Curriculum vitae et studiorum Valentina Rita Scotti Personal data


Curriculum vitae et studiorum Valentina Rita Scotti Personal data
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
Curriculum vitae et studiorum
Valentina Rita Scotti
Personal data
Full Name
Fiscal Code
Valentina Rita Scotti
Via Chisimaio, 19
00199 Roma (RM) Italy
+39 3476086366
Place and
date of birth
[email protected]
21 July 1983
October 2007 – November 2010: Ph.D. in Comparative Public Law, Doctoral School of Law and
Economy section of Comparative Law, University of Siena.
Final graduation: Excellent
Title of the final dissertation: The Council of Europe and the democratic transitions. The case of
the Republic of Turkey
January 2005 – May 2007: Master Degree in International Relation, LUISS Guido Carli
University of Rome
Final graduation: 110 cum laude
Title of the final dissertation: The legal protection of the Kurdish minority. A challenge for the EU
and for Middle-Eastern stability
September 2001 – December 2004: Bachelor Degree in Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli
University of Rome
Final graduation: 110 cum laude
Title of the final dissertation: The managing of migration flows in Canada, USA and Italy
Linguistic Knowledge
Levels: A1/2 Basic - B1/2 Intermediate- C1/2 Advanced
IT Knowledge
Excellent knowledge of MS Office (word, excell, powerpoint) and of the software wordpress.
Excellent abilities with internet browsers. Good experience wıth e-learning platforms.
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
Current employ
November 2012: Research fellow (4 years term) in Comparative Constitutional Law, Department
of Political Science, LUISS “Guido Carli”
Teaching Experiences
February-July 2016: Adjunct Professor in Comparative Constitutional Law, Department of
Political Science, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome.
February 2016: Certificate Program on “Constitutional Transitions After the Arab Spring”, Law
School, Koç University
December 2015: Certificate Program on “The Italian Constitutional System: Origin and
Developments”, Law School, Koç University
October 2015: Lecture on “Constitution and minorities’ rights protection in Turkey”, Faculty of
Law, University of Genoa.
July 2015: Lecture on “The Venice Commission and the Northern African Transitions”, Summer
School “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome.
June-July 2015: Lecturer in “Political and Constitutional Evolution in MENA area”, Department
of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (12h course).
May 2015: Lecture on “The European External Action Policy”, Training in Institution-building for
the Officers of the Afghan Wolesi Jirga held by the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation, the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the School of Government of
LUISS Guido Carli, Rome.
February – May 2015: Lectures in Comparative Constitutional Law, Department of Political
Science, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome on:
- “Political Parties Funding: a comparative perspective”
- “Constitutional Review of Legislation: a comparative analysis”
- “Islamic Legal Sources of Law”
- “Constitutionalism in Turkey”
January 2014: Lecture on “European Conditionality, Parliaments and Democracy Promotion. The
case of Turkey”, Winter School “The Parliaments of Europe in Democracy Promotion and
Constitutional Transitions”, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome.
February 2013: Adjunct Professor in Comparative Constitutional Law, Department of Political
Science, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome.
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
September 2012: Adjunct professor in Comparative Constitutional Law, Department of Political
Science, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome
September 2011: Adjunct professor in History and Institution of Islamic Countries, Department of
Political Science, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome.
September 2011: Adjunct professor in Islamic Culture, Department of Political Science, LUISS
“Guido Carli”, Rome.
September 2011: Adjunct professor in Comparative Constitutional Law, Department of Political
Science, LUISS “Guido Carli”, Rome.
Researches Abroad
November-February 2015: Koç University (visiting researcher), Istanbul, Turkey
May 2013: Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey
March 2010: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law,
Heidelberg, Germany
November – December 2009: Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
November 2008: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK
Participation in research projects
The Impact of the Right to Individual Petition on Constitutional Interpretation, Interpretation of
International Law and the Turkish Judicial System: a Qualitative and Comparative Analysis of the
Judgements of the Turkish Constitutional Court between 2012-2017, TUBİTAK, scientific
coordinator: prof. Oder
Transitional Justice in Northern African Countries after the Arab Springs, S. Pio V Institute of
Rome, scientific coordinators: prof. Eva Pfoestl, prof. Anna Maria di Tolla
International Association of Constitutional Lawyers (IACL) – Interest Group on the Use of Foreign
Precedents by Constitutional Judges, Scientif Coordinators: Tania Groppi, Marie-Claire Ponthoreau
Comparazione giuridica e circolazione del diritto pubblico straniero tra giudici e legislatore (Legal
Comparison and Foreign Public Law Migration among Judges et Legislators), Research Project of
National Interest funded by the Italian Minister of Education and University, Scientific coordinator
of the project: prof. Giuseppe De Vergottini.
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
La governance degli enti parco in Europa: attuazione dei principi comunitari, best practices ed
elementi di criticità in Francia, Spagna, Gran Bretagna, Austria e Germania (The Parks’
Governance in Europe : implementation of EU principles, best practices and criticalities in France,
Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and Germany), LUISS Guido Carli funded by the Italian Minister
of Environment, Scientific Coordinators: prof. Carmela Decaro, prof. Marida Dentamaro.
Academic Boards Membership
Editorial Board of Tetide. Rivista di Studi Mediterranei
Member of the Young Comparativists Committee Affiliates Advisory Group
Member of the Board of IurComp. Osservatorio e Portale telematico di giurisprudenza comparata:
ambiti, metodi, tecniche e prassi di inte(g)razione nell’attività delle Corti costituzionali,
sovranazionali e internazionali (IurComp. Observatory and Website of Comparative Case-Law:
Areas, Methods, Techniques and Procedures of Interaction/Integration in the Activity of
Constitutional, Supranational and International Courts)
Member of LUISS Guido Carli Editorial Staff of the review Diritto Pubblico, Comparato ed
Europeo (European, Comparative and Public Law)
Member of the IACL - Interest Group on the Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges
Presentations at Conferences and Seminars
Discussant at the workshop Unamendable Constitutional Provisions, Koç University, Istanbul, 9
June 2015
Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt: Evaluating the Transitions through the Lens of the European PostWorld War II Constituent Processes, Annual Conference of the Arab Association of Comparative
Law, Cairo, 16-17 May 2015
The Supreme Court of India and the “essential practice” test, Seminar “The Essential Elements of
Religion in Constitutional Courts’ Adjudications”, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, 12 May
Presentation of the Monograph, V.R. Scotti, Il Costituzionalismo in Turchia fra identitá nazionale e
circolazione dei modelli (Constitutionalism in Turkey between national identity and crossfertilization) Maggioli 2014, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 6 May 2015
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
The ‘Essential Practice of Religion’ Doctrine and the Cross-Fertilization: from India to Pakistan
and Malaysia, Workshop in Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Milan and Younger
Comparativists Committee of the American Society of Comparative Law, 4 May 2015
La visione di Ursula verso una Costituzione sovranazionale europea (Ursula’s vision toward an
european supranational Constitution), Seminar “Ursula Hirschmann: un altro modo di essere
Europa (Ursula Hirschmann: another way to be Europe), Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Roma, 26 January
Il costituzionalismo turco: scenari attuali e prospettive future (Turkish Constitutionalism: current
scenarios and future perspectives), Congress “Costituzioni e costituzionalismi nel mondo araboislamico” (Constitutions and constitutionalisms in the arabo-islamic world), University of Naples
“L’Orientale”, 4-5 December 2014
I media turchi e la rappresentazione delle donne (Turkish Media and Gender Representation),
Seminario “Le donne nei media arabi. Tra aspettative tradite e nuove opportunità” (Women in the
arab media. Between Betrayed Expectation and New Possibilities.), LUISS Guido Carli University
of Rome, 19 November 2014
La Costituzione tunisina e la questione di genere (The Tunisian Constitution and the Gender Issue),
Seminario “Il ruolo delle donne nelle società islamiche dopo le “primavere arabe” (The role of
Women in Islamic Societies after the “Arab Springs”), University of Bari, 18 November 2014
Religious Freedom in Turkey: Foreign Models and National Identity, Workshop
“Constitutionalism, Religious Freedom and Human Rights: Constitutional Migration and
Transjudicialism beyond the North Atlantic”, University of Bielefeld, 10-14 September 2014
Constitutional Borrowing in Turkey. The Influences of Foreign Models from the 1924 Constitution
to the New Constituent Attempts, World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional
Law, Workshop 5, University of Oslo, 16-20 June 2014
The role of the transitional justice in Tunisia and the new constitution-making process, World
Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Workshop 11, University of Oslo,
16-20 June 2014
The Euroregions: a chance for integration and economic development, World Congress of the
International Association of Constitutional Law, Workshop 17, University of Oslo, 16-20 June 2014
L’ordinamento turco e la crisi politica 2013-2014 (The Turkish Legal System and the 2013-2014
Political Crisis), Conferenza “La Turchia e gli scenari euro mediterranei” (Turkey and the EuroMediterranean Scenarios), LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, 15 June 2014
Il finanziamento ai partiti e la riforma italiana (The Political Parties Funding and the Italian
Reform), Seminario “Tecnica e politica nella lunga transizione italiana” (Technique and Politic in
the Italian Long-lasting Transition), University of Bari, 14 April 2014.
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
“State of Culture and Mediterranean Transitions: The Cases of Turkey and Morocco”, Third
Annual Conference of the Younger Comparativists Committee of the American Society of
Comparative Law, Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, 4-5 April 2014
“How Muslim Claims Change the Multicultural Approach? Some Cases From Europe and
Canada”, Conference “The Legal Treatment of Religious Claims in Multicultural Societies”,
LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, 12 July 2013.
Lo Stato di cultura e le transizioni mediterranee: i casi di Turchia e Marocco (The State of culture
and the mediterranean transitions: the cases of Turkey and Morocco), Conference “Le
trasformazioni costituzionali del secondo millennio: scenari e prospettive dall’Europa all’Africa”
(The second millennum constitutional transformation: scenarios and perspectives from Europe to
Africa), University of Bari, 8-9 July 2013.
“The European Parliament and the Republic of Turkey: From the Ankara Agreement to the OnGoing Adhesion Process”, European Festival, Florence, 8 April 2013
“La disciplina del velo islamico in Belgio” (The Law on the veil in Belgium), Conference “Il
Pluralismo federale belga. Può la disaggregazione farsi integrazione?” (The Belgian Federal
Pluralism. Can disaggregation become integration?), Luigi Einaudi Foundation – University of
Turin, 8 April 2013
“Il multiculturalismo canadese e le comunità islamiche: questioni controverse all’analisi della
Corte Suprema” (Canadian multiculturalism and islamic communities: critical questions before the
Supreme Court), Conference “1982-2012 A trent’anni dalla Patriation canadese. Riflessioni della
dottrina italiana” (1982-2012 Thirty years after the Canadian patriation. Reflections from Italian
doctrine), University of Genoa, 6-7 December 2012
“Canada and Turkey: a common struggle to secure peace and stability”, BACS Conference “Peace
and In(Security): Canada's Promise, Canada's Problem?”, University of Birmingham, 4-6 April
2011 (selected paper)
“La società civile turca: quale influenza nella lunga transizione?” (Turkish Civil Society: which
influence in the long-lasting transition?), Conference “Il ruolo delle società civili asiatiche nella
ricostruzione e nella pacificazione” (The role of Asiatic civil society in the reconstruction and
pacification), University of Milan, 21 February 2011
“Minorities in Turkey: which influence on Constitutional Reforms?”, workshop n. 4 “Divided
societies and constitutional principles”, World Congress of the International Association of
Constitutional Law, UNAM, Mexico City, 6-10 December 2010.
“The Supreme Court of India and Its Interpretative Methodology: Case-study on the Use of
Foreign Precedents”, workshop n. 12 “Foreign Law. Jurisprudence cross-fertilization”, World
Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, UNAM, Mexico City, 6-10
December 2010.
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
“The democratic transition of the Republic of Turkey: an ante litteram transition”, workshop n. 16
“Constitutional principles and democratic transition”, World Congress of the International
Association of Constitutional Law, UNAM, Mexico City, 6-10 December 2010.
“Constitutional transitions and the Council of Europe: the case of the Republic of Turkey”, BACL
post-graduate workshop, University of Kent, Canterbury, 12-13 June 2010
“The use of foreign precedents by the Supreme Court of India”, IACL – working group on foreign
precedents, University of Siena, 17 April 2010
“Four countries, one people: legal issues on the Kurdish question”, SHUR Conference, LUISS
Guido Carli University of Rome, 4-6 June 2009
“The use of foreign precedents by the Supreme Court of India”, IACL – working group on foreign
precedents, Clifford Chance, London, 14 November 2008
La Turchia a un mese dal voto (Turkey, one month after the elections), Domus Europa, 25
Novembre 2015
Turchia: le elezioni. Lo speciale (Turkey: the elections. The Special issue), Radio Radicale, 1
Novembre 2015
Siria: jihadisti attaccano enclave curda di Kobane (Syria: jihadists attack the kurdish enclave of
Kobane), Radio Vaticana, 3 ottobre 2014
L’incidente minerario di Soma e la sicurezza sul lavoro in Turchia (The minerary accident in Soma
and the security on workplaces in Turkey), Radio in Blu, 15 maggio 2014
La questione della sicurezza in Turchia dopo l’incidente minerario di Soma (The security issue in
Turkey after the minarary accident in Soma), Radio Vaticana, 14 maggio 2014
Turchia: Erdoğan inaugura primo tratto del tunnel sotto il Bosforo che collega Asia e Europa
(Turkey: Erdoğan inaugurate the first section of the tunnel under the Bosforus joining Asia and
Europe), Radio Vaticana, 29 novembre 2013
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
Il costituzionalismo in Turchia tra circolazione dei modelli e influenze sovrastatali (Turkish
Constitutionalism between the circulation of legal models and sovranational influences), Maggioli,
Edited books
(with Francesco Alicino), The Essential Elements of Religion in the Adjudication of Courts,
Maggioli (forthcoming)
Essays and articles
(with Carmela Decaro Bonella) Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt: evaluating the transitions through the
lens of the European post-world war II constituent processes (in Arabic) Acts of the Arab
Association of Constitutional Lawyer Conference 2015, (forthcoming)
Review to M. Aymes, B. Gourisse, E. Massicard (eds), Order and Compromise. Government
Practices in Turkey from Late Ottoman Empire to the Early 21st Century, in Arabica, 63, 2016
The EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee and Turkey’s EU Accession Process, in D. Jancic,
S, Stavridis (eds), Hague Journal of Diplomacy Special Issue on ‘Parliamentary Diplomacy in the
Mediterranean’, vol. 11, 2-3, 2016
Lo Stato di cultura e le transizioni mediterranee: i casi di Turchia e Marocco (The State of culture
and the Mediterranean transitions: the cases of Turkey and Morocco), in AA. VV., Le
trasformazioni costituzionali del secondo millennio: scenari e prospettive dall’Europa all’Africa
(The second millennium constitutional transformations: scenarios et perspectives from Europe to
Africa), Maggioli, 2016
The “Essential Practice of Religion” Doctrine in India and its application in Pakistan and Malaysia,
in Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 5, 2016
La Grande Assemblea Nazionale Turca e il dialogo con gli altri Parlamenti (The Great National
Assembly of Turkey and the dialogue with other Parliaments), in C. Casonato, E. Ceccherini, N.
Lupo, A. Rinella, A. Torre, L. Volpe (eds), Le vie di comunicazione del costituzionalismo
contemporaneo. Atti del convegno biennale dell’Associazione di Diritto pubblico comparato ed
europeo. Trento, Università degli Studi, 22-23 maggio 2008 (The ways of communication for
contemporary constitutionalism?. Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Association of
Comparative and European Public Law, University of Trento, 25-26 September 2009), Giappichelli,
Bisogna che tutto cambi perché tutto rimanga com’é. Le elezioni turche del 1 novembre 2015 e la
promessa costituente (Everything must change so that everything remains as it is. Turkish elections
of 1 November 2015 and the constituent promise), in Alexis. Testi per il dialogo giuridico euromediterraneo, 4, 2015
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
Fra overruling e conferme giurisprudenziali. La Corte di Strasburgo e il caso Öcalan c. Turchia –
Öcalan c. Turchia (II). Corte europea dei diritti umani, 18 marzo 2014, ricorsi n. 24069/03,
197/04, 6201/06 e 10464/07 (Between overruling and case-law confırmation. The Court of
Strasburg and the decision Öcalan v. Turkey), in DPCE online, 3, 2015
(with Ludovica Benedizione) Equally victims? Post-revolutionary Tunisia and Transitional Justice,
LUISS School of Government Working Paper n. 29/2015
La Turchia alla prova della (possibile) alternanza: prime riflessioni sulle elezioni generali del 7
giugno 2015 (Turkey at the test of the (possible) turnover: first impressions on the general election
of 7 June 2015), in Alexis. Testi per il dialogo giuridico euro-mediterraneo, 3, 2015
Religious Freedom in Turkey: Foreign Models and National Identity, LUISS School of Government
Working Paper n. 23/2015
The Legal Treatment of Symbols in the Public Sphere: Is there a Discrimination for Muslim
Women’s Claims?, in C. Decaro Bonella (ed.) Religious Claims in Multicultural Societies. The
Legal Treatment, LUISS University Press, 2014
La Corte Suprema dell’Unione Indiana e l’utilizzo del precedente straniero (The Supreme Court of
The Indian Union and the Use of Foreign Precedents), in P. Martino (ed.), I giudici di common law
e la (cross)fertilization: i casi di Stati Uniti d’America, Canada, Unione Indiana e Regno Unito
(Common Law Judges and the (cross)fertilization: the cases of United States of America, Canada,
Indian Union and United Kingdom), Maggioli, 2014
Tra sicurezza nazionale e repressione del dissenso: la normativa anti-terrorismo in Turchia,
(Between National Security and Repression of the Dissent: the Anti-terrorism Laws in Turkey), in
A. Torre (ed.), Costituzioni e sicurezza dello Stato (Constitutions and State’s security), Research
Results of 2008 PRIN, Maggioli, 2014
Il multiculturalismo canadese e le comunità islamiche: due casi di studio per un problematico
percorso di integrazione (Canadian Multiculturalism and Islamic Communities: two case-study for
a problematic integration path), in E. Ceccherini (ed.), 1982-2012 A trent’anni dalla Patriation
canadese. Riflessioni della dottrina italiana (1982-2012. Thirty Years after the Canadian Patriation.
Reflections from the Italian Doctrine), Università di Genova Press, 2014
India: a ‘critical’ use of foreign precedents in constitutional adjudication, in T. Groppi, M.C.
Ponthoreau (eds.), The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges, Hart, 2013
La Turchia: un processo costituzionale continuo (Turkey: a continuous constitutional process) (with
Francesca Piazza), in C. Decaro Bonella (ed.), Percorsi costituzionali “altri”: Libia, Turchia,
Afghanistan (“Other” Constitutional Paths: Libya, Turkey, Afghanistan), Carocci, 2013
Il ricorso individuale in Turchia: fra riforma dell’ordinamento e influenze esterne (The individual
complaint in Turkey: between the reform of the legal order and external influences), in C. Decaro,
N. Lupo, G. Rivosecchi (eds.), La “manutenzione”della giustizia costituzionale. Il giudizio sulle
leggi in Italia, Francia e Spagna (The “maintenance” of the constitutional justice. Judicial review in
Italy, in France and in Spain), Giappichelli, 2012
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
La società civile turca: quale influenza nella lunga transizione? (Turkish Civil Society: which
influence on the long-lasting transition?), in E. Giunchi (ed.), La società civile in Asia:
ricostruzione, pacificazione e aperture democratiche (The Civil Society in Asia : reconstruction,
pacification and democratic openings), O barra O edizioni, 2011
Il sistema degli enti parco in Francia (The system of the Parks in France), in C. Decaro, M.
Dentamaro (eds.), La governance degli enti parco in Europa, best practices ed elementi di criticità:
Regno Unito, Spagna, Francia, Germania e Austria (The Parks governance in Europe :
implementation of EU principles, best practices and criticalities in France, Spain, United Kingdom,
Austria and Germany), Luiss University Press, 2010
Il riconoscimento della minoranza curda in Turchia (The Recognition of the Kurdish Minority in
Turkey), in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, Giappichelli, 3, 2009, pp. 1090-1110
Blogs and On-Line Journals
Turchia: Una nuova battaglia tra il “Sultano” e la Corte (costituzionale) (Turkey: a New Struggle
between the “Sultan” and the (constitutional) Court), in Diritti Comparati (,
19 May 2014
The “Sultan” and the (Constitutional) Court. A new institutional struggle in Turkey, in Political
Studies Association (, 6 May 2014
Il multiculturalismo canadese e la “prova del velo”: prime riflessioni sulla pronuncia della Corte
suprema canadese nel caso sul niqab (Canadian Multiculturalism and “the veil proof”: preliminary
Reflections on the Decision of the Canadian Supreme Court on the Niqab Case), in Diritti
Comparati (, 28 January 2013
Francia. Conclusi con esito negativo i referendum sull’autonomia di Martinica e Guyana (France.
The negative end of the referendums for autonomy in Martinique and Guyane), in DPCE ONLINE,
Giappichelli, 2, 2010
Francia. Approvata la modifica del regolamento del Conseil constitutionnel per recepire
l’introduzione dell’exception d’incostitutionnalité (France: Approuved the modification of the role
of the Conseil Constitutionnel for the introduction of te exception d’inconstitutionnalité), in DPCE
ONLINE, Giappichelli, 2, 2010
Turchia. La Corte costituzionale dichiara l’incostituzionalità di ventidue emendamenti
costituzionali (Turkey. The Constitutional Cour declares the inconstitutionality of twenty-two
constitutional amendements), in DPCE ONLINE, Giappichelli, 2, 2010
Slovenia. Siglato l'accordo di arbitrato con la Croazia per la definizione delle frontiere (Slovenie.
Signed the arbitration agreement with Croatia to define borders), in DPCE ONLINE, Giappichelli,
1, 2010
Valentina Rita Scotti, Ph.D.
Via Chisimaio, 19 00199 Roma
+39 3476086366 – [email protected]
Francia. Promulgata una legge organica per istituire la question prioritaire de constitutionnalité
(France. Approved the Organic Law for the institution of the question prioritaire de
constitutionnalité), in DPCE ONLINE, Giappichelli, 1, 2010
La scrivente è a conoscenza che le informazioni contenute nel presente curriculum sono
considerate, ai sensi dell'art. 76 del D.P.R. del 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, come rese a pubblico
ufficiale e che le dichiarazioni mendaci, la falsità negli atti e l'uso di atti falsi sono puniti ai sensi
del codice penale e delle leggi speciali.
Roma, 4 maggio 2016
In fede
Valentina Rita Scotti
Si autorizza al trattamento dei dati ai sensi D. Lgs. 196/2003
Valentina Rita Scotti