PUBLISHED WORKS Catalogues EMBT Miralles Tagliabue


PUBLISHED WORKS Catalogues EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
EMBT Miralles Tagliabue VeneziaVigo, edited by M. De Michelis and M. Scimemi, Skira,
Milan 2002
Infrastrutture e paesaggi contemporanei (Infrastructures and modern landscapes), edited
by S. Maffioletti and S. Rocchetto, Il Poligrafo Editore, Padua 2002
Applicative routes 1 1997-2001. Didactic exhibition catalogue, edited by Roberto Driusso,
Mara Paitowschi, QuadernIUAV 15, Venice 2001
Applicative routes 2 1997-2001. Didactic exhibition catalogue, edited by Roberto Driusso,
Mara Paitowschi, QuadernIUAV 15, Venice 2001
Dal government alla governance nella regolazione locale : quale forma del piano? (From
government to governance in local law: which form of plan?), edited by Francesca Gelli
and Elena Milanesi, QuadernIUAV 16, Venice 2002
Manage, design, build
edited by Riccardo Cianchetti and Vittorio Manfron, QuadernIUAV 17, Venice 2002
Architettura territoriale. Progetti dei laboratori di progettazione architettonica (Regional
architecture. Projects from the workshop in architectural design), edited by Benno Albrecht
and Nicola Pagnano, QuadernIUAV 18, Venice 2002
A.M. Moro, Il piano di sicurezza e di coordinamento. Linee guida all’organizzazione e alla
programmazione del cantiere (Saftey and coordination plan. Guidelines for the
organisation of the workspace), QuadernIUAV 19, Venice 2002
Edifici albergo – hotel e residenze temporanee. Caratteri e tipologie (Hotel buildings –
hotels and temporary living structures. Characteristics and typologies), edited by Umberto
Trame, QuadernIUAV 20, Venice 2002
Luoghi monumentali e accessibilità (Monumental places and accessibility), edited by G.B.
Fabbri, QuadernIUAV 21, Venice 2002 (publication forthcoming)
University IUAV newspaper
Progetto Utopia (Utopia Project), University IUAV newspaper, 8th edition, on occasion of
the “Progetto-Utopia”: “Living Arts” and “Archigram” exhibition, the current affairs press of
the English neo-avant-garde, edited by A. Fonti, M. Carrara, F. Jannuzzi, Venice March
Paesaggi in-formali (In-formal landscapes), University Iuav newspaper, 9th edition, on
occasion of the “Paesaggi in-formaili” exhibition, Venice April 2002
Giuseppe e Alberto Samonà. Lezioni di architettura (Giuseppe and Alberto Samonà.
Lessons on architecture), University Iuav newspaper, 10th edition, on occasion of the
exhibition “Giuseppe e Alberto Samonà. Lezioni di architettura”, Venice May 2002
La città balneare (The seaside city), University Iuav newspaper, 11th edition, on occasion
of the international convention “L’architetturea della città balneare”
Zerouno, University Iuav newspaper, 12th edition, on occasion of the “Zerouno” exhibition,
edited by Archiviozero - IUAV student senate, Venice October 2002
Il drama della forma (The drama of form), University IUAV newspaper, 13th edition, on
occasion of the seminar “Il drama della forma”, edited by R. Rizzi, Venice October 2002
IUAV-AP (Projects Archive)
Giuseppe e Alberto Samonà 1923-1993 inventario analitico dei fondi documentari
conservari presso l’archivio progetti IAUV-AP (analytical inventory of the documents
retained at the IUAV-AP projects archive), series (the archives) Volume II – Edizioni Il
Poligrafo, Padua