Francesco Petrarch (July 1304 - July 1374) Two Sonnets original


Francesco Petrarch (July 1304 - July 1374) Two Sonnets original
Francesco Petrarch (July 1304 - July 1374)
Two Sonnets
original Italian
English translation
Voi ch’ascoltate in rime sparse il suono
You who hear the sound, in scattered rhymes,
di quei sospiri ond’io nudriva ‘l core
of those sighs on which I fed my heart,
in sul mio primo giovenile errore
in my first vagrant youthfulness,
quand’era in parte altr’uom da quel ch’i’ sono,
when I was partly other than I am,
del vario stile in ch’io piango et ragiono
I hope to find pity, and forgiveness,
fra le vane speranze e ‘l van dolore,
for all the modes in which I talk and weep,
ove sia chi per prova intenda amore,
between vain hope and vain sadness,
spero trovar pietà, nonché perdono.
in those who understand love through its trials.
Ma ben veggio or sí come al popol tutto
Yet I see clearly now I have become
favola fui gran tempo, onde sovente
an old tale amongst all these people, so that
di me mesdesmo meco mi vergogno;
it often makes me ashamed of myself;
et del mio vaneggiar vergogna è ‘l frutto,
and shame is the fruit of my vanities,
e ‘l pentersi, e ‘l conoscer chiaramente
and remorse, and the clearest knowledge
che quanto piace al mondo è breve sogno.
of how the world’s delight is a brief dream.
Petrarch, Francesco. “Sonnet 133.” The Canzoniere, A. S. Kline, trans. 10 Sept. 2007. Web. 19 Dec. 2009.
original Italian
English translation
Amor m’à posto come segno a strale,
Love placed me as a target for his arrow,
come al sol neve, come cera al foco,
like snow in sunlight, or wax in the fire,
et come nebbia al vento; et son già roco,
like a cloud in the wind: and I am hoarse already,
donna, mercé chiamando, et voi non cale.
Lady, calling for your mercy: and you indifferent.
Da gli occhi vostri uscío ‘l colpo mortale,
The mortal blow issued from your eyes,
contra cui non mi val tempo né loco;
against which no time or place helps me:
da voi sola procede, et parvi un gioco,
from you alone proceed, and it seems to you
il sole e ‘l foco e ‘l vento ond’io son tale.
a game, the sun and wind and fire that make me so.
I pensier’ son saette, e ‘l viso un sole,
Your thoughts are arrows, and your face the sun,
e ‘l desir foco; e ‘nseme con quest’arme
and desire is fire: with which joint weapons
mi punge Amor, m’abbaglia et mi distrugge;
Love pierces me, dazzles me and melts me:
et l’angelico canto et le parole,
and your angelic singing and your speech,
col dolce spirto ond’io non posso aitarme,
with your sweet spirit from which I’ve no defence,
son l’aura inanzi a cui mia vita fugge.
are the breeze (l’aura) before which my life flies.
Petrarch, Francesco. “Sonnet 133.” The Canzoniere, A. S. Kline, trans. 10 Sept. 2007. Web. 19 Dec. 2009.