Dictionary English - Sicilian - Famous sicilians in the world


Dictionary English - Sicilian - Famous sicilians in the world
Dictionary English - Sicilian
Anybody (Cu e’gghiè)
He who takes picks himself up (Cu pigghia s’arripigghia)
Lamb and sauce and the baptism is end (Agnedd’e'sucu e finiu u vattiu)
Uncle Joe (‘Zu Pinu…)
he’s a child (E’ un picciriddu)
I would act like a man who's wife has been unfaithfull to him (Facissi comu un curnutu)
Look at him how he’s nice (Talialu che beddu)
Beautiful saint mother (Bedda matri santissima)
Again, again… that I’m enjoing it (Ancora, ancora…ca mi sta piaciennu)
See you later (ni viremu)
A kiss (‘nu vasu)
Dictionary English - Sicilian
Mud compared to you is distilled water (U’ fangu n’confront’attia è acqua distillata)
So, do we have to cut that ball??? (Chi ‘ffa u tagghiamu stu palluni???)
Let’s go…it’s nothing…let’s have a coffee (Amuninni…un c’è nenti…pigghiamuni u cafè)
Is there any problem? (C’è probblema?)
Water wets him and the wind dries him (L’acqua u vagna e u ventu l’asciuca)
Beautiful mother Mary (Bedda matri Maria)
The best of them all (U’ meggh’i'tutti)
Fly low (Vola vasciu)
Slang :
You can do it (C’a po fari!)
What did you say? (Chi ddici?)
Take yourself again (Arripigghiti)
Dictionary English - Sicilian
Broken day, lose all (Iurnata rutta, peiddila tutta)
Every thing left, is lost (Ogni lassata è perduta)
Better say what I know, that say what I knew (Megghiu riri chi sacciu, ca’ chi sapeva)
1 father bring up 100 children but 100 children are unable to breed a father (Nu pattri crisci
centu figghi ma centu figghi nun ponu addivari nu pattri)
A worm said to the walnut: "Give me time and I’ll break you" (U vermi rissi a nuci: "Rammi
tempu ca ti piercio")
The wind in church is necessary, but not to cool the priest (Ci voli u vientu n’chiesa, ma no
p'arrifriddari u parrinu)
The wind in church is necessary, but not extinguish the candles (Ci voli u ventu n’chiesa, ma no
p'astutari i cannili)