
FUNERAL SERVICES MBA (FuseMBA) 3rd edi8on, March 2015 Corporate Solu8ons for companies and ins8tu8ons The funeral industry in Europe Funeral companies across Europe, in par2cular Small and Mid-­‐Sized companies (SMEs), are facing enormous challenges because of the liberaliza8on of the market, changing legisla8on, and socio-­‐cultural changes. F u n e r a l S e r v i c e s M a s t e r B u s i n e s s Administra2on (FUSEMBA) is a project with the aim of preparing a new genera8on of more market and business-­‐oriented European managers in the funeral services sector to take on these challenges. 2 Background FUSEMBA was created as an ini2a2ve of the European Federa8on of Funeral Services (EFFS) and IL3 -­‐ University of Barcelona with the support of: §  Serveis Funeraris de Barcelona (SFBSA) §  Bundesverband Deutscher BestaRer, e.V (BDBEV) §  Confedera8on des Professionnels du Funeraire et de la Marbrerie (PFM) §  Federazione Nazionale Imprese Onoranze Funebri (FeNIOF) §  The Bri8sh Ins8tute of Embalmers (BIE) The project was funded by the EU in 2009, which allowed the crea2on of online content and the delivery of two edi2ons. 3 University of Barcelona POTENTIAL AND PRESTIGE WITH A HISTORY OF OVER 560 YEARS 4 University of Barcelona 81.000 students a year 30% from different countries 5.306 Lecturers and researchers 24 own research centres 4.000 scien8fic publica8ons 5 IL3-­‐UB. University of Barcelona The IL3-­‐UB, a benchmark UB centre in online training, is located in the 22@ district, implemen2ng the UB’s contribu2on in companies more oriented toward the new knowledge and innova2on economy. . Collabora2on agreements with over 2,000 companies & en22es 6 Our exper8se in four areas of knowledge AREA OF
Our students over four edi8ons Number of consolidated programmes
7 FUNERAL SERVICES MBA 3rd edi8on March 2015 8 Key-­‐Value Sector knowledge The MBA involves the par8cipa8on of several funeral directors, which provide industry exper2se. The par2cipa2on of different partners combines funeral services exper8se with special know-­‐
how in e–learning, provided by the University of Barcelona Interna8onal vision The par2cipants will have the opportunity to discover first-­‐hand the business models and value proposi8ons of the par2cipant countries. Many faculty members are recognized professionals of different companies from the funeral sector. Master’s degree of the University of Barcelona The students that pass the assessment will receive an IL3-­‐University of Barcelona Master degree (only if they have an undergraduate degree). 9 Key Target Users §  General Managers §  Directors of func8onal areas §  Personnel of small, medium and large companies in the funeral industry. 10 Programme overview The Master of 60 ECTS credits (taught in blended learning mode). The master program includes a week-­‐
long visit to 5 European Countries, where lectures, workshops and visits t o f u n e r a l c e n t r e s p r o v i d i n g outstanding experiences. 11 FUSEMBA’s PLATFORM 12 13 14 Enrollment op8ons Complete Master Specific on-­‐line modules Face to face Marke8ng & Sales Management Finance Accoun8ng Management Human Resources Management 15 Complete Master M
ODULES 1. Marke2ng and communica2on 2. Commercial management 3. Economics and finance 4. Investment selec2on 5. Accoun2ng 6. Cost accoun2ng 7. Organiza2onal design 8. Human resources management 9. IT in funeral business 10. Management skills 11. The family business 12. Business game Personal work European benchmark Face to face Barcelona Bologna Münnerstadt Paris London Barcelona 16 Specific on-­‐line modules On-­‐line Recommended Face to face •  Marke2ng & Marke8ng and Sales Communica2on •  Commercial Management Management Finance Accoun8ng Management Human Resources Management •  Economics and Finance •  Investment Selec2on •  Accoun2ng •  Cost Accoun2ng •  Organiza2onal design •  Human Resources management •  IT in funeral business •  Management skills 17 Face to face Introduc8on to funeral services Communica8on Psychological aspects Opera8ons and Logis8cs Law aspects (Int’l transport) Materials Planning Control, Standardiza8ons Regula8on (ISO) Cemeteries Crema8on Funeral Organiza8on, Ceremony and Protocol Embalming techniques Body treatment 18 Schedule Start date 01/03/2015 End date 30/11/2016 19 Price of studies Complete Master € 8,000 Op8onal: Complete Master + Hotels € 14,950 •  Includes bed, breakfast and lunch for 6 weeks of classroom training in the different countries * Travel expenses are paid by the student 20 Price of studies Marke8ng and Sales Management € 2,500
Finance Accoun8ng Management € 2,800 Human Resources Management € 2,200 21 Price of studies Single face to face week
€ 2,000 Op8onal: Single face to face + Hotel € 3,500 •  Includes bed, breakfast and lunch for 6 weeks of classroom training in the different countries •  Travel expenses are paid by the student 22 3 types of cer8fica8on Complete Master Modular on-­‐line Marke8ng and Sales Management Finance Accoun8ng Management Face to face Human Resources Management 8 ECTS 10 ECTS 14 ECTS 200 hours 250 hours 350 hours 60 ECTS 1500 hours Master’s Degree University Diploma Extension Assistance Diploma 23 Academic working team Jaume Massons, Academic Director 24 Enrolment Period From 1/12/2014 to 15/2/2015 Contact IL3 -­‐ University of Barcelona Ms. Carme Plana [email protected] +34-­‐934852283 Payment IL3 -­‐ University of Barcelona 25 Documenta8on to submit Complete Master 1.  Passport Modular on-­‐line Face to face Passport 2.  Bachelor’s degree cer8ficate 3.  Academic record of the bachelor’s degree 26 Aligning our solu+ons with your strategic goals Corporate Solu2ons for companies and ins2tu2ons Documenta8on to submit The following academic documenta8on must be submiRed at the 8me of enrolment: Complete Master Passport: Cer2fied photocopy Bachelor’s degree cer8ficate: ü Cer2fied photocopy of both sides ü Transla2on of the qualifica2on by official sworn translator, registered with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Academic record of the bachelor’s degree: ü Cer2fied photocopy of both sides ü Transla2on of the qualifica2on by official sworn translator, registered with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Modular on-­‐line Face to face Passport: Cer2fied photocopy 28