

ultima modifica 16/05/2012 15:48
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Zaccagni L. e E.Gualdi Russo, 2001. Longitudinal study of growth and body composition in a
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Zironi A., Zaccagni L., Gualdi Russo E. Can physical activity influence the development of
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Zironi A., Onisto N., Zaccagni L., Galletti L., Gualdi Russo E. Cambiamenti del somatotipo con
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Argnani L, Toselli S, Gualdi Russo E., 2006. Body image perceptions in north Italians from
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Gualdi Russo E., Toselli S., 2006. Percezione dell’immagine corporea nel bambino ferrarese.
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Semproli S. e Gualdi Russo E., 2007. Children Malnutrition And Growth in a Rural Area of
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Gualdi Russo E., Albertini A., Argnani L., Celenza F., Nicolucci M., Toselli S., 2008. Weight
status and body image perception in Italian children. J Hum Nutr Diet 21: 39-45. (Link)
Zaccagni L. e Gualdi Russo E., 2008. Changes in lung function with ageing in athletes. Pp.205-13.
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Argnani L, Toselli S, Gualdi Russo E, 2008. Body image and growth in Italy. Coll Antropol, 32(2):4138. (Link)
Argnani L, Cogo A, Gualdi Russo E, 2008. Growth and nutritional status of Tibetan children at high
altitude. Coll Antropol, 32(3):807-12(Link)
Toselli S., Gualdi-Russo E., 2008.Psychosocial indicators and distress in immigrants living in
Italian reception centres. Stress and Health 24:327-334. (Link)
Toselli S., Galletti L, Pazzaglia S, Gualdi-Russo E., 2008.Two-stage study (1990-2002) of North
African immigrants in Italy. Homo,59(6):439-52. (Link)
Zironi A., Onisto N., Gualdi Russo E., 2008. Accuratezza e affidabilità delle misure plicometriche.
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Onisto N, Teofoli F, Zaccagni L, Gualdi Russo E, 2009. Anthropometric traits and aging: a crosssectional survey in diabetic elderly women. Arch Gerontol Geriatr., 48(2):197-200.(Link)
Gualdi-Russo E., Zironi A., Dallari GV, Toselli S., 2009. Migration and Health in Italy: A
Multiethnic Adult Sample. J Travel Med,16(2):88-95. (Link)
Zaccagni L., Onisto N. e Gualdi Russo E., 2009. Biological characters and ageing in former elite
volleyball players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,12: 667-672. (Link)
Toselli S., Zironi A. and Gualdi-Russo E., 2010. Body composition and nutrient intake of
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Toselli S., Argnani L., Canducci E., Ricci E.and Gualdi Russo E., 2010. Food habits and
nutritional status of adolescents in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Nutriciòn Hospitalaria, 25: 613621. (Link)
Semproli S., Canducci E, Ricci E. and E. Gualdi-Russo. 2011. Nutrient intake in 5-17-year-old
African boys and girls in a rural district of Kenya. Nutriciòn Hospitalaria, 26: 765-774. (Link)
Zaccagni L., Gualdi-Russo E., 2012. Dalla ginnastica alle scienze
motorie: trend dell’insegnamento nella scuola secondaria inferiore italiana. Annali on line della
didattica e della formazione docente (Università di Ferrara), numero 3 (Link)
Barbieri D., Zaccagni L., Cogo A., Gualdi-Russo E., 2012. Body composition and somatotype of
experienced mountain climbers. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 13: 46-50. (Link)