ITS Maker English Test_set15


ITS Maker English Test_set15
Sede di Bologna
Edizione 2015/2017
Rif PA 2015-4165/RER
Tempo Massimo a disposizione: 45 min
Sono presenti n°50 domande
risposta corretta : 0,1 PUNTO
risposta errata: 0 PUNTI
risposta non fornita: 0 PUNTI
Punteggio massimo 5 PUNTI
Nome _________________________
Codice n. ______________________
Test ingresso ITS MAKER sede di Bologna – Rif PA 2015-4165/RER
Part 1.
Please indicate which answer is correct :
a) b) or c)
1. Where are you from?
a) I are from Italy
b) I am coming from Italy
c) I'm from Italy
2. What does Maria do?
a) She was a student
b) She’s a student
c) She study
3. How are you?
a) I fine
b) I'm very well
c) I'm in a college
4. What do you like doing in your free time?
a) I prefer soccer
b) I like playing basketball
c) I doing volleyball
5. What type of music do you like?
a) I don’t like jazz
b) I love pop music
c) I normally listen classical music
6. What time is it?
a) It’s three thirty
b) They are fourteen
c) It five o’clock
7. I’ll contact you,
a) as soon as I will arrive
b) when I get to the station
c) after the train arrived
8. Do you have any information on the new equipment?
a) I’m sorry, I do
b) No, I have some
c) Yes, I do
Test ingresso ITS MAKER sede di Bologna – Rif PA 2015-4165/RER
9. Where are you going?
a) I’m going to the station
b) I go in the station
c) By the station
10. Have you got a ticket?
a) Yes, I’m going to get one
b) Yes, I have
c) Yes, you have
Part 2.
Please complete the sentences with the correct solution:
a) b) or c)
1) This metal is _____ the others.
a) as strong b) stronger c) stronger than
2) ___________. This is a library.
a) Not talk! b) Don’t talk ! c) Never speaking!
3) We are looking for a typical restaurant. Do you have _____ suggestions?
a) a b) any c) much
4) I don't have _____ money. Is there a cash machine near here?
a) some b) many c) any
5) They are hiring more people, because they have _____ new orders.
a) much b) lots of c) too
6) Technology ________ significantly in recent years.
a) has improved b) improving c) improves
7) I _______ read the instructions before switching on the device.
a) must to b) need to c) does
8) Would you like _____ glass of water?
a) any b) a c) some
9) In the future I would like to work in Berlin or _____ U.K.
a) to b) at c) the
10) Maria is showing the products to _____ customers.
a) she b) our c) them
Test ingresso ITS MAKER sede di Bologna – Rif PA 2015-4165/RER
Part 3.
Please complete the following sentences with the past form of the verb. For example: (make ) >
I didn’t make pizza. I made fresh pasta.
1. I didn’t watch the football match. I _____ basketball.
(to play = giocare).
2. She is feeling better now but yesterday she _______ terrible.
(to feel = sentire)
3. It was so hot they didn’t eat at home. They ______ at a good family-run trattoria.
(to eat - mangiare)
4. They planned to leave at 6:30 am but in the end they ________ at seven o’clock.
(to leave - partire)
5. The flight to London wasn’t expensive. It only _______ 50 euros.
(to cost = costare)
6. She didn’t speak about her future plans. She _________ about her past experience and
(to speak = parlare)
7. When I was a child, I _________ to visit the moon!
(to want = volere)
8. Last year I decided to improve my computer skills. I _______ a short IT course.
(to do = fare)
Test ingresso ITS MAKER sede di Bologna – Rif PA 2015-4165/RER
Part 4.
Please find the opposite meaning from the following words (for example: hello / goodbye). Choose
only one word.
goodbye / cheapest / answer / sell / much / expensive / single / hero / bit / few / us / we / low /
worst / fast / long / finish / question / difficult / simple
1) buy / __________
2) high/ __________
3) them / __________
4) cheap / __________
5) ask / __________
6) short/ __________
7) complex / __________
8) many / __________
9) best / __________
10) start/ __________
Part 5.
Please match the correct phrases from column A and column B. Write the correct answer in the
middle column. For example:
Column A
1 Any suggestions for a restaurant?
Column B
A I’d like to speak to a technician
2 How can I help you?
B About thirty minutes
3 How long have you been waiting
C You should try the new Greek one
4 Why has she gone to the shops?
D I think it's going to rain
5 You should take an umbrella
E To buy some milk
Test ingresso ITS MAKER sede di Bologna – Rif PA 2015-4165/RER
Part 6.
Please choose the correct way to complete each sentence:
a) b) or c)
1) We will contact you as soon as ___________________ the delivery.
a) we receive b) we’ll receive c) we received
2) If you follow the instructions, you ___________________ assemble the machine easily.
a)were able to b) was able to c)will be able to
3) If you were offered a job in America, _______________________ accept it?
a) do you b) are you c) would you
4) If ______________________ the instructions carefully, you would not have made that
a) you are reading b) you would read c) you had read
5) If you had informed us immediately, we _____________________ the problem much
a) would have resolved b) will have resolve c)resolved
6) We will be able to find parking space, __________________?
a) will you b) won’t we c) are we
7) I ____________________ in Modena for 3 years.
a) live b) are living c) have been living
8) You didn’t leave your key in the car, _____________?
a) did you b) do you c)didn’t you
Test ingresso ITS MAKER sede di Bologna – Rif PA 2015-4165/RER