
Amadori° M
L'approccio immunologico alla valutazione del benessere animale
Proceedings ot the Naples Pain Conference (NPC) : research and therapy for human and animal
suffering : May 16th-19th, 2010 Napoli : a cutting edge challenge among physicians, veterinarians
and pharmacologists / [s.l. : s.n, 2010]. - p 149 [Nr. Estr. 4397]
Naples Pain Conference (NPC) : Napoli : May 16yh-19th, 2010)
Le risposte infiammatoria, immunitaria e da stress costituiscono un unico complesso ancestrale di
risposte biologiche sovrapposte, finalizzate alla neutralizzazione di noxae che turbino l'equilibrio
omeostatico dell'organismo animale. Tali risposte si sono via via differenziate nel corso
dell'evoluzione filogenetica sino all'assetto attuale nei vertebrati superiori. Al di là di tale aspetto, la
conseguenza più importante che deriva da tale concetto è che sussiste una notevole
sovrapposizione tra meccanismi di risposta a "stressor" infettivi di natura microbica e meccanismi
implicati nella risposta a "stressor" di natura non infettiva, associati al processo di adattamento
ambientale. Si pub così comprendere pertanto come una citochina del sistema immunitario,
l'interferone alfa, non sia solo implicato nella risposta ad agenti virali, ma anche agli stress da
trasporto e da svezzamento precoce nei suini; l'importanza di tale citochina per 1'omeostasi
metabolica dell'ospite è inoltre provata dalla sua presenza costitutiva, non indotta, in organi e
tessuti, evidenziata anche nella specie suina. II sistema immunitario partecipa pertanto con il
sistema neuro-endocrino ai processi di regolazione omeostatica dell'organismo animale. Aspetti
importanti della scienza immunologica rientrano così a pieno titolo nella disciplina denominata
"fisiologia dell'adattamento". A seguito ad esempio di uno stress da trasporto e da formazione dei
nuovi gruppi in allevamento, l'adattamento si accompagna ad un progressivo ripristino di
fondamentali condizioni di normalità dell'etogramma e della regolazione metabolica, anche a livello
dei parametri correlati alla competenza immunitaria nei confronti dei patogeni ambientali. Tale
competenza è pertanto un indice preciso del livello di benessere animale, inteso per l'appunto
(secondo la corrente di pensiero funzionalistica) come la condizione di un individuo per quanto
concerne i suoi tentativi di adeguarsi all'ambiente. E" evidente infine la correlazione tra competenza
immunitaria nei confronti dei patogeni ambientali e problematiche di sanità animale. Sulla base di tali
presupposti, l'immunologia veterinaria è in grado di fornire contributi decisivi nei settori del
benessere e della sanità animale, in ambiti che vanno dai meccanismi di risposta immunitaria a
infezioni naturali e vaccinazioni, sino ai fini meccanismi di immunosoppressione e di alterata
omeostasi della risposta infiammatoria, che preludono all'insorgenza di diverse patologie
condizionate di natura infettiva o dismetabolica. E' questo il caso di molti problemi sanitari della
bovina da latte nel periodo di transizione (3 settimane prima e dopo il parto), alla base dei quali si
osserva una grave disregolazione del processo flogistico innescato da citochine pro-infiammatorie
del sistema immunitario. Sulla base di queste analisi, il veterinario deve saper proporre idonei
interventi di igiene zootecnica atti a favorire l'adattamento ambientale degli animali; tali interventi
sono finalizzati in primo luogo alla prevenzione di risposte da stress cronico che possono a loro volta
sfociare in patologie condizionate. In tale contesto, anche gli interventi di immunomodulazione
mirata possono giocare un ruolo sicuramente importante, visto che la selezione genetica per elevate
produzioni ha in genere determinato l'emergere di fenotipi animali meno in grado di adattarsi a
condizioni ambientali non ottimali.
Amadori° M
L'adattamento all'ambiente degli animali di interesse zootecnico
Atti della giornata di studio "L'adattamento degli animali agli ambienti di allevamento: ricadute su
patologie e consumo di farmaci" : 9 Ottobre 2009, Perugia / Perugia : Istituto Zooprofilattico
Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna, 2010. - p 11-15 [Nr. Estr. 4452]
Giornata di studio "L'adattamento degli animali agli ambienti di allevamento : ricadute su patologie e
consumo di farmaci" : Perugia : 9 Ottobre 2009)
Calzolari° M, Bonilauri° P, Bellini R, Albieri A, D efilippo° F, Maioli° G, Galletti° G,
Gelati A, Barbieri° I, Tamba° M, Lelli° D, Carra° E , Cordioli° P, Angelini° P, Dottori°
Evidence of simultaneous circulation of West Nile and Usutu Viruses in mosquitoes sampled
in Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) in 2009
PLoS One. - Vol. 5 no 12 ( 2010). - p e14324. - 52 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4553]
In recent years human diseases due to mosquito-borne viruses were increasingly reported in
Emilia-Romagna region (Italy), from the chikungunya virus in 2007 to the West Nile virus (WNV) in
2008. An extensive entomological survey was performed in 2009 to establish the presence and
distribution of mosquito arboviruses in this region, with particular reference to flaviviruses.
Methodology/Principal Findings From May 6 to October 31, a total of 190,516 mosquitoes were
sampled in georeferenced stations, grouped in 1,789 pools according date of collection, location,
and species, and analyzed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect
the presence of RNA belong to Flavivirus genus. WNV was detected in 27 mosquito pools,
producing sequences similar to those of birds and human strains obtained in 2008 outbreak, pointed
out the probable virus overwintering. Isolation of WNV was achieved from one of these pools.
Moreover 56 pools of mosquitoes tested positive for Usutu virus (USUV). Most PCR positive pools
consisted of Culex pipiens, which also was the most analyzed mosquito species (81.4% of
specimens); interestingly, USUV RNA was also found in two Aedes albopictus mosquito pools.
Simultaneous circulation of WNV and USUV in the survey area was highlighted by occurrence of 8
mosquito WNV- and USUV-positive pools and by the overlaying of the viruses “hot spots”, obtained
by kernel density estimation (KDE) analysis. Land use of sampled stations pointed out a higher
proportion of WNV-positive Cx. pipiens pool in rural environments respect the provenience of total
sampled pool, while the USUV-positive pools were uniformly captured in the different environments.
Conclusions/Significance Obtained data highlighting the possible role of Cx. pipiens mosquito as the
main vector for WNV and USUV in Northern Italy, and the possible involvement of Ae. albopictus
mosquito in USUV cycle. The described mosquito-based surveillance could constitute the foundation
for a public health alert system targeting mosquito borne arboviruses.
Cerioli° M, Avisani° D, Nassuato° C, Bellini° S, Ma gnolini C, Gemma L, Astuti M,
Gandolfi L
Sistema Informativo Veterinario (SIV) della Regione Lombardia
Osservatorio. - Vol. 13 no 1 ( 2010). - p 18-23 [Nr. Estr. 4449]
Daffara S, Brazzelli V, Ronzi G, Vicari° N, Barbar ini D, Pistone D, Pajoro° M,
Fabbi° M, Bandi C, Marone P
Eritema cronico e pesca dei salmoni in Alaska: un enigma risolto da laboratorio in
microbiologia = Erytema chronicum migrans and salmon fishing in Alaska: an enigma resolved by
microbiology laboratory
Microbiol Med. - Vol. 25 no 1 ( 2010). - p 70-71. - 5 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4451]
A 50-year-old man, pentathlete and fond of salmon fishing, after returning from Alaska, was referred
to our Division for an erythematous and indolent lesion on the right thigh gradually enlarging from
the right knee to the right rear and the buttock. It has been given a clinical diagnosis of figurate
erythema. Laboratory exam showed moderate leukocytosis and hypergammaglobulinemia, and the
serological markers of past contact with noted EBV and CMV. A "punch" biopsy of the edge of the
lesion showed a superficial and deep perivascular and interstitial infiltrate of lymphocytes,
eosinophiles and a few plasma cells, consistent with a borrelial infection. Lyme serology (IFI)
showed a questionable borderline positivity; subsequent investigations by ELISA and Western Blot
were both positive and led to a diagnosis of erythema chronicum migrans in course of borreliosis.
The diagnosis is further confirmed by positive PCR for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. The erythema
resolved after a 2-week doxycycline treatment (2x100 mg die). The amplification product (16S rDNA
gene) obtained from the skin biopsy, has been sequenced using standard ABI technology,
confirming the identification of a member of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (sl) complex. Since this
sequence was not useful to identify the genospecies, further analysis were performed employing a
nested PCR targeted on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of Borrelia burgdorferi, following a
protocol previously described1. The ITS sequence showed 100% identity with Borrelia afzelii. Since
this species is not reported from North America we state that the patient has not been infected by
Borrelia afzelii through a tick bite during the fishing trip in Alaska.
Gale P, Estrada-Pen A, Martinez M, Ulrich RG, Wilson A, Capelli G, Phipps P,
De_La_Torre A, Munoz MJ, Dottori° M, Mioulet V, Foo ks AR
The feasibility of developing a risk assessment for the impact of climate change on the
emergence of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in livestock in Europe : a review
J Appl Microbiol. - Vol. 108 ( 2010). - p 1859-1870. - 60 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4376]
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is one of the most widespread of all medically
important arboviruses with ticks of the Hyalomma spp. serving as the main vectors. Infection of
livestock by CCHFV serves as a route of exposure to humans, as a reservoir of disease and as a
route of importation. This study discusses the pathways and data requirements for a qualitative risk
assessment for the emergence of CCHFV in livestock in Europe. A risk map approach is proposed
based on layers that include the potential routes of release (e.g. by migrating birds carrying infected
ticks) together with the main components for exposure, namely the distributions of the tick vectors,
the small vertebrate host reservoirs and the livestock. A layer on landscape fragmentation serves as
a surrogate for proximity of livestock to the tick cycle. Although the impact of climate change on the
emergence of CCHF is not clear, comparing the distribution of risk factors in each layer currently
with those predicted in the 2080s with climate change can be used to speculate how potential
high-risk areas may shift. According to the risk pathway, transstadial and / or transovarial
transmission in the tick vector are crucial for CCHFV spread. Vector competence and tick vector
switching, however, remain critical factors for CCHFV colonization of new regions in Europe. The
species of migratory bird is also an important consideration in the release assessment with greater
abundance and biodiversity of ground-dwelling birds in southern Europe than in northern Europe.
Mammone T, Vida P, Lavazza° A, Moretto A
European content for public health awareness of rural population on avian and influenza
pandemic (ECORAIP)
J Rural Med. - Vol. 5 n 1 ( 2010). - p. 95-96 [Nr. Estr. 4346A]
International congress of agricultural medicine and rural health (17th : Cartagena, Colombia :
October 13-16, 2009)
The population living in rural areas of Europe is crucial to the potential transmission of avian
influenza to humans, due to specific circumstances pertaining to rural life such as backyard
poultries, multi-species bird’s farms, proximity to wetlands where migratory birds stop over, and open
market’s custom. This project aims to provide practical information and guidelines on effectively
preventing and managing these potential threats, targeting the rural population, where a gap of
information can be observed. The particular needs of the rural population and its different
characteristics across three European Sub-regions which are representative of the Southern,
Central-Northern and Eastern Europe have been taken into account. Rural life “risk factors” have
been identified in order to develop specific guidelines. Up-to-date scientific knowledge has been
evaluated and criteria defined to integrate or customize the available material of public health
campaigns, so that this can be disseminated in a feasible and effective way to the population. The
channels and networks used for the dissemination of the public health material have been also
assessed, reviewing existing efforts aimed at targeting the rural population. The most effective
communication strategies have been identified and specific guidelines have been developed as the
best practice model. The final phase included the practical application of the guidelines through a
pilot test carried out in 30 municipalities of the participating countries (selected according to their
socio-demographic char96 acteristics). The “pilot campaign” has included a presentation and
administration to the local population of a pre/ post questionnaire, in order to identify potential
deficiencies or operational problems of the format or content of the information or of the
dissemination method. The results of the questionnaires have been evaluated and used to amend
where necessary the text for the final printed version of the illustrated leaflet. The leaflet is available
in five languages (English, Italian, Greek, Polish and German). Public Health Executive Agency
(PHEA) “ Agreement n. 20067 (2007-2008). Partnership: National Kapodistrian University of Athens
(Greece), Harvard School of Public Health, Cyprus (Cyprus), Nofer Institute of Occupational
Medicine (Poland), Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany).
Nanni_Costa L, Redaelli V, Magnani D, Cafazzo S, Amadori° M, Razzuoli° E, Verga
M, Luzi F
Studio preliminare sulla relazione tra la temperatura cutanea del suinetto misurata mediante
termografia e quella ambientale all’interno di un veicolo durante il trasporto = Preliminary
study on the relationship between skin temperature of piglet measured by infrared thermography
and environmental temperature into a vehicle in transit
Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet. - Vol. 64 ( 2010). - p 480-482. - 5 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4627]
Convegno Nazionale della Societa' Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie (SISVET) (64 : Asti : 7-10
Settembre 2010)
During two journeys of 14 hours, carried out in July and September 2009 respectively, the variation
of skin temperature measured by infrared thermography was examined on a total of 12 piglets. The
thermocamera was placed in front of the pen in the first journey and above of it in the second. The
temperature inside the vehicle was registered throughout the journeys. A positive linear relationship
was observed between skin and internal vehicle temperatures with an R2 of 0.44 and 0.57 in July
and September, respectively. The results achieved in this preliminary experiment showed the
possibility to record thermal imagines of piglets in transit. Thus, thermography, coupled with other
body temperature recording techniques, could be valuable for assessing the adaptive efforts of pigs
to environmental conditions experienced during transport
Pajoro° M, Pistone D, Epis S, Sassera D, Montagna M , Luzzago C, Lanfranchi P,
Viganò R, Cerutti M, Vicari° N, Fabbi° M, Bandi C, Genchi C
A survey for bacterial pathogens associated with Ixodes ricinus in north-western Italy
Parassitologia. - Vol. 52 no 1-2 ( 2010). - p 178 [Nr. Estr. 4480]
Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Parassitologia (26. : Perugia : 22-25 giugno 2010)
Petracci M, Amadori° M, Archetti° IL, Bianchi M, Mo ntella L, Cavani C
Effect of feeding during long transport on body condition and physiological status of pullets
European Poultry Conference 2010 / [s.n. : s.l., 2010]. - 11 p . - 8 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4456]
European Poultry Conference (13th : Tours, France : August 23-27, 2010)
A study was conducted to test the effects of a newly-developed jelly-like transport feed (TF) on body
condition and physiological status of egg-laying strain pullets transported for more than 12 hours.
Four transport trials were conducted using 440 animals (Lohman Brown, 16-wk-old) loaded in
48×54×21 cm (length×width×height) metal wire transport crates. Control pullets (C group) were kept
without feed and water and loaded at standard stocking density (8 pullets/crate; 324 sqcm/animal),
whereas the experimental group (TF group) had free access to TF and were loaded by using the
same density of C group. Birds were placed on commercial lorries and transported for 20 hours in
autumn, winter and summer corresponding to different environmental conditions (mild, cold and
warm). TF consumption, changes in body weight and body (cloacal) temperature were assessed.
Before catching and after transport, blood samples (15 animals/group) were taken from vena ulnaris
superficialis and used to determine haematocrit, total protein, sodium, glucose, plasma
corticosterone, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs), total antioxidant power (OXY-TA) and
lysozyme. During the transport, average TF consumption was 69.7 g/animal (13.0 g dry matter) with
an metabolizable energy supply of 0.215 MJ/animal. TF group had lower body weight losses (7.0 vs.
5.9%; P<0.01) and lower decrease of body temperature. Moreover, TF pullets showed significantly
more favourable haematocrit, total protein, sodium, glucose, plasma corticosterone, ROMs and
OXY-TA values. Overall, these findings indicate that TF can be a useful way to maintain satisfactory
body condition and physiological status of pullets during long-distance journeys.
Pistone D, Pajoro° M, Fabbi° M, Vicari° N, Marone P , Genchi C, Novati S, Sassera
D, Epis S, Bandi C
Lyme borreliosis, Po river valley, Italy
Emerg Inf Dis. - Vol. 16 no 8 ( 2010). - p 1289-1291. - 14 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4450]
We aimed to determine the presence of Ixodes ricinus ticks in heavily populated areas of the Po
River Valley after report of a Lyme disease case. Eighteen percent of ticks examined from 3
locations were positive for Lyme disease borreliae. Lyme disease was diagnosed for 3 workers at
risk for tike bite.
Razzuoli E, Villa R, Sozzi E, Amadori° M
RT-Real Time PCR for detection of porcine alpha and beta interferon genes
5th Epizone theme 5 meeting : November 3-5, 2010 Copenhagen / [s.l. : s. n., c2010]. - p 15 [Nr.
Estr. 4567]
Epizone theme 5 meeting (5th : Copenhagen : 3-5 November, 2010)
A few studies provided convincing evidence of constitutive expression of type I interferons (IFNs) in
humans and mice, and of the steady-state role of these cytokines under health conditions. These
results were later confirmed in pigs, too. In line with this tenet, low levels of IFN aiphalbeta can be
detected in swine tissues in the absence of any specific inducer. These studies are compounded by
the utmost complexity of type 1 IFN system (including among others 17 IFN-alpha genes in pigs),
which demands proper research tools. This prompted us to anaiyze the availabie protocols and to
develop a relevant, robust reverse transcription (RT), Real Time PCR detection system for
amplification of ali porcine IFN aiphalbeta genes. The adopted test procedure is user-friendly and
provides the panel of gene expression of one subject in a microtitre piate. Also, a proper use of PCR
fluorochromes (SYBR vs. EVA Green supermix) enables users to shift from qualitative to quantitative
test protocols, in case of low-expression IFN genes like IFN A3. This is accounted for by the much
higher sensitivity of the test protocol with EVA Green supermix. Interestingly, IFN beta showed the
highest frequency of expression in line with its definition of "immediate early" gene in humans and
mice. Results indicate that the outiined procedure can detect both constitutively expressed and
virus-induced IFN aiphalbeta genes, as well as the impact of environmental, non-infectious stressors
on the previous profile of constitutive, Type I IFN expression.
Stacchiotti A, Foglio E, Lavazza° A, Rodella LF, Re zzani R
Analysis of the beneficial effects of taurine against puromycin-induced nephrosis in rats
Revealing the nanoworld in life and materials sciences : 17th IFSM International Microscopy
Congress : September 19-24 2010 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) / [Rio de Janeiro : s.n, 2010]. - 1 p . - 6 bib
ref [Nr. Estr. 4605]
International Microscopy Congress (17th : Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) : September 19-24, 2010)
Glomerular disease induced by puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) is a well-known animal model of
human minimal change nephropathy, associated to proteinuria [1]. Radical oxygen species (ROS)
play an important role in the pathogenesis of PAN nephrosis, where they activate interstitial tubular
fibrosis, cytoskeleton alterations, endoplasmic reticulum stress and cell death [2]. Dietary
supplementation of antioxidants has been reported to be useful to alleviate these adverse effects [3],
so the present microscopic study was aimed to assess the beneficial role of taurine (TAU), an
anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant amino acid in PAN-nephrosis [4]. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats
(250g body weight, n=16) were divided into four groups receiving: TAU (1.5% in drinking water) from
day 0 to 14; PAN (15 mg/hg) by a single i.p. injection at day 7; TAU + PAN as above; control group
that was given 2ml i.p. saline injection and drank tap water. All rats were sacrificed at day 8 after
PAN treatment and kidneys harvested for morphological analysis. Proteinuria was measured in urine
collected 24h before sacrifice by a Multistix 10SG kit (Bayer). Glomerular podocytes damage was
detected by CHOP (C/EBP homologue protein) immunostaining, a marker differentially induced by
ROS [5] and by TEM microscopy. Interstitial fibrosis was assessed by Sirius red staining at light
microscopy with a polarised filter, the presence of inflammatory cells by EDI/CD68 immunostaining
and oxidative damage by induction of metallothioneins (MTs). Both TAU and control groups were
devoid of renal damage and proteinuria, while in contrast, PAN induced proteinuria associated to
interstitial fibrosis (Figure 1), glomerular CHOP (Figure 2) and podocytes pedicels fusion (Figure 3).
Remarkably, all these adverse signs were significantly attenuated by TAU supplementation, even if
MTs persisted in medullar tubules as further antioxidant local defence. In conclusion, dietary TAU
ameliorates podocytes adhesion to glomerular membrane, so reducing proteinuria at 1 week after
PAN injection, when the filtration barrier damage is maximum. Correlative light and transmission
electron microscopy still represent a crucial approach to clearly detect the extent of protection
afforded by TAU in this experimental proteinuric model.
Stacchiotti A, Lavazza° A, Rodella LF, Rezzani R
Topicality of TEM in experimental nephrotoxicity
Microscopy : science, technology, applications and education / Antonio Mendez-Vilas, Jesus Diaz
Alvarez (eds.). - [s.l.] : Formatex Research Center, c2010. - (Microscopy book series ; v. 2 no. 4) p
1245-1250. - 45 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4618]
For over ten years we have conducted morphological studies on acute and chronic nephrotoxicity by
using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to detect glomerular and tubular lesions induced by
drugs or toxicants and their attenuation by antioxidant agents. We summarize some applications of
ultrastructural analysis performed on different in vivo models such as acute mercury-induced
nephrotoxicity and chronic puromycin aminonucleoside-nephrosis (PAN), together with more recent
in vitro data on cisplatin effects on NRK52E rat proximal tubular cells. Despite the high costs
necessary to maintain an electron microscopy facility together with the progressive reduction of
scientists and technicians with long experience in the field, we should underline the unique
possibilities of this “traditional” morphological approach in renal toxicology. So beginners in electron
microscopy must consider that TEM represents the only technique able to address actual questions
like “when and why renal cells choose autophagy instead of apoptosis/necrosis?” that hardly other
methods can answer so clearly. We strongly suggest to adopt sensitive TEM together with more
fashionable approaches to perform a modern multidisciplinary research.
Trevisi E, Amadori° M, Bertoni G, Cogrossi S
Metabolic stress and interleukin-6 response in high-yielding, periparturient dairy cows
9th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium : August 16th - 20th, 2010 : Tokio : Program
and book of abstracts / [s.l. : s.n., 2010]. - p 138 [Nr. Estr. 4651]
International Veterinary Immunology Symposium (9th : Tokio : August 16th - 20th, 2010)
The transition period (3 weeks before and alter calving) is reputedly at risk for high-yielding dairy
cows, as revealed by increased disease and culling rates. Even apparently healthy subjects may
show a serious, systemic inflammatory response in terms of acute phase proteins: positive (pos.
APP) and negative (neg' APP) "with no signs of microbial infection. The Liver Functionality Index
(LFI) is suggested to define the above condition on the basis of the time course of albumin,
cholesterol and bilirubin (direct or indirect indices of neg. APP response) during the first month of
lactation. The relationship between LFI and plasma interleukin IL-6 levels from day -28 to day +28
with respect to calving was investigated in 12 periparturient dairy cows divided into a high and a low
LFI group, respectively (6 cows each). These were selected among 54 cows inside two experimental
farms. As expected, low LFI cows experienced many more disease cases (100 vs 33 percent of
cows had at least one affection) and drug treatments till day +28; their dry matter intake and milk
yield were also lower (P&it;0.07). IL-6 plasma concentrations were always higher in low LFI cows
(P&it;0.06 from day +10 onwards; P&it;0.05 on day +21). IL-6 levels were lowest at calving in both
groups, but the subsequent peak on day +3 was mach higher in low LFI subjects (P&it;0.05). Our
study confirms that disease problems of periparturient, high-yielding dairy cows, are correlated with
signs of systemic inflammation, which is preceded by a disregulated IL-6 response. This starts in the
dry period and lasts at much higher levels alter calving. Remarkably, a centrai role of IL-6 in the
periparturient period was also confirmed by a recent RNA multi-array study (Loor J.J. et al., 2007).
Our results indicate that LFI and IL-6 are likely to reflect the extent of the inflammatory response in
periparturient dairy cows, that seems in the dry period and underlies poor sanitary conditions after
Zappulla D, Rota_Nodari° S, Nassuato° C, Vinco° LJ, Candotti° P
Utilizzo della carta quale materiale per la nidificazione nella scrofa: valutazione di alcuni
parametri zootecnici, comportamentali e del cortisolo salivare = Use of paper strips as nesting
material in sows: evaluation of some zoo-technical parameters, behaviours and salivar cortisol
Atti Convegno SIPAS. - Vol. 36 ( 2010). - p 108-119. - 33 bib ref [Nr. Estr. 4731]
Meeting Annuale della Societa' Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini (SIPAS) (36 :
Montichiari (BS) : 25-26 Marzo 2010)
La prova sperimentale è stata condotta in un allevamento a ciclo chiuso di 150 scrofe con una
organizzazione a bande di 5 settimane. Nello studio sono state prese in considerazione 3 bande
consecutive, ciascuna delle quali è stata suddivisa in un gruppo prova e uno controllo. Nel gruppo
prova ad ogni scrofa è stato somministrato come materiale di nidifi cazione un quantitativo di 2kg di
carta al giorno 112 di gestazione, nessun materiale invece al gruppo controllo. La prova durava dal
giorno 90 di gestazione al giorno dello svezzamento. Sono stati valutati il cortisolo salivare in 6
momenti distinti nel periodo preso in esame; sono stati valutati inoltre i vizi comportamentali delle
scrofe e i parametri produttivi delle nidiate. I risultati hanno evidenziato un minore incremento del
cortisolo ematico rispetto al valore basale della gestazione nei soggetti trattati rispetto ai controlli
così come un numero inferiore di stereotipie, in particolare il comportamento di masticazione a
vuoto. I parametri produttivi, in particolare il numero di suinetti schiacciati o cannibalizzati e il
numero di suinetti svezzati/ scrofa è risultato migliore nel gruppo trattato rispetto al non trattato.
Questo studio conferma l’importanza del materiale di nidifi cazione per la scrofa e l’utilità della carta
come materiale di arricchimento ambientale.
The survey was carried out in a farrow to finish farm of 150 sows with a 5-week batch management.
Three consecutive batch were included in the study. In each batch sows were divided in a treatment
group and in a control group. In the treatment group sows were given 2 kg of paper strips at 112 day
of gestation; in control group sows were left in a barren environment. The study was conducted
between day 90 of gestation and the day of weaning. Salivar cortisol was evaluated at 6 time points;
abnormal behaviour and performance data of the litters were recorded. In the treated group
compared to the control group results showed a lower increase from the basal level of cortisol and
less abnormal behaviours, particularly of sham mastication. Productive data, particularly the number
of crushed or cannibalized piglets and the number of weaned piglets/sows were better in the treated
group compared to the control group. This survey confirms the importance of nesting material for
sows and the benefits of strip paper as environmental enrichment.