
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi, 345 - B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
This EVS project was born in order to allow foreign volunteers to feel and experience the importance of
preventing and fighting social exclusion by having a very important role in our society, developping a real
(and better) understanding of the menaning of Active Citizenship by becoming an evs volunteer. All the
incoming evs volunteers will be involved in different hosting communities which altough have a common
field of work which is the social one. The volunteers will be working in different communities which host
minori-es, such as disabled people, elderly, roma people, refugees and homeless. All the hos-ng
organizations offer several different activites and inplies several ways of active Help. Through this evs
project we want to araise also the awereness of being european. By helping disadvantaged people
volunteers will have a stronger idea of citizenship, as europen and as human being. We also would like to
connect these projects with other local volunteers who will be gradually involved in some activities in order
to reach a common goal and at the sime -me to strenght the intercultural dimension of the project.Also
our general and main aims are:-2e3ng to know each others4 culture through the coopera-on between
the volunteer and the local projects and communi-es-Broaden the par-cipants4 view about the
di5erences and similari-es between 6taly and the volunteers4 countries. -Approach a common
understanding which creates interna-onal solidarity -Providing experiences that will encourage
interna-onal and intercultural understanding7-Helping par-cipants to become aware of the issues and
problems existing in the local and national community in order to better understand worldwide socioeconomic-poli-cal issues and problems7-Encouraging commitment to act on these understandings, both
during the exchange experience and beyond.-act on an--discrimina-on and support to minori-es, which
are in this case disabled, homeless and refugees/immigrants. Experience the problems they face and learn
how this is dealt with in di5erent countries and in Europe in general
Venue Country:
Pagina 2 di 148
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 48.765,00
Pagina 3 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA TIRO A SEGNO 3/A
Applicant Postal Code: 33170
Applicant Town: PORDENONE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
6ndividual EVS in Pordenone, North East 6taly, including one Spanish disabled volunteer needing an
additional accompanying person for two weeks and one long term volunteer from Denmark for 10
months.By par-cipa-ng in ANFFAS ac-vi-es young people develop more respect for and understanding of
the disabled people life and gain an insight into their problems. They begin to understand the vulnerability
of this target group as well as the impact of their activities on their daily life. Through this process usually
the EVS volunteers realize how much they can contribute to other people4s lives and that they can make a
di5erence just being there.All An5as ac-vi-es are mul--disciplinary: everybody interacts with each other.
We enjoy the benefit of a mixed group of young people where both can offer and gain skills and both can
learn from one another in a safe supportive environment where contribution and mutual co-operation (of
young people with different ability levels & backgrounds) are considered a key element to personal
development and success of the project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.082,04
Pagina 4 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata
Applicant Address: Via Trieste, 1 c/o Centro Polivalente
Applicant Postal Code: 92023
Applicant Town: Campobello di Licata AG
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The three volunteers selected to participate in this project, which has been named "Kalat", will be
collabora-ng close to the members and employees of the associa-on, for: - the organizing and the
management of the interna-onal archaeological workcamp- the revalua-on and adapta-on of
archaeological areas and par-cularly that of the "Ancient Park of 6achinu Fili"7- the development and the
management of the DAn-Euarium4 and didac-c laboratories- the realiza-on of the intercultural ac-vi-es
for the local schools - the promo-on and spreading of all the ac-vi-es of the Archeoclub- the promo-on
and spreading of the Fouth 6n Ac-on Programme with the local volunteer of the Eurodesk Point.The
ac-vi-es previewed from the project will be carried out mostly in the territory of Campobello di Gicata .
The volunteers which will be arriving from France, Belgium and Spain, (who will be remaining in
Campobello di Gicata for 12 months, 6 months and 12 months respectively) after participating in a
preparatory course containing also linguistic lessons, will receive the reEuested support in order to adapt
and begin the development of their tasks. The working methods applied will differ depending on the
activity and will be based on the competences of each volunteer. They will not carry out a routine job.
Apart of the activities assigned to them in the office, they will have many external activities so that they
come in contact with the local community. The correct development of the activities will be estimated "in
fairs" either from the collaborators of the association, either through the added value that every volunteer
shall give to the project. For the volunteers, the active participation in the project will be an occasion of
non formal learning (learning by doing).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 26.000,00
Pagina 5 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA DELLE ORFANE 22
Applicant Postal Code: 10122
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The aim of this project is to offer young volunteer a possibility to share her life with disabled children in
Finland. The main themes are intercultural learning and working with the disabled and people with other
special needs. 6nternational volunteers will bring an important European dimension to the project and help
to improve international awareness and intercultural skills of the disabled people. All this is achieved by
providing them with interna-onal contacts in a very prac-cal level through daily ac-vi-es.On the other
hand, the aim is to integrate the volunteer to the local community and provide a fruitful atmosphere for
learning about di5erent methods and approaches of Finnish disabled care.The dura-on of the Service is
nine months.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.420,00
Pagina 6 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Let's play together in the kindergarten of Velo
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The project will take place in the kindergarten of Municipality of Velo, which hosts children between 2 and
5 years old. The motivation to host an EVS volunteer is the support and help in the everyday work of the
kindergarten.6ndeed the EVS volunteer will assist the staff in the daily childcare, including fine-art
workshop, painting lessons, theatrical workshop, playing games with the children, will take part in the
workshops in the subject of tastes (sweet, salty, bitter and sour), join the trips and excursions and will help
in the kitchen of the kindergarten. Moreover the volunteer will be encouraged to organise her own small
projects depending on her skills and ideas. The main aims are the introduction of new activities taken by
the volunteers for the daily life of the children and the promotion of and contact for the children and the
local community with a new culture, in order to get a mutual cultural enrichment and an increased
curiosity on both sides. The project will start in June 2008 and will have a duration of 6 months. 6t will
involve one volunteer coming from 6taly. The working method that will be applied in the one of a constant
tutorage of the volunteer from the staff in order to maximise the insertion of the vounteer in the activities
through a constant following and evaluation of her progress. Particular attention will be given to the
feedback given by the supervisor to the volunteer. Furthermore, the active participation of the volunteer
will be fostered as the volunteer will be encouraged to express and implement her own ideas and projects
of activities.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.170,00
Pagina 7 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Young People and Natural Heritage
Applicant: GAL Co.P.A.I. Consorzio di Promozione dell'Area Iblea
Applicant Address: Via Lanteri, 51
Applicant Postal Code: 97015
Applicant Town: MODICA (RG)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The Hyblean Province (Hyblean stands for the Mounts in the Province of Ragusa, in South East of Sicily6taly) is characterised by a wonderful environmental heritage: beautiful coasts, caves, environmental
reserves, the 6rminio River mouth, etc. Unfortunately, scarce knowledge and bad policies (owing to the lack
of systematic surveys and data bases, for example) are putting in danger this important heritage of our
territory.Beaches are more and more polluted (since people see them only as a place where they can go
on holiday in summer, without thinking to basic environmental rules to be respected)7 caves are scarcely
considered although they are wonderful and rich of flora and fauna7 the 6rminio River mouth has recently
been subjected to re-evaluation, but the local collectivity does not consider/know it. Even if policies have
been undertaken, the public is not involved in their safeguard or maintenance, and abandon and pollution
are the most evident results. Our volunteers will:-study and catalogue the di5erent features of our
environmental heritage-create a data base (Nora, fauna, features of the places, problems, ac-ons which
have been undertaken (and eventual beneOts)/ ac-on to be undertaken-create a database concerning the
environmental rules and best practises at local, regional, national, European level. A particular emphasis
should be given to the situation in the volunteer sending Countries. This will be for them an occasion to
know the situa-on in 6taly but also in their own Countries too.-Create a micro-network in which the
hos-ng organisa-on and the sending ones will keep in touch to:-exchange informa-on concerning the
volunteers4 ac-vi-es within this project-widespread them in the sending organisa-on Countries (in the
action territory of the sending organizations) in order to inform and sensitise local young people in what
the European Volunteers will do here in 6taly-exchange good prac-ces in youth involvement in
environmental issues (knowledge and safeguard of the environmental heritage) These researches will not
be only a work of data collection, but will be the basis for further activities and will be done for the
following reasons:1)our organisa-on - which is very ac-ve in environmental protec-on and promo-on never organised/structured the information and the knowledge it acEuired during these years. Now it
Pagina 8 di 148
would be the occasion to create a database to monitor what has just be done to improve the local
environmental heritage situation and what should be done7 which are the reference law to be considered
or used as support for the ac-ons7 etcP.2)our organisa-on - which is very ac-ve in youth policies - wants
to start a sensitisation activity for young people concerning the presence, the value and the needs of the
local environmental heritage. 6n this regard, all the information found/elaborated by the volunteers will be
processed to create information and sensitisation material to involve the local young people. Our aim will
be to make them know the local environmental heritage and to make them understand how important is
to protect it (1st because they live in and 2nd because this is an important element to promote our
territory which is normally visited by thousands of tourists every year)3)planning, organisa-on of guided
visits and excursions (guided by you and the staff of the COPA6) 6 think it will be a good occasion for you to
have a contact with our local young people. These excursions could be done in 6talian (local staff) and
English or French (by the volunteers) so that they can be a good occasion for our young people to know
something more on the local environmental heritage andP..use the languages they study at
school4)organisa-on and realiza-on of a radio programme for young people (widespread environmental
information you find, curiosities, radio programmes during which the volunteers will invite and interact
with young people who took part to the excursions in order that they can to tell about their experience, for
example)5)implementa-on of European Volunteers4 personal projects complying with the aims and
objec-ves of the projectproject dura-on 7 months: star-ng date: may 2008accommoda-on:
apartments more info about Modica: www.copai.it
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 20.635,00
Pagina 9 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
International and national Networking and Understanding Work
Applicant: Legambiente Ecopolis
Applicant Address: Via Berthollet, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 10125
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project "6nternational and national Networking and Understanding Work" aims at contributing to the
creation of a network of organisations and institutions that share the principles of Nonviolent
Communica-on, Mindfulness, Vision Finding and Engagement.6n order to achieve this goal, the EVS
volunteer will be involved in a wide scope of actions: from the planning and conduction of an international
youth workcamp to the creation of a multilingual website designed to be a platform for an international
support network. She will work together with her sending and hosting organisation towards the creation
of a network of people with different skills, knowledge and capabilities. We want to train enganged
experts who are willing to support international understanding projects in the field of communication and
community building. The EVS volunteer will be part, firstly as participant and later on as a conductor: of
training programmes to train as many people as possible in skills of Nonviolent Communication,
Mindfulness, Facilita-on Skills, Decision Making skills, o5ering training for mul-pliers.We do believe that
the EVS programme is a great opportunity for spreading vision finding methods in order to make people
throughout Europe aware about how to implement their personal vision and aims in harmony with the
ones of the local community, society and the European Union.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.160,00
Pagina 10 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Do not forget Chernobyl
Applicant: Legambiente O.N.L.U.S.
Applicant Address: Via Salaria 403
Applicant Postal Code: 00199
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Post conflict/post-disaster rehabilitation
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
This project links Gegambiente, the sending organiza-on, with the hos-ng organiza-on, Belrad, forthe Orst
-me. Belrad already co-operates with other N2Os, working on the radia-on monitoring of theinhabitants
of Chernobyl zone, contaminated by radionuclides.The candidate volunteer, who already worked on the
topics related to radia-on safety and protec-onof the Chernobyl area for three years as a Gegambiente
volunteer, is very mo-vated to keep workingon this topic as a avolunteer with Belrad for a period of 6
months.He will collaborate with the oRce, in Minsk, communica-ng with foreign partners, crea-ng
anddeveloping na-onal and interna-onal projects, transla-ng documents into italian and promo-ng
theac-vi-es of Belrad in 6taly.The volunteer will also work on-Oeld, in the former high polluted area of
2omelskaya, involved in thetechnical measuring the levels of radioac-vity in soil, food products (heSll
check the data collectd byexperts). HeSll be involved also in direct contac with inhabitants, helping in the
administering pec-nprepara-ons to children and having leisure ac-vites with them.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.325,00
Pagina 11 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The volunteer will collaborate with the Mosaic Centre - Jericho, a branch of the Committee for the
promotion of Tourism in the Jericho 2overnorate, in a project which has the general aim of fostering social
inclusion and public involvement in civic and cultural programs.The main objec-ves of this collabora-on,
which will last 9 months, are:oTo promote knowledge and awarness among youth about their region and
its natural, cultural and socio-economic resources7oThe establishment of a network of actors interested
on fostering participation of local communities (public and private sector and civil society) in the protection
and promo-on of Pales-nian cultural heritage7oThe crea-on of series of routes and tourist o5ers
proposed by the local realities involved at the national and regional level (Middle East) aimed at the
establishment of alternative communication channels to promote dialogue between European countries,
Middle Eastern countries and Pales-ne7oStudying the development of a scheme of the funding to start
tourist micro-ac-vi-es.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.190,00
Pagina 12 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Legambiente onlus circolo Lecco
Applicant Address: Via Bovara 1F
Applicant Postal Code: 23868
Applicant Town: Valmadrera (Lecco)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project takes part within the context of the activity of the enviornmental association Gegambiente in
Gombardia, integrating the programme of works of environmental maintenance and improvement in the
Euality of the environment run in the network of natural areas of Gegambiente (Retenatura) and the
programme of Gegambiente voluntary projects in Gombardy (Volontariambiente). This 2roup EVS project
will mainly take place in the Permanent Centre for Volunteers and Environmental Education in Campsirago
(Gecco) in the middle of a mountainous protected area, for a duration of 6 months with 2 European
volunteers (from France and 2ermany). The Gegambiente Centre in Campsirago has hosted both EVS and
Short Term EVS volunteers since 2004, promoting their integration within the activities of Gegambiente
Gecco Onlus to build a system of projects helping the development of our Centre, to carry on important
interventions to restore and value natural areas, to raise awareness on voluntary service and active
citizenship values and benefits through formal and non-formal educational activities (manual outdoor
works of environmental maintenance, active participation in environmental education activities, role of
environmental messenger of the association). The project will periodically take place in other natural areas
belonging to the above mentioned network Retenatura, whose structure is situated in the whole region of
Gombardy, and in the areas of intervention of workcamps activated in Gombardy by the Gegambiente
programme Volontariambiente.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 11.425,00
Pagina 13 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The volunteer will collaborate in the project "Circus without Borders" which has the main objective of
strengthening the cooperation between the young Palestinian Circus School and others circus schools or
youth organizations in Europe, through the dissemination of information about Palestinian Circus School4s
work. The project aims at documenting systematically the activities and the projects of the circus school
and support the promotion of international exchanges of trainings and youth experiences in this
Oeld.Through this project one 6talian volunteer will support the Pales-nian Circus School set in Ramallah
for 9 months.The 6talian volunteer will collaborate to its ongoing ac-vi-es such as: assis-ng in the ongoing
circus workshops and trainings with children in Ramallah and other cities and villages of the West Bank,
field visits to establish new circus clubs, promotion of the organization4s social events, producing extensive
documenta-on (ar-cles, features, pictures, video etc.) about Pales-nian Circus School4 work.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.190,00
Pagina 14 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Utopia City and Promotion of Solidarity and International Volunteering
Applicant: Servizio Civile Internazionale
Applicant Address: VIA CRUTO 43
Applicant Postal Code: 00149
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project will sustain the activity realized by the SC6 6taly regarding the promotion of international
solidarity and the tolerance between people, supporting the participation of the youngsters in different
voluntary activities, inside and outside the European Union. The objectives of the SVE project proposed are
to involve the European volunteers in the promotion of international volunteering intended as a way of
ac-ve ci-zenship, educa-on to interculturality and personal and social growth. The project will mainly
be carried out in Rome between the office of the National Secretary of the SC6 6taly and the project "Utopia
City". The project duration will be for nine months, from witch six of activities and will involve three
volunteers coming from di5erent countries: France, Hungary and Croa-a. The ac-vi-es implemented
are mainly of two types. The first one regards the project "Utopia City" in with two volunteers will support
the coordination of the local and international activities (public initiatives, workshop, coordination of
international exchanges, work camps and seminars, ect.). The other activity will focus on supporting the
National Secretary in the promotion of solidarity and international volunteering (diffusion of the
opportunities regarding volunteery activities, support in the training sessions, organization of events to
aware and inform on the issue, ect.). The past experiences with the young par-cipants revealed themselfs very positives in terms of potentiality offered to the project and also to the informal learning and
experiences on the Oeld acEuired from the foreign volunteers.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.625,00
Pagina 15 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Associazione Ashram MultiKulti
Applicant Address: Via Landolina n. 41
Applicant Postal Code: 95131
Applicant Town: Catania
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
This project intends to offer European volunteers the chance to make a beautiful experience in Sicily with
Sicilian people according to the idea of a healthy multicultural exchange. The fundamental aim is to spread
in the area the knowledge about the youth politics in the European Community, the spirit of European
citizenship, the respect for other cultures and the support to the activities of the association4s operators
who work in the field of multiculturality. Our association will involve the volunteers for ten months in
activities of education and information together with the local youth (Sicilians and migrants) and entrust
everyone specific activities according to their attitudes and preferences. The volunteers will help the
operators of the association in the project "Quartieri" and together they will continue the work already
started with the youth of the Euarter Civita of Catania city center (Sicily-6T).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 24.450,00
Pagina 16 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Associazione Servizi per il Volontariato di Modena
Applicant Address: Via della Cittadella 30
Applicant Postal Code: 41100
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The project "Family Care" has like objective to implement and to develop some activities of the
Association, some already under way and others already planned but still "on the paper". 6n particular the
volunteer will par-cipate to the following ac-vi-es: 1) Promo-on and realiza-on of providing
supplementary lessons and amusement after school-timestudy, in order to remove difficult scholastic,
economic and familiar situa-ons of children and adolescents. 2) Accompanying of the volunteers during
the periodic visits at the Protected House for Old people of the city of Mirandola for company activity,
anima-on and conversa-on with the hosts of the structure3) Development of an organiza-onal
secretariat in the activity of attendance at home in favor of persons who find themselves in condition of
economic, material and moral need4) Devising and realiza-on of ac-vity of deep sensi-za-on through
stand/desks that will be repared in occasion of manifestations or festivities of the same country during all
the arc of the year.The volunteer involved will stay for a period of 9 months star-ng fromSeptember. The
Sending Organisations involved is KOSZ6 - Association Of Central Service And Advisor Office For Student
from Hungary and the hosting organization is ASS. "Società San Vincenzo De Paoli. Consiglio Centrale Di
Carpi" Mirandola from 6taly.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.040,00
Pagina 17 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Sezione Laziale della UILDM (Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolar
Applicant Address: Via Prospero Santacroce, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 00167
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The project involves 3 volunteers that will be working at Sezione Gaziale U6GDM, an organisation settled in
Rome, 6taly, in the field of promoting the rights and independence of people with disabilities. Their
activities will be focused on fundraising, animating the youth group, cooperating with the service of
European mobility and providing support to people with disabili-es. The foreseen dura-on of the service
is 12 months. The project will count on the participation of volunteers coming from Portugal, France and
Gatvia. During the project the volunteers will be encouraged to express their ac-ve ci-zenship and
develop a stronger sense of belonging to the European Union.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 30.730,00
Pagina 18 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called CO.2E.S.S., situated in Barghe (a village
located in Valle Sabbia, an alpine valley in the province of Brescia). 6t includes one EVS group ac-vity. The
main themes are promotion of eEual opportunities towards disabilities and European awareness, to be
gained through solidarity and participation in different fields. The main objectives are aimed at developing
an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the disabled people, in order to live
an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another objective is to contribute to
remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the local community. This
project will last 20 months and involves 5 Countries (6taly, France, Finland, Turkey, and Spain) and 4
volunteers. The ac-vity will last 9 months.The implemented ac-vi-es deal with entertainment ac-vi-es
for disabled people, in order to s-mulate their mental capabili-es. Working methods include policies of
service delivery, non-formal learning and training courses, sharing of different experiences, opennes to
creativity and personal projects, active and continuous involvement of each partner organization included
in this project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 15.460,00
Pagina 19 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Giardino Segreto
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
6n Euesto progetto di Sve di 2ruppo, 3 volontari inviati dalla SPA2NA e dalla 2ERMAN6A (2), verranno
ospitati, con il coordinamento della Coop TempoGibero di Brescia, presso la FONDAZ6ONE AN2EGO
PASSER6N6 - recentemente accreditata: si tratta di una residenza sanitaria assistenziale per anziani con
all4interno un asilo nido aziendale.6 volontari staranno per lo stesso periodo di 9 mesi.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 23.025,00
Pagina 20 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Croce Verde - Green Cross
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
6n Euesto progetto di Sve di 2ruppo, 3 volontari inviati dalla FRANC6A, dalla MACEDON6A e dalla POGON6A,
verranno ospitati, con il coordinamento della Coop TempoGibero di Brescia, presso la CROCE VERDE
OSP6TAGETTO - recentemente accreditata: si tratta di una struttura che si occupa soccorso sanitario
mediante ambulanza e assistenza ad anziani e mala-.6 volontari staranno per lo stesso periodo di 9 mesi.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 23.355,00
Pagina 21 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA TIRO A SEGNO 3/A
Applicant Postal Code: 33170
Applicant Town: PORDENONE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
6ndividual EVS in Pordenone, North East 6taly, including one 2erman volunteer for 12 months and one
Belgian volunteer for 12 months.By par-cipa-ng in ANFFAS ac-vi-es young people develop more respect
for and understanding of the disabled people life and gain an insight into their problems. They begin to
understand the vulnerability of this target group as well as the impact of their activities on their daily life.
Through this process usually the EVS volunteers realize how much they can contribute to other people4s
lives and that they can make a di5erence just being there.All An5as ac-vi-es are mul--disciplinary:
everybody interacts with each other. We enjoy the benefit of a mixed group of young people where both
can offer and gain skills and both can learn from one another in a safe supportive environment where
contribution and mutual co-operation (of young people with different ability levels & backgrounds) are
considered a key element to personal development and success of the project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 19.950,00
Pagina 22 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Archeoclub d'Italia sede di Campobello di Licata
Applicant: Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata
Applicant Address: Via Trieste, 1 c/o Centro Polivalente
Applicant Postal Code: 92023
Applicant Town: Campobello di Licata AG
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The volunteers selected will participate to an EVS 2roup project, which has been named "KAMPUS", will be
collaborating close to the members and employees of the association, to organize and to realize the
international archaeological work camp in Campobello di Gicata. The volunteers will be involved in all
stages of the programme of the work camp: intercultural activity, archaeological research on the field,
from the preparation to the realisation and registration of received data, guided visits, ecc. These activities
will give to the 2roup the possibility to do an very important non formal learning. The possibility to stay
with other EVS volunteer and with the foreign participant to the work camp will be for the EVS 2roup an
occasion to do an intercultural experience, mee-ng other young people from several countries.The
volunteers which will be arriving from France, Spain and Turkey (who will be remaining in Campobello di
Gicata for 2 months) after participating in a preparatory course, containing also linguistic lessons, will
receive the reEuested support in order to adapt and begin the development of their tasks. The working
methods applied will differ depending on the activity and will be based on the competences of each
volunteer. They will not carry out a rou-ne job. During two months of the project the group of volunteer
will have many external activities so that they come in contact with the local community too. The correct
development of the activities will be estimated "in fairs" either from the collaborators of the association,
either through the added value that every volunteer shall give to the project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 11.990,00
Pagina 23 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
To foster INTERCULTURAL LEARNING for building a better FUTURE
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi, 345 - B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The idea behind this EVS project is to strenght the importance of 6ntercultural Gearning as a tool for
developping a better knowledge and uderstanding of other cultures as a way for building up a better
future. During their evs projects, young people can learn from each other and enrich themselves by
working and leaving in a real and wide intercultural context. All the selected evs volunteers will be
involved in different hosting communities which have a common field of work which is the social one. The
volunteers will be working in different communities which host minorities, such as disabled people, elderly,
roma people, refugees and homeless, arising and exploring the meaning of 6ntercultural learnig.All the
hosting organizations offer several different activites and inplies several ways of active help. Through this
evs project we want to araise also the awereness of being a volunteer in a different country. By helping
disadvantaged people volunteers can focus on the importance of solidarity and ac-ve ci-zenship.We also
would like to connect these projects with other local volunteers who will be gradually involved in some
activities in order to reach a common goal and at the sime time to strenght the intercultural dimension of
the project.We want to reach the following goals:-Broaden the par-cipants4 view about the di5erences
and similari-es between 6taly and the volunteers4 countries. -Approach a common understanding which
creates interna-onal solidarity -Providing experiences that will encourage interna-onal and intercultural
understanding7-Helping par-cipants to become aware of the issues and problems exis-ng in the local and
national community in order to better understand worldwide socio-economic-political issues and
problems7-Encouraging commitment to act on these understandings, both during the exchange
experience and beyond.-act on an--discrimina-on and support to minori-es, which are in this case
disabled, homeless and refugees/immigrants. Experience the problems they face and learn how this is dealt
with in di5erent countries and in Europe in general-ReNect on Cultural understanding and cultural
6den-ty-Work on the di5erences between mul-cultural socie-es and intercultural socie-es.
Pagina 24 di 148
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 69.680,00
Pagina 25 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Arci Comitato Territoriale di Catania
Applicant Address: P.zza Carlo Alberto 47
Applicant Postal Code: 95129
Applicant Town: Catania
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Arci Catania is a social promotion organisation active in the field of social inclusion and culture . The
volunteer will deal with the projet Medi-action which include activities in the sector of immigration and
culture diversity (i.e. linguistic support, legal support, vocational guidance) , in the active citizenship and
legality sector (workshop and educational activities with young people) international sector (an
information desk about European Fouth mobility projects and planning and implementation of youth
exchanges and international training activities).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.630,00
Pagina 26 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
A volunteer for other volunteers
Applicant: Cesvov - Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: Via Brambilla, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
This is a group EVS project that includes 4 promoters from programme countries and a neighbouring
partner country: 3 sending organisations from 2ermany, Macedonia and Spain, each sending one volunteer
to a host organisation in 6taly, that also acts as the coordinating organisation of the project. The 3
volunteers participate in the activity in Varese, 6taly and the project lasts in total 20 months. The project
focuses on the theme of volunteering as an expression of active citizenship and aims at enhancing active
participation and European awareness of young people and of the local community, enhancing
intercultural learning and developing the sense of solidarity and tolerance of young people. The project is
designed, implemented and evaluated with a non-formal and cooperative method that involves all partners
as well as the 3 volunteers. 6t foresees common activities for all volunteers as well as 3 individual "paths"
inside the host organisation and collaborations with other local non-profit organisations. The activities at
the Centre of Services for Volunteering of the province of Varese (host organisation) touch different
aspects of the volunteering world (communication, database about volunteering, training, social report,
promotion of volunteering (particularly the EVS), ...) and are matched with each volunteer4s profile.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 27.480,00
Pagina 27 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Cesvov - Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: Via Brambilla, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
6nterACT6ON is an individual EVS project that involves one sending organisation from Romania (Chance for
Gife), one host organisation from 6taly (Ga Finestra), one volunteer (Simona Tudose) and one coordinating
organisation from 6taly (CESVOV). The volunteer takes part in a 11-month activity (total duration of the
project: 17 months) in Malnate, 6taly. The project focuses on the theme of disability and social integration
of disabled people and aims at promoting diversity in all its aspects, develop tolerance and solidarity,
encourage an exchange at different levels between young people, developing the awareness of the
concept of active citizenship and bringing the local community closer to the concept of Europe. The project
is designed, implemented and evaluated with a non-formal and cooperative method that involves all
promoters as well as the volunteer. 6t foresees the participation of the volunteer to various workshops and
activities that aim at developing the capacities and autonomy of disabled users of Ga Finestra (wood
workshop, psychomotricity, cognitive workshop, swimming pool,...). The volunteer will also take part in
external activities of the association (cultural and sport outings, summer camp, ...) and will develop her
own personal project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.365,00
Pagina 28 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA EMILIA OVEST 101
Applicant Postal Code: 41100
Applicant Town: MODENA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The main objective of the project is to strengthen and Eualify the "Permanent Centre of Media Education"
constituted in the Centre, helping teachers and trainers in the make grow the critical sense of the young
and their way of see and interpret the reality through mass media. The leading idea of the project is to
become a point of reference of schools, teachers, trainers and of all those that have interested, or for job
or for free time, to employ the mass media in the formation of the people. The Centre would like to put
into a network all those experiences that already exist in the school.A secondary objec-ve of the project
is to strengthen and to increment the activities relies to the "Observatory on the Gocal Press" activated in
the 1996 from the Centre with the objective to make reflect the journalists on their job and encourage the
amelioration of the Euality of their profession, for make think the citizens on the condition, on the priority
and on the ways in which the local community speaks about itself. The assignments of this Observatory
consist best man on the pages daily places of the production of Euantitative and Eualitative analysis of the
ar-cles at the end of Oght each form of discrimina-on above all. This project foresee the involvement of
one volunteer coming from 2ermany for 6 months star-ng from September 2008.The European
volunteer will allow to our centre to realize activities that otherwise would not come effect7 his
involvement in the centre will allow to the operators to compare each others with an objective and
impar-al interlocutor, carrier of new and meaningful ideas.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 4.420,00
Pagina 29 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
This project aim at fostering the eEual opportunities of youngster and children in different areas of our
country, set in the centre and in the south of 6taly, sustaining the activities of three different organizations
of the civil society.The Orst associa-on, ARPJ TETTO is set in Rome in a house family were are hosted up
to 7 orphan and abandoned children between 6 and 10 years of age of both sexes. The institutional
objec-ve is to o5er to disadvantaged children the chance to have a suitable life and family.FARFA R6VER
D6DACT6CAG FARM is a cooperative who developes its actions in the rural district of Sabina. The area, has a
lack of population because of its nature of a mountain community, and should need a sustainable
philosophy in the maintenance of the environment and the organization of iniciatives directed to sustain
eEual opportuni-es for all its inhabitants.The associa-on 26OVAN6NS6EME foster the youngsters4 mobility
and the European Voluntary Service as way to acEuire non formal education.Their activities aim at create
meetings opportunities between the European volunteers and youngsters living in S.2iovanni 2alermo
district, a strongly disadvantaged Euarter of Catania in which the chances for children and youngsters are
Euite unfair.The idea sustaining the whole project is to sustain eEual opportuni-es for young and children,
o5ering the chance to European volunteers to Oght against social exclusion in three di5erent areas in 6taly.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 15.450,00
Pagina 30 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
"Diveristy and Mutual understanding promote Growth"
Applicant: TDM 2000
Applicant Address: Via Sant'Andrea, 11
Applicant Postal Code: 09129
Applicant Town: Cagliari
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
Facing diversity helps to grow up and to open our minds. When we get in touch with people that differ
from us and we interact with them we become aware of our limits and our capabilities, we find out that
there are many ways to see the things and that not always our point of view is the right one. This is valid
when we talk about culture and habits, about physical differences, about differences in the age of the
people, in social classes and in the education level. These are the main typology of diversity that we touch
in the ac-vi-es of this EVS project.The ac-vi-es that we are proposing are 3. 6t is a hos-ng project. Two of
the activities (n°1 and n°2) are part of the planned activities of our organization from several years. The
third one is a new ac-vity coming from an expressed need of the society in which we operate.1) An
activity with children from elementary schools, to learn the importance of preserving the environment and
the importance of diversity. Diversity on the physical side (there will be some lessons at school with the
school children hold by blind young people) and on the cultural side (some lessons will be held by the
volunteers that will make intercultural ac-vi-es with the school children)2) An ac-vity of organiza-on of
international meetings that will involve more then 150 youngsters from all over the world. Here the
volunteers will have to support our staff in the organization (advertising, keeping contacts with the possible
participants and with donors and so onP, planning the activities, keeping the contacts with suppliers and so
on)3) An ac-vity with disadvantaged children (that live in "Case famiglia" or similar ins-tutes) to let them
discover the importance of multiculturalism and also to help them to integrate with the other children of
their age.Within this project we want to give to the volunteers the opportunity to live an experience of
life that will affect their personality and their future. A part from the general advantage of being in
constant contact with an environment that is different from their own, according to the activity in which
each one of them will be involved, they will confront themselves with different typology of people eg.
"normal" and disadvantaged children, youngsters with physical disabilities, youngsters from all over the
world. Moreover they will get in contact with some professionals (like journalists, teachers, educatorsP),
Pagina 31 di 148
poli-cians, entrepreneurs, suppliers all Ogures that could be useful for the volunteers4 future life.The
Services will last 6 months each and all the activities will be implemented in Cagliari (city and hinterland).
We will host 6 volunteers.A group EVS project has some advantages compared to the individual EVS:
higher visibility for the organization, for the project and therefore for the FiA programme7 a more
comfortable environment for the volunteers.We have chosen TDM 2000 Malta as it is a consolidate
partner of us and it is also part of our international network. We can rely on them and working together
also in the EVS field is another opportunity to strengthen our partnership. The "ProAtlântico - Associação
Juvenil" from Portugal and the N2O Ookull from Estonia have good experiences in the field and they have
been also recommended from other good partners of us. We have never had volunteers from Portugal ,
Malta or Estonia.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 32.820,00
Pagina 32 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Ricovero Valsabbino
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The title of this project is "Ricovero Valsabbino". 6t will last 12 months, from the 1st of July 2008 to the
30th of June 2009. This project includes one activity, which will be performed in a Home for Elderly People
located in the Province of Brescia: 2007-6T-126 Fondazione Angelo Passerini of Nozza di Vestone. 6t will
involve 4 countries (6taly, Portugal, Romania and FFROM) and 3 volunteers. The "Ricovero Passerini" is a
non-profit-making welfare residence for elderly people which has been active within the European
Voluntary Service for several years. The volunteers work alongside specialised staff for the organisation of
entertainment ac-vi-es for the elderlies such as:oS-mula-on of memory, a[en-on and
languageoTherapy of orienta-on in the reality oOccupa-onal therapyoAc-vi-es for socialisa-onThe
objective of the project is to create an intercultural dialogue among old and young people and to give the
volunteers the opportunity to live an experience of non-formal training. The main themes are
intercultural dialogue through an ac-ve par-cipa-on of young people.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 25.875,00
Pagina 33 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project takes place in Vobarno, a vilagge located in Valle Sabbia in the region of Gombardy. 6t lasts 12
months and implies one activity of 9 months. 6t involves 3 countries (Spain, 2ermany, 6taly) and 2
volunteers.Being a residen-al centre for drug-addicts, we are deeply convinced of the importance of
communal life as therapeu-c tool.The aims and values that we pursue in our community are:-communal
life as an alterna-ve to individualism and selOshness7-simplicity and naturalness in the way of being,
behaving and rela-ng to the others7-respect for the ideas of the others and capability to relate with other
people in a correct and construc-ve way7-honesty, responsibility, solidarity as alterna-ves to arrogance
and lack of commitment7-friendship and hospitality towards those who "pass by" in the Community with
posi-ve aims7-solidarity, altruism, voluntary work and ini-a-ves in support to other reali-es in
diRculty.6t4s important that every person acknowledges its own skills and limits, developing autonomy,
interest and commitment.The poten-ali-es of communal life are a great s-mulus for the development of
the personality of the young people that live here and for the volunteers.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.960,00
Pagina 34 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Fondazione Rizzieri Piancogno
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The title of this project is Fondazione Rizzieri Piancogno. 6t will last 12 months, from the 1st of July 2008 to
the 30th of June 2009. 6t involves 3 countries (6taly, Hungary and Spain) and 3 volunteers. The location of
the project is Piancogno, a small village near Brescia.The objec-ve is to develop solidarity and promote
tolerance among young people through social and entertainment activities with elderly people. EVS
volunteers can offer a service aimed at increasing European awareness through a mutual exchange of
lifestyles, habits, tradi-ons and working methods. The main themes are par-cipa-on of young people and
intercultural dialogue. The implemented ac-vi-es include cogni-ve training, vision and comment on a
movie, group of reminiscence, work and pet theraphy.Working methods deal with non-formal learning,
intercultural dimen-on, an-discrimina-on and ac-ve par-cipa-on.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 24.895,00
Pagina 35 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Residenza Sanitaria Struttura Protetta
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The title of this project is Residenza Sanitaria Struttura Protetta. 6t will last 12 months, from the 1st of July
2008 to the 30th of June 2009. This project includes one individual activity, which will be performed in a
Home for Elderly People located in the Province of Brescia, 2007-6T-47 Residenza Sanitaria Struttura
Protetta of Pisogne. 6t will involve 2 countries (6taly and Spain) and 1 volunteer. The objective of this
project is to create an intercultural dialogue among two generations speaking a different "language":
young people and elderly people. The EVS volunteer can offer a service aimed at increasing European
awareness through a mutual exchange of lifestyles, habits, traditions and working methods. This project
gives a lot of non-formal learning opportunities, contributing to personal, emotional and professional
development of the volunteer involved.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.695,00
Pagina 36 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Intercultural learning and mobility for young people
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The project, is two-leveled where three volunteers take part in the activities with 3 different hosting
organizations with specific characteristics with a common theme of inclusion of people with less
opportunities and comparison with cultural diversity which are the main points of all three projects.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 24.940,00
Pagina 37 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Sala 1 - Arte contemporanea
Applicant: YAP italia
Applicant Address: Via Marco Dino Rossi, 12/c
Applicant Postal Code: 00173
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The Sala 1 is a cultural association and a center for artistic experimentation, one of the oldest in 6taly.
Founded in 1970 by the sculptor Tito Amodei (his studio is part of the complex) and directed by American
curator Mary Angela Schroth, the organization includes young art historians (A. Pisilli, F. Capriccioli) and
outside specialists. The space is characterized by its international projects, often uniEue in 6taly. 6t is not
only a gallery but also a place of encounter and debate, hosting contemporary music, performance,
theater, video, architecture and children4s art workshops.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.630,00
Pagina 38 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Associazione INCO - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
Applicant Address: VIA V.VENETO 75
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: TRENTO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Health
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
This project consists in the participation of three volunteers in the animation sector of different nursery
homes for elders in Bolzano, 6taly. With this project we would like to give the opportunity to young people
to favour the intercultural exchange and the sense of solidarity. We invite them to participate actively at
the construc-on of our society and to give a li[le contribu-on to reduce social discrimina-on.This
projects consists in the following three ac-vi-es:The volunteers Angelina Krasavina will do her EVS in the
elderly home Villa Europa and Adrienn Shalli will do the activities of her project in Villa Armonia. Although
the volunteer will work in different houses, with different time tables, the activities developed are basically
the same.Villa Armonia hosts 82 self-suRcient or par-ally self-suRcient elders and Villa Europa, 96.The
services at these nursery homes for elders are, for example:"hotel services (food, lodging, room cleaning,
clothes washing)"services of nursing, care and hygiene"recrea-onal service"health assistance"speech
pathology"physiotherapyThe volunteers will support mainly the entertainment sector of the nursing
homes, assisting the social workers and trying to give a young smile and a feeling of internationality to the
guests. Seen the very positive experiences we made last year with our European volunteers who are doing
their projects in these nursery homes, we are convinced that our volunteers can contribute actively to
enrich the Euality of life at the houses bringing new energy, motivation and new ideas to the host
organiza-on.6n par-cularly, they will be involved in the anima-on sector (organiza-on of cultural and
recreational activities such as going for a walk, organizing some birthday parties, making some cakes
together with the elderly, reading newspapers etc.).Every volunteer will have the opportunity to do one
or more personal projects, such as the organization of handicraft workshops, game sessions, presentations
of the own country etc.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Pagina 39 di 148
2ranted amount: € 19.600,42
Pagina 40 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Media & Citizenship
Applicant: Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata
Applicant Address: Via Trieste, 1 c/o Centro Polivalente
Applicant Postal Code: 92023
Applicant Town: Campobello di Licata AG
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
Media & Citizenship project is delivered by our partner and hosting organisation, CSV Training & Enterprise
North, a division of CSV, Community Service Volunteers. CSV has an internet TV station, VOGTV, situated in
Preston with TV studio and video editing facilities, with QT radio based in Manchester. The project aims to
integrate Morena 6udice, and all EVS volunteers, to bring a 4European4 dimension to the media projects that
local volunteers produce. Specifically this is to develop the projects so that she incorporates the concepts
of citizenship, from a UK and EU perspective. For example, if a film will be produced about the
environment, CSV will look to Morena 6udice, to compare the issues in the UK with issues in her own
country, exploring the policy and the people behind the decision making process.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 10.810,00
Pagina 41 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: ATLHA Onlus (Associazione Tempo Libero Handicappati)
Applicant Address: Via Cascina Bellaria, 90
Applicant Postal Code: 20151
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The objective of the project is to work with disabled people, from 16 to 45 years old, with mental and
physical disability not heavy, through many kinds of free time activities: youth exchanges, holidays,
cultural, artistic and physical activities, lodging community, week-ends excursion. Moreover, the volunteer
will participate in different other activities in parallel: following a language4s course in an 6talian school for
foreigners, collaborating in planning and realizing all the activities of the association, helping the staff in the
different laboratories and in the diary tasks.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.550,00
Pagina 42 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Anffas Parma
Applicant: A.n.f.f.a.s Parma
Applicant Address: Via Bassano del Grappa, 10/a
Applicant Postal Code: 43100
Applicant Town: Parma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
Anffas is an association composed by parents of disabled youngsters. The activities of this association offer
specific workshop to develop personal expression, and at the same time, moments of leisure in ordinary
life of our young people.Our project focuses on suppor-ng people with special needs in their daily
activities and in their free time. To improve life Euality, promote the autonomy and social integration of
these persons and their families we organize in our center ac-vi-es like:-art labour, sperimen-ng various
ar-s-c techniEues-dance labour -a small newspaper to further the culture about disability-therapy with
horses (ippoterapia)-shiatsu massages (with personalized treatments)-theater-free -me ac-vi-es
(weekends, pizza par-es, moments of aggrega-on, cinema, disco, concerts)The service lasts 6 months, we
will host a french girl volunteer who could help us in the activities and also our youngsters to know and
appreciate another culture and to feel the European dimension.We will give a big importance to the
informal learning process, because it4s complementary to the formal education and training system for the
volunteer and for our youngsters and because of the participative and learner-centred approach7 So we
will work through, and drive by, conversation.7 The volunteer will be involved in new experiences, which
she could explore and par-cipate . Gearning by doing is our aim, our method.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.050,00
Pagina 43 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Youth Theatre LIGHT
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi 345 B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
"Fouth Theatre Gight" is an individual EVS project on social inclusion that will allow one 6talian volunteer to
have a uniEue intercultural experience for six months in Russia. Through this project we aim at making
young people aware of the importance of fighting social exclusion and of having a social active role in
Europe and in a country which is Euite close to Europe and that is characterized by problematic
phonomena, like a high percentage of homless children and of teenage drug abuse. The volunteer will be
Euite involved in working in the primary prevention of H6V/A6DS and drug abuse among young people from
13 to 25 years old. He/she, is supposed to participate in general activities of the Centre, "Fouth Theatre
"G62HT", and will also have the possibility of developping his/her own activities. By cooperating with the
Fouth Theatre Gight, and by facing a different reality in a different country the volunteer will also
experiment the 6ntercultural dimension of the experience, will get to know better Russian reality and will
acEuire a wider view of the world. The drama tecniEues used in the centre will also help him/her in getting
new skills that might be implemented in 6taly as well. 6n this way, the mutual exchange of working methods
and experiences will enrich both the volunteer and the community that will directly undrestand the
meaning of intercultural dialogue between diverse popula-ons.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.990,00
Pagina 44 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA RUGO 21
Applicant Postal Code: 32100
Applicant Town: BELLUNO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The Solidarity Centre was founded in 1983 with the aim of giving an answer to the problem of drugaddiction and psychological troubles in young people. 6t is a non-party and non-denominational
association. 6t is integrated in the territory service system and collaborates with various institutions and
public agencies.CE6S has only social aims7 its "Mission" is to supply a system of educa-onal, therapeu-c
and rehabilita-ve services aimed at single people, and to give family and social support.CE6S works
for:People with drug and alcohol addic-on, and their families.Private and public agencies such as
communes, schools and institutions, in order to carry out projects in promoting life and well being and
preven-ng risk behaviours.Ex-convicts or people released on proba-on who need support for
employment integra-on.Public or private agencies that want to ac-vate groups for promo-ng
psychological well being or backing groups involved in educational problems (couples and
parents).Aims2ive people with drug and alcohol addic-on the necessary educa-onal and therapeu-c
means in order to mature freedom and autonomy.2ive support to families who cope with problems of
drug-addic-on and other psychological troubles.Collaborate with public sanitary services, communes and
schools, in order to promote therapy and prevention of risk behaviours, and maintain psychological wellbeing.O5er alterna-ves to jail to people who want employment integra-on, compa-bly with available
resources.The project envisages integra-ng the Volunteer in the Therapeu-c Community and in
territorial preven-on ac-vi-es.The therapeu-c community accommodates for about 30 guests, who are
involved in therapeutic, working and cultural/leisure activities. Organisation envisages active participation
of boys and girls on the basis of a schedule that gives everybody a precise task in every day activities.
Community life on its whole, therapeutic groups and interviews have the aim of increasing the individual4s
capacity of a[aining personal autonomy, in order to overcome the problem of drug-addic-on.The
envisaged ac-vi-es are the following:Training on envisaged tasks6ntegra-on in rehabilita-on services
through:Par-cipa-on in therapeu-c ac-vi-es (groups, interviews, various mee-ngs)Par-cipa-on in
Pagina 45 di 148
sport, leisure and cultural ac-vi-esAccompanying community guests in the various ac-vi-es6ntegra-on
in preven-on projects:Par-cipa-on in outside mee-ngs with young people and families Par-cipa-on in
ac-vi-es involving training, informa-on, publicityProject receives two volunteers and lasts 9 months.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.965,00
Pagina 46 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Associazione Anche noi a cavallo: Pet-therapy for disabled people: an experie
Applicant: Associazione "Anche noi a cavallo"
Applicant Address: Via Mantova, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 33080
Applicant Town: Porcia (PN)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
6ndividual EVS projects in the North East of 6taly, including one 2erman volunteer for 11 months and one
French volunteer for 12 months. "Anche noi a cavallo" has become part of a local network of care farms
offering the volunteers an important experience and opportunity of personal development through being
in close contact with disabled people and animals. They gain insight into the world of disablilty and its
difficulties, and see the important impact of our activities with animals in a natural surrounding on the daily
life of disabled people.The group of people working at this project interacts con-nuously with eachother,
learning from one another and contributing in an atomsphere of mutual co-operation. Our "living
instruments", horses and other pet-therapy partners, add a par-cular element to our ac-vity.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 18.395,00
Pagina 47 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Ragazzi in azione! Assistenza sociale in un'associazione di pubblica assistenza
Applicant: Cesvov - Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: Via Brambilla, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
This is an individual EVS project that involves one sending organisation from Poland (Fundacja dla
Wolno?ci), one host organisation from 6taly (SOS Malnate), one volunteer (Agnieszka 2ajewska) and one
coordinating organisation from 6taly (CESVOV). The volunteer takes part in a 11-month service (total
duration of the project: 16 months) in Malnate, 6taly. The project4s theme is health and it focuses
particularly on socio-assistance and sanitary activities that aim at the protection and promotion of the right
to health that every citizen has. The project aims at promoting active participation and social commitment
of youth, developing their sense of solidarity and tolerance, encouraging intercultural learning and
enhancing the European awareness of the local community and the volunteer. The project is designed,
implemented and evaluated with a non-formal and cooperative method that involves all promoters as well
as the volunteer. 6t foresees the participation of the volunteer in a first-aid course and in various activities
that aim at supporting the local community to get access to health services (transport services, ambulatory
services, organisation of a civil protection camp, ...) The volunteer will also take part in promotional
activities of the association and will develop her own personal project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.815,00
Pagina 48 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant Address: P.ZA EUROPA 1
Applicant Postal Code: 19124
Applicant Town: LA SPEZIA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The volunteers will be involved in the activities of the 6nformagiovani and Gudoteca,, two municipal
services addressed to young people and children.6nformagiovani is a public structure promo-ng youth
information and participation, through out tipical desk activities and taking part in labs, meetings and
projects realized and addressed to young people. Ginguistic training is also preview for all the EVS
las-ng.The Gudoteca is a service opera-ng in Ga Spezia since 1985 dedicated to children from 3 to 14
years old. 6t offers spaces and occasions for play, socialization, partecipation, education and suppport to
rela-ves.The planned ac-vi-es are aimed to develop volunteers opera-ve indipendence and
communicative capacity as to point out contacts and differences among european youth and childwood
policies, as to start a new and stable coopera-on between the two organiza-ons.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 14.820,00
Pagina 49 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Step by step in Palestine
Applicant: CISS Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud
Applicant Address: Via Noto 12
Applicant Postal Code: 90141
Applicant Town: Palermo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Development cooperation
Project Description:
By the provision of in-school academic counselling sessions and the development of various types of skills,
this project aims to inform students of secondary schools on Fouth mobility and education preparing them
to enter higher educational institutions. This ensures that the soon-to-be higher education students and
future job seekers (women in particular) are oriented appropriately towards what best fits their interests.
The project supports them developing the capacity of the students and enabling them to make informed
and conscious academic decisions improving their active citizenship. As an integral part of the counselling
sessions, exposure visits are organized to higher education institutions as well. The volunteer can act as
role model helping students to these institutions so that they can develop a realistic view of higher
education and its reEuirements on a personal and professional level. Furthermore the project provides
assistance activities to female school early-leavers and school graduates to raise awareness on civil society,
intercultural opportunities, studying abroad, youth mobility, etc.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 4.997,00
Pagina 50 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Comune di Padova - Ufficio Progetto Giovani
Applicant Address: Vicolo Ponte Molino, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 35137
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
6l progetto, coordinato dal Progetto 2iovani del Comune di Padova, svilupperà le sue attività presso il
Servizio Disabilità dell4Università di Padova che si trova nella Regione Veneto.Tipo di proge[o. 6ndividuale
e di gruppo.Tema. Pari opportunità, diri[o allo studio e partecipazione degli studen- disabili alla vita
universitaria e culturale.Obie3vi. Promuovere azioni per l4inclusione di giovani studen- disabili nella vita
universitaria e nelle a3vità culturali e sociali della comunità locale.Durata. 11 mesi (durata dell4anno
accademico).Paesi coinvol-. Norvegia e 2ermania.Numero dei volontari: 46mplementazione delle
attività. 6 volontari garantiranno il supporto Euotidiano degli studenti disabili iscritti (attualmente circa 500)
e parteciperanno a proge3 speciOci del Servizio Disabilità.Metodo u-lizzato. 6 volontari avranno
l4occasione di crescere a livello personale, maturare una coscienza sociale rispettosa delle diversità e una
sensibilità verso le problematiche Euotidianamente affrontate dagli studenti disabili grazie ad occasioni di
aprendimento informale.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 37.270,00
Pagina 51 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Communicating Europe
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
6t is an individual EVS project lasting 10 months. The project will take place at ECAS - Brussels-based
European N2O but will have a Europe-wide outreach as it will focus on the communication activities. The
volunteer will be involved in and trained on the whole range of communication actions run by ECAS:
writing the articles for the newsletter, editing the website, applying the Web 2.0 tools (blogs, forums,
wikis), organising conferences, developing databases of contacts etc. The modern communication is then
the main theme, complemented by: European active citizenship, youth policies and opportunities in Europe
for young people, European communication policy, innovation in the policy-making such as participatory
democracy and e-Participation, last but not least, the run-up to the European elections since these issues
will constitute the content of the communication activities. There are thus two learning objectives:
mastering the communication tools and discovering the above mentioned European themes. We also
believe that the volunteer4s work can indirectly contribute to awareness-raising, debate and promotion of
these issues among other young people. The countries involved are those targeted by the communication
ac-vi-es, with the special focus on Belgium and 6taly considering the partnership set-up.The method
applied throughout the project is the "hands-on" learning on the communication tools and applying them
to the issues important for all young European citizens. This project offers informal but intensive "learning
by doing" experience that will well eEuip the volunteer for the professional activities in this field. The
activities implemented are mostly of the type "day-to day" communication activities but there should be
also some special events related to projects. The volunteer will be certainly encouraged to take advantaged
of the numerous opportuni-es o5ered in Brussels (conferences, seminars, Parliament hearings etc).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.050,00
Pagina 52 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
EU and you : fostering European awareness with young people
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project will take place in the Association 2oing to Europe in Modena. The motivation to host a EVS
volunteer is to foster European awareness among young people at the local level by organising initiatives
that directly involve youngsters and by developing innovating and creative communication tools in order to
bring European issues closer to young people. The aim of the project is to build a gradual path for the
volunteer4s learning process in order to enable her to gain knowledge and skills to gradually develop her
own ideas into concrete projects. Therefore, the first phase of the project will stress a more general
knowledge of the opportunities for international mobility so that the volunteer gets a broad overview of
existing programmes. This will facilitate her insertion in the activities of the association later on. The
second phase will focus on information and communication activities through different tools (magazines,
website, meetings with young people). This will aim at facilitating the interaction between the volunteer
and the local community. 6n the third and last phase, the volunteer will get the opportunity to put in
practice the opportunities offered by the Programme by implementing projects following all steps from the
drafting to the implementation. The project will start in September 2008 and will have a duration of 10
months. 6t will involve one volunteer coming from Poland. The working method that will be applied in the
one of a constant tutorage of the volunteer from the members of the organisation in order to maximise
the insertion of the vounteer in the activities through training and a constant following and evaluation of
her learning progresses.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.200,00
Pagina 53 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Un sorriso per vivere, perché sorridere è un dovere sociale
Applicant: Associazione INCO - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
Applicant Address: VIA V.VENETO 75
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: TRENTO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project "Un sorriso per vivere, perché sorridere è un dovere sociale" is a group EVS initiative
coordinated by 6NCO Association, where international volunteers have the opportunity to collaborate in
the activities of the "Azienda Servizi Sociali di Bolzano" (ASSB), in the city of Bolzano, 6taly. The activity
sector of the hosting organization where the volunteers will be involved is dedicated to elderly
people.ASSB hosts in total 4 EVS interna-onal volunteers per year, besides some others from the 2erman
Civil Service. The 3 volunteers presented in this application are from Hungary, 2ermany and Russia and will
enjoy from this experience during a long term period (12 months). The international volunteers support the
entertainment sector of the nursing homes, assisting the social workers and trying to give a young smile
and a feeling of internationality to the guests (e.g.: organizing cultural and recreational activities handicraft workshops, game sessions, presentations of the own country - walks, organizing some birthday
par-es, backing together with the elderly, reading newspapers etc.). Seen the very posi-ve experiences
we made in the previous years with other international volunteers, we are convinced that their presence
contribute actively to enrich the elders4 Euality of life at the nursing homes bringing new energy,
motivation and new ideas to the host organization. At the same time, besides the personal growth, we
expect that through living and working together with people from different realities and cultural
backgrounds, the volunteers will be able to improve their interpersonal communication skills, their
sensitiveness, autonomously and creativity (developing their own projects and initiatives), reducing
prejudices in order to further the respect for diversity and a peaceful living together.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 20.720,00
Pagina 54 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Associazione INCO - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
Applicant Address: VIA V.VENETO 75
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: TRENTO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project "Volont@riamente" is a group EVS initiative coordinated by 6NCO Association, where
international volunteers have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the "Villaggio SOS Vicenza",
6taly. This hosting organization takes care of children whose families are facing difficult situations and don4t
have the chance to watch them out and support them in their daily needs. 6n the several specific activities
of the "Villaggio SOS", children and young people can experience a family atmosphere of peace and receive
support to their physical and psychological growth. The "Villaggio SOS" hosts 4 EVS volunteers pro year,
besides some others from the 2erman Civil Service. The 2 volunteers presented in this application are from
Turkey and Portugal and will enjoy from this experience during a long term period (12 months). The
volunteers will support the coordinator and the educators of "Villaggio SOS" in their work with the
children, youngsters, pregnant ladies and single moms in "Casa 6lia" and "Comunità Educativa MammaBambino". They will collaborate with the everyday-life activities (e.g. supporting lunch time, picking
children up from the school, accompanying them until the houses, etc) and organize and develop
educational and specially free-time activities (games, sports, music workshops, painting, visit in a museum,
etc).The presence of the volunteers is very enriching to the children (which have the opportunity to face a
young person from a different reality and culture, helping them to open their minds and deal with life in a
positive way) and to the staff of "Villaggio SOS" (which will not only have several positive inputs concerning
ideas and activities, but also a positive example of a peaceful leaving together, furthering the reduction of
prejudices). Besides a personal growth predictable in such an experience abroad, we expect that, through
living and working together with people of different cultural backgrounds, our volunteers will have the
chance to improve their intercultural and interpersonal communication abilities, as well as their
sensi-veness, autonomously and crea-vity (developing their own projects).
Venue Country:
Pagina 55 di 148
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 20.935,00
Pagina 56 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Essere o non essere… volontario a Pavia"
Applicant: Centro Servizi Volontariato della provincia di Pavia
Applicant Address: Via Taramelli, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 27100
Applicant Town: Pavia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
Ge projet "Esser o non essere P. volontario a Pavia." est un projet individuel SVE Eui se déroulera à Pavie,
dans la région Gombardie, en 6talie. Sa durée est de 9 mois (octobre 2008 - juin 2009). G4organisme
d4accueil est le " Centro Servizi Volontariato di Pavia e provincia - CSV" (réf : 6T-2007-25) : l4organisme
d4envoi, Romans 6nterna-onal (réf .: 2007-FR-209). Ge CSV est une associa-on Eui o5re divers services aux
associations locales et assure la promotion du bénévolat sur le territorire provincial. Depuis avril 2007, le
CSV est un Point Eurodesk.Ges thèmes centraux du projet sont l4informa-on des jeunes et leur
sensibilisa-on à l4Europe et au bénévolat.Ge projet s4ar-cule autour de trois axes :-connaissance de la
structure de l4organisa-on d4accueil et, en par-culier, de l4aire Promo-on-implica-on directe du
volontaire dams le activités de promotion de la culture du bénévolat auprès des jeunes, à travers
l4anima-on d4ateliers de théâtre dans les lycées de la ville-connaissance du monde du bénévolat et du
secteur à but non lucra-f local
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.335,00
Pagina 57 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
" Bilingualer Kindergarten Zwergennest"
Applicant: Europe Direct of the Province of Chieti
Applicant Address: Via Arcivescovado, 42
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The project site is in a communal bilingual kindergarten in the rural area of Ostfriesland. The concept of this
communal kindergarten and the intention of its team is to prepare the children for future demands
towards European citizens, and to sensitize children to foreign languages at an early age. This is effected
with the help of an European volunteer who, in cooperation with a pedagogic staff member, will educate
and care for the children according to the principle of immersion. This means that the Kindergarten Riepe
will extend its "classical" educational concept by the concept of immersion: the children will not be taught
the language "actively", but they will be provided the opportunity to immitate, by action, gesture and
mimic, they will be confronted with foreign verbal articulation, e. g. anglophone vocabulary, by the foreign
language speaking nursery teachers and volunteers who try to habituate the children gently and sensitively
to bilingual communica-on. This will later be a great advantage for them - as European ci-zens. The work
area for the European volunteers will be the kindergarten "Zwergennest" in Riepe. The institution is under
administrative responsibility of the municipality of 6hlow - therefore it has it4s fixed place in the life of the
community as well as in village life. Together with the children, they work on special subjects which are
fixed each month, taking into consideration the different seasons, holidays or special interests of the
children. Bearing in mind their individual interests and abilities, we want to give the children room for a
gentle development of their personality, talents and skills.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 4.130,00
Pagina 58 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Associazione Servizi per il Volontariato
Applicant Address: Via della Cittadella, 30
Applicant Postal Code: 41100
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
This project previews the involvement at 360° degrees of the volunteers in all ours activities: the civil
protection, the sanitary emergency-urgency, handicap transport, the activities of sanitary training turned
to the schools, the promotion of the voluntary service through social festivities and manifestations sport,
the affirmation of the human fundamental rights like the eEuality, the right to the health, one dignified life
also in the disease and the old age. The volunteers will be always "in motion", in physical sense and, at the
same time, in metaphorical sense. They in fact will make a work program, learning and involvement in a
"relay" way, that it previews a "road" very defined and more or less demanding stages followed by
moments assigns to the reNec-on and to the evalua-on of the aims reached.The two volunteers involved,
from Croatia and Gatvia, will stay for a total period of 12 months starting from October7 one of the
volunteer will stay just for 9 months, because of her University program of Study. The Sending
Organisations involved are: HEGP (Croatia) and "World at our home" (Gatvia). The hosting organization is
AVAP Pavullo (6taly).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 13.982,00
Pagina 59 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
" Racconte-moi… "
Applicant: NUR Associazione Interculturale
Applicant Address: Via dei Colombi, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 09126
Applicant Town: Cagliari
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Second Theme: Development cooperation
Project Description:
Ge projet " Racconte-moi " vise à promouvoir, à travers l4activité d4un/e volontaire européen/ne, et avec
l4appui de la Délégation Régionale du Bice pour l4AmériEue Gatine, la sensibilisation et la conscientisation de
la communauté locale bruxelloise (en priorité) et plus largement du grand public européen sur la
thématiEue de la Dignité et des Droits de l4Enfant en AmériEue Gatine. Ge groupe cible visé par le projet
sera plus par-culièrement les jeunes et les adolescents.Ge/la volontaire par-cipera donc ac-vement à
l4organisation d4activités de communication et sensibilisation ayant pour but l4information de la
communauté locale et du grand public européen sur les résultats atteints en 20 années de mise en œuvre
de la Convention relative aux Droits de l4Enfant en AmériEue Gatine et sur les défis existant aujourd4hui à ce
sujet sur le con-nent. 6l s4agira de susciter débat et réNexion sur les thèmes rela-fs à l4enfance travaillés
par le Bice en AmériEue Gatine, tout en renforçant le dialogue interculturel entre cultures
belge/européenne et la-no-américaine, et en promouvant la tolérance et la solidarité. Ge projet entend
ainsi provoEuer un renforcement de la citoyenné active de la communauté locale et européenne en
favorisant une meilleure compréhension de la situation de l4enfance latino-américaine et en stimulant
l4engagement. 6l mettra paroles, regards, rêves et réalités de l4enfance en débat et partage pour créer un
pont entre Europe et AmériEue Ga-ne.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.320,00
Pagina 60 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Working with mentally disabled children and youth at Bregtagschule
Applicant: Grado 16 - Officine dell'Autopromozione soc. coop. sociale
Applicant Address: Via Angera, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 20125
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The project is about an institution for mentally disabled children, called Bregtalschule and located in the
Black Forest in 2ermany. The institution offers a school internal kindergarden as well as an integrated
forest kindergarden, a school for mentally handicapped children, a boarding school and an early-advice
centre. The volunteer will complete the EVS in one of these groups. 6n an initial phase, s/he will first have a
brief look at the different classes and boarding school groups. After that, the project will be organized
together with the volunteer including personal ideas. The volunteer will mainly help with the mentally
disabled children4s school and leisure activities and enrich this educational work with his/her personal
abilities. S/he should bring in his/her personal ideas, own experiences and his/her culture and language.
This year will be pedagogically accompanied by regular evaluations and seminaries. 6n addition the host
organization will help the volunteer to integrate in the project and the local community. Objective of the
EVS is, that the volunteer not only acEuires linguistic, intercultural and technical competences but above all
makes social and personal experiences
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.455,00
Pagina 61 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The EVS volunteers will be mainly involved in the activities dedicated to the minors, through the
organization of recreational activities for children, cultural initiatives and exchanges to be realized with the
older guests. Moreover volunteers will be involved in the common activities ruled with the other
associations of the Euarter that collaborate with Tetto Onlus as fund raising litlle market ecc..
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 11.120,00
Pagina 62 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Giovani media per l'ambiente
Applicant: Legambiente Ecopolis
Applicant Address: Via Berthollet, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 10125
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The main aim of the project, which originates from the network Fepp - Fouth Empowerment Partnership
Programme (www.yepp.it), of which the two host organisations are members, is to foster youth
protagonism and active citizenship through the involvement of young European volunteers from different
sending countries and young local people in activities aiming at developing the local community and
enhancing the urban environment with an intercultural approach.The project consist in one group EVS
activity, lasting 8 months, which involves 2 6talian hosting organisation, 4 sending organisations and 4
volunteers: 1 from Denmark, 2 from 2ermany and 1 from Turkey.Two are the main themes Environment
and urban regeneration: valorisation and enhancement of the urban parks along the Po river, in the city af
Torino, through environmental education and recreational activities7 and of Mirafiori Sud, industrial suburb
of the city of Torino where the Fepp programme has been ac-ve since the autumn 2002. Media and
Communication: exploitation of the potential of multimedia and information technologies and arts as a
mean of youth empowerment and for the valorisation of the local community development actions and
educa-onal ac-vi-es undertaken by the young volunteers. The EVS volunteers will be therefore involved
in workshops and activities together with young people and kids from the local youth centres and schools
with a variety of tasks, from outdoor ac-vi-es in parks to the produc-on of mul-media contents.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 34.580,00
Pagina 63 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Volunteering in Forlì
Applicant: Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Dandolo, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: Forlì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The present projects involves different host organizations all of which are social cooperatives members of
the applicant. Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale will function as coordinating organization and the main theme
of the project, as expressed in the title, is "fostering solidarity in Forlì", the city where the volunteers will
do their service. The main objectives are all related to improve the life of local disabled people by allowing
them to have a contact with Europe through the presence of young people coming from different countries
and sharing with them different cultural backgrounds. The present project involves 7 volunteers from the
UK, 2eorgia, Turkey, Spain and 2ermany, who will spend from 9 to 12 months in Forlì contributing to the
improvement of solidarity and volunteering in the local community. 6n return for their help, the young
people involved in the project will have the opportunity to acEuire linguistic competences in 6talian but also
personal and professional competences, mainly in the social sector. The methods applied will be that of
active participation of all promoters and volunteers in all the phases of the project, above all in the design
of the activity and identification of specific tasks which will be adjusted - as much as possible - to the
interests and skills of the young people involved.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 61.145,00
Pagina 64 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
SURFING ON EVS: Volontari sull'Onda
Applicant Address: VIA CAVOUR 68
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: ASTI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: 6nter-religious dialogue
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The project aims at offering the volunteers an occasion to learn our culture and to engage themselves to
know and understand our national, local and working culture, which could eventually become an
advantage for his/her curriculum as well. The volunteers will work in the field of youth policies and youth
work in general, by helping us in the management youth international project, evs and mobility promotion,
intercultural education and web information for youngsters. The volunteer can contribute to stimulate the
host-community through EVS thinking about its importance and its possibility of utilisation, by promoting
the European Pogramms.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 21.140,00
Pagina 65 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant Address: VIA GIOVANNI DELLA CASA, 27
Applicant Postal Code: 50038
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The project wants to give to young volunteers the possibility to do an experience of voluntary service in
our Village, where about 6 6mmigrated families live in this moment. The volunteers will give support to the
sta5 in the process of integra-on of the accommodated families. The volunteers will give support to the
staff in the process of integration of the accommodated families: with recreational and educational
activities with the children, participation on the manual laboratories activated in order to hold engages the
hosts, support in the organization and realization of cultural events, formation meetings, cinematographic
and thetrical ac-vi-es, interreligious confronts , promo-on of the interculture ecc. Specially the
volunteers will be involved in the activities of the center of intercultural documentation which makes part
of the village. Moreover they will create an intercultural dialogue with students of the local high school
about themes like volunteering and immigra-on.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 23.595,00
Pagina 66 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Utopia City and Promotion of Solidarity and International Volunteering
Applicant Address: VIA CARDANO 135
Applicant Postal Code: 00146
Applicant Town: ROMA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project will sustain the activity realized by the SC6 6taly regarding the promotion of international
solidarity and the tolerance between people, supporting the participation of the youngsters in different
voluntary activities, inside and outside the European Union. The objectives of the SVE project proposed are
to involve the European volunteers in the promotion of international volunteering intended as a way of
ac-ve ci-zenship, educa-on to interculturality and personal and social growth. The project will mainly
be carried out in Rome between the office of the National Secretary of the SC6 6taly and the project "Utopia
City". The project duration will be for nine months, from witch six of activities and will involve three
volunteers coming from di5erent countries: France, Hungary and Croa-a. The ac-vi-es implemented
are mainly of two types. The first one regards the project "Utopia City" in with two volunteers will support
the coordination of the local and international activities (public initiatives, workshop, coordination of
international exchanges, work camps and seminars, ect.). The other activity will focus on supporting the
National Secretary in the promotion of solidarity and international volunteering (diffusion of the
opportunities regarding volunteery activities, support in the training sessions, organization of events to
aware and inform on the issue, ect.). The past experiences with the young par-cipants revealed themselfs very positives in terms of potentiality offered to the project and also to the informal learning and
experiences on the Oeld acEuired from the foreign volunteers.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.840,00
Pagina 67 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Entertainment activities for elderly people
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The -tle of this project is Entertainment ac-vi-es for elderly people and it will last 9 months. The ac-vity
will last 6 months.6t involves 2 countries (6taly and France) and 1 volunteer. The loca-on of the project is
Piancogno, a small village near Brescia.The objec-ve is to develop solidarity and promote tolerance
among young people through social and entertainment activities with elderly people. EVS volunteers can
offer a service aimed at increasing European awareness through a mutual exchange of lifestyles, habits,
tradi-ons and working methods. The main themes are par-cipa-on of young people and intercultural
dialogue. The implemented ac-vi-es include cogni-ve training, vision and comment on a movie, group of
reminiscence, work and pet theraphy.Working methods deal with non-formal learning, intercultural
dimen-on, an-discrimina-on and ac-ve par-cipa-on.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.700,00
Pagina 68 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Secret Garden
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called Fondazione Angelo Passerini, situated in
Nozza di Vestone (a village located in Valle Sabbia, an alpine valley in the province of Brescia). The -tle is
"Secret 2arden".6t includes one EVS individual ac-vity. The main themes are European awareness and
Children care, to be gained through solidarity and participation in different activities. The main objectives
are aimed at developing an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the
children, in order to live an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another
objective is to contribute to remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the
local community. This project will last 9 months and involves 2 partners from 2 countries (6taly and
Belgium) and 1 volunteer. The ac-vity will last 6 months.The implemented ac-vi-es deal with
entertainment ac-vi-es for children, in order to s-mulate their mental capabili-es. Working methods
include policies of service delivery, non-formal learning and training courses, sharing of different
experiences, opennes to creativity and personal projects, active and continuous involvement of each
partner organiza-on included in this project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.580,00
Pagina 69 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Stranaidea società cooperativa sociale
Applicant Address: Via Paolo Veronese 202
Applicant Postal Code: 10148
Applicant Town: TORINO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
1. FOUTH CENTER TAURUS PROJECT: The 2 volunteers hosted in Taurus centre will have a role of coparticipation in the initiatives carried out by the youngsters, trying to facilitate the creation and the
implementation of their ideas, being like the bridge with the youth workers and the local resources. The
volunteers will have also a role of collaborators of the staff in the management of the events and the
spaces of their interest: music rooms, concerts and performance stage, skaters area, bar.Venue of Taurus
is Cirié (Torino)2. SERV6CES FOR D6SABGE PEOPGE: Throughout the mean of socialisa-on, the 2 volunteers
can discover a different world rich of inputs, knowing the field of social care and showing their capacities.
The projects proposal is to include volunteers in different educational services helping the cooperative to
offer more opportunities of amusement and well - being to the persons we support. The general objectives
of the project are: the knowledge of the social cooperation and health care sectors, the sharing of
relational and educational experience, integration with the target group and the staff7 theorical and
practical training to know their capacities, the others and the environment7 experiment and development
of their competences7 offer an active participation in the activities for disable people, to facilitate their
social abilities and autonomy recover in a prospective for social inclusion. The venue of the services is the
city of Torino.Dura-on of the service: 9 monthsCountries involved: 4 + 6taly
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 31.610,00
Pagina 70 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Voyage into diversitiy
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called CO.2E.S.S., situated in Barghe (a village
located in Valle Sabbia, an alpine valley in the province of Brescia). 6t includes one EVS group ac-vity. The
main themes are promotion of eEual opportunities towards disabilities and European awareness, to be
gained through solidarity and participation in different fields. The main objectives are aimed at developing
an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the disabled people, in order to live
an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another objective is to contribute to
remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the local community. This
project will last 9 months and involves 3 Countries (6taly, France and 2ermany) and 2 volunteers. The
ac-vity will last 6 months.The implemented ac-vi-es deal with entertainment ac-vi-es for disabled
people, in order to s-mulate their mental capabili-es. Working methods include policies of service
delivery, non-formal learning and training courses, sharing of different experiences, opennes to creativity
and personal projects, active and continuous involvement of each partner organization included in this
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.490,00
Pagina 71 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Spazio Giovani in Azione
Applicant: YAP italia
Applicant Address: Via Marco Dino Rossi, 12/c
Applicant Postal Code: 00173
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
Centro 6taliano di Solidarietà of Rome (Ce6S) is an 6talian private non profit organisation founded in Rome in
1971. Since many years has a permanent representation at the Drug 6ssues Committees of Gocal, Regional,
Na-onal and 6nterna-onal Bodies.The hos-ng organisa-on has several headEuarters and several
programmes. Presently, the 2roup consists of 5 linked but autonomous services, notwithstanding the
volunteers will know the structure and function of all the activities of Ceis but they will be asked to work
only in three of them, because the fifth reEuires a specific professionalism and competence -it is mental
health. A group of Three EVS volunteers form Programme country will collaborate in Fouth activities. By
the no formal educations the project aim to re-integrate youngsters with social problems. They will be
involved in:Spazio 2iovani : An advice and support centre for young people between the ages of 11 – 18
and 18 – 25 who have personal and social problems not uncommon for young people in these age
ranges.Mentore : Mentore is designed to work with adolescents and young people who are exhibi-ng
problem behaviour, may already have dropped out of school, may be using drugs or are at risk of social
marginalisa-on.Mani colorateeMani coloratef is a free service opened in 2001 as a recep-on, support
and project planning service for children and young adolescents with difficulties, and for their family
members (parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts...).Part
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 22.800,00
Pagina 72 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Service Civil International (SCI-Italy)
Applicant Address: Via G. Cardano 135
Applicant Postal Code: 00146
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project will sustain the ac-vity of the natural reserve "6l biviere di 2ela" managed by Gipu.G6PU
focuses on the conservation of the wildlife through the protection of the birds and their habitat, on
educating young people about being respectful of the world we live in and on awareness raising on
environmental issuesVolonteers will support the par-cipa-on of the youngsters in di5erent voluntary
activities, inside and outside the European Union. The objectives of the EVS project proposed are to involve
the European volunteers in the promotion of international volunteering intended as a way of active
citizenship, education to interculturality and personal and social growth in front of our ecological issue.
The project will be carried out in 2ela between the office of Gipu and the Reserve. The project duration will
be for nine months, from witch six of activities and will involve two volunteers coming from different
countries: France and 2ermanyEVS volunteers should be mainly involved in the implementa-on of the
planned activities related to support the staff of the local and international activities like the environmental
education for high-schools in 2ela, workshop, coordination of international exchanges, work camps ect...
The other activity will be creating or starting up the museum inside the reserve in a "Casale" just restored
and the last one when the wether is good is to support guides and adjust the touristic path inside the
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.020,00
Pagina 73 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Istituto Pinchetti Tirano
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The title of this project is 6stituto Pinchetti Tirano. 6t will last will last 10 months and involves 3 countries
(6taly, UK and Gituania) and 2 volunteers.The ac-vi-es will last 8 months. The volunteers will dedicate
most of their time in activities in a school located in Tirano and called "6stituto Pinchetti", which they will
be able to implement and develop with new suggestions, ideas, indications in accordance to their skills,
a3tudes and background. Our main objec-ves are to increase European consciousness and let the
students understand the opportunities that the European Union can offer in order to remove stereotypes
and xenephobic attitudes7 to create a moment of intergenerational and intercultural exchange among
young people of different countries, and favour the meeting and the knowledge of different cultures7 to
give the volunteers the possibility to experiment in their life an experience that makes them grow up
emotionally and psychologically and maturate7 to stimulate young people and the local community to
volunteering.The main ac-vi-es of the volunteers will be linguis-c intercultural workshop, help desk,
exchange project, youth corner, sport ac-vi-es, mul-media technology project, crea-ve
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 15.900,00
Pagina 74 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Associazione Anche noi a cavallo: Pet-therapy for disabled people: an experie
Applicant: Associazione "Anche noi a cavallo"
Applicant Address: Via Mantova, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 33080
Applicant Town: Porcia (PN)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
6ndividual EVS projects in the North East of 6taly, including one 2erman volunteer for 7 months. "Anche
noi a cavallo" has become part of a local network of care farms offering the volunteers an important
experience and opportunity of personal development through being in close contact with disabled people
and animals. They gain insight into the world of disablilty and its difficulties, and see the important impact
of our ac-vi-es with animals in a natural surrounding on the daily life of disabled people.The group of
people working at this project interacts continuously with eachother, learning from one another and
contributing in an atomsphere of mutual co-operation. Our "living instruments", horses and other pettherapy partners, add a par-cular element to our ac-vity.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.855,00
Pagina 75 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
This project consists in a group EVS long term activity allowing 2 volunteers to take part in a voluntary
activity in the field of social inclusion in favour of youngsters and families at cooperativa Alce Nero in
Mantova (6taly).Angela Maller from Hungary will be inserted in the Fouth Centre of a suburban area while
6vana Sumegova from Slovak Republic will work in a Minor care daily centre. They will both stay for 9
months helping the staff to carry out leisure time activities, intercultural and creative workshops,
excursions and after-school support. 6n the summer time, when the programmes vary they will have the
chance to design and implement a personal project, linked to international activities or to a social bar. Both
will enhance European awareness among their users and support the local youth policies.The objec-ves
are: providing an intercultural experience in a non-formal context, promoting social integration and active
participation, enhancing future occupability and giving the chance to express solidarity to other people and
support to local communities. We will use a pro-active methodology stimulating curiosity and a dynamic
approach.Coopera-va Alce Nero will be responsible for the coordina-on of the project with the 2 sending
organisations involved, and for the distribution of the grant between the project partners in line with their
responsibili-es. Alce Nero will ensure a group character for both the learning processes and the service,
for the benefit of the community, and also a common thematic approach and regular contacts among the
volunteers and the sending promoters, in order to increase the impact, accessibility, effectiveness and
visibility of EVS even further.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.880,00
Pagina 76 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Avis Regionale Lombardia
Applicant Address: Largo Volontari del Sangue, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 20133
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
Aim of the project is the development of new policies about young people participation in our association
together with the promotion among young people of free regular blood donation as civic, solidary action
and also an health care opportunity. We also want to widen the solidarity culture, human society,
promo-on of posi-ve and healthy life styles especially among young people.We want to create
volunteering opportunities that really answer to the young people needs and expectations, foster nonformal education initiatives, favour mobility and international meeting among young people, favour the
exchange of knowledge in the transfusional Oeld, also at interna-onal level.This project lasts one year,
and involved 6taly and Poland and is an individual EVS project. The number of volunteer involved is one.
The volunteer will be involved in promotional, training, comunication actvities which objectives are the
gathering of the above mentioned aims. Volunteer will also provide his/her own capacity and knowledge in
the improving of such ac-vi-es.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 10.490,00
Pagina 77 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi 345 B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
"Media for a reinforced European Citizenship" is an invdividual EVS project that will allow one 6talian
volunteer to undertake a uniEue experience for six months in an active and peculiar centre called CSV
(Community Service Volunteers) Training & Enterprise located in Preston in the North of England. CSV,
who4s main target is represented by young disadvantaged people aged between 14 to 25, have an 6nternet
TV Station, that broadcast films and features on youth issues (health and drug education, teenage
pregnancy and environmental matters). The Centre has also a Fouth Magazine and a Radio station, based
in Manchester. Through this project the 6talian volunteer will be involved in a "real working environment"
by helping the community in giving all their activities an 6nternational perspective. 6n this way the following
project aims at giving CSV a strong European added value. 6n fact, an 6talian volunteer will bring the whole
community a new strenght and a real positive impact to those ones with little experience of intercultural
learning. EEually also the new volunteer will be enriched by a service on media project delivered in another
cultural context. The mutual exchange of experiences will help both the new comer and the hosts of CSV in
living a challenging and positive project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 4.800,00
Pagina 78 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA TIRO A SEGNO 3/A
Applicant Postal Code: 33170
Applicant Town: PORDENONE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
6ndividual EVS in Pordenone, North East 6taly, including one 2erman volunteer for 7 months from a New
Partner.By par-cipa-ng in ANFFAS ac-vi-es young people develop more respect for and understanding of
the disabled people life and gain an insight into their problems. They begin to understand the vulnerability
of this target group as well as the impact of their activities on their daily life. Through this process usually
the EVS volunteers realize how much they can contribute to other people4s lives and that they can make a
di5erence just being there.All An5as ac-vi-es are mul--disciplinary: everybody interacts with each other.
We enjoy the benefit of a mixed group of young people where both can offer and gain skills and both can
learn from one another in a safe supportive environment where contribution and mutual co-operation (of
young people with different ability levels & backgrounds) are considered a key element to personal
development and success of the project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.155,00
Pagina 79 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Euromed Carrefour Sicilia
Applicant Address: Via Villafranca, 50
Applicant Postal Code: 90141
Applicant Town: Palermo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The most important objective of the project is to inform young people about European Union, the
European citizenship and the possibilities offered by Fouth Programme, putting a special emphasis on the
diversity of the European cultures and the importance to create a "flow" of contact and exchanges
between them in order to avoid, by the mutual knowledge and respect, racism and intolerance.6n order to
achieve this objective, expert promoters carry out a series of meetings (generally from 5 to 8) with groups
of students in which they give them information about European Union and about the different European
cultures showing differences and analogies and using innovative and interactive methodologies and tools
(recrea-onal didac-cs, T6C, audiovisual, par-cipa-ve ac-vi-es, research/ac-on).The par-cipa-on of the
European Volunteers in this activity is very important for the students because gives them the opportunity
to have a direct "voice" from another culture and, sometimes, the opportunity to meet for the first time a
person coming from another country and for the promoters groups because introduces the multicultural
element in the working group. The target group of project is composed of several (about 40 each year)
groups of students of 12-14 years old and their teachers (one or two for each group). Each year the project
tackles some specific matters (enlargement, environement, eEual opportunities, human rigths, and so on)
and at the end in a big happening that involve about 2500-3000 people, every group of students have the
opportunity to "report" their experience by a show inspirated to the matters afforded during the
development of the project and prepared with the experts and the volunteers.On the other hand the
volonteer will participate in meeting organized in schools or other palces where young people meet each
others in order to present her experience of EVS and the concrete possibility for all the young European to
use this opportunity.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Pagina 80 di 148
2ranted amount: € 6.870,00
Pagina 81 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
CSV - Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato di Novara
Applicant: CSV - Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato
Applicant Address: Via Monte Ariolo 10/12
Applicant Postal Code: 28100
Applicant Town: Novara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The volunteers will be involved in various small projects they will choose together with the tutor7 they will
support those activities that aim at spreading voluntary work in the community and at involving young
people. CVS organizes a lot of events and activities in cooperation with the voluntary associations of the
town7 therefore the EVS volunteers will learn a lot about net working and project planning: they will infact
follow all steps of the process that transforms an idea into a project. Furthermore the volunteers will
acEuire knowledge about organizing and planning events promoting solidarity. The will also have the
chance to experiment and learn how to work in a team and in cooperation with socially disadvantaged
people. The volunteers will participate to the organization and implementation of some events and
activities aiming at involving the local community and young people in voluntary work.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 11.890,00
Pagina 82 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Ponti per i Bambini di Gaza
Applicant: EducAid Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Vezia 2
Applicant Postal Code: 47900
Applicant Town: Rimini
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The project "Bridges for 2aza Children" aims to promote the right to the game of the children who live in
the difficult context of the Strip of 2aza and to awaken the public opinion and the local communities on the
rights of infancy. On the one hand the volunteer will par-cipate to the ac-vi-es of our partner the
Remedial Educational Centre: Palestinian Ngo engaged in the Strip of 2aza for the psycho-social support of
the children and the families, in particular the mothers who live difficult situations. The volunteer will
collaborate to the activities that the R.E.C. staff carry out in the day centres for the first infancy, in the
asylums and in the hospitals in favour of the children with special needs. The volunteer will be encouraged
to use several expressive languages in order to organize leisure activities with the children. Moreover the
volunteer will participate to the course of training of the staff and to their periodic coordination reunions
thus learning to work like part of a group and to collaborate in the organization and putting to point of the
ac-vi-es. On the other hand the volunteer will come been involved in a program of telema-c twinning
named "educational twinning" (www.educationaltwinning.org): a virtual bridge between Palestinian
schools and schools of other countries able to break the isolation of the Palestinian children. The proposed
activities have like main objective to promote the well-being of the children who live in the difficult context
of the Strip of 2aza and the protection of the rights of infancy in the Palestinian community. Through the
activity of telematic twinning the program moreover aims to support the cultural exchange between
coming schools from various countries in order to promote the intercultural learning care important topics
which the tolerance and the mutual understanding.During the Orst 2 months of permanence the
volunteer will have the opportunity to participate to an Arab course who will allow to acEuire an
knowledge base of the language in order to facilitate the contact with the inhabitants and the local
community. This opportunity will allow the volunteer to approach himself/herself the Palestinian culture
still more facilitating the exchange of new abilities, the increase of own ability to adaptability in foreign
contexts and the development of new communicative and social abilities in a perspective of social
Pagina 83 di 148
acceptance and cultural diversity. Moreover the volunteer will come encouraged to share impressions on
the lived experience, to collect photographic material so that they can together construct a return plan aim
to awaken the European ci-zens on the topic of the rights of the children.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.750,00
Pagina 84 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: CSV Biella - Centro Servizi per il Volontariato della Provincia di Biella
Applicant Address: VIA TRIPOLI, 24
Applicant Postal Code: 13900
Applicant Town: BIELLA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
Csv Biella will coordinate an EVS hosting project composed by 2 sending organisation and 2 hosting
organisation. Both volunteers, Jennifer from 2ermany and Ginda from Gatvia, will have to menage with
their skills in communication and work with elder people and handicapped people. Volunteers will be
involved in some activities and some workshops organised by their hosting voluntary organisation. They
will help their users to develop their own abilities and to enjoy their time. The project4s venue will be Biella.
6t will host for the first time some EVS volunteers. Both the volunteers will have a 10 months project. They
will always have the chance to experiment and learn how to work in a team and in cooperation with
socially disadvantaged people. Therefore the EVS volunteers will learn a lot about net working and project
planning: they will infact follow all steps of the process that transforms an idea into a project. The
volunteers will also participate to the organization and implementation of some events and activities
aiming at involving the local community and young people in voluntary work.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 17.870,00
Pagina 85 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Congregazione Terz'Ordine Francescano di San Carlo
Applicant Address: Via Senni, 61
Applicant Postal Code: 50038
Applicant Town: Scarperia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project "SG6D6N2 DOORS" wants to give to young volunteers the possibility to do an experience of
voluntary service in our home, where more than 100 elderly not-autonomous people live in this moment.
They need assistance7 only some of them has a good autonomy. About thirty operators assist them during
the day. The volunteer will give support to the staff in the daily practice of rehabilitative activity: with
laboratories, leisure ac-vi-es and physiotherapist prac-ce. The volunteer will help to create around our
residents a kindly climate with new ac-vi-es created by him/her self.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.835,00
Pagina 86 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: PIAZZA DEL COMUNE 8
Applicant Postal Code: 26100
Applicant Town: CREMONA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The main theme of the project is SOC6AG 6NCGUS6ON, as foundation of Territorial Educational Service4s
activities: through the promotion of educational paths, from the formal word of school to that non formal
of the daily life, the goal is to individualize concrete opportunities for the active promotion of the
European citizenship. The EVS project, individual and lasting of 12 months, involves two European
Countries: 6taly (Cremona Municipaly - Fouth Policies Department, Host Organization) and Hungary
(Association for Students and civil Society in the county of Hajdù-Bihar - Debrecen, Sending
Organization).The foreseen activities will develop in different seats of the Territorial Educational Service
(Gower Secondary School, Meeting Centres, street), with base the Monteverdi Theater, seat of Fouth
Policies Department of Cremona Municipality.The volunteer will be involved in activities, at the beginning
as observer and then as youth workers4 support on the field. The volunteer4s presence will be in classroom
activities, on scholar tasks and in non formal activities for young people. The volunteer will be involved in
planning teams, with weekly scheduling and activitie4s check, in order to give positive contributions to the
team. The volunteer will be supported by youth workers and a tutor, through the evaluation of the
volunteer4s level of satisfaction and improvements.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.570,00
Pagina 87 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Young International Volunteers across Europe
Applicant: Cooperativa sociale "Cantiere Giovani" ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Siepe Nuova n° 59
Applicant Postal Code: 80027
Applicant Town: Frattamaggiore
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project takes place in Frattamaggiore, Naples, South of 6taly. 6t is a group EVS project and it involves 2
volunteers for 12 months. Volunteers will be involved in the activities of the youth centre managed by
Cantiere 2iovani, located in Frattamaggiore, a peripheral area in the northern part of Naples. The centre is
the only opportunity for local community to meet and get to know people from different backgrounds and
its activities aim to facilitate socialization processes and social insertion for young people with social
problems. The center offers a variety of workshops to help young people improve their skills and to
provide opportunities of expression using different types of media in which volunteers will be actively
involved. The main objectives of the project are to spread ideas and experiences about active citizenship,
intercultural education, peace and solidarity and the creation of a link between the local and the
international reality. The exchange and the comparison of the volunteers with young people and the
organizations of the local youths, the relationship with people of different culture and the daily interaction
in contexts which are different from their own promote intercultural dialogue and a better understanding
of diversity. The volunteers will be involved in the following activities: 6talian language training course,
audiovisual language training course, excursions and cultural tours, support to the management of
international voluntary service office, support to the organization of activities addressed to young people,
support to audiovisual language training activities, workshop, seminars and conferences, organization of
territorial animation events. C2 supports the practice of non-formal and informal education as instruments
to improve personal skills and features. C2 puts into practice non-formal and informal education during
group experiences, seminars, conferences and fundamental activities in order to define the personal and
professional profile of the person.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Pagina 88 di 148
2ranted amount: € 19.645,00
Pagina 89 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Volunteering at AVIS Comunale Varese
Applicant: Cesvov - Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: Via Brambilla, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
This individual EVS project involves one sending organisation from 2ermany (BSJ im GSB e.V.), one host
organisation from 6taly (AV6S Comunale Varese), one volunteer (Julia Cersovsky) and one coordinating
organisation from 6taly (CESVOV). The volunteer takes part in a 11-month activity (total duration of the
project: 17 months) in Varese, 6taly. The project focuses on the theme of solidarity and altruism and the
promotion of blood donation among the local community and particularly the young people. The project
aims at promoting the culture of solidarity through the promotion of blood donation, allow young people
from different countries to better know each other, raise the European awareness of the local community
and create a feeling of belonging to Europe, encourage young people to be active citizens and help them be
aware of their role in the construction of the society. The project is designed, implemented and evaluated
with a non-formal and cooperative method that involves all promoters as well as the volunteer. The
foreseen activities include activities of promotion of the culture of solidarity and blood donation, educative
meetings in local schools to promote healthy lifestyles, activities of accompaniment of blood donors,
communication activities, a personal project and the participation of the EVS-Club of the province of
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.815,00
Pagina 90 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Comune di Padova - Ufficio Progetto Giovani
Applicant Address: Vicolo Ponte Molino, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 35137
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Thanks to this project we propose to give the young volunteer an opportunity of training and personal
growing, in order to acEuire the intercultural competencies and of European knowledge. The activities led
the volunteer to meet the users of the office Progetto 2iovani, moreover the young people of Padova
between 15 and 30 years old and some special social target like old people, children and disabled people.
The direct contact with young local people will be during the organisation of the activities (fairs, festivals,
meetings in the colleges, intercultural evenings, etc.) where the volunteer will help thanks to his personal
cultural background. The activities developed in the social field will make the volunteer learn the
interven-ons that the council administra-on prepares for the ci-zens who need more social a[en-on.6n
order to reach this aim, the volunteer will join the staff of the "Animazione" area and the one of the Civil
Service. Their duties will be chosen on the bases of the single volunteer4s interest, personal experience and
capability. The ac-vi-es in the Civil Service area involve mainly the aher school of the children of the
primary schools, the company of seniors during recreate moments and the transport of disabled people. 6n
the animation area the volunteer will propose creative workshops and linguistic courses an will deal with
the information desk for young people. The volunteer will join the staff during the development of the
projects of Fuoriband, a network of emerging young musician of Padova, the volunteer will also take part in
the organiza-on of the events, giving in this way an important contribu-on during the work in team.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 13.264,00
Pagina 91 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: PROVINCIA DI PARMA (Assessorato sanità e servizi sociali)
Applicant Address: Pl. Barezzi 3
Applicant Postal Code: 43100
Applicant Town: PARMA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The Evs project involves two countries: the sending one, 6taly and the hosting one, Spain. The volunteer,
Thais, started her Evs path in february 2008, with an interview with the sending organisation, Provincia di
Parma. She will be included in the hosting activities from the 15th of december to the 15th of july
2009.The hos-ng organisa-on, DEMA is a N2O, which mains objec-ves are to promote defence, study
and maintence of the natural and cultural patrimony using specific projects as environmental education,
actions to maintenance the natural habitat of the Gesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni) and reproductive
strategies of this endangered species.All the projects developed by DEMA are run with the help of the
volunteers."Programme "Maintance and breeding": maintance ac-vi-es and task of the breeding centre
of DEMA, the only one in Extremadura breeding this species in risk, handling of the reproductive pairs, daily
revision, watering, feeding of the Gesser Kestrel, maintance f the rats room,control of incubators, control
eggs lays, feeding chickens, maintance of the buildings of the centre,guided visits."Programme "Habitat
maintance and colony monitoring": control of wild colonies, artificial nest, construction,restauration of old
nest,monitoring of breeding and feeding areas,sample taking to identify ood reEuirements, gathering of
pellets,study of pray supply, radio-tracking and ringing of the adults and chickens. Particpation on the
reintroduc-on of the chickens that have been bread on the centre, "Programme "Environmental
education": natural activities, workshops, trips, projections.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 4.685,00
Pagina 92 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
SURFING ON EVS: Volontari sull'Onda
Applicant Address: VIA ROERO 43
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: ASTI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project aims at offering the volunteers an occasion to learn our culture and to engage themselves to
know and understand our national, local and working culture, which could eventually become an
advantage for his/her curriculum as well. The volunteers will work in the field of youth policies and youth
work in general, by helping us in the management youth international project, evs and mobility promotion,
intercultural education and web information for youngsters. The volunteer can contribute to stimulate the
host-community through EVS thinking about its importance and its possibility of utilisation, by promoting
the European Pogramms.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.735,00
Pagina 93 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Rising European awareness among young people in Eastern Ukraine
Applicant: SOLEVOL Centro Servizi Volontariato della provincia di Lecco
Applicant Address: Via Belvedere 15
Applicant Postal Code: 23900
Applicant Town: Lecco
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project is aimed at rising the level of European awareness among young people in Eastern Ukraine. 6t is
the individual EVS project which will take place in Donetsk, involving two partner organisations from 6taly
and Ukraine. The project will deal with youth information developing communication strategy and tools for
informing young people in Eastern Ukraine about different aspects of European integration. The main aim
of the project is to develop young people friendly tools to inform them about different issues of European
integration and European Fouth policy in particular and encourage them for active participation and
development of youth initiatives. The duration of the Servise is 12 month. The main activities during the
project will be development of communication tolls for young people and applying them for rising
European awareness and development of youth initiatives. These tools will be workshops, trainigs,
information materials, etc. The project will also develop international Fouth cooperation between
Programme and EECA countries and Ukraine in particular. The whole project is built up using non-formal
education approach.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.530,00
Pagina 94 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Eurofuturoscope network 2008
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
With the project eurofuturescope network 2008 we intend to send two volunteer in the area of Ga Vienne ,
in two di5erent hos-ng organiza-on.The volunteer will run di5erent ac-vi-es, but both doing ac-vi-es
with youngsters, Elisa in the field of education trough sport and outdoor activities and Marco in youth
informa-on and youth policies.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 10.195,00
Pagina 95 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
"Nrani" is an individual EVS project in Ferevan (Armenia) that includes work with disabled children and
partly with their parents. During the project EVS volunteer supposed to be involved in everyday work of the
N2O. He will be involved in the work with small children (from 1 to 7) and their parents. During this work
children will be provided by basic knowledge and skills that will help to their integration in the school. At
the same time parents learn how to help their children and support them during learning process. The
volunteer will help professionals in preparation of children with special needs for attending the ordinary
school. Volunteer will be involved in the project with the work with children with special needs in
orphanage house. He will also help in organizing social events for beneficiaries. 6t means he will help N2O
sta5 to organize children4s visits to museums, theaters, galleries and other cultural centers. The
objec-ves of the project:"To promote culture of volunteerism in Armenia"To contribute to the social
inclusion of disabled children"To prepare disabled children to a[end inclusive educa-onal school system
"To develop skill of the volunteer to work with children with special needs "To encourage inclusion of
social minorities.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.080,00
Pagina 96 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Croce verde Ospitaletto O.N.L.U.S.
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called Croce Verde, situated in Ospitaletto (a village
near Brescia). 6t includes an EVS individual ac-vity. The main themes are ac-ve ci-zenship and European
awareness, to be gained through solidarity and participation in different fields. The main objectives are
aimed at developing an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the 2reen
Cross, in order to live an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another
objective is to contribute to remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteer and in the
local community. This project will last 12 months and involves 2 countries (6taly and Poland) and 1
volunteer. The ac-vity will last 9 months.The ac-vi-es deal with Orst aid services, accompanying ill people
to the hospital, assistance of elderly and disabled people, transport of medecines at home to people in
need, par-cipa-on in sport and cultural events, organiza-on of entertainment ac-vi-es. Working
methods include policies of service delivery, non-formal learning and training courses, sharing of different
experiences, opennes to creativity and personal projects, active and continuous involvement of each
partner organiza-on included in this project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.385,00
Pagina 97 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The association 26OVAN6NS6EME foster the youngsters4 mobility and the European Voluntary Service as
way to acEuire non formal educa-on.Their ac-vi-es aim at create mee-ngs opportuni-es between the
European volunteers and youngsters living in S.2iovanni 2alermo district, a strongly disadvantaged Euarter
of Catania in which the chances for children and youngsters are Euite unfair.The idea sustaining the whole
project is to foster eEual opportuni-es for young and children, and Ogh-ng against social exclusion.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.125,00
Pagina 98 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
"Creative Growin' People"
Applicant: LINK Associazione culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The main goal of the project is to promote active participation of young generations through promotion of
creativity, non formal and intercultural education. This project aims to reach the general objective by
implementing the promotion of youth mobility in Europe and the implementation of intercultural, creative
and non formal activities among youth. Hosting volunteers is a concrete example of the meaning of
common Europe and can be a model for local young people who approach these topics with fear and
diffidence. The volunteers will play an important role in the daily work of the organization while working
together with different actors of the local community. The project aims to involve young people in
European non formal education programmes such as EVS and youth exchanges.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 15.550,00
Pagina 99 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Joint Associazione di promozione sociale
Applicant Address: Via Giovanola 25/C
Applicant Postal Code: 20142
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
"Nrani" is group EVS project in Ferevan (Armenia) that includes work with disabled children and partly with
their parents. During the project the EVS volunteers will be involved in everyday work of the N2O, with
children (from 1 to 7) and their parents. During this work children will be provided with basic knowledge
and skills that will help their integration in the school. At the same time parents learn how to help their
children and support them during the learning process. The volunteers will help professionals in preparing
children with special needs to attend ordinary school. Volunteers will be also working with children with
special needs in an orphanage house as well as helping in organising social events such as children4s visits
to museums, theaters, galleries and other cultural centers. The objec-ves of the project are:"To
promote culture of volunteerism in Armenia"To contribute to the social inclusion of disabled children"To
prepare disabled children to a[end inclusive educa-onal school system "To develop skill of the volunteer
to work with children with special needs "To encourage inclusion of social minori-es
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.798,00
Pagina 100 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Service Civil International (SCI-Italy)
Applicant Address: Via G. Cardano 135
Applicant Postal Code: 00146
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project will sustain the ac-vity of the natural reserve "6l biviere di 2ela" managed by Gipu.G6PU
focuses on the conservation of the wildlife through the protection of the birds and their habitat, on
educating young people about being respectful of the world we live in and on awareness raising on
environmental issuesVolunteers will support the par-cipa-on of the youngsters in di5erent voluntary
activities, inside and outside the European Union. The objectives of the EVS project proposed are to involve
the European volunteers in the promotion of international volunteering intended as a way of active
citizenship, education to interculturality and personal and social growth in front of our ecological issue.
The project will be carried out in 2ela between the office of Gipu and the Reserve. The project duration will
be for nine months, from witch six of activities and will involve two volunteers coming from different
countries: France and 2ermany.EVS volunteers should be mainly involved in the implementa-on of the
planned activities related to support the staff of the local and international activities like the environmental
education for high-schools in 2ela, workshop, coordination of international exchanges, work camps etc...
The other activity will be creating or starting up the museum inside the reserve in a "Casale" just restored
and the last one when the weather is good is to support guides and adjust the touristic path inside the
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.195,00
Pagina 101 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Volunteering in the magic: the Sagittario Natural Reserve
Applicant: Comune di Anversa-riserva regionale gole del sagittario
Applicant Address: Piazza Roma 10
Applicant Postal Code: 67030
Applicant Town: Anversa degli Abruzzi
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The Natural Reserve 2ole del Sagittario of the City Council of Anversa degli Abruzzi ( AQ) - 6taly, is willing to
host EVS volunteers all year long,in duration slots of 5 up to 10 months each, in groups of maximum 3
volunteers each time. Totally, we will host 5 volunteers in one year and a half. The volunteers will help
and give support in the running of the Natural Reserve. The seasonal tasks will be as follow: wintertime:
fauna and birds monitoring, office work with 26S tools in environmental monitoring. Springtime : fauna and
birds monitoring, botanical garden work 7 summertime and autumn: animation and leisure activities for
children and tourists, mainly for families, in the Natural Reserve and the village: work in the botanical
garden, office work. The Coordinating and hosting organization "Natural Reserve 2ole del Sagittario" will
apply a learning-by-doing method for the volunteers, by providing them with supervision and true
experience on the field with the Reserve staff. Volunteers must be happy to live in an isolated village in the
mountains with no night-life, but good air and mineral drinking water running in their house,
uncontaminated environment and a stunning landscape among the rocks , the river and the flying raptorsbirds.The Reserve has EU and international projects running with WWF 6taly, EU, Abruzzo Region, the
Universities of Rome and Pescara, and many other institutions.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 35.050,00
Pagina 102 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: UNISER
Applicant Address: Via Galvani 17 a
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: FORLì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
6ntercultural Wave is a project incuding three 2roup EVS Activities and involving seven European
volunteers. The volunteers don4t know each other yet and they come from 7 different towns and 5
countries: France, 2ermany, Norway, Poland and Spain.The implemented ac-vi-es concern anima-on
with elders in two Rest homes, Casa di Accoglienza "A. Fracassi" and Fondazione Opera "Don Baronio", and
the participation to Atlantide4s life, an environmental organization which provides educational servises and
takes care of several naturalis-c sites.The dura-on of each service varies from 6 to 8 months, according
to the activities4 implementation and needs of the volunteers involved. Conforming to our recruitment
policy, we did not consider a matter of exclusion the fact that some volunteers were not available for eight
monthsDespite the Ac-vi-es take place in Cervia, Cesena and St.Angelo, the project and its objec-ves are
focused on Cesena, where five volunteers will live and where Uniser is engaged in a promotional campaign
in order to inform the local organisa-ons and youngsters about the Fouth in Ac-on programme.Despite
every single activity has a proper theme related to the mission of the host organisation, the overall themes
of the project are European awareness and intercultural dialogue. On the occasion of the Fear of
6ntercultural dialogue, Uniser has already been partner of a project fostering this theme in the frame of a
Fouth Exchange. With 6ntercultural Wave, we mean to take a further step in order to achieve deeper
results, especially concerning the impact of the project on the local community.The objec-ve is indeed to
involve the volunteers in enriching and self-developing experiences not only in the framework of their
service but also outside. We would like to make them feel "all different, all eEual", by integrating them in a
group through common activities focused on non-formal learning, such as weekly language/cultural
training, social events, visits, etc.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Pagina 103 di 148
2ranted amount: € 40.865,00
Pagina 104 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Like a dance
Applicant: UNISER
Applicant Address: Via Galvani 17 a
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: FORLì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
Viksjöforsbaletten is a cultural organisation in countryside. Foungsters join evenings and weekends, mainly
for dance classes. We have our own house in the small village Viksjöfors with 200 inhabitants. The
volunteers with us have an important role for European influences. The curiosity of the youngsters make
them practice languages and to learn about habits, food and culture from abroad. Ardjan, an albanian
youngster resident in 6taly, will help us as volunteer to attract more young people in dance groups and
cultural clubs. 6n the EVS project we also cooperate with nearby schools for volunteer duties in the
mornings. The volunteer attends Swedish classes for foreigners, SF6, at Voxnadalens 2gymnasium. The
duration of the activity is 11 months.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.263,00
Pagina 105 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
"DIEM - Dialogo Interculturale Euro-Mediterraneo"
Applicant: LINK Associazione culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The main aim of the project is to spread information abou the European Fear of 6ntercultural Dialogue.
D6EM (Dialogo 6nterculturale Euro-Mediterraneo) is a group EVS project which involves 13 volunteers from
11 countries, both from Program Countries and from Neighbouring Countries. All the volunteers involved
are young people with less opportunities.The project intends to promote active participation, education to
respect di5erences, aRrma-on of eEual opportuni-es for all. During 4 weeks, including on-arrival
training, we intend to set paths of inclusion through the implementatio of artistic laboratories, the
organization of events and a wide information campaign to raise awareness in the local community about
6ntercultural Dialogue.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 44.539,00
Pagina 106 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
european volunteers on a network for malnate
Applicant: Cesvov - Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: Via Brambilla, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
This individual EVS project involves one sending organisation from France (Centre des Sureaux), one host
organisation from 6taly (Comune di Malnate), one volunteer (Gaetitia Dal Santo) and one coordinating
organisation from 6taly (CESVOV). The volunteer takes part in a 11-month activity (total duration of the
project: 17 months) in Malnate, 6taly. The project focuses on the theme of information and diffusion of
culture on the Malnate territory. 6t aims at helping the local community and youth to have access to some
useful information and to culture in general, promoting active participation of young people, bringing
people closer to Europe and developing a sense of belonging to Europe, and enhancing intercultural
learning of all the people involved in the project. The project is designed, implemented and evaluated with
a non-formal and cooperative method that involves all promoters as well as the volunteer. The volunteer is
involved in a youth information centre and also takes part in activities of the cultural services of the
Comune di Malnate to promote reading among children and promote cultural activities on the territory.
She also develops her own personal project and takes part in the EVS-Club of the province of Varese.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.465,00
Pagina 107 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Verona's Urban Parks
Applicant Address: VIA BERTONI, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 37122
Applicant Town: Verona
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
Gegambiente wants to host and involve European volunteers in the knowledge and preservation of
Verona4s Walls and Fortifications, urban parks and cultural assets. We would like these urban realities to be
places people can visit and have and active share of. We believe that in this way it is possible to sensitise
the general consciousness on themes of environment, intercultural exchange and peace. We want to work,
join and share our experiences with people from different countries and our will is that they all be part of
our projects and goals.Through di5erent ac-vi-es we think that the volunteer can know not only an
urban reality but also more situations which come along together and accomplish a common
aim.Volunteers in the project "Verona4s Urban Parks" will be involved in care and maintenance of green
monumental areas. They will also be involved in research and elaboration of information in order to allow
citizenship and tourists a better knowledge of the monumental areas volunteers will work in. A specific
research project will be assigned to each volunteer, taking into consideration the volunteers4 personal
interests and abilities. They will participate in other association activities such as: "Save the Art" "Get4s
Clean the World" "Thousands Streets to Play 6n" etc.Our goal is to collaborate with people from all Europe
in order to contribute to the integration among countries which are part of a community that does not
have to be just economic but mostly cultural.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 17.265,00
Pagina 108 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Cooperativa CO.GE.S.S.
Applicant: Tempo Libero - Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/Bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called CO.2E.S.S., situated in Barghe (a village
located in Valle Sabbia, an alpine valley in the province of Brescia). 6t includes one EVS individual ac-vity.
The main themes are promotion of eEual opportunities towards disabilities and European awareness, to be
gained through solidarity and participation in different fields. The main objectives are aimed at developing
an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the disabled people, in order to live
an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another objective is to contribute to
remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the local community. This
project will last 12 months and involve 2 Countries (6taly and 2ermany) and 1 volunteer. The ac-vity will
last 9 months.The implemented ac-vi-es deal with entertainment ac-vi-es for disabled people, in order
to s-mulate their mental capabili-es. Working methods include policies of service delivery, non-formal
learning and training courses, sharing of different experiences, opennes to creativity and personal projects,
ac-ve and con-nuous involvement of each partner organiza-on included in this project
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.845,00
Pagina 109 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Joint Associazione di promozione sociale
Applicant Address: Via Giovanola 25/C
Applicant Postal Code: 20142
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The project consists in a long-term hosting 2roup EVS in 6taly by Casa per la Pace, coordinated by Joint
Association7 two volunteers (two girls, respectively from Czech Republic and from Turkey) will be hosted in
Milano, 6taly, and will work on the topic of peace and the promotion of nonviolent solutions of conflicts.
They will be busy helping with the activities of the association inside schools with pupils of different age
(from 2 years to 19 years old) based on a non-formal education approach. The volunteers will both start in
January 2009 and will end at different times. The Turkish volunteer will complete her service after 11
months, in December 2009. The Czech girl, due to her University courses starting in October, will end up in
September after 8 months of service.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.381,00
Pagina 110 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Volontariato oltre le barriere
Applicant: CSV Vercelli Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della Provincia di Vercel
Applicant Address: Via Galileo Ferraris, 73
Applicant Postal Code: 13100
Applicant Town: Vercelli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: 6nter-religious dialogue
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The project is composed by two different activities carried out by two hosting organizations, it will be
coordinated by the CSV - Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della Provicia di Vercelli and foresee the
participation of 6 young volunteers. The first activity involves 3 volunteers in the A.N.F.F.A.S. Onlus Vercelli
(National Association of the Families of Mental and Relational Disabled People), a non profit Organization
that offers care, rehabilitation and support activities to mental and relational disabled people. The
volunteers will work mainly in the rehabilitation center of the Organization where are followed mental
disabled people. The activities proposed will be mainly of three kinds: Therapeutic and rehabilitative
activities, Cultural, artistic and leisure-time activities, Summer
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 53.080,00
Pagina 111 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: NUR Associazione Interculturale
Applicant Address: Via dei Colombi, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 09126
Applicant Town: Cagliari
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
This project will be realized in a small village called Carrion de los Condes, in Palencia Province, situated
along the "Camino de Santiago", The Village Council wants with this EVS to make the local community
aware of the importance of Europe, of the importance of volunteering, of the intercultural and
intergenerational relations. Volunteers have historically always been strictly linked to the history of the
"Camino". Europe itself is interconnected by a network of routes leading to the Camino. People of different
countries come to our village every day on their way to Santiago of Compostela. The volunteers will meet
them all and give them support. Also, with the support of Saint James4s Friends Association, volunteers will
help in running cultural ac-vi-es in two important places of the local social life: "the 6nforma-on ORce
situated in an ancient RomanesEue monastery, hosting the Jacobea Gibrary, the main reference place for
the studies on the Camino7 "and the future Fouth Center & 6nforma-on ORce that the village council will
open after Christmas. 6nformation, Europe, and promotion of cultural activities for the local people and the
foreign pilgrims will be the lines of the future work.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.828,00
Pagina 112 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
The Forest
Applicant: Xena centro scambi e dinamiche interculturali
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia, 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35137
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The Forest is a volunteer-run, collectively owned free arts and events space open and accessible to the
entire community. The Forest hosts free events, an art gallery, a music rehearsal and recording studio, a
darkroom and regular workshops / skill sharing sessions. Volunteers will have access to all resources in the
Forest and will be responsible for managing and organising the fluid running of these activities with the
help of the entire collective. The main activities of the Forest are co-ordinated by working groups. EVS
volunteers will be fully integrated with the expectation that they will take leadership roles in the areas of
their primary interest whether it be theatre, music, art, business or community activities. Specific projects
on the horizon are the creation of a new events space. Volunteer4s will also be expected to make links with
other organisations and set up exchanges with their home countries. We are particularly keen to have
volunteer support during the hectic August Festival season as we will need extra help in all aspects of The
Forest at this time, especially in managing our award winning free fringe theatre venue.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.530,00
Pagina 113 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Intercultural learning and mobility for young people II
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35138
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The project, is two-leveled where two volunteers take part in the activities with 2 different hosting
organizations with specific characteristics with a common theme of inclusion of people with less
opportunities and comparison with cultural diversity which are the main points of all three projects.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 14.480,00
Pagina 114 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Congregazione Terz'Ordine Francescano di San Carlo
Applicant Address: Via Senni, 61
Applicant Postal Code: 50038
Applicant Town: Scarperia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project "SG6D6N2 DOORS" wants to give to young volunteers the possibility to do an experience of
voluntary service in our home, where fourteen disabled people live in this moment. Our residents need a
continuative assistance7 only some of them has a good autonomy in the basic functions. About twenty
operators who take turn in the 24 hours assist them. These people suffer from deficit of organic, psychic
and cognitive nature but all of them have good potential, which our operators work daily on, with
educa-onal, recrea-onal and physiotherapist interven-ons. The volunteers will give support to the sta5
in the daily practice of developing the autonomies of our residents: with laboratories, leisure activities and
physiotherapist practice. He/she will favor the contact and the exchange among multicultural diversity in
the practice with handicap7 and he/she will create around our residents a climate suitable for socialization
star-ng from the presence of young people mo-vated in working with them.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 16.925,00
Pagina 115 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Sos Green Cross
Applicant: Tempo Libero - Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/Bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called Croce Verde, situated in Ospitaletto (a village
near Brescia). 6t includes one EVS group ac-vity. The main themes are ac-ve ci-zenship and European
awareness, to be gained through solidarity and participation in different fields. The main objectives are
aimed at developing an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the 2reen
Cross, in order to live an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another
objective is to contribute to remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the
local community. This project will last 12 months and involves 3 countries (6taly, 2ermany and Githuania)
and 2 volunteers. The ac-vity will last 9 months.The implemented ac-vi-es deal with Orst aid services,
accompanying ill people to the hospital, assistance of elderly and disabled people, transport of medecines
at home to people in need, participation in sport and cultural events, organization of entertainment
ac-vi-es. Working methods include policies of service delivery, non-formal learning and training courses,
sharing of different experiences, opennes to creativity and personal projects, active and continuous
involvement of each partner organiza-on included in this project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 15.590,00
Pagina 116 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: UNISER
Applicant Address: Via Galvani, 17a
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: FORLì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The Fundacion San Cebrián works in favour of the Euality of life of the persons with intellectual disability,
therefore, the project has a social character. 6t will be carried out in San Cebrián de Campos, having as
fundamental aims from the intercultural enrichment of all the people involved in the project (professionals,
users and volunteers) up to the advertisement of its work and training for the persons who help us.
Furthermore, the project will allow the Fundacion San Cebrián to have new contacts with other
associations or organisations abroad. The project will have a duration of 8 months. There will be a
volunteer involved in an individual project. The participants countries will be Spain (hosting) and 6taly
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.515,00
Pagina 117 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
All around Paolo Babini
Applicant: Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Dandolo, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: Forlì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The present projects involves a social cooperative, member of the applicant, that deals with youth services
in the local territory of Forlì. The main theme of the project is "cultural diversity" as we want to educate
children and young people we care for, to the respect of other culture which are considered an added
value, a new discovery and a resource that can be used to grow up and to learn tolerance towards any type
of diversity and towards any individual in his/her uniEueness. Our objective is to involve European
volunteers in the activities and life of the different structures managed by Paolo Babini in order to allow
the young people hosted to have a direct contact with Europe and develop a European awareness. The
presence of young volunteers coming from different countries and willing to share their cultural
backgrounds can be a useful experience for 6talian adolescents to test their beliefs, opinions and
prejudices. The project involves 2 volunteers, one from France and the other from Hungary, who will
spend from 6 to 10 months in Forlì contributing to the improvement of solidarity and tolerance not only in
the host organization but also in the local community, a part of which is deeply involved in the activities of
Paolo Babini. 6n return for their help, the young people envgaged in the project will have the opportunity to
acEuire linguistic competences in 6talian but also personal and professional competences, mainly in youth
policies and the prevention of discomfort. The methods applied will be that of active participation of all
promoters and volunteers in all the phases of the project, above all in the design of the activity and
identification of specific tasks which will be adjusted - as much as possible - to the interests and skills of the
young people involved.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 14.580,00
Pagina 118 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Activities with children
Applicant: Cooperativa tempo libero
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/Bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called Fondazione Angelo Passerini, situated in
Nozza di Vestone (a village located in Valle Sabbia, an alpine valley in the province of Brescia). The title is
"Ac-vi-es with children".6t includes one EVS group ac-vity. The main themes are European awareness
and children care, to be gained through solidarity and participation in different activities. The main
objectives are aimed at developing an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and
the children, in order to live an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another
objective is to contribute to remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the
local community. This project will last 12 months and involves 5 partners from 5 countries (6taly,
2ermany, Poland, Githuania and France) and 4 volunteers. The ac-vity will last 9 months.The
implemented activities deal with entertainment activities for children, in order to stimulate their mental
capabili-es. Working methods include policies of service delivery, non-formal learning and training
courses, sharing of different experiences, opennes to creativity and personal projects, active and
con-nuous involvement of each partner organiza-on included in this project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 31.140,00
Pagina 119 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Social theatre"
Applicant: LINK Associazione culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The project will take place in the capital of Republic of Karelia Petrozavodsk. That is a city with 300.000
inhabitants. Centre "6nitiative" is a non-profit organization, founded in 2003. The main aim of the volunteer
is organizing of a theatre for preschoolers, schoolchildren, students of Petrozavodsk schools (children from
eight till seventeen years old). The volunteers should hold all consisting work - acting, costume design,
scenic art, theatre arts management, lighting, electrics, sound and scenic construction, preparing for events
and presentations of the "Social theatre" in Petrozavodsk and different towns of Republic of Karelia,
organizing performances for orphans and disabled persons. The volunteer will take part in the project
during 6 months
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.568,00
Pagina 120 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: Contrà Mure San Rocco, n.28
Applicant Postal Code: 36100
Applicant Town: Vicenza
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project try to give a chance to Marta , one young volunteeer, to participate in activities in direct
contact with the environment, which give her an oportunity to contribute in the preservation of the natural
values of this area. At the same time she will develop her work for the local comunity and in her own
benefit. She will learn a new way of work, a new language and will have an oportunity for share her own
culture and points of view with a new one (the local culture).Marta will colaborate in the daily ac-vi-es of
our organization. During her voluntary service, she could participate in a bird ringing campain in direct
contact with the small birds migrants between Europe and Africa, both in the preparation and in the
development. Moreover, she could collaborate in the organization of cultural activities with the local
population, and we will invite her to purpose new activities, etc. We will try she could spread the aims of
Fouth in Action program between the young people of the village and the people who share with us some
-me during her studies and holidays
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.110,70
Pagina 121 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant Address: Via Doberdo', 22
Applicant Postal Code: 20126
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The Rising Sun project involved 3 country: 6talia, Ungheria e Turchia, our hostint association, 2 sending
associations, and 2 female volunteers: volunteer4s activities will start on 4/2/09 and will end on 3 august
2009 for 6 month.Volunteers will be involved in a netnwork of ac-vi-es for youth in Monza municipality
where an integrated system of youth interventions is run by our professional staff since 18 years. Here they
will have the chance to experience team work and different kinds of youth porjects, giving their help to
professional staff members and local volunteers in 2 Fouth Centre (Centri di Aggregazione 2iovanile) and in
Millesoli house family (a place in which we host 9 disadvantage children from 9 to 16 years old)The
general expected outcomes are to give youngsters, through their partecipation in a voluntary experience
abroad, the possibility of increasing their self esteem, their capacity of adaptation in another reality and
the development of their social skills whichh are the necessary tools to be conscious and partecipateve
actors of the local reality they are living in.Other expected outcomes are the development of speciOc skills
and attitudes directly linked to the project such as competences in social animation in the work with
children and teenagers team working and linguis-c skills.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 11.540,00
Pagina 122 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Street Theatre - Voyage to the end of the World
Applicant: UNISER
Applicant Address: Via Galvani 17 a
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: FORLì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project will mainly take place in Malovice, and it will involve a young 6talian volunteer, Gianca
Pandolfini, to support and help in the preparation and implementation of Continuo Theatre4s last creation
for 10 months. The main theme is art and culture, and the objective is to provide a very stimulating
experience to a young girl in love with theatre and art, allowing her to live in an environment full of
learning opportunities and were the creativity of a young person from another background and culture is
always more than welcome. Furthermore, since it4s a project especially address to young people, the role
of the volunteer, as a peer, will foster their involvement.For 2009 Con-nuo Theatre prepares a new
project: Voyage to the End of the World. This project is inspired by historical voyage of Gev of Rozmital,
ambassador of Czech King 2eorge of Podebrady, that was realised in the end of fifteen century. The project
will arise on the occasion of Czech presidency of European Union in first half of 2009. 6t will be mainly
focused on the creation and implementation of planned Street theatre performance inspired by the
historical voyage, which will not be historical reconstruction either literal transcription of historical events.
6t is more a platform for inspiring Euestions and searching for the answers of present-days young European
people on the background of their common history.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.596,00
Pagina 123 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Volunteering and Disability
Applicant: Tempo Libero Soc. Coop. Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This project will be carried out in one host organization called CO.2E.S.S., situated in Barghe (a village
located in Valle Sabbia, an alpine valley in the province of Brescia). 6t includes one EVS group ac-vity. The
main themes are promotion of eEual opportunities towards disabilities and European awareness, to be
gained through solidarity and participation in different fields. The main objectives are aimed at developing
an open-minded and flexible attitude towards the local community and the disabled people, in order to live
an experience of personal development in an intercultural dimension. Another objective is to contribute to
remove stereotypes and prejudices both in the foreign volunteers and in the local community. This
project will last 12 months and involves 4 Countries (6taly, Gettonia, Olanda e Francia) and 3 volunteers. The
ac-vity will last 9 months.The implemented ac-vi-es deal with entertainment ac-vi-es for disabled
people, in order to s-mulate their mental capabili-es. Working methods include policies of service
delivery, non-formal learning and training courses, sharing of different experiences, opennes to creativity
and personal projects, active and continuous involvement of each partner organization included in this
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 23.525,00
Pagina 124 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant Address: Via Palazzuolo 12
Applicant Postal Code: 50123
Applicant Town: Firenze
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
This is a group project for 8 volunteers coming from France, Turkey (2 volunteers), 2ermany, Norway,
Portugal, Hungary and Spain received from Florence City Hall.Topics are Arts and Culture, media and
communication. Aims of the project are: to promote intercultural and intergeneration dialogue7 to
promote exchanges among young people with different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds7 to
increase conciousness and european citizenship and give a contribution to build Europe7 make young
people aware about their role in the society7 to promote creativity and innovation by young volunteers
mostly in youth policies and new technologies frames.The voluntary service will be 11 months
long.Volunteers will work in:-Fouth gatering Centres doing ac-vi-es about school support, informa-on
and guidance, educa-onal, recrea-onal and cultural ac-vi-es for young people-Gibraries: recep-on and
first information, book loans and computer assistance to users, tiding up documents, labelling and
covering7 inventory7 reminder to the users7 verify about documentary resources and finally also specific
ini-a-ves to promote book collec-ons and reading-"Computer 2ym": suppor-ng teachers during lessons
to older people, being involved in the organisation of educational activities and complementary activities.
An ac-ve approach will be followed to promote crea-vity and planning by the volunteers
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 58.745,00
Pagina 125 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
L'Europa al Centro Culturale Giovanile di Pianoro
Applicant: Comune di Pianoro
Applicant Address: Piazza dei martiri, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 40065
Applicant Town: Pianoro
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
The project "l4Europa al Centro Culturale 2iovanile di Pianoro" will be realized in Pianoro, Bologna, 6taly. 6t
is an personal EVS project which involves an 2erman volunteer of 20 years. The project will be long 5
months from February 16th until July 16th 2009. The volunteer will work in the youth centre of Pianoro
and will help to organise the youth activities. The themes of the project regarded Art and Culture (music,
entertainment, theatre), youth policies, the promo-on of project of ac-ve ci-zenship.The objec-ves of
the project: the volunteer will learn how to organize cultural events, how to manage a Fouth Cultural
Centre and, more in general, how a Municipality could see about Fouth Policies. The volunteer will develop
and improve his/her musical, artistic, computer skills and, getting in touch with a different cultural reality,
will develop intercultural abilities. The volunteer will also have a chance to learn and practise better 6talian.
The project should propose to promote values as tolerance, respect for the others culture, the active
citizenship at local and European level and to promote the exchange of skills. We hope to stimulate in
other youth who usually freEuent centre the desire to realize similar experience. The volunteer will
participate at meetings and to the organization of the activities and he will contribute and collaborate to
activities of informations which are present at Eurodesk in the Fouth Cultural Centre. The experience of
learning on the job, will be present thanks to join and confront between volunteer and supervisor and the
intercultural ability between cultures will develop, thanks to opportunities of sharing and reflecting
organized by the tutor.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 4.525,00
Pagina 126 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
6ndividual and 2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Connecting hands
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi, 345 B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
One of the main aim of this evs project is to bring international people/volunteers together and araise the
importance of 6ntercultural Gearning and international youth cooperation in the social field and the cultural
field, connected by a symbol of our hands put together. All the hosting projects take place in 6taly,
volunteers4 hands will be ACT6VE in social activities (working for and with disabled people, refugees,
homeless, minors) and in Cultural activities, where volunteers can use their hands to create something,
they can stimulate their own ideas and creativity organizing international and artistic events in an
intercultural context. The meaning of solidarity and ac-ve ci-zenship is s-ll one of our main topics,
volunteers will have the possibility to have an active role for their communities and projects and at the
same -me to learn the e5ec-veness of cultural diversity.The idea of connec-ng our hands wants to be
realized also through the creation of a photos book which will show our volunteers4 hands and faces, the
work they do, the different point of view they have and it can be mostly done thanks to the dissemination4s
results grants which can allow us to create an international photos book made up by different artist who
can also bringthis work in real exibi-ons around 6taly.With this evs project we would therefore like to
reach the following goals:-Broaden the par-cipants4 view about the di5erences and similari-es between
6taly and the volunteers4 countries. -Approach a common understanding which creates interna-onal
solidarity -Providing experiences that will encourage interna-onal and intercultural understanding7Helping par-cipants to become aware of the issues and problems exis-ng in the local and na-onal
community in order to be[er understand worldwide socio-economic-poli-cal issues and problems7Encouraging commitment to act on these understandings, both during the exchange experience and
beyond.-act on an--discrimina-on and support to minori-es, which are in this case disabled, homeless
and refugees/immigrants. Experience the problems they face and learn how this is dealt with in different
countries and in Europe in general-ReNect on Cultural understanding and cultural 6den-ty-Work on the
di5erences between mul-cultural socie-es and intercultural socie-es-ReNect together on a common
Pagina 127 di 148
sense of world-Realize an interna-onal photo books on volunteers4experiencesThis evs project will
bring together a total number of 9 volunteers, coming from Poland, Armenia, Spain, Hungary, Sweden,
2ermany and Gatvia. The project will start in March 2009.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 74.220,00
Pagina 128 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Italian Spirit in Gyumri
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi, 345 B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
"6talian Spirit in 2yumri" is an EVS group project between 6taly and Armenia, promoting European
Citizenship and participation of young people. The project is, in particular, a response to a keen interest in
6talian culture and language, and a need to facilitate access to European culture in general in Armenia,
especially for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through this EVS project two italian young
people, will volunteer for nine months in a Euite active Armenian N2O based in 2yumri. Here, they will be
mainly involved in several cultural and artistic activities for local youngsters, all aiming at fostering the
importance of cultural exchange and volunteerism in Armenia as a mean of personal and social
empowerment. Volunteers will be particularly encouraged in organizaing 6talian language, cultural, music
and/or dance classes in order to give Armenian young people the chance of improving their knowledge
about Europe. The project will be characterised by all necessary ac-vi-es to prepare the volunteers to
have a good experience and also to make them aware about the fact of having the opportunity of learning
a lot about Armenian culture and of being, at the same time, a benefit for the local community. 6n this
way, we want to enhance the concept of active citizenship through intercultural activities carrying on
dialogue that promotes mutual respect on di5erences.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.780,00
Pagina 129 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
“Life from anOTHER perspective”
Applicant: IL PORTICO Associazione di promozione sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Brentabassa, 49
Applicant Postal Code: 30031
Applicant Town: Dolo (VE)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
This 6ndividual European Voluntary Service Project involves an 6talian Hos-ng Organiza-on and aSending
Organiza-on (a Turkish one) sending one volunteer.The volunteer will be hosted in Dolo, near Venice,
6taly, at the Associazione e6G PORT6COf4s house,for nine months, star-ng from February 2009.Voluntary
service will be basically divided in three parts: in the Orst one, especially at the beginning ofher service,
the volunteer will learn 6talian language, will be introduced to the associa-on4s ac-vi-esand to the
territorial context7 then she4ll start to join all these ac-vi-es7 Onally she4ll have the chance todeepen one
of them promo-ng a speciOc project close to her personal a3tudes, supported by theassocia-on4s
workers and members.6n
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 8.355,00
Pagina 130 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Quartieri per la sostenibilità
Applicant: Legambiente Ecopolis
Applicant Address: Via Berthollet, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 10125
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The main aim of the project is to involve young European volunteers and young local people as
protagonists of a change in life-styles towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable styles of
life.Since the project will take place in a mul--ethnic district and in the suburbs of the city of Torino, in
Northwestern 6taly, its main themes will be those of urban ecology and youth integration: urban transport,
waste and recycling, pollution, environmental education and sustainability, urban development, social
integra-on through environmental educa-on.We want to change the way people move, buy, use energy
and water, live, focusing on a local (district) level. We also want to help people from different countries and
with different cultural backgrounds to work together for the improvement of the community they live in.
To achieve this goal the EVS volunteers, after proper training, will be involved in the planning as well as in
the practical realization of different actions (all part of the same EVS activity): from energy saving programs
in the city4s blocks of flats to environmental education activities in schools, from the monitoring and
improvement of bike routes to waste reduc-on projects.The EVS volunteers will be as well given the
opportunity to plan and start their own projects and, they will be encouraged and assisted in producing
dissemina-on materials of the results they achieved.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 23.110,00
Pagina 131 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Associazione Culturale Lavori in Corso
Applicant Address: Traversa di via Romana, 56
Applicant Postal Code: 06126
Applicant Town: Perugia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
Pagina 132 di 148
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 22.430,00
Pagina 133 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Il cittadino globale
Applicant: YAP italia
Applicant Address: Via Marco Dino Rossi, 12/c
Applicant Postal Code: 00173
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The area of Rome, where FAP-6taly is located since the early 1990th is one of the more disadvantaged
neighbourhoods of the city, both from the social as well as from the environmental point of view. There
has been a higher concentration of low educated people in an area that has been lacking services,
particularly possibilities for youngsters and for the children, that are the youngster of today. Since the local
kids and youngsters did not have the opportunity to attend social activities improving the personal
development, FAP-6taly focused on the local community, in order to motivate them to take an active part
at the organized activities. The spirit of the activities also within our neighbourhood but as well throughout
the country is "to act locally, and to think global". FAP 6talia organize local activities in order to carry the
level of our activities beyond the borders of theneighbourhood, the city and the country. This we are trying
to achieve by involving for one year this French EVS volunteer, that enrich FAP work and activities due to
his own diverse cultural backgrounds. By this means the result exceeds the practical momentary activity
and the added value of the international volunteer will have effects in the future.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.780,00
Pagina 134 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant: Parrocchia dei Santi Faustino e Giovita - Centro Giovanile 2000
Applicant Address: Via Tagliata, 2
Applicant Postal Code: 25032
Applicant Town: Chiari (Bs)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
6l progetto di volontariato europeo all4interno del Cg2000 ha una forte valenza educativa e formativa7 è
un4importatne occasione di crescita personale, una opportunità di educazione alla cittadinanza attiva, un
prozioso strumento per contribuire allo sviluppo sociale, culturale. 6l progetto di volontariato europeo
vuole essere uno stimolo all4incontro con culture diverse per tutta la comunità del Cg2000. Ga presenza di
un giovane che decide di dedicare Eualche mese della propria vita per un4esperienza di volontariato in un
paese eurpeo, offre una testimonianza significativa di gratuità, apertura e accoglienza, che ci pare essere
un4interessante opurtunità di riflessione sui temi del volontariato, dell4accoglienza, dell4apertura all4altro e
della diversità culturale.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.950,00
Pagina 135 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Centre for Alternative Technology
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
This is a 6 months4 individual EVS project sending an 6talian EVS volunteer to the Centre for Alternative
Technology. The volunteer will mainly work with the gardening team, helping to maintain the display
gardens, smallholding, orchard and vegetable field. The tasks for the volunteer involve practical gardening
work, preparing educational displays for visitors, and taking visitors to the centre on guided tours of the
gardens. The volunteer will learn about organic gardening, and eco-tourism and will gain an insight into a
uniEue eco-centre, working on sustainability and public awareness of environmental issues, in the
beautiful, rural landscape of Machynlleth (Wales).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.320,00
Pagina 136 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA ROERO 43
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: ASTI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
- NONFORMAG EDUCAT6ON (courses of languages and computers), - CREAT6VE AND RECREAT6VE
ACT6V6T6ES (more than 15 di5erent sec-ons)- PREVENT6ON, VOGUNTER6SM AND FOUTH MOB6G6TF ( peer
education, workshops, more than 50 volunteers, youth in action programme, manifestations, campaigns,
CONTACT PO6NT organisation for "Fouth in Action" programme nominated by EC with aim to promote
Programme and to mo-vate possible project organisers to submit applica-ons. ) - OPEN FOUTH CGUB
(table tennis, playing room, internet club, info desk, etc)
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.270,00
Pagina 137 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Leading the way
Applicant: Sezione Laziale della UILDM (Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolar
Applicant Address: Via Prospero Santacroce, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 00167
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The project involves one volunteer that will be working at Sezione Gaziale U6GDM, an organisation settled in
Rome, 6taly, in the field of promoting the rights and independence of people with disabilities. Her activities
will be focused on providing support to people with disabilities, animating the youth group and developing
the service of accessible tourism. The foreseen dura-on of the service is 8 months. The project will count
on the par-cipa-on of a volunteer coming from Spain. During the project the volunteer will be
encouraged to express her active citizenship and develop a stronger sense of belonging to the European
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.770,00
Pagina 138 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Appui aux initiatives de développement humain local dans la ville de Casabla
Applicant: CISS Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud
Applicant Address: Via Noto 12
Applicant Postal Code: 90141
Applicant Town: Palermo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Development cooperation
Project Description:
G4objectif du projet individuel EVS de la durée de 6 mois " Appui aux initiatives de développement humain
local dans la ville de Casablanca dans le domaine de l4enfance de rue " est celui de promouvoir des
initiatives pour le renforcement des dispositifs de prévention, protection et réhabilitation adaptés aux
enfants en situation difficile dans la ville de Casablanca et des capacités techniEues du personnel des
associations marocaines agissant dans le domaine de l4aide à l4enfance en situation difficile. Ge projet EVS
comprendra principalement les thématiEues sur la PolitiEue en faveur de la jeunesse, sur l4éducation non
formelle ainsi Eue sur les techniEues pédagogiEues innovantes, c4est-à-dire l4utilisation surtout des arts
dans le domaine de l4éducation. Ges activités auxEuelles le volontaire participera seront sur plusieurs
niveaux : dans le domaine de la prévention, la protection, la réhabilitation et la réintégration des enfants
des centres périurbains de Casablanca, il va soutenir les activités sportives, artistiEues en utilisant les
méthodes de l4éducation non formelle ainsi Eue les techniEues pédagogiEues innovantes. Dans le domaine
du renforcement des capacités techniEues des associations locales et des partenaires étatiEues et la mise
en place d4une dynamiEue de capitalisation et d4échange d4expérience, le volontaire participera (en
utilisant les méthodes de recherche/action) à la réalisation d4un recueil de bonnes pratiEues au Maroc dans
le domaine de la prise en charge de l4enfance en situation difficile, aux activités de mise en réseau ainsi Eue
à la réalisation des actions communes de plaidoyer.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.240,00
Pagina 139 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Italian culture meets Georgian culture through EVS
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
This project is an individual EVS project involving an 6talian volunteer that will take part to an EVS project in
2eorgia, within the Fouth Association DRON6 (FAD) based in the capital city, Tbilisi. The project would last 9
months. The objective of the project is to promote the concept of active citizenship, in particular
volunteerism, and to foster an intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding between the 6talian
volunteer and the 2eorgian youngsters. The activities will focus on communication and information
activities towards young people to promote volunteerism and international mobility opportunities for the
local community. The methods used will be the ones of a constant support to the volunteer through
training activities and monitoring of her learning process. The final aim is to give to the volunteer all
necessary tools to have the opportunity to develop and implement her own projects.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 7.420,00
Pagina 140 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
Youth information
Applicant: PROVINCIA DI PARMA (Assessorato sanità e servizi sociali)
Applicant Address: Pl. Barezzi 3
Applicant Postal Code: 43100
Applicant Town: PARMA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Fouth information
Project Description:
The Evs project involves two countries: the sending one, 6taly and the hosting one, Montenegro. The
volunteer, Alessandra, started her Evs path in september 2008, with an interview with the sending
organisation, Provincia di Parma. She will be included in the hosting activities from the 1st of may 2009 to
the 31st of january 2010. Main aim of the projet is to give informa-on about voluntarism and non-formal
learninig opportunities to young people from Motenegro, so to involve as much young people as possible
in Europe wide projects of volunteer exchanges and foster young people sense of European citizenship and
their role in the present and future of Europe. The volunteer will mainly work in the area of voluntarism
and in par-cular on short-term volunteer exchange and non-formal educa-on. Main thems that the
volunteer will deal with are:- Organiza-on and prepara-on of di5erent trainings and courses related to
ac-ve par-cipa-on of youth, voluntarism, civil society development7- Social researches related to youth7
- Organiza-on and prepara-on of civil ini-a-ves and campaigns7 etc.- Organiza-on, prepara-on and
implementa-on of the work camps7- Voluntarism and community development in general7
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.670,00
Pagina 141 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
"GATES: Opening new opportunities for disadvantage youngsters
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Fouth policies
Project Description:
mutual understanding between young people in different areas of our country, set in the centre and in the
south of 6taly, sustaining the ac-vi-es of three di5erent organiza-ons of the civil society.The project will
be set in two house-family in Rome and nearby a youth associa-on in Catania.6n the two house-family 6G
TETTO and 6G TETTO CASAG FATTOR6A the EVS volunteers will be mainly involved in the activities dedicated
to the minors, through the organization of recreational activities for children, cultural initiatives and
exchanges to be realized with the older guests. Moreover volunteers will be involved in the common
activities ruled with the other associations of the Euarter that collaborate with Tetto Onlus as fund raising
li[le market ecc..Nearby the associa-on 26OVAN6NS6EME instead, the volunteers4 ac-vi-es will aim at
create meetings opportunities between the European volunteers and youngsters living in S.2iovanni
2alermo district, a strongly disadvantaged area of Catania in which the chances for children and youngsters
are Euite unfair.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 28.870,00
Pagina 142 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
The InFea Programme: Information, Training and Environmental Education a
Applicant: BILOBA scs
Applicant Address: Via F.lli Garrone 39/90
Applicant Postal Code: 10127
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project will be developed in the Natural Park of the Hill of Torino. The park is made up of two Protect
Areas, the Special Natural Reserve of the Vaj Forest and the Natural Park of the Hill of the Hill of Superga.
The reference point of the park is the Visit Centre, managed by Biloba. From 2004, this centre is the
promoter of the project "the faces of the hill", a part of the national and regional programme 6nFea
(6nformation, Training and Environment Education). The project plans many activities that involve a big
network of partners that, in different organisations (in part of the park in Torino and in the part of the park
of the li[le town near the city) and with di5erent approaches, deal with environment. The project is a 8
months project and it will involve three volunteers, from Turkey, Macedonia and France. The volunteers
will develop three different careers according to their interests, that are the projects that our educators
develop, dealing with the discovery and the valorisation of the cultural and environmental resources,
above all rural aspects and farmer knowledges: tourist and schools activities throughout the environmental
education7 promotion of healthy way of living through biologic agriculture, youth kitchen garden7
promotion of healthy way of living through physical outdoor activities and sport. The working method and
the objectives are, for instance: the discovery and the valorisation of the cultural and environmental
resources, above all rural aspects and farmer knowledges. The working method deals with practical
activities with schools, tourists, citizenship, disadvantaged and disable young people (trekking and sport,
agriculture ac-vi-es and kitchen garden, mee-ng to propose sustainable way of living, etc).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 20.235,00
Pagina 143 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
The Forest - A Community Arts Project
Applicant: Europe Direct of the Province of Chieti
Applicant Address: Via Arcivescovado, 42
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The Forest is a volunteer-run, collectively owned free arts and events space open and accessible to the
entire community. The Forest hosts free events, an art gallery, a music rehearsal and recording studio, a
darkroom and regular workshops / skill sharing sessions. Volunteers will have access to all resources in the
Forest and will be responsible for managing and organising the fluid running of these activities with the
help of the entire collective. The main activities of the Forest are co-ordinated by working groups. EVS
volunteers will be fully integrated with the expectation that they will take leadership roles in the areas of
their primary interest whether it be theatre, music, art, business or community activities. Specific projects
on the horizon are the creation of a new events space. Volunteers will also be expected to make links with
other organisations and set up exchanges with their home countries. We are particularly keen to have
volunteer support during the hectic August Festival season as we will need extra help in all aspects of The
Forest at this time, especially in managing our award winning free fringe theatre venue.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 9.790,00
Pagina 144 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Natural cycle
Applicant: Joint Associazione di promozione sociale
Applicant Address: Via Giovanola, 25/C
Applicant Postal Code: 20142
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fouth policies
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project consists in short term group EVS at Camp Rodowo in Poland. The youngsters, all with 6talian
residency, will take part in mantainance activities of the forest in the National Park of Mazurian in
collaboration with the Forest guards and the help of the youth workers of the Camp Rodowo Foundation.
The 5 participants will be divided in 2 groups, who will meet some days to exchange opinions and
expectations about the project. They will be accompanied by educators who will be provided by the
sending organisation or by the educational entities through which the youngsters were contacted and
selected, depending on their profile. The objective is to offer an international educational experience to
youngsters with fewer opportunities in a protected environment where they can discover the value of
voluntary service, the respect of nature and the beauty of discovering new cultures. 2roup work will be the
centre of their experience and a place for problem solving and conflict resolution. Therefore for a good
realisation of the project, team building activities will be organised before, during and after the period of
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 6.957,50
Pagina 145 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
2roup EVS
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This is a group EVS project allowing 8 volunteers to take part in voluntary activities in 4 different host
organisations at local level in the area of Mantova (Northern 6taly), all working in the field of social
inclusion, in favour of immigrants and disadvantaged children and youngsters at cooperativa Mosaico
(E6Ref 2007-6T-73), disabled people at cooperativa Agorà (E6Ref 2007-6T-75) and at cooperativa Bucaneve
(E6Ref 2008-6T-76), homeless and deprived women at associazione Abramo (E6Ref 2007-6T-76). The
volunteers are sent by 6 organisations from 2ermany, Portugal, France, the Uk, and Poland7 6 of them will
stay for 9 months, and 2 for 7 months. Alce Nero will be responsible for the coordina-on of the project
with all sending and hosting organisations involved, and for the distribution of the grant between the
project partners in line with their responsibilities. Alce Nero will support the above mentioned
organisations during the whole process, from the recruitment and selection phase, through the welcoming
and introductory steps, during the training and supervision along with the implementation of the activities,
to the Onal evalua-on procedures. Alce Nero will ensure a group character for both the learning processes
and the service, for the benefit of the community, and also a common thematic approach and regular
contacts among the volunteers, in order to increase the impact, accessibility, effectiveness and visibility of
EVS even further.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 61.160,00
Pagina 146 di 148
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
6ndividual EVS
"DID.A" (didactical and archaeology)
Applicant: Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata
Applicant Address: Via Trieste, 1 c/o Centro Polivalente
Applicant Postal Code: 92023
Applicant Town: Campobello di Licata AG
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The volunteer selected to participate in this project, which has been named "D6D.A" (D6Dactical and
Archaeology), will be collaborating close to the members and employees of the association,
for:"upda-ng, crea-on and management of didac-c laboratories"the management of the Dpermanent
exhibi-on4"the organizing and the management of the interna-onal archaeological workcamp during the
summer"the revalua-on and adapta-on of archaeological areas and par-cularly that of the "Ancient Park
of 6achinu Fili"7"the promo-on and spreading of all the ac-vi-es of the Archeoclub and of the Fouth 6n
Ac-on Programme7The ac-vi-es previewed from the project will be carried out mostly in the territory of
Campobello di Gicata.The volunteer which will be arriving from Estonia and will be remaining in
Campobello di Gicata for 6 months, after participating in a preparatory course containing also linguistic
lessons, will receive the reEuested support in order to adapt and begin the development of his tasks. The
working methods applied will differ depending on the activity and will be based on the competences of the
volunteer. She will not carry out a routine job. Apart of the activities assigned to her in the office, she will
have many activities linked to the exhibition (AntiEuarium), laboratories, promotion and revaluation
archaeological areas, so that she comes in contact with the local community. The correct development of
the activities will be estimated "in fairs" either from the collaborators of the association, either through the
added value that the volunteer shall give to the project. For the volunteer, the active participation in the
project will be an occasion of non formal learning (learning by doing).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
2ranted amount: € 5.235,00
Pagina 147 di 148
End of report.
Compendium 2008 rev 1.0
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