Liceo Scientifico “G. D`Alessandro”


Liceo Scientifico “G. D`Alessandro”
Liceo Scientifico “G. D’Alessandro”
Materia: Inglese
Classe: V A
a.s. 2010-11
Consuntivo delle attività disciplinari1
 The main historical and socio-cultural events of the Romantic Age. The changing face
of Britain and America. ‘The American Declaration of Independence’
The spread of Industrial Revolution and its social and economical consequences on
18th- and 19th – century Great Britain.
From Neo-Classicism to Romanticism: early Romantic poetry. An overall view of
Romanticism. The main Romantic themes: childhood, nature, imagination. On the
Poetry and the role of the poet. The figure of the political rebel. Poetic visions and
output of the first and second generation of Romantics.
Romantic fiction and some exponents.
Romantic views in visual art: landscape painting. J. Constable and J. W. Turner.
T. Gray
from ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’ (stanzas 1-9) (L&L 2, pp 279-80)
E. Burke
from ‘A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the
Beautiful’ (L&L 2, p. 377 + ph.)
W. Blake, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp. 314-316)
from ’Songs of Innocence and of Experience’
“London” (L&L 2, p. 319)
“The Lamb” (L&L 2, p. 320)
“The Tyger” (L&L 2, p. 322)
“The Garden of Love” (ph.)
W. Wordsworth, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp. 292-3)
“She dwelt among the untrodden ways” (L&L 2, p. 295)
“My heart leaps up” (L&L 2, p. 296)
“Daffodils” (L&L 2, p. 297)
“Composed upon Westminster Bridge” (ph.)
Le sigle riportate nel riferimento bibliografico dei testi vanno lette nel seguente modo:
L&L 2, L&L 3 = Lit & Lab, vol. 2 o vol. 3; ph. = fotocopia/e; PPT = presentazione dei temi/periodi mediante presentazioni in Power Point (ad
introduzione/sostegno/completamento di quanto proposto dal testo).
I testi e gli argomenti su cui si è lavorato, seppure proposti in ordine diverso, sono qui presentati in progressione cronologica, relativamente al
contesto di riferimento.
Laddove si indica ‘writer’s portrait’, gli studenti sono tenuti a conoscere informazioni e dati sulla vita degli autori trattati, le loro opere e il pensiero.
a song: Cat Stevens, ‘Morning has broken’
from ‘Preface to 1800 edition of Lyrical Ballads’, (L&L 2, pp. 293-4)
S.T. Coleridge, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp. 299-301)
from ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ (L&L 2, p. 301 on + ph.): Argument and extracts
from PART I [ll 1-82], from PART III (ph.), PART IV [ll 232-252] and PART VII [ll. 618-625]
lyrics of Rime of the Ancient Mariner, a song by Iron Maiden (ph) + video of the song
plus illustrations by G. Dorè (from YouTube)
from “Biographia Literaria”, (ph.)
P. B. Shelley , the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, p. 328)
“Ode to the West Wind” (L&L 2, pp. 329-31)
“England in 1819” (L&L 2, p. 358)
lyrics of ‘Don Chisciotte’, a song by F. Guccini
G. G. Byron
“When a Man Hath no Fredom” (L&L 2, p. 357)
M. Shelley, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp. 307-08)
from ‘Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus’
“The creation of the monster” (L&L 2, p. 309)
watching the most relevant sequences from ‘Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’, a film by
Kenneth Branagh (USA 1994)
on Human Cloning, abridged article from ‘Time’ (L&L 2, p. 374)
‘The False Controversy of Stem Cells’, M. Kinsley, from Time, May 23, 2004
E. A. Poe, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp 350-51)
“The Tell-Tale Heart” (L&L 2, pp 351-52)
Watching the video of the tale performed by Vincent Price (from YouTube)
 The Victorian Period: The main historical and socio-cultural events that occurred in the
Victorian England (1832-1902). On ‘Victorianism’ and the Victorian age as an age of
compromise, expansion and reforms. On living conditions.
Victorian imperialism, the ‘mission’ of the civilised people and ‘the white man’s
Literature in the Victorian period and literary trends till the turn of the century.
The Victorian novel. Aestheticism and Decadence.
(L&L, pp. 402-405, 408, 418, + PPT presentation)
On Maxwell and the electrodynamic theory of light. (L&L 2, p. 550)
C. Dickens
from ‘Hard Times’
“A town of red brick” (L&L 2, pp. 409-11, ll.1-39)
F. Engels
from ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England’ (ph. of a PPT slide)
O. Wilde, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp. 508-510 + PPT presentation)
‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, the plot
from ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’:
- extract from the Preface (ph from PPT slide)
- extract from Chapter 2 (L&L 2, p. 511)
R. L. Stevenson, the writer’s portrait (L&L 2, pp. 443-4)
from ‘Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, extract from chap. 10 (L&L 2, p. 446)
 The first half of 20th Century: from the turn of the century on. Main social, historical and
cultural events. The influence of S. Freud, H. Bergson and W. James on literature.
External time vs. Internal time. The stream of consciousness and the interior monologue.
The disillusionment of the British towards war after the First World War. On war poets: R.
Brooke and S.Sassoon. (L&L3, pp. 574-579, 648-9, 789-90 + PPT presentation).
On Molecular Biologists and the secrets of life, an abridged article (L&L3, p. 785)
On Albert Einstein and special and general Relativity (L&L3, p. 787-88)
On Sigmund Freud (L&L3, p. 550)
R. Brooke
“The Soldier” (L&L3, p. 650)
S. Sassoon
“They” (ph.)
“The General” (ph.)
“Children’s Crusade”, a song from Sting, “The Dream of The Blue Turtles” (ph.)
 J. Joyce, the writer’s portrait (PPT presentation)
The Stream of Consciousness and the Interior Monologue technique. “Dubliners”,
themes and narrative techniques. “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, “Ulysses”
from “Dubliners”: “Eveline” (L&L3, pp 692-94)
from “Ulysses” (L&L3, p. 591)
 TOPIC 8, September 11th, 2011
- ‘In the Fury of the Future’, abridged from various newspapers (L&L3, p. 889)
- S. Rushdie, ‘Fury’, the plot
from, ‘Fury’: text 229 (L&L3, p. 892)
- Toni Morrison, from The Dead of September 11th (L&L3, p. 894)
- from ‘Time’, July 22, 2004 (ph.)
Gli Alunni
La Docente
prof.ssa Grazia M.G. Di Maria