custodi di guerra gatekeepers of war


custodi di guerra gatekeepers of war
by Zijad Ibrahimovic
a ventura film production
in coproduction with RSI-Radiotelevisione svizzera
documentary by Zijad Ibrahimovic
World Premiere 62nd Locarno International Film Festival Ici & Ailleurs
OFFICIAL SCREENING: La Sala, August 10th at 16:15
SECOND SCREENING: Rialto 3, August 11th at 22:00
the screening will be part of a special event
organized by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
in collaboration with the Locarno International Film Festival
to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions
ventura film al castello ch-6866 meride [email protected]
contact in Locarno: Nicola Bernasconi +41 79 820 83 88
Un uomo torna al suo paese per un funerale: hanno trovato i genitori in una fossa
comune. Tornare dopo ventʼanni significa cercare delle risposte. La guerra però
non lascia risposte, lascia domande. La casa dalla quale era partito è stata vissuta
da altri, poi è stata abbandonata. Porta sui muri i segni della violenza e del ricordo.
Osservandone gli spazi lʼuomo cerca il senso degli eventi.
I ricordi si sovrappongono alle immagini logorate di una vecchia videocassetta: la
quotidianità di un paese che non avrebbe mai immaginato la guerra.
A modo suo lʼuomo si ritrova ad interrogarsi sul significato di parole come casa,
origine, fuga, guerra, esilio, futuro, pace. Per scoprire che “forse lʼunica verità è che
il paese non si è spostato, è rimasto ad aspettarmi, senza fretta. Eʼ come se
sapeva che prima o poi ci sarei tornato. A farci i conti.“
A man returns to his homeland for a funeral. The bodies of his parents were
discovered in a mass grave. Someone who returns home after twenty years is
looking for answers. War, however, does not offer answers, it produces questions.
The home he had left was lived in by other people and then abandoned. The walls
of the house bear signs of violence, of memories. Looking at the rooms, the man
searches for the meaning of the events.
Memories overlap with the worn out images on an old video tape- the every day
routine of a town that could have never fathomed war.
In his own way, the man begins to question the meaning of the words home, roots,
escape, war, exile, future and peace. He discovers that “maybe the only real truth is
that my town has not changed, that it has stayed the same, waiting for me, without
haste. Almost as if it knew that sooner or later I would have returned, to come to
terms with the past.
dichiarazione del regista
Fare nascere domande. Eʼ questo che ho cercato di fare in questo film. Raccontare
la guerra senza mostrarne il lato violento che tutti conosciamo, evadere dalle
immagini riprodotte sui giornali, alla televisione, tentare di utilizzare la memoria
dello spettatore e su quella costruire una narrazione che dia la libertà di interpretare
e criticare. Perché è così che lo spettatore potrebbe diventare il protagonista del
A volte il modo migliore per comunicare è la semplicità. Raggiungerla è un percorso
tortuoso e comporta il confronto con il rispetto del soggetto, con il senso del tempo
e con lʼapprofondimento tematico. Penso al film Custodi di guerra come ad un
contenitore nel quale sono stati immessi indizi e suggestioni e nel quale lo
spettatore riesce a districarsi interagendo con le immagini e con le parole.
directorʼs note
Generate questions. This is what I tried to do with this film. Recount the war without
revealing the violent side we all know. Diverge from the images reproduced in the
papers and on television and to try and use the audienceʼs memory to create a
story that allows us to freely interpret and criticize. In this way, the audience
becomes the protagonist of the film.
At times simplicity is the best form of communication. Yet at the same time,
simplicity in itself is complicated to achieve and entails balancing respect for the
subject, the sense of timing and elaboration on the theme. Gatekeepers of War is
like a container that holds clues and suggestions that the audience is able to
unscramble by interacting with images and words.
52ʼ digital beta stereo 16 : 9
color & b/w
original version Italian with English subtitles
ventura film
in coproduction with
RSI - Radiotelevisione svizzera
Zijad Ibrahimovich
Flavio Stroppini
Zijad Ibrahimovich
Zijad Ibrahimovich
Francesco Jost
sound design / mix / music
Alberto Morelli and Stefano Scarani
color correction / online
Patrick Lindenmaier Andromeda Film
Andres Pfaeffli
Elda Guidinetti
© ventura film 2009
Zijad Ibrahimovic
Nato nel 1978 a Loznica (ex-JU). Vive in Ticino (Svizzera) dal 1992.
CISA - Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive, Lugano
2005 Come fate a vedere le rondini, documentario, BETA digitale, 25ʼ
2007 Anche i fiori a volte, documentario, BETA digitale, 15ʼ, film di diploma.
Locarno IFF, Pardi di domani concorso svizzero
2009 Custodi di guerra, documentario, BETA digitale, 52ʼ, colore e b/n,
ventura film in coproduzione con RSI - Radiotelevisione svizzera
invitato al 62° Locarno IFF, Ici & Ailleurs
Zijad Ibrahimovic
Born in 1978 in Loznica (ex-JU), has lived in Tessin (Switzerland) since 1992.
CISA - Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive, Lugano.
2005 Come fate a vedere le rondini, documentary, digital BETA, 25ʼ
2007 Anche i fiori a volte, documentary, digital BETA, 15ʼ, graduation film.
Locarno IFF, Leopards of Tomorrow Swiss competition
2009 Custodi di guerra, documentary, digital BETA, 52ʼ, colour & b/n,
ventura film in co-production with RSI - Radiotelevisione svizzera
selected at 62nd Locarno IFF, Ici & Ailleurs
ventura film
al castello CH-6866 Meride [email protected]
ventura film produces, mainly in collaboration with European partners, both fiction and
documentary work. Ever since its beginnings in 1991 the main aim has been to focus on
productions which, in form and content, explore and cross new boundaries.
select filmography
NO QUARTO DA VANDA by Pedro Costa, 35mm, 169ʼ
Co produced with Contracosta, Pandora, RTP, ZDF, RTSI
Awards: Locarno International Film Festival: prix du jury des jeunes, special
mention official jury, mention jury of cinéclubs - Cinéma du Réel Paris: prix de la
Bibliothèque - Yamagata International Documentary Festival: FIPRESCI prize Cannes Film Festival 2002: France Culture Award, Foreign Cineaste of the Year Valencia Film Festival: best cinematography
ANGEL ON THE RIGHT by Djamshed Usmonov, 35mm, 89ʼ
Co produced with Fabrica Cinema, ArtCam, Asht Village, RTSI, Rai Cinema
Official selection Cannes 2002, Un certain regard
Awards: London Film Festival: FIPRESCI prize - Tokyo Film Festival: special jury
prize - Angers European First Film Festival: special jury prize - Singapore
International Film Festival: best Asian director - Bratislava International Film
Festival: best actor & Ecumenical jury prize - Tromsø International Film Festival:
Aurora award and Don Quixote award - Nika award for best CIS and Baltics film Wiesbaden goEast: special mention
LOS MUERTOS by Lisandro Alonso, 35mm, 78ʼ
Co produced with 4L, Fortuna Films, Slot Machine / ARTE, RTSI
Official selection Cannes 2004, Quinzaine des Réalisateurs
Awards: Torino Film Festival, best film - Cinédécouvertes (Belgique): Golden Age
award - Viennale 2004: Standard Readerʼs prize & FIPRESCI prize - Karlovy Vary
International Film Festival: Czech Television award for the Forum of Independentsʼ
best film - International Yerevan Film Festival: jury special prize - International Film
Festival Santiago de Chile: best film - Festival Paysages de Cinéastes de
Chatenay Malabry: special jury prize & best photography - Lima Latin American
Film Festival: critics award
DIE GROSSE STILLE (INTO GREAT SILENCE) by Philip Groening, 35mm, 164ʼ
Co produced with Philip Gröning Filmproduktion, BR, ARTE/ZDF, SSR/RTSI
Awards: Sundance Film Festival: special jury prize - Bayerischer Filmpreis 2005:
best documentary film - German Critics award - Nomination Deutscher Filmpreis prix Arte best European documentary 2006 - Deutscher Kamerapreis - Premio
Ennio Flaiano: best camera & best film - German Films: film of the year - Sao
Paulo International Film Festival: jury prize
JUVENTUDE EM MARCHA by Pedro Costa, 35mm, 155ʼ
Co produced with Contracosta, Unlimited, ARTE, RTP, RTSI
Official selection Cannes 2006, Competition
Awards: Los Angeles Film Critics Association award: Independent/Experimental
Film&Video award
VOLEVO SOLO VIVERE by Mimmo Calopresti, 35mm, 75ʼ
Co produced with Shoah Foundation, Rai Cinema, Gagè ,Wildside media, RTSI
Official selection Cannes 2006, out of competition
FUORI DALLE CORDE (OUT OF BOUNDS) by Fulvio Bernasconi, 35mm, 86ʼ
Co produced with ITC Movie, Bianca Film, Rai Cinema, RTSI.
Awards: Locarno International Film Festival, Silver Leopard (ex aequo) for best
actor, Michele Venitucci - Brooklyn International Film Festival: best
cinematography - Santa Marinella Film Festival: best film - Annonay International
Film Festival: best music - Nomination: Swiss Film Prize for best feature film
SALATA BALADI by Nadia Kamel, Digital Betacam, 104ʼ
Co produced with Snooze Productions, Les Films dʼIci, Citizen Production, RTSI
Locarno International Film Festival 2007, Ici & ailleurs
Awards: San Francisco Arab Film Festival: best documentary - Mumbai
International Film Festival: best long documentary & FIPRESCI award - National
Film Festival, Egypt: Certificate of Merit
DUTTI DER RIESE by Martin Witz, 35mm, 94ʼ
Co produced with RTSI, Teleclub
Locarno Interntional Film Festival 2007, Ici & ailleurs
Awards: Filmprize City of Zurich - Nomination Prix Walo
VOGLIAMO ANCHE LE ROSE by Alina Marazzi, 35mm, 81ʼ
Co produced with Mir Cinematografica, Rai Cinema, RTSI
Locarno International Film Festival 2007, Piazza Grande
Awards: Nomination David di Donatello: best documentary
Co produced with RSI-Radiotelevisione svizzera
Solothurn Film Festival - Bergamo Film Meeting, in competition
MIRNA by Corso Salani, Digital Betacam, 75ʼ
Co produced with Vivo Film, Corso Salani, in partnership with Fuori Orario, RAI Tre
and RSI-Radiotelevisione svizzera
Locarno International Film Festival, Filmmakers of the Presentʼs competition
CUSTODI DI GUERRA by Zijad Ibrahimovic, Digital Betacam, 52ʼ
Co produced with RSI-Radiotelevisione svizzera
Locarno International Film Festival, Ici & ailleurs