Lanzç([a P, Veritti D. R òle clc l'angiographic dans le diag nostic dc l'ccdème maculaire. Prese ntcd a t
the 28 th ConglTS> of the "Sor iété ulnisicnne d'ophtalmologie " ; lllarch 13,2009; Tunis, 1ùnisia.
L"nzetta P Veritti D. Stcroids and diabetie macu lar cd,·ma. Prcscntcd a t thc 28th C"ngrcss of thc
"Soeié té ulI1isienne d'ophtalm ulogie"; i\larr h 13,2009; Tunis, Tunisia.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. )lew lrend s in Lascr app lications fo r reti nal disc"",s. Presente d a t th e 28th
Co ngress of the "Société um isi ,-nne d'oph talmologi e"; i\l a reh 1+,2 009; Tunis, Tunisia .
Ven tti D, Lanzctta P. Guida r3gl unala all'uso degli anriélngiogrnici.
2009; IIl arç h 28, 2009; Rome, Ita l)'.
Zucchiatti l, Veritti D , Lanz
E Ba ndello
Prc~e nted
at the
Efficacy and Safery or Pascal Photocoagubtor in the
Trcmmen t of Proliferati ve Di, bene Retinopathy. P'-" ",:n ted at lhe Association for Resc arch in Vision
a ncl Oph th alm ology (A RVO) Annua l Meeting: ~J ay 3, 2009 : fo rt Laud erdale, FL, USi\.
Lafl zett a P, Veritti D , Zucchiatti I, Sa\wgnani C. Drigo D, Bandella
PASCA L Retinal Photoeoa­
gulation : Rl'\'iew o f Paramctcrs ,\p plicd in 1,2+2 Treatmcnt s. Presc nted at thc Association for Re­
scarch in Vision a nd Ophthal mology (ARVO) A.IInu al ~ lecti ng; M a)' 3, 2009; fon Laudcrclale, FL,
Veritti D , La nze tta P, Casca" illa 11·1 L, Drigo D, Bandell o F Tri ple Therap\' for Choroidal "ieovascu­
lariza ti on Due to t\ge- Relatecl
Dcgeneratio n. Ranibiz um ab, Il! odifi edJuxtascicral Triamci­
nolo ne -"cc tonide, "nd Vcrtc po rfin PO'I: Presentcd al thc. Associatio n for Rescarch in Vision and
Ophthalmology (A RVO) Annual i\ lccting; Il lay
~fcn e hi ni
+, 2009; Fort Lauderdalc, fL, USA
l'; Ba tla.?li a Parodi :\ 1, Polini G, Veritti D, Balldello l,: Intra\'itrcal R anibizumab far Reti­
nal .I\ngiomatolls Pruli lCration . Prese nted at the l\ ssoe ia tion for R('''' iu ch in Vision anel Ophthalmo­
logy ;ARVO) Annuallvfceting; :'.l ay 4 , 2009; Fort Lauderdalc, FL, USA .
Lametta P, Veritti D . Drug Dd in'C)'. Pre>l'nlrd at the cong rcss Retina in Progrt'ss: .Presen t a nd Fuul­
re;June +-6, 2009:
~diJan ,
Lame tta P, Veritti D . M ac ula r Edema in Dia bl'lic Rctinoparhy. Prcsrnted at the congress Retina in
Prog rcss: Prescnt and Fuulre;J une 4-6, 2009;
~· Iilan ,
Ita ly.
Lanze tt a P, Veritti D . Stcroicl s in Diabctic Mandar Ed ema. Pre,e nt ed a t thc congress Retina in
Pro~rcss :
Prcse llt and Future; .!u nc '1-6, 2009;
~lilan ,
ila I)'.
Lanzctta P, Veritti D . Th e R.,k of Inflammation in /uviD. PrcS\'ntcd at the eongress Retina in Pro­
gress: Prcsc nt anel Futlll'c;Junc 4-6,2009 ; 1I·lilan, Italy.
Lanzetta P: Veritti D . Ranibi l.tH11ab. Prcselltcd at thc
rc;June 4-6, 2009;
~Iil a n,
Retin a.
ill Progrl'S!i:
Prcsc nt and Fuw­
Lanze tt a P, Veritti D , D a.I ~l a, G. ='Juove Tec niche di Fo tocoagulaziolle Lase r. Prcscnted at the con­
grN " Update slIlia Rctinopa ti a Di abetica"; february 12,20 I O; J\Jilan , Ira l)'.
Ventti D. Dcsamewzone nel!. . [cr~pi a dcll'lòdcma :\[ ac ul arc Diabetico. Prcse ntcd at thc cong re>s
" Retinopat ia Diahetiea"; l'dar h 12 , 20 I O; Reggio Em ili a. [taly.
Ventti D . Le Ultime Novità . Prese nted at thc eongrcss " Ret inopatia Diabetica" ;
Reggio Em i li ~ , [ta ly.
~[arc h
12, 20 IO;
Ventti D , Lametta P Som m inistrazion e di ~·ledieinali nellu Spaz io Sopraeoroideale. Presented at
theeongress Retina 2010: Edema Retinieo e Coroide; !\[areh 27, 2010; Ro me, ltal l"
Pi erma roecbi S, Veritti D, !\[ariwn V, l.o Giudice G. Dege nerazione :\fa eulare Senile: Uso degli
Anti-VEGF in O spedale. Presé nted at th e eongress Argome nti eontrO\'crsi in Oftalmologia; Aprii IO,
20 10; Schio-Thiene, l tal)'.
Veritti D . Econom ie,. Prcscnred a t the
Milan , ltaly.
e un.~réss
OCT e D e~c n erazione Il! aeu lare; Ap"il 15, 20 I O;
Ventti D . Un Caso cii Edema :'·lacula re. Presc ntcd at the
pies Bologna; Aprii 23, 20 I O; Bologna, ltalv.
i\beular i\d\'a neecl Multi-thera­
Ventti D, Sarao V, Savorg na ni C , Polini G, Lamett a P Co mbinati o n Thc rapy for Chroi dal "Ieo\'a­
se ularization Due to Age-RcI ••t d 1\l aeu lar Degeneratio n 1.Ilresponsi\·e tO Anti-VEGf l'donothcra py.
Intravitrcal. Bcvacizumab and Triamcin olon c ACl'wnide. Prcscntcd al" thè i\ssocialio n fo r Rcscarch in
Vision and Ophthalmulogy (/\RVO ; Annual
l'day 2, 20 10; Fo rt Lauderd ale, FL, USA
Zucc hi att i l, Sa\'orgnani C , Veritti D. Ba. taglia Parodi i\l , Konradakis DS, Papaya nnis A, lacono P,
Lam.e rra P, Bandell o F: [nrra\'itrcal lnj ee tion of Be\'aeizuillab for i\[aeula re Edema Se conda,,' to
braneh Retinal Vcin O ecl usion. Prcsented at th,' . \ ssoeiation for Rcscarch in Vision ancl Ophthalmo­
I.ogy (ARVO) J\nnu a ll'decting: lay 4, 2010; l'ort wucla dak. l'L, US.\ .
Ventti D. Reti no patia Diabetica. Prese nted at th c co n"Tess Dege nerazione Maeul are Legata all'Età
e Retinopatia Diabetica; ~bv 28, 20 10; Udine, Iral,:
Veritti D. Terapie C omhinate Prese ntecl " t th e congress Rt ti nopatia D ia hctiea 20 I O; June 3. 20 I O;
Bas;ono del Grappa, [t aly.
Lanze tta P, Veritti D, Dal i\l.lS G. "Iuo\'c Pruspctti\'c Te ra pe utiehe dclla Degenerazio ne Md e" larl'
L.egata all'Età eli Tipo Secco. Prc,,' nted at the cung ress Retina - Presente f Futuro; Sept ember 17 ,
20 IO; )l aples, Italy.
Lamelta p. Veritti D. Chiru rgia ~5 gaugc del puekcr maeubre. Prcsented at the eo ng rc" Wh at's
.'\ew 2010 C hirurgi a lnnovo ti,", in Ofralmologia; Scptembcr 2+, 20 10; Porden one, l tal)'.
La metta p. Veritti D. Il trat ta men to dell'edema maculare diabetico. Prcsc nted at the eong rcss
W hat's "le", 2010 Chirurgia 111110\,<1t;\'a in Oftalmologia; Septembe.· 2+, 20 I O; Porclenon e, Italy:
Veritti D . Occhio e micronulnzionc.
Prcscntcd a[ che cong rcss O cch io) Dieta, i\Iicronutrlcnri e
"Ieurop rotcz ione: "Io\'emher 1:2, 20 I O; Ucline, ltaly.
Lamett a P Ventti D. Retin opatia diahetica:
cong rcss Occhio, Dieta)
~·I icroll'u[rit..:n ti
IlUo\'C terapie c supplcmcn ta zione. Prescnted at the
(' ,)JCUfopro(czionc; ='Jon: mbcr 1'2 ) 20 I O; Udine, haI )'.
p. Veritti D. l, therc s[ill a role for eombinatlon therap!, in nCQ\'aseu la r N\ID? Prese mcd at
the 10lh lntern atio nal AAID anel Retina Congress;january20, 2010; Luga no, S ...i ss.
Veritti D, Sa nto V, Lan zcrta P. Esperienza Preliminare con una pia naforma integrata lampad a a
fe ssura , ocr c fOlOcoagula lOrc lase r. Prcse\lt ed at the Annual i\lccting o f th c "Socie tà ltali"na Laser
in Oftalmologia"; January 28, 20 Il ; Corrina d'Am pezzo, ltaly.
L.anzc lto P, Veritti D. Diabctìc mandar tdcma trcatmcn t: what the evid ence says and futu re pcrspcc­
ti \·es. Presenred at the co ng re ss "P" cscn t a nd future challc'nges of seve re "Cli nal diseases"; Febru ary 4,
20 Il ; Verona, It aly.
Veriui D. Ranibizumab in d.c tn:atment of retina l \'cin oeclusion. Prc>cnred at th e cong ress ""Iuo\'c
prospettive eli tTattamento nelle malattie oeclusi\'C della retina "; f ebruar\' I I, 20 Il ; R" gS~o Emili a,
Lanzetta P, Ventti D . Ava snn : what evidcnce availablc. Prescnted at " th c 2nd \Vorld Congres> on
ContrO\nsies in Ophthalmology"; March 5, 20 Il; Ba rctlona, Spain.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D, C aba i:\. 12-month treatment ",ith intra" itreal ranibizumab ror wft AMD in il
"rcal \Vorld " clinica! sc tting. Prc ented ~t "thc i\laeula Soeietv 34rth Annual M eeting"; Ì\l a reh Il,
20 Il ; Boca Raton, FL, USA
Ventti D, Lanzetta P NuO\'c l" rapie per l'atrufia geografica. Prcsenred al thc congress " Retina 20 Il :
;.iuo'·c teenologi ..., nuove terapic"; March 25, 20 Il; Rome, Italv.
Ventti D, La nzetta P Nuo,·; sistemi di somm inistrazione per le patologie rcnnieh e. Presellted a t the
congress "Retina 20 Il: ;'-Iuove [ec nologÌl~, nuoV'e te rapie"; Ì\lareh 25 , ~IJ Il; Rom e, Ital)'.
Ventti D , Toneatto C , Lanzetta P Twenty-five Caugc Tran "'t>lIjuncn"al Suturc1 "ss Vìrreeromy ,,;th
Low-concentration Inrraeyani nc Grcen-a" istccl Internai Limiring Ì\kmbran c Peel ing in Id iopathic
M ac ular Pueker: Outeomes and Predicti,'c Factors. Prvsen ted a t the i\"oei ation ror Resca rc h in Vi ­
sion and Ophth a lmology ~ !\RVO ) ..\ nnllal i\lec ting; May 4 , 20 Il; Fon Lauderdalc, FL, USA
Sarao V Ventti D , Lanzetta P Real-time OCT Scanning During Sub-thn'shold Lase r Irradiation.
Presented al the Association fur Rcscareh in Vision and Ophthalmolog" (:\RVO) Annual ~ Iee ting;
May 2, 20 Il ; hm Laude rda1c, l'L, USA
Venni D , Lanzetta P Rcal-timc OCT Seanning During Sub-t hrcshold Las er Irradiation. Presented
at thc 33rd Internanonal ConoTe:;" or Ophthalmologv; Ma, I~ , 20 Il ; Trieste, Italy.
Veritti D, Lamelta P Il trattam ento dclll'edema maCltlare diabetico : il molo dci rarm ac i corneostt ­
roidi. Presented at the Congr"" Retinopati a Diabetica;June 3, 20 Il; Bassano dci Grappa, [tal)'..
Ventti D , Lanzetta P. ErrocIs uf Intr<\\'itreall\nti-\'EGF I\ genl' on Retinal M orphology, )/ CO\'<l5O U­
lar .:\ctwork Size and Ilest CO IT<'c tcd Visual AcuiI)' in Patient, ,,; th Pigment Epithelium Detachmcnt
due to O ecult Choroidal )/cO\·:tScul arization. Prcscnted at
temoer 3, 2011; Rome, Ital)'.
Ventti D. Etica e Pubblieaziune. Prcsc ntcd at the Course
Retina Sociery ,-\nnua! Illee tin..;; Se p­
"'riting; Dcecmbe r 13. 20 Il ;
l'adu'''', Italy.
Ventti D , G abai A, Lanzetta P Trabeeuloplastiea lase r seletti"a: una revicw della letteratura. Prese n­
tcd at thc An nual i\Iecting or tlle " Società Italian a Lase r in Ortalmologia";Janua ry 26, 2012; Cortina
d'Ampezzo, Ital)'.
Ventli D, Lametta P. "Iuo'·c Ic r::tpie dclla Di\-lLE atrofica . Prescnted at the LOngress Retina 2012:
Retina lntcrna, Cellule Gangliona ri c Ultime Terapic; l\ larch 3 1. 2012; Romc , ltaly.
Ventti D, Lanzetta P L' alber" decisio nale nella neovasc ulal;zzazionc cla Di\ILE. Presentcd at the
eongrc5S Retina 2012: Retin a Interna, Cdlulc Gangl ionari c Uln me Terapie ; M arcI! 31 , 2012 ;
Rome, hall'.
Sarao \ \ Veritti D, Lametta P l ntravitreal Be\'acizumab FOI Chul'oidal _'.Jco\'aseularization Due 'l'o
Call scs Other 'l'han ,\ ge-rclatcd ~l aCldar Dt'ge nerati on. f'rcscn tcd at thc Assoeiarion ror Research in
Vision a nd Ophth a lmology (ARV ) Annual !\lceting; Ì\Iay 9,2012; Fort La ud erdale, fL, USA.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D, Sarao V Twclve-munth Trcatm cnt \\'ith lntra"itre;)1 Bcvacizurnab h)r Diabc­
tic l\lacuJ a r Edema In ..\ "Rea! \Vorld" Clinical Setting. Presented at the !\S5oeiatioll ror Research in
Vision and O phthalmology (ARVO) An nu, l t\ lccring: ~lay 6, 2012 ; Fo rt Lallderdal e, FL, USA .
Ventti D , Santarclli i\1 , Dal Ma, G, La nzetta P. l\lorphological a nd l'uncti onal Corrclations Bero re
and Arter 25 'gallgc SlIrgcc} for ldiopathie l\Jaellla r Pucke r. A Sp eetra! Domain OCT and Micropc­
rim elrie StudI'. Presentccl at the Assuciation ror Rescarch in Vision and Ophthalmology (I\.RVO)
i\nnu al IVkcting; i\lay 7, 2012 ; Fur! Lauderda1c, l'L, USi\.
Ventti D . Po tenzialità cleli a H .E.L.P-areresi nel tratt::trne nto deUa degen erazione macularc legat a
all'età. Prese nted at the COll ese ',\ggiorn a ll1 cnto scient ifi co in medicin a: indicazioni dell'arnesi tera­
pcuaci< sc1etti va" ;J une 8, 2012; Desio., l ta lv.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D . The
~bn ;)g-c rnenl
of Diabcuc Mandar Edema. Prcscntecl at Ihc Enretina
Annual Meeting; Septembcr 5, _O12; Milan, lt aly.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. Thc curioll> casc o f retinitis p igmcnlosa or Coats' di,case or both . Prcscntcd at
thc Euretina J\nnuall"lerting; September 7, 2012; 1\·lilan , hall'.
LamcHa P, Veritti D. Role or subthreshold laser in DI\·IE. Prcsc nted at the Euretin" Annual I\lce­
ting; Septcmbcr 9, 2012; lvli1all, !tal)'
Veritti D, Lametta P. Combi na tion Therapy in ~eo, ·aseu\ar .-\gc-Rc1ated I\lacular Degeneration . 1st
Joint Mee ting of Pathology anel Laboratory Di agnos ti es, 2012 Scptembcr 12-15, Ud ine, Italy. Am J
Patho12012, 181(Suppl):SI 1\b traet :\CE6.
Lanzett" P, Veritti D. Sistema di g itale HO di registrazione C gestione di immagini in microchirmgia
oculare. Confronto con tecnologi a analogica. Prcscn ted at thc Sueie,," Italiana Laser in Oftalmologia
Annuall\leeting;January 2+. 20 13; Cortina D 'Ampezzo, Itah·.
Sarno \,~ Veritti DJ Bevacizumab in[ravi[rcalc nel tra tti.lmcnto della nL'o\"a::;colariz/;l/.ionr~ coroidealc
secondaria a degenerazione m:'l culare miopica. Prt:'sent\,;d at the Società Italiana Laser in Ofralmolo­
gia Annual i\.leeting;Janudry 2':; ,2 013; Cortina D 'Ampezzo, Italv.
Veritti D , I.anzetta P. Corr&jùne dclla presbiopia c c\ell'ipermetropia mediante cheratoplastica
ottima\c. Preseneed at the Socie tà Italiana Laser in Ofralmologia Annual l\lceting; January 26, 2013;
Conina D 'Ampezzo, Ital)'.
Veritti D. La gestione delle o( clusioni '·~nose reriniche: implicazioni per il medico e per il paziente
legate al trattamento dell'edema m aeula re . Prl'scneed at the Cuurse " 11 paziente in primo piano.
Malattie d cii" superficie oculare, g la ucom a e malattie della retina'· ; february 8,2013; Udine, Itall'.
Veritti D , Lametta P. Intra,·jtr ·011 in jec tion <: an healthcarc rail ure modes and effects analysi,. Presen­
ted al the I OLI!
In tcma tional Symposium o n Ocular Pl!armaculogy and Thempeutics (ISOfYll;
IVlarch 8, 2013; Paris, France.
Veritti D. \Vhat's an «ppropriarc dosing intcr\'a l for intra\'itrcal ranib izumab? A pharmacokinctic
mode\. P11',cnted al the 10th International Symposium on Ol'ular Phormacology and Therapeurics
(fSOPT;,; l\.1arch 8,20 I~; Paris. Fr~nce.
Lametta P, Veritti D. Afliben.:.e pl fUI cCll tral rctinal ,·cin oeclllsion. Prcscnted at the 10th Intern a tio­
noi Syrnposium
o', UCllbr Fharmacology and Therapcutie, ([SOPT); I\brch 8, 2011; Pari s, Francc.
Lanzetta P, Veritti D. DifrL'~C ul dnlg':.i alld rcgimcn s in thc treatment of wc[-Al\'lD: what to choosc:?
Presented at the 10th Internatio n al Symposium on Ocular Phannacologv and Thcrapeutics (ISOPTj;
I\larch 9, 2013; Pari;, france.
Veritti D Mocor S, unzctta P. EflcC!s
VECI-' inhibi,ion on vascuidrizcd pigment cpithelium
detachment due t0 oeeult choroidal neovasculariution. Pre,c ntcd at the 10th Internalion,,1 Sympo­
si llm on O cul a r Pharmacology anel Th e: rapeuties (ISOPT); l\larch 9, 2013; Paris, France.
Veritti D. Occhio
rO:) 50.
Presd ltc d at tbc C:ourse "Triagr di pronto soccorso in oculistica"; ApriI IO)
2013, Udine, ltal)'.
Veritti D, Occlusioni
v en05C
rcliniche. Prcstnted ar lhc COl1r~C' "Occhio agli anziani"; ~Iay 2+,
20 13 ; Udine, Ital ),
Veritti D . Il 010 10 dci cOl1ico,tl'roidi. Prcscnred at the Coursc ··Retinopatia Diabetica 20 13";June I,
2013; Udin(, Italy.
Veritti D. ~lItracelltiea, cibo e medicine. Prcscntcd at thc Course "~utracclltica e salute degli
ocehi";June 21, 2013; Udinc., ltaly.
Veritti D. Il n.lOlo ddrinfiammazionc nell'edema maculare. Presented ar the Course "Steroids in thc
trcatmellt of relinal puthologic ..' ; ;\iov 8, 2013; Udine, Ital )'.
Veritti D . Steroidi intravitreali nell'edema maCLdare diabetico. Prcsen ted at the Course " Stcroids in
the treatmen t of rctin,,1 patholub'Ìes"; ~oy 8, 2013; Udine, !tal,..
Veritti D. Degenerazione ITIJCtdarc legata all'ctà di lipo neo\'aseolarc: esperienza aAibcrccp t in pa­
zienti non-rcsponder. P,'esented at thc Società Italiana Laser in Oftalmologia Annuall\ leeting;J anua­
31,2014; Cortina D'Ampezzo, lLal,..
Venni D . ;\utoftlloresccnza del fon d o OClI lare : ultime no,·ita. Prese llted at thc COllISC '·Rcti na
201+" ; t\[areh 28, 2014; Rome. h aly.
Veritti D . Epidemiologia e sto ria naturale clelia miopia patologica. Presented at th" Coursc "i'di opi a
pato logica: qllale futll ro"; Apr ~, 20 l -l ; Ud illL" leal)'.
Sarao \I, Veritti D, Arias L, Lametta P intra\itrcal Aftiberc ept for C ho roidal Ncov·ase ulari zation
l\gc-Rclatcd ~d acular D cgcncration Unrcspo nsivc
R anibiw mab Thcrapy Prcsclltcd at the
i\'sociati oll for Rcsearch in Vi, ioll amI Ophthalmology (i\RVO, ,\ noual ~leetin g: M a)" 6. 2014; fort
Lauderd alc,
Veritti D, l\[acor S, Lametta P [a ri)' effecis of de,amethasone crodiblc im plant 0'1 mandar edem a
due te I eòn al vein occlusion: fI~· tinal morphology and \~isua l fuocn an. Prt.:.'icn ted at the Associa[ion for
RCSCClrch in Vision a nel Opllthalmolo51 (ARVO ) r\nnual 1\·lccting: 1\ Ia)' 6, 2014; h >rt Laudcrdaic,
f'L, U S.\
Veritti D . Di scomfort da kntc a COnta~1O
film Iacrimale .. Presented at thc Cou rse "Contattologia:
cos'e impo rtante?'·; Ma)' 16,21) 14: Udine. Ital)'Veritti D . R,· ti,la e miopi a. P rc'~ nted al the Socict ~ Ofra lmologica Triwneta (SOT) Annual Me e­
ting; ,lll rt 13,20 14; [\lestre (VI':), l I ah-.
Veritti D. !\pproccio terope utlco ai pazie nti con patologie oculari : ruolo degli anl1-Tnf alfa c gestio­
ne d,· i paz icr,ti alll:tti da parok>gi oClibri c spond iloart riti (Sp,'·. Prescntcd at the C uu rse '~\ pproccio
rIlulciu b:.:iplinarc::
mal,mif' inrlammarorit musro!o
gastroin testina li, oc ul ari
d errn,wllvgi c'hc. Il ruolo dcII" t r;' pia allti-rnf alfa ·': Sep 12, 2:J I+: Mortegliano (U D). lta ly.
Venni D. Fisiop:ao logid (lclr l'lIcrrl J
dia 1)I .'ÙtU. Pn:'-f'D ccd at tlle
"Rccinopatia diabe­
tica cd ,·.Jema maCldare: (bilo ,crcc.ning alla terapia·'; Sep ::1, :!O 14; Ud ine, Ital)"­
Veriu-j D. Crl1.11tùim41 ndk prcvcr,ziuni c;::ij'cndortalmi(c: valutazioni f OSto efficacia.
Prc~c n( c d
the Cou rsc "\Vha t·'. new 20 14·'; SCI' 26, 20 14; l'cline, Italy.
,"Ifi lcn'nr J,(l:ffWl! !/ln, . dUi"f .) ~.tir.r')
A nleY7. l)}" SI',fllllm l
Postmor ~i{gm fll l p rnl CdUYi'1! (a..u:j {an!)
W.l l'i trrab!7l'1Jts
Inlraviirtal injld;IF!J
Intravltrt dl rambizumab fi,r D \IE . \IOll ihl \ PR..'\' rcgimen. Outcomcs and prognostic factors.
R,ltr: Sll/rt)' mg'llli:rr and cnhordi,wt(Jr (20 j 2-prnnlt)
hlituliv''' · DePI. of Op"'/ta!mol~g,l l. mt .-n;!," !J Udill~; D ILI. of Opii/ha/flmlll!. )' Unii m i!.. of h"<fI ~c,· DC/II. of
()plt/Jw lmolrgy Unicmi!y [·il,! S<l:I,ir. S, imiitir lnsiitl/v ;',1/1 R'!lI~r/(, Ili/ali; C.H Bittti Fmmdationfor SiUl~v and
Rcstllrch in O('ltllta/mu/u!:J, Rome DI'l'I. 0/ Opf,fh,·dmolllg;· Unù'<"i!! of hiwe; D'l'I. of Ophtha/lliu/o(!.Y Cniversi!!,
of CI/f,C·'i.
Pazopanib eye drops in choro icla i lleovascuiarizatio n du e to 1\1\10 (t\ID7110852) . Phase II b.
Ro/e: Sturi)' c:oordioalt,f
:'-Icva nac el'c drops following cata raet surc;'· 'y in dia l,,·tic rctinopathy paticn ts (ivlizar - C-09 -003)
Phase IIlb.
Ro/e: SiUI!;' coordinalor
,\ 6-month , Phase Il, Doublc-rn asked, !\Iulriccnter, R anclol1lized, Plaeeboconcrolled, Pa rallel Graup
Stlldy IO A"c>s thc Safet)' an d Eflicacy of ' l''pieal !\dmini stration of ·Iivo Conecntrations o f FO­
V230+ (I Di" and 2%) l \, icc D:tily for the Tn:at mene of Ccntcr-involvi ng Clinica lly Significant Macu ­
lar Edema Associ ated with D iabetic Rctin opathy (FOV2304/CLl:'-l/20 I/ Pì. Phasc II.
Ro',": S!llf!.Y coordinator
Long term safet)' ancl tolerabiliry of 0.5 mg l'i ngo limocl in patients ",ith rclapsing form s of multiple
sclerosis. Phasc Il l.
Role: OCT opera/N
A prospeeòvc observarional srud,. of oph lh 31mologic funerion in patienls rceciving Ijnezolicl for ('\,'o
Inonths or grcatee. Phase !Il.
Rate: Subim.:rstigalor
A 2+-months, ph asc lIIb, open-b bcl, , inc;k arm, multicentcr m lcl)' asscssing- thc effieac)' ancl sa fcty of
an indi\'idualized, stabili/atiurl rri[eria-dri\'en PR...'J dosing rq~lm e ll with O.5-mg ranibizumab imravl ­
treal injections in patients wirh \.;lIjua l impairmen t due to maru lar edema ::icconclary
vcin occl usioll . Pha.c llib.
Role: Sllidr mordinalor
centrai retinal
Effieaey and Safet)" or '1"'0 Trcallnel1t Regimens or 0.5 In.\( Ranlbizumab Inlrmitreallnjcetion s
Gu ided by Functional and / or .\lIalO111ical C rilcria. in Pal ienls \\'irh :'-IeDl'aseular Age-related lI.!aeu­
la r Oegc neration. PIi",c lIlb.
Rou: SUbÙWf'J1Zt;lIltJr
.'\"e" tlic Eflìeacy/Safc;y of 111lfavilrcal Ranibi7.um ab in Pcoplc \.1'iLh Vision Loss Due
:'-I~o \·ase uLJrlzat:on. Phase !Il.
Hole: SI/bini rsligotor
R andomi 7.ccl Study for E ffi("acy , nd Safetv of Ra nibizlI lTw 1) :l.'img in Trcat-ntend and Mont hl)
Regimens in Paòcnrs \Vith rJ\c\lD 1'11~:;c Illb.
Role: SUbùl1'(S Ii!:olur
Ranibizumab 0.51llg in
Rol,: ubùl'ce.ìli;;(t{rJ:"
~I)'opi" C~V
Ph ase JJl b.
S.!lty aod "f oler"bili!)' ,,1' Ra ni h:w nnb in lI.(ono/ lJibtcra l " '-;\:v1D Pat icnts in Eyes \l'ith
BC "'1\<2 / IO and/or 2r,d AtìCctccl Ere. Plia,c (([b.
Nole: .~l/biut'l'Jligalcr
A Ph asc 3 S,lety ,nd Elficdcy .'t Idy uf 10"i,tan. (e I OU30! Inlramrcous ..-\rlmi11lstratiun in Combina­ tion \ViÙl Lueentis® C n mp"r" d lo I.uee ntl ' R ì\[onn tllc· ra;;y. Ph asc Il!. Ro{..: Subi/ll,tJ/igalur OTHER PROJECTS ANO
C onking for alI. D" , i,,;ning , kiI Ch,· I. f,>r thc \'i\llaIl)' Illlpalfccl.
Rino .'ìnaidero Scienl07r hl/nda;i,,,
ProgettO Olimpo: crileri c ~r;ln(i.1rd on;alli;:zd[ivi dci l"cntn per la diagno.'ti e la cu ra de ll r malattie
della relina verso l'ccec lk nl a .
Rale: Lllcal SIIJ>m isor
of Ophlhalmolo!JJ: UnÌ! mi!; 'j' Ldine, Udille. Ita!"
2011 -/)I'(!,.,7,1
PRorr:SStO"l,IL-SC ILV J1FIC t\$ OCtHIO"lS / P,\"IEI.S
'!Hoc;alionfor Re,.tarrh in Vision autl Ofihtlwlmol"g ,' f, IRVO)
SociellÌ ItaliallLl fAser in Oftll /mol«&1 (SI LO)
European Relina/I'allel
2009-20 13
Inlravitrml Erperls Crol/p (I f'E(~
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fom Dee 20 Il
Ila/iana Mediri 0(111;"1; (,'H/O)
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/hsnriazimu ,Vlorulo/!{/Ii, Degel/emlii't Onllls (iL\I D 0,,/'/1)
[ hereby aurhorize rhe lise or my pc .w nal data, accordi ng to DI .GS 19612003. I con firm I gaincd cxpcricncc in the conduction or c1inical ni al , in accorclan ce \Vith th e principks or Good Cli nical Practice. Date prcparecl : .1 Sep 20 14 A norma del D.PR. 445 /2000, d ichiaro che le informazioni contenute "cl presente curri culum "irae, corri spondono al vero.