CV Template: career change sample CV


CV Template: career change sample CV
Dr Nadia Olivero
Contact details and affiliations
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Milano Bicocca
Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 , 20126 Milano
[email protected]; Tel: +39 (0) 6448 3774
Honorary Research Fellow, University College London
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), Bartlett Faculty of the Built
Environment , 90 Tottenham Court Road, London,W1T 4TJ
Email: [email protected]; Tel: +44 (0) 2031083176
University College London
University of Torino (Italy)
Consumer Psychology
Business Psychology
110 e Lode
Fundings, Fellowships and Awards
- Principal Investigator for the ESRC grant for Retail Innovation. Awarded £
200000. CAPRI “Consumer Centred Approach for Retail Innovation’ project in
partnership with Sainsbury’s. Managed a team of four research assistants.
- Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development. Awarded £
275000. 2011-2013 for the project REXPIRE ‘RFID consumer experience in the retail
- Research Ministerial Fundings, PRIN, Principal Investigator. Awarded £42.000
for the project: “Piracy versus Willingness to Pay for digital contents. SocialPsychological determinants in on-line consumer behaviour” .2009-2011
- QUA_SI. Principal investigator. Awarded € 32.000 for the project: “The adoption
of mobile technologies for monitoring consumers’ behaviour”. (2005-2007).
- Best Paper Award of the ‘European Conference of Psychology and The Internet’,
British Psychological Society, 7-9 November, 2001, Brunel University, UK. Paper
title: Self-Disclosure in e-commerce exchanges: relationships among trust, reward
and awareness”.
- Research Fundings, NCR Knowledge Lab. Research project: “Communication
strategies and social-interpersonal rules for the design of new relationship
technologies”, 2000.
- PhD Scholarship, NCR and UCL, London. 1999-2003 (inclusive of living expenses,
London allowance, conference and research expenses).
- Research Fellowship, 1999-2001. Research project ‘Life Styles and Health
Technology”. Department of Psychology, University of Torino.
- CONSUMER PSYCOLOGY. University of Milano-Bicocca, 2004 --- today.
University of Milano-Bicocca, 2004 --- 2011.
- INFORMATION ELABORATION SYSTEMS. University of Milano-Bicocca, 2007 --2011.
- CONSUMER ANALYSIS. Master in Marketing and Communication. University of
Parma. 2009 ---2012.
MBA, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007.
- CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, MA in Food Culture and MA in Gastronomic
Sciences and Quality Products. University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo e
Parma, 2004 ---2009.
- COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION, Doctoral Programme, University of
Milano-Bicocca, 2004 --- today.
in Risk Analysis, Università Statale di Milano. 2004-2005.
University of London, UK. 2001-2002.
- SOCIAL APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, London School of Economics, 2001-2003.
- APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY , Tutor in seminars, University College London, 20002001
Olivero, N. (in preparation) Consumer Psychology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells
Olivero, N, Law S., Quantmeyer, V., Hudson-Smith, A. (in preparation, Journal
ariticle) . Experience and emotions in the retail space,
Risso, P., Maggioni, E., Olivero, N., & Gallace, A. (2015). The association between
the colour of a container and the liquid inside: An experimental study on consumers'
perception, expectations and choices regarding mineral water. FOOD QUALITY AND
PREFERENCE, 44, 17-25.
Maggioni, E., Risso, P., Olivero, N., & Gallace, A. (2015). The Effect of A Container's
Weight on the Perception of Mineral Water. JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES,
30(5), 395-403.
- Olivero, N, Maggioni, E., Batty, M (2014). Consumers’ Experience of Retail
Technologies. The case of Sainsbury’s. in Olivero and Russo, McGraw-Hill.
- Olivero, N. Palomba, F. Batty, M. (2014) . Positioning technologies for the Retail
Environment. Handbook of Consumer Psychology. 2nd edition, in Olivero, N. and
Russo, V. McGraw-Hill.
- Olivero, N., Gatti, E., Velasco, C. & Spence, C. (2014). Ambient scent cue
increases positive emotions and willingness to purchase scent-related products.
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, Miami (Florida, USA), March
6 –8th.
- Olivero, N. & Maggioni, E. (2013). Sensorial Marketing: from the lab to the store.
The case study of Puro Gusto, Autogrill (Handbook of Consumer Psychology
(Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi), Milano: McGraw-Hill.
- Olivero, N. & Maggioni, E. (2013). Physiological and implicit attitude measures in
the explanation of the effects of emotions on impulse buying (In Olivero, N. & Russo,
V. (Eds.),
- Olivero, N & Russo, V. (2014.) Handbook of Consumer Psychology. McGraw-hill.
2nd edition
- Olivero, N. Palomba, F. Batty, M. (2014) . Positioning technologies for the Retail
Environment. Handbook of Consumer Psychology. 2nd edition, in Olivero, N. and
Russo, V. Milano:McGraw-Hill.
- Olivero, N. Maggioni, E., Chamorro, T (2014). Past Behaviour, Moral Obligation
and Moral Disengagement in the explanation of Digital Piracy. In Olivero, N and
Russo V. Milano: McGraw-Hill.
- Olivero, N. (2011). The historic perspective on the cognitive processes in the study
of consumer psychology. Micro & Macro Marketing, 1, pp.161-176.
- Olivero, N. (2010) . Consumer Psychology for Consumers. In S. Sala e V.
Castellani (a cura di). Significato e Prospettive della Sostenibilità. Trento: Tangram
-Olivero, N. e Russo, V. (2009). Handbook of Consumer Psychology ,Milano: Mc
-Olivero, N. (2009). “Consumers as Decision Makers”. Manuale di Psicologia dei
Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
-Olivero, N. (2009) "Information Communication Technologies for consumer research
and strategy. Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
-Olivero, N. and Russo, V (2009). “Social Influence and consumption”. Manuale di
Psicologia dei Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
-Olivero, N. (2009). “Consumer Attitudes”. Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi.
Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
-Olivero, N. (2009). “Experience Design and non conventional marketing”. Manuale di
Psicologia dei Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
-Olivero, N. (2009). “Food Consumption”. Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi. Milano:
Mc Graw-Hill.
-Olivero, N. and Rovida, E. (2009) “Aesthetic Surgery”. Manuale di Psicologia dei
Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
- Olivero, N. and Vaccani, C (2009) “Trust Ambivalence”. Manuale di
Psicologia dei Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
- Corbella, V. Gambitta, F. and Olivero, N. (2009). “Teens and Mobile
Phones”. Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill.
- Olivero, N. (2008). From water in the mind to water in the bottle. In Guido
Martinotti (edited by) Accadueo. Milano: Skirà.
- Olivero, N. (2008). Risk. (dictionary entry) Dictionary of Sociology. Rome:
- Olivero, N. (2008). From water in the mind to water in the bottle. In Guido
Martinotti (edited by) Accadueo. Milano: Skirà.
- Olivero, N. and Ricco, E. (2007). CRM: uno strumento al servizio della
negoziazione on-line. (CRM for on-line negotiation) In Davide Diamantini e
Nadia Olivero ( a cura di), Clienti, Controparti e amici. Negoziare e Mediare
Faccia a Faccia e in Rete. Milano: Guerini
- Olivero, N (2007), La negoziazione dell’Informazione Privata. (Negotiation of
Private Information) In Davide Diamantini and Nadia Olivero ( a cura di),
Clienti, Controparti e amici. Negoziare e Mediare Faccia a faccia e in rete.
Milano: Guerini
- Olivero, N, Ricco, E., Rovida, E. (2007). L’applicazione della Tecnologia
Mobile per lo studio dei Consumatori negli ambienti del Retail. (Mobile
Technology for the monitoring of consumers in the retail enviroment) In
Stefania Bandini e Giuseppe Vizzari (a cura di), A passo d’uomo. Milano:
- Olivero, N. e Rovida, E. (2006). Nuove metodologie per la misurazione
dell’esperienza di consumo (Emerging Technologies for measuring consumer
experience). In Tecnologie Wireless, Mobilità e Progettazione. A cura di
Diamantini, D. e Bisiani, R., Milano: Guerini.
Olivero, N. e Lunt, P. (2003). When the ethic is functional to the method. The
case of e-mail interviews. In E. Buchanan (Ed.), Readings in Virtual Research
Ethics: Issues and Controversies. Idea Group: Hershey, PA.
Diamantini, D. e Olivero, N. (2007) (edited by ). Clients, Counterparts and
Friends. Negotiation and Mediation On-Line versus Face-to-Face Milano:
Olivero, N. e Vaccani, C. (2007); Ambivalenza di Fiducia e Instabilità di
Consumo (Trust ambivalence and consumption unconstancy), Giornale
Italiano di Psicologia, Numero: 4, dicembre, pp. 921-940
Risi, E. e Olivero, N. (2007). L'adozione dei nuovi media da parte degli
anziani: un'opportunità da cogliere e da comunicare, (New Media and the
elderly), Micro & Macro Marketing, 1,. 7-32.
Olivero, N. e D. F. Romano (2006) . Health Informatics e Qualità della Salute.
Atti del III Convegno Nazionale AIPeQ, Gorizia, 18-19 novembre, 2005
Olivero, N. (2005). Da Unieuro a Eataly la lezione della grande distribuzione
sulla relazione strategica fra mercato e cultura, Micro & Macro Marketing, 3,
Olivero, N. (2005). ICTs per il monitoraggio dell’esperienza dei consumatori
(ICTs for the monitoring of consumer experience), Micro & Macro Marketing,
2, 233-247
Olivero, N. e Lunt, P. (2004). Privacy versus willingness to disclose in ecommerce exchanges: The effect of risk awareness on the relative role of
trust and control, Journal of Economic Psychology, 25, 243-262
Olivero, N. e MacLeod, R. (2000). Personalization vs. Privacy: Social
Interpersonal Rules and Negotiated Privacy. What+If, The Research Journal
of NCR Knowledge Lab, 4, 23-34
Olivero, N. (2000). Dinamiche di consumo e società dell’informazione.
(Consumption dynamics and information society). Micro & Macro Marketing,
3, 329-341.
Olivero, N. (2000). Nuovi anziani e salute: orientamenti, comunicazione e
modalita’ di intervento. (New Elderly and Health). Psicologia della Salute, 1,
Olivero, N. (1999). Il Consumo nei nuovi ambienti di Comunicazione
Elettronica. (Consumption in new environments of electronic communication).
Micro & Macro Marketing, 1, 129-158.
Selected Articles and abstracts in conference proceedings:
Olivero, N. Maggioni, E. and Chamorro, T. (2012). The diffusion of a
download culture in teens and youth on-line consumption. Child and teens
Consumption Conference, December 13-14-15, Milano.
Olivero, N., Maggioni, E. and Chamorro, T. (2012). Past Behaviour, Moral
Obligation and Moral Disengagement in the explanation of digital piracy.
Conference ‘The legal and socio-economic impact of digital piracy’, 29 june,
Turin, Italy.
Olivero, N., & Vecchio, L.P. (2011). The positive impact of virtual team work
satisfaction on work-life balance perceptions. Intervento presentato a:
EAWOP 2011, Maastricht.
Olivero, N., & Maggioni, E. (2011) The Impact of Scent on consumers'mood,
product evaluation and purchase intentions. Recent Advances in Retail and
Service Sciences, San Diego, 15-18 luglio 2011
Olivero N., Maggioni E. & Mariani G.M. (2011) ‘Cultura del Download’ e
‘Disimpegno Morale’ nella spiegazione della pirateria di contenuti
digitali,:Convegno Nazionale AIP, Milano 14 ottobre 2011
Olivero N., Maggioni E. (2011) Il ruolo della fragranza ad impatto emotivo
nell’acquisto a basso coinvolgimento,: Convegno Nazionale AIP, Milano 14
ottobre 2011
Bustreo, M., Olivero, N., Castelli, L., Missaglia, A. (2007), New Consumers in
Post-Modern Consumerism: Children’s and Adults’ Perception of Money.
XXVIth Interantional Conference of Applied Psychology, Athens (Greece), 1621 luglio.
Olivero, N. and D. F. Romano (2006) . Health Informatics e Qualità della
Salute. Atti del III Convegno Nazionale AIPeQ, Gorizia, 18-19 novembre,
Olivero, N. (2006). Problematiche di privacy, fiducia e implicazioni per il CRM
on-line. Atti del Convegno “ Clienti, Controparti o Amici?” Università di MilanoBicocca, Milano 30/09/2005
Olivero, N. and Rovida, E. (2005). Monitoring consumer mobility.
Proceedings of the Conference on social behaviour of mobile autonomous
and interactive agents, Università di Milano-Bicocca 22 aprile 2005
Olivero, N., Vaccani, C., Rovida, E.(2005). Rappresentazioni e prospettive di
sviluppo per la professione psicologica in Italia. Atti del Convegno Annuale
Psicologi Sociali e del Lavoro, MPSI06, Torino, 10-11 Giugno 2005.
Olivero, N. (2005). Problematiche di privacy, fiducia e implicazioni per il CRM
on-line. Presentazione al Convegno “ Clienti, Controparti o Amici?” Università
di Milano-Bicocca, Milano 30/09/2005
Olivero, N. (2003). Consumers’ perception of privacy in e-commerce. Toward
the end of trust?. Paper presentato alla BPS Conference, Social Psychology
Section. London School of Economic, 10-12/09/2003
Olivero, N. (2001) “Consumer privacy preferences in e-commerce
exchanges. A grounded analysis of e-mail repeated interviews”. Proceedings
of XXVI Annual Colloquium on Research in Economic Psychology and Sabe
Conference, Bath, UK.
Olivero, N. (2000) “Consumption in Electronic Environments - Understanding
New Consumer’s Behaviour”. Proceedings of XXV Annual Colloquium on
Research in Economic Psychology and Sabe Conference, Baden, Austria,
12-16 July.
Olivero, N. (2000) “Privacy in the Pacific Rim”, Computer Freedom and
Privacy, Journal of the CFP, April 4-7, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Invited Talks and Lectures
Retail marketing strategies and consumer detriment, Competion and
Market Authority, London, 9 May 2016
Dalla Psicologia delle Masse al Consumer Detriment, Fondamenti Psicologici
per la protezione del consumatore in due secoli di studi, Seminario ‘
Dai persuasori occulti al marketing comportamentale’, Dipartimento di
Giurisprudenza, Torino. 25 ottobre 2015
Consumer experience of retail technologies, MA in Business Psychology,
January, 2015, University College London
Retail Week Conference on Consumer Experience, October 21, 2014
Consumer Marketing Retail Trends 2014, Alitalia, Rome , July 2014
Consumer Marketing Trends 2013, Alitalia. Rome. 23 May, 2013
A consumer psychology approach to marketing trends. Servair Think Tank,
Nestle, Milano. 8 April, 2013
Olfactory Marketing, olfactory strategies for the management of consumer
emotions. MA in Business Psychology, 23, November, 2012, University
College London
Consumer’s experience of ubiquitous technologies in the retail environment,
CASA seminars, 12 January 2012, University College London
The adoption of mobile technologies – emerging retail strategies,5-02-2012
Sole 24 MA Digital Marketing, Milan.
Consumer Experience and Privacy. Psychological Insight for the design of
retail technologies. 17-02-2012, NCR, Aberdeen.
The impact of emotions on consumer experience, 11-05-2012, University of
Invited talk on ‘ Loyalty Marketing – the consumer psychology behind the
effectiveness of CRM strategies’. PromotionExpo, Milano, 23 marzo 2012
Invited talk on ‘Sensorial Marketing: Strategies and Methodologies for retail
innovation in the luxury industry” Fondazione Altagamma (Versace),
Guest lecturer on ‘Consumer trends and Fast Fashion in the digital era’,
Master Sole 24, 13/06/2011
Invited talk on “Shopping experience in fashion and accessories retail
contexts”, Sole 24, CAMOMILLA press conference. 26/10/2010
Invited talk on “Emerging Technologies in Consumer Research”, UNICOM
(Italian Association of Advertising and Media Communication) July 2010
Invited talk on “The senior consumer in the retail context”, UNICOM (Italian
Association of Advertising and Media Communication) June 2010
Conference Chair “New Advertising forms and Non Conventional Marketing”
International Research Institute (IRI), Milano, February 2009
‘New directions in consumer research’. Invited talk, Annual Conference IRI
INFOSCAN , June 2008
Conference Chair “Non Conventional Marketing” IRI, Milano, March, 2008
The Psychology of Food Consumption, Invited seminars, IULM, Milano,
Febbraio, 2008, Milano
Conference Chair “Youth Marketing Forum” IRI, Istituto Internazionale di
Ricerca, Milano 27-28 September 2007
Conference Chair “Non Conventional Marketing” IRI, Milano, April, 2007
Socio-Psychological variables for the prediction of fashion trends: from
ageless society to fast fashion, Invited seminar (Prof. Lucia Mannetti e
Prof. Marino Bonaiuto) Università la Sapienza – Roma, 16 marzo, 2005
Privacy, Fiducia e Percezione di rischio, Invited seminar (Prof. Lucia Mannetti
e Prof. Marino Bonaiuto), Università la Sapienza – Roma, 16 marzo, 2005
Environmental variables for the experience design, Invited seminar, (Prof.
Lucia Mannetti e Prof. Marino Bonaiuto) Università la Sapienza – Roma, 6
marzo, 2005
Consumer Psychology of Food, Invited seminar, (Prof. Lucia Mannetti e Prof.
Marino Bonaiuto) Università la Sapienza – Roma, 6 marzo, 2005
NewTrends of Food Consumption, Invited Seminar, Università Iulm, Milano,
20 feb, 2005
“Monitoring consumer mobility toward ’experience design”. Universita’ di
Milano – Bicocca, Conference “ A Passo d’Uomo” , Milano 22-04-2005.
“Territorial Branding: Psychology and Experience Marketing ”. Invited talk to
the Annual Conference of ‘Ordine degli Psicologi della Sicilia’. Siracusa,
24-25 giugno 2004.
The social psychology of food consumption. Future directions for consumer
research”. Invited talk for University of Gastronomic Sciences, Slow Food
Conference, London, 12/12/2003
“Explaining New Fashion Trends: Some Insight from Social
Psychology”. Invited Lecture. London College of Fashion, 8/05/2003.
‘Internet research implications for epistemology and methodology’ London
Business School, Department of Organizational Behaviour, 15/06/2001.
Invited lecture to the interdisciplinary conference on new research methods.
Other conferences and workshops
London Business School, marketing and consumer behaviour seminars
UCLIC seminars
Entrepreneurship Lectures UCL
CASA Smart Cities – Bridging physical and digital, London, 20 April 2012
CASA research seminars
Bartlett School of Planning research seminars
London School of Economics, London lecture series
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020, 4-6 November 2012,
Interpretative Consumer Research Workshop, EIASM, Marseille, 25th-27th
April, 2007
Computer Freedom and Privacy, CFP 2000 Conference, April 4-7, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
University of Edinburgh, workshop “Privacy, Surveillance, Trust and
Regulation”, 9-10/03/2000
Brunel University, CRICT, workshop “Virtual Methodology?”, 5/02/2000
University College London, workshop “E-commerce and the restructuring of
consumption”, 10/12/1999
XXIV Annual Colloquium on Research in Economic Psychology and Sabe
Belgirate, Italy 30/06 –3/07/1999
Currently involved in:
1) a retail innovation projects to merge academic research on consumer experience
and the retailer’s know-how for the test and implementation of new retail
2) the experimental study of psychological determinants of counterfeit goods
3) neuroscience applications for consumer marketing
4) projects in retail and food design