Bibliografia - La Tele di Penelope


Bibliografia - La Tele di Penelope
Antologie e opere di consultazione generale
AA.VV., La Sacra Bibbia, Edizione C.E.I.
Pietro Aretino, Sonetti sopra i XVI modi, a cura di Giovanni Aquilecchia, Editrice Salerno, Roma,
Walter Benjamin, Das Kunstwerk in Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, Suhrkamp Verlag,
1955, trad. it. L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, Giulio Einaudi Editore, Torino,
Iwan Bloch, Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur, L.Marcus, Berlino,
Gian Piero Brunetta, Buio in sala: cent’anni di passioni dello spettatore cinematografico, Marsilio, Venezia,
Réné Descartes (Cartesio), Discours de la méthode. Pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans
les sciences, de l’imprimerie de Ian Maire, Leida, 1637
K. Eric Drexler, Engines of creation, Anchor Press / Doubleday, Londra, 1987
Sarah Dunant, The birth of Venus, Random House, Londra, 2004
Pisanus Fraxi (Henry Spencer Ashbee), Index librorum prohibitorum, pubblicato come Bibliography of
prohibited books, Kessinger Publishing, Whitefish, 1998
Preston Gralla, How the Internet works, Que Publishing, Indianapolis, 1998
David Herbert Richards Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s lover, Firenze, 1928. Trad. it. L’amante di Lady
Chatterley, Marsilio, Venezia, 2001
Lynne Lawner, a cura di, I modi nell’opera di Giulio Romano, Marcantonio Raimondi, Pietro Aretino e
Jean Frédéric Maximilien de Waldeck, Longanesi, Milano, 1984
Neal S. Jamison, TCP/IP e Internet, in Karanjit S. Siyan, Tim Parker, TCP/IP unleashed, Sams,
2002, trad. it. TCP/IP, Apogeo, Milano, 2002
Mary M. Litch, Philosophy through film, Routledge, New York, 2002
Riccardo Reim, Il corpo della musa. Erotismo e pornografia nella letteratura italiana dal ‘200 al ‘900.
Editori Riuniti, Roma, 2002
Patrick Robertson, Film Facts, Billboard Books, New York, 2001
Carl Sagan, Murmurs of Earth, Ballantine Books, New York, 1978
Larry Schaaf, The calotype process, Glasgow University Library, Glasgow, 1999
Rocco Siffredi (Rocco Tano), Io, Rocco, Mondadori, Milano, 2006
George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren’s profession, 1893, pubblicato in Plays unpleasant, Penguin,
Londra, 2000
Ilona Staller, Per amore e per forza. L’autobiografia di Cicciolina, Mondadori, Milano, 2007
Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de’ più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani, da Cimabue insino a’ tempi
nostri: nell’edizione per i tipi di Lorenzo Torrentino, Firenze 1550, edito da Einaudi, Torino, 1991
Bruno Vecchi, Non lo fo per piacer mio. Storia e costumi dell’industria del porno in Italia, Editore
Melampo, Milano, 2006
Mark Wolverton, The depths of space. The story of the Pioneer planetary probes, Joseph Henry Press,
Washington, 2004
Il nuovo Zingarelli: vocabolario della lingua italiana di Nicola Zingarelli, 11ma edizione, Zanichelli,
Bologna, 1990
Monografie storiche
Arthur Asa Berger, Media and society: a critical perspective, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 2006
Asa Briggs e Peter Burke, A social history of the media: from Gutenberg to the Internet. Polity Press,
Cambridge, 2002, trad. it. Storia sociale dei media, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002
Robert Darnton, The literary underground of the Old Regime, Harvard University Press, Harvard,
Michael Matthew Keylor, Secreted Desires: The Major Uranians: Hopkins, Pater and Wilde, Masaryk
University Press, Brno, 2006
Richard Lewinsohn, Eine Weltgeschichte der Sexualität, Rowohlt, Amburgo, 1956, trad. it. Storia dei
costumi sessuali, due volumi, Longanesi & C., Milano, 1969
Vincent J. Liesenfeld, The licensing act of 1737, University of Wisconsin Press, 1984
Bill Osgerby, Playboys in paradise: masculinity, youth and leisure-style in modern America, Berg
Publishers, Oxford, 2001
Stephen Prince, A new pot of gold: Hollywood under the electronic rainbow, 1980 – 1989, University of
California Press, Cambridge, 2002
Eric Schlosser, Reefer madness: sex, drugs, and cheap labor in the American black market, Houghton
Mifflin Books, Boston, 2003
Philip Simpson, Karen J. Sherpherdson, Andrew Utterson, Film theory: critical concepts in media and
cultural studies, Taylor & Francis, Londra, 2004
Pasquale Villari, La storia di Girolamo Savonarola e de’ suoi tempi, Successori Le Monnier, Firenze,
Alvise Zorzi, La repubblica del leone: storia di Venezia, Rusconi, Milano, 1979
Pornografia : saggi storici e sociologici
La comunità porno: la scena hard italiana in presa diretta di Roberto Carvelli, con “pre/intervista” di
Enrico Ghezzi. Coniglio, Roma, 2004
John Maxwell Coetzee, Pornografia e censura, Donzelli, Roma, 1996
Philippe di Folco (a cura di) Dictionnaire de la pornographie, Presses Universitaires de France, Parigi,
George Fonsegrive, Art et pornographie, Librairie Bloud & C., Parigi, 1911
Thomas Walter Laqueur, Solitary sex: a cultural history of masturbation, Zone Books, Cambridge,
Al Di Lauro, Gerald Rabkin, Dirty Movies. An illustrated history of the stag film. 1915-1970, Chelsea
House, New York, 1976
Ando Gilardi, Storia della fotografia pornografica, Bruno Mondadori Editori, Milano, 2002
Lynn Hunt, a cura di, The invention of pornography. Obscenity and the origins of modernity, 1500 – 1800,
The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1993
Walter Kendrick, The secret museum. Pornography in modern culture. University of California Press,
Berkeley, 1997
Marty Klein, America’s war on sex: the attack on law, lust and liberty, Greenwood Press, Westport,
Frederick S. Lane III, Obscene Profits, Routledge, New York, 2001
Francesco Scura, Godi puttana, lo so che ti piace! La genesi del cinema hard core dal filone boccaccesco alle
porno-parodie, tesi di laurea non pubblicata in Storia del cinema, Università degli Studi di Roma La
Sapienza, anno accademico 1998 – 1999
Joseph W. Slade, Pornography and sexual representation: a reference guide, Greenwood Press, Westport,
Renato Stella, L’osceno di massa, Franco Angeli, Roma, 1990
Linda Williams, Porn studies, Duke University Press, Durham, 2004
Carlo Alberto Zotti Minici, Prologo per serata nera, in I limiti della rappresentazione. Censura, visibile,
modi di rappresentazione nel cinema, atti della VI Convegno Internazionale di Studi sul Cinema,
Università di Udine, 2000
Pornografia : saggi critici e giuridici
Hilaire Barnett, Sourcebook on feminist jurisprudence, Cavendish Publishing, Londra, 1997
Drucilla Cornell, a cura di, Feminism and pornography. Oxford readings in feminism, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2000
Milton Diamond, Ayako Uchiyama, Pornography, rape and sex crimes in Japan, International Journal
of Law and Psychiatry 22, 1999
Andrea Dworkin, Men possessing women, Women’s Press, Saint Paul, 1981
Todd Kendall, Pornography, rape, and the Internet, Stanford Law School, Stanford, 2006
Catharine MacKinnon, Only words, HarperCollins, New York, 1994
Diana E. H. Russell, Dangerous relationships: pornography, misogyny, and rape. Sage Publications,
Thousand Oaks, 1998
The communications act of 1978: hearings before the Subcommittee on Communications, United States
Congress House, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 1979
Monografie su videogiochi e realtà virtuale
Simon Carless, Gaming hacks, O’ Reilly, Sebastopol, 2004
Claudia Ceriani, Il fenomeno del fake nelle comunità virtuali. Analisi di un caso, tesi di laurea non
pubblicata, Università Cattolica, Milano, 2002
Mark Dery, Flame wars: the discourse of cyberculture, Duke University Press, Londra, 1994
Mark Dery, Escape velocity: cyberculture at the end of the century, Grove Press, New York, 1996
Julian Dibbell, My tiny life: crime and passion in a virtual world, Henry Holt and Company, New
York, 1998
Stephen R. Ellis, Virtual environments and environmental instruments, in K. Carr, Rupert England, a
cura di, Simulated and virtual realities: elements of perception, Taylor and Francis, Londra, 1995
Mario Gerosa, Aurélien Pfeffer, Mondi virtuali, Castelvecchi, Roma, 2006
Amihud Gilead, Singularity and other possibilities: panenmentalist novelties, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2003
Raymond Kurzweil, The Singularity is near: when humans transcend biology, Viking Press, New York,
Nick Montfort, Twisty little passages: an approach to interactive fiction, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2003
Howard Rheingold, Virtual reality, Summit Books, New York, 1991
Larry Shi e Weiyun Huang, Apply social network analysis and data mining to dynamic task synthesis for
persistent MMORPG virtual world, in Entertainment computing - ICEC 2004: third international conference,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, a cura di Matthias Rauterberg, Springer, Heidelberg, 2004
Stuart M. Shieber, The Turing Test: verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence, MIT Press,
Cambridge, 2004
Gregory Shreve, Future studies: accepting the new challenges, in Robert Hodgson, Paul A. Soukup,
From one medium to another: communicating the Bible through multimedia, Rowman & Littlefield,
Lanham, 1997
Garrett B. Stanley, Fei F. Li, Yang Dan, Reconstruction of natural scenes from ensemble responses in the
lateral geniculate nucleus, Department of molecular and cell biology, Division of Neurobiology,
University of California, Berkeley, 1999
Sherry Turkle, The second life: computers and the human spirit, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1985
Sherry Turkle, Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997
Richard Wages, Stefan M. Gruenvogel, Benno Gruetzmacher, How realistic is realism?
Considerations on the aesthetics of computer games in Entertainment computing - ICEC 2004: third
international conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, a cura di Matthias Rauterberg, Springer,
Heidelberg, 2004
Mark J.P. Wolf, The medium of the video game, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2002
Saggi, articoli, e pubblicazioni su Internet
I testi sono in ordine alfabetico per nome dell’autore. Se questo non è disponibile, viene messo
in ordine alfabetico il nome della pubblicazione.
Dan Ackman, How big is porn?, 25 maggio 2001, Forbes Magazine,
Paul Aitken, Error: Penis Not Found, 7 agosto 2006,
Babilonia n. 85, gennaio 1991
Cahiers du cinéma, n. 289
Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica,
Charles Q. Choi, Forecast: sex and marriage with robots by 2050, speciale per, 12 ottobre
Worldwide Pornography Market at Least $97 Billion, marzo 2007,
Blaise Cronin, Elisabeth Davenport, E-Rogenous zones : Positioning pornography in the digital economy,
in The information society, vol. 17, n. 1., pag. 33, Taylor & Francis, Londra, 2001.
Milton Diamond, Ayako Uchiyama, Pornography, rape and sex crimes in Japan, International Journal
of Law and Psychiatry 22, 1999, disponibile su
Ned Dominick, A message from Ned Dominick, founder and president of Wisechoice.
“Virtual child” pornography on the Internet: a “virtual” victim?, 2002 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 0019,
disponibile su
“Pornography”, Encyclopædia Britannica Online,
Luca Falda, “Ecco la mia galleria: virtuale”. Artisti nella “realtà parallela”: il caso del veneziano Arici,
Corriere del Veneto, 16 maggio 2007
Federico Ferrazza, Toccami androide, L’Espresso, 23 agosto 2007
Mauro Giori, L’omosessualità nel cinema pornografico degli anni ’20,
Michael Horsnell, Sony takes 3-D cinema directly to the brain, The Times, 7 aprile 2005
International Monetary Fund, World economic outlook database, aprile 2007,
Todd Kendall, Pornography, rape, and the Internet, Stanford Law School, 2006,
Paul Kuritz, Playing: an introduction to acting,, 1982
Raymond Kurzweil, The law of accelerating returns, 2001, disponibile su
History of Edison motion pictures: origins of motion pictures – The Kinetoscope, Library of the Congress,
Robin Linden, Accusations regarding child pornography in Second Life, Official Linden Blog, 9 maggio
Martin Lynch, Blu-ray loves porn after all, The inquirer, mercoledì 17 gennaio 2007,
Regina Lynn, Ins and outs of teledildonics,, 24 settembre 2004
Peter Marshall, Nude photography, 1840 – 1920,
Lynn Carol Miller e Stephen John Read, Virtual sex: creating environments for reducing risky sex,
University of Southern California,
Matthew Miller, The (Porn) Player, Forbes Magazine, 4 luglio 2005,
Michelangelo e il mito di Leda, recensione di Elena Percivaldi su
Moana Pozzi, Moana, porno e santa,
Elisabetta Rosaspina, Il porno è vita, Cicciolina fa sentenza, Corriere della Sera, 29 febbraio 1992
Biografia di Lasse Braun,
Anne-Marie Schleiner, Does Lara Croft wear fake polygons? Gender analysis of the 3rd person
shooter/adventure game with female heroine and gender role subversion in the game patch. In Leonardo, vol. 34,
n. 3, pagg. 221-226, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2001. Disponibile su
Martin J. Smith, Patrick J, Kiger The lingering reek of Smell-O-Vision, Los Angeles Times, 5 febbraio
Garrett B. Stanley, Fei F. Li, Yang Dan, Reconstruction of natural scenes from ensemble responses in the
lateral geniculate nucleus, Department of molecular and cell biology, Division of neurobiology,
University of California, Berkeley, 1999.
Joel Stein, Will cybersex be better than real sex?,, 12 giugno 2000
The Oscars of porn, Sydney Morning Herald, 9 gennaio 2006.
Charles Taylor, The golden age of porn,, 13 aprile 2002, disponibile su
The Ethical Spectacle, febbraio 1996,
Speciale The Games Machine: Sesso e videogiochi, maggio 2007
Alan Turing, Computing machinery and intelligence, in Mind, vol. LIX, n. 236, ottobre 1950
Richard S. Wallace, The anatomy of A.L.I.C.E., A.L.I.C.E. Artificial Intelligence Foundation, Inc.,
Joseph Weizenbaum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Eliza. A computer
program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine, in Communications of the
ACM, ACM Press, New York, vol. 9, issue 1, gennaio 1966
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2005 Edition), a cura di Edward N. Zalta.
Per tutti i casi giudiziari statunitensi si è fatto riferimento al database del sito
Videoludografia 302
3D Sex Villa, xStream3D Multimedia Inc., 2006 (Ibm PC)
Alien, Fox Video Games, 1982 (Atari 2600)
A Mind Forever Voyaging, Infocom, 1985 (Commodore Amiga, Apple ][, Atari ST, Commodore
128, Ibm PC)
Astrotit, ?, 1987 (Ibm PC)
Bachelorette Party/Burning Desire, Playaround, 1984 (Atari 2600)
Tra parentesi è riportato l’ambiente operativo del videogioco. In caso di più conversioni è riportata la
prima edizione.
Dead or alive, Tecmo, 1996 (Arcade)
Dead or alive: extreme beach volleyball, Tecmo, 2003 (Microsoft Xbox)
Drakan, Psygnosis, 1999 (Ibm PC)
Dreamstripper, Ensign Games, 2007 (Ibm PC)
Frederik Pohl’s Gateway, Legend Entertaintment Company, 1992 (Ibm PC)
HentaII 3D, xStream3D Multimedia Inc., 2006 (Ibm PC)
Kaboom!, Activision, 1982 (Atari 2600)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Infocom, 1986 (Amstrad CPC)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2, Activision Inc. e Infocom, 1992 (Ibm PC)
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, Sierra On-Line Inc., 1987 (Amiga, Apple ][,
Atari ST, Ibm PC, Macintosh, TRS-80)
Loom, Lucas Arts, 1990 (Ibm PC)
Lula: The Sexy Empire, Take-Two Interactive, 1998 (Ibm PC)
Pac-Man, Atari Inc. e Namco Ltd., 1981 (Arcade)
Penthouse Interactive: Virtual Photo Shoot Vol. 1, 3DO, 1994 (Panasonic 3DO)
Pervert 3500, Dr. Otto Breeser, 198? (Commodore 64)
Phantasmagoria, Sierra On-Line, 1994 (Ibm PC)
Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties, 3DO, 1994 (Panasonic 3DO)
Pong, Atari Inc., 1972 (Arcade)
Qix, Taito America Corporation, 1981 (Arcade)
Selen Sex Files, 2000 (Ibm PC)
Space invaders, Taito e Midway Games, 1978 (Arcade)
Spellcasting 101: sorcerers get all the girls, Legend Entertainment Company, 1990 (Ibm PC)
Spellcasting 201: the sorcerer’s appliance, Legend Entertainment Company, 1991 (Ibm PC)
Spellcasting 301: spring break, Legend Entertainment Company, 1992 (Ibm PC)
Swedish Erotica: Custer’s Revenge, Mystique, 1983 (Atari 2600)
Swedish Erotica: Beat ‘Em & Eat ‘Em, Mystique, 1982 (Atari 2600)
Swedish Erotica: Philly Flasher/Gigolo, Mystique, 1982 (Atari 2600)
Softporn Adventure, Sierra Entertainment, 1981 (Apple ][ )
Strip poker, Artworks (Varie versioni dal 1982 in poi, la prima per Apple ][ )
The Beast Within: a Gabriel Knight Mystery, Sierra On-Line, 1995 (Ibm PC, Macintosh)
The Farmer’s Daughter, Nocturnal Software, 1983 (Commodore 64)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Infocom, 1984 (Apple ][)
The secret of Monkey Island, Lucasfilm, 1990 (Commodore Amiga)
Tomb Raider, Eidos Inc. e Core Design Ltd., 1996 (Sony Playstation)
True Love, Otaku Publishing Ltd., 1999 (Ibm PC)
UltraVixen, Demonseed, 1998 (Ibm PC)
Under a killing moon, Access Software, 1994 (Ibm PC)
Video strip poker, Torquemada Games, 2002 (Ibm PC)
Virtually Jenna, xStream3D Multimedia Inc., 2006 (Ibm PC)
Zak Mc Kracken and the Alien Mindbenders, Lucasfilm, 1989 (Commodore 64)
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire, Infocom, 1980 (Apple ][, Commodore 64, TRS-80, CP/M,
Ibm PC)