Offerta formativa 2015 - CDII - Università degli Studi di Padova


Offerta formativa 2015 - CDII - Università degli Studi di Padova
Corso di Dottorato in Ingegneria Industriale
Università degli Studi di Padova
Offerta formativa 2015
Analisi dell’incertezza di misura di sistemi meccanici ................................................ pag. 2
Bibliographical resources and research tools for Industrial Engineering (Risorse e
strumenti di ricerca bibliografica per l’Ingegneria Industriale) .................................... pag. 3
Biodegradation processes in waste management ..................................................... pag. 4
Eco-informed Materials Choice ................................................................................. pag. 5
Energy-based methods for the experimental fatigue strength assessment of mechanical
components ............................................................................................................... pag. 6
Finite Element Methods (FEM) .................................................................................. pag. 7
Fundamentals of Materials Selection ....................................................................... pag. 8
Green Chemistry and Technology ............................................................................. pag. 9
Thermoelectric materials for the conversion of heat into electrical energy................. pag. 10
Modelling and testing for metal forming processes .................................................... pag. 11
Monitoring and diagnostics of machinery and structures ........................................... pag. 13
Multiphysics Finite Element Analyses ........................................................................ pag. 14
Non ideal behaviour of components .......................................................................... pag. 15
Numerical Analysis of Materials with non linear Mechanical Behaviour ..................... pag. 16
Statistics for Engineers .............................................................................................. pag. 17
Stochastic methods for single- and multi-objective optimization ................................ pag. 19
Superfici bioattive per la medicina rigenerativa.......................................................... pag. 20
Technological advancements in the electromobility ................................................... pag. 21
Tissue engineering: principles and applications......................................................... pag. 22
Tutela della proprietà intellettuale .............................................................................. pag. 23
Yield Criteria for Polymer Materials............................................................................ pag. 24
Analisi dell’incertezza di misura di sistemi meccanici
Prof Giulio fanti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
La qualità della misura di sistemi meccanici. Schemi generali di propagazione
dell’incertezza. Confronto fra tolleranza, errore e incertezza. Modelli per l’analisi
dell’incertezza. Effetti statistici e sistematici. Propagazione dell’incertezza di misure
correlate e non secondo la Guida ISO. Incertezza estesa. Assegnazione dell’incertezza
mediante il metodo di Monte Carlo. Analisi critica sull’assegnazione dell’incertezza.
G. FANTI, “Appunti di Misure Meccaniche e Termiche”, Libreria Progetto, Padova, 2014.
12 hours
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
November-December 2015
Sala Riunioni III Piano, Dip. Ingegneria Industriale, Via Venezia 1, Padova.
You can register for the course by using the Moodle platform of the PhD Course (in order
to enter the Moodle platform click on “dettagli” of the course at the page
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on the discussion of a case study within the individual PhD
Bibliographical Resources and Research Tools for Industrial
Engineering (Risorse e strumenti di ricerca bibliografica per
l’Ingegneria Industriale)
Staff: Bibliotecari del Polo di Ingegneria
Modulo 1 (2 ore)
I servizi del Polo bibliotecario (fornitura di articoli e libri non posseduti, proposte di
I servizi avanzati del Catalogo
Il Portale AIRE (Accesso integrato alle Risorse Elettroniche di Ateneo) e l’accesso diretto
ai servizi e alle risorse scientifiche gestite dalle biblioteche dell’Ateneo (SFX).
Introduzione alle banche dati.
Modulo 2 (2 ore)
Le banche dati specifiche del settore (IEEE, Engineering Village, BSP, Reaxys,
piattaforme editoriali…)
Le banche dati citazionali: Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science (ISI).
Modulo 3 (2 ore)
La comunicazione scientifica e gli indicatori bibliometrici per la valutazione della ricerca.
Fare e gestire la bibliografia con Refworks, applicazione web per creare e gestire un
database bibliografico personale, per formattare citazioni e bibliografie durante la stesura
di un articolo, per condividere le citazioni con altri studiosi: Laboratorio.
6 ore
mercoledì 14 gennaio - ore 10.00-12.00
mercoledì 21 gennaio - ore 10.00-12.00
mercoledì 28 gennaio - ore 10.00-12.00
Le lezioni si svolgeranno nell’Aula Informatica del Polo Chimico (Aula P33), Via Marzolo, 9
(Edificio ex-Fisica Tecnica)
Modalità di iscrizione:
Per partecipare al corso è necessario iscriversi dalla seguente pagina web del polo delle
biblioteche di ingegneria:> scegli l'area
In caso di richieste superiori alla capienza dell’aula verrà organizzata una seconda
In base alle necessità verrà organizzata una sessione del corso in lingua inglese.
Modalità di valutazione:
È richiesta la frequenza di almeno 2/3 delle lezioni programmate.
La valutazione finale si baserà su una prova pratica.
Verrà attribuito 1 credito ogni 2 ore di lezione.
Biodegradation Processes in Waste Management
Prof. Raffaello Cossu,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova (Responsabile)
[email protected]
Dott. Luca Alibardi, Cranfield University, DII
Dott. Alessandro Spagni, ENEA, Laboratorio Ricerca Acque rifiuto, Bologna
10 hours
Schedule and Topics:
Lunedì 2 febbraio - 14:00-16:00 (2h) - Il processo di digestione anaerobica e il trattamento
anaerobico dei rifiuti (Luca Alibardi)
- Martedì 3 febbraio - 14:00 - 16:00 (2h) - La produzione biologica di idrogeno e la sua
applicazione nel campo dei rifiuti - (Luca Alibardi)
- Mercoledì 4 febbraio - 14:00 - 16:00 (2h) - I processi di degradazione in discarica (Raffaello Cossu)
- Giovedì 5 febbraio - 14:00 - 16:00 (2h) - Il ruolo dei processi biologici nella discarica
sostenibile (impatti di medio-lungo termine delle discarica, concetto di discarica
sostenibile, semi-aerobiosi, SANA, coperture ossidative) - (Raffaello Cossu)
- Venerdì 6 febbraio - 14:00 - 16:00 (2h) - Problema dell'azoto e rimozione biologica (Alessandro Spagni)
Slide presentations and reading materials will be made available to the students prior to
the individual lectures
Lecturing Room:
Aula CH -DII, Via Marzolo 9, Ex Istituto di Chimica Industriale, Piano Terra
Registration is required by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a written questionnaire.
Eco-informed Materials Choice
Prof. Enrico Bernardo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
[email protected]
Introduction to materials selection. Material property charts.
The materials life cycle.
Eco-data: vales, sources, precision
Eco-audits and eco-audit tools. Case studies.
Strategies for eco-informed materials selection
M.F. Ashby, Materials and the Environment, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK
M.F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford,
12 hours
03/09/2015 9.00-13.00
07/09/2015 14.00-18.00
11/09/2015 9.00-13.00
Sala Riunioni I Piano complesso Ex Fisica Tecnica
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Via Marzolo 9, Padova.
You can register for the course by using the Moodle platform of the PhD Course (in order
to enter the Moodle platform click on “dettagli” of the course at the page
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a written questionnaire.
Energy-based methods for the experimental fatigue strength
assessment of mechanical components
Prof. Giovanni Meneghetti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
Introduction. Energy balance for a material subject to fatigue loadings.
Experimental techniques to evaluate the specific energy dissipated by a material.
Laboratory visit. Practical demonstrations.
Ellyin F. Fatigue damage, crack growth and life prediction. Chapman & Hall; 1997.
G. Meneghetti, Analysis of the fatigue strength of a stainless steel based on the energy
dissipation, International Journal of Fatigue, 29, 1, 2007, pp. 81-94.
G. Meneghetti, M. Quaresimin, Fatigue strength assessment of a short fiber composite
based on the specific heat dissipation, Composites: Part B, 42, 2011, pp. 217–225.
G. Meneghetti, M. Ricotta, B. Atzori, A synthesis of the push-pull fatigue behaviour of plain
and notched stainless steel specimens by using the specific heat loss, Fatigue Fract
Engng Mater Struct, 2013, 36, 1306–1322.
8 hours
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
November 2015
Meeting room, 3rd floor Dept Industrial Engineering, Via Venezia 1, Padova.
You can register for the course by using the Moodle platform of the PhD Course (in order
to enter the Moodle platform click on “dettagli” of the course at the page
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a case study.
Finite Element Method (FEM)
Prof Giuseppe Gambolati, Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze
Applicate (DMMMSA), Università di Padova, [email protected]
Introduction. Sparse linear systems of large size. Conjugate gradient like methods for
symmetric positive definite matrices. Acceleration of convergence by preconditioning.
Preconditioners. Computation of the smallest eigenvalues of symmetric eigenproblems.
Outline of PDEs’ of second order of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic type. Interpolation
with piecewise polynomials. Linear, bilinear, biquadratic, bicubic, quadrilateral, serendipity
and isoparametric finite elements. Variational principles. FEM (Finite Element Method).
Variational approaches of Ritz and Galerkin. Weak formulations. Method of weigthed
residuals. Non conforming elements and patch test. Integration in time by Finite
Differences (FD). Stability analysis. Solution to sets of nonlinear equations.
Handouts from the lectures.
Giuseppe Gambolati, Lezioni di Metodi Numerici per Ingegneria e Scienze Applicate, con
esercizi, Cortina, 2° Ed., 619 pp, 2002.
Thomas J.R. Huges, The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite
Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 833 pp, 1987.
Myron B. Allen et al., Numerical Modeling in Science and Engineering, J. Wiley, 412 pp,
32 hours
3 February: 14:30 - 18:30
5 February: 14:30 - 18:30
10 February: 14:30 - 18:30
24 February: 14:30 - 18:30
3 March: 14:30 - 18:30
5 March: 14:30 - 18:30
10 March: 14:30 - 18:30
12 March: 14:30 - 18:30
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
Torre Archimede, 3rd floor, Aula Richard, via Trieste 63, Padova
Registration is required using the Registration Form.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on an oral examination.
Fundamentals of Materials Selection
Ing. Enrico Bernardo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
[email protected]
Introduction to materials selection.
Material property charts. Selection strategies
Material indices. Case studies in construction of materials indices.
Application of material property charts in simple materials selection and in the design of
composite materials.
Introduction to shape factors. Combination of shape factors and materials indices, with
case studies.
Strategies for selection with multiple constraints and objectives.
M.F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford,
M.M. Farag, Materials and Process Selection for Engineering Design, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL
12 hours
30/06/2015 9.00-13.00
03/07/2015 9.00-13.00
07/07/2015 9.00-13.00
Sala Riunioni I Piano complesso Ex Fisica Tecnica
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Via Marzolo 9, Padova.
Registration is required using the Registration Form.
To unregister, just submit the form again writing "UNREGISTER" in the Comments.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a written questionnaire.
Green Chemistry and Technology
Prof. Roberta Bertani, Prof. Giuseppe Maschio, Dott. Paolo Sgarbossa, Dipartimento di
Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova, prof. Giorgio Strukul (UNIVE), Dott.
Alessandro Scarso (UNIVE).
Introduction. Principles of Sustainable and Green chemistry.
Chemistry and the environment.
Green chemistry and sustainable development. Sustainable use of chemical feedstocks,
water and energy. Waste minimization.
Industrial processes using solid catalysts : examples of heterogeneous catalysis in
Green catalysis for industry.
Application of microwaves.
Hydrogen peroxide as reactant and water as solvent.
materiale fornito dai docenti scelto dalla amplissima bibliografia.
Es. Handbook of green chemistry and technology (Clark e Macquarrie eds.), Wiley, 2010.
Green chemistry and engineering, (C.J.Gonzalez e D.J.C. Constable eds.) Wiley 2011
10 hours
19 May: 10.30–12.30
29 May: 10.30–12.30
19 June: 10.30–12.30
29 June: 10.30–12.30
8 July: 10.30–12.30
Auletta del DII (ex Cattedre di chimica; di fronte al bar)
Registration is required using the Registration Form.
To unregister, just submit the form again writing "UNREGISTER" in the Comments.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on the discussion of a case study within the individual PhD
Materiali termoelettrici per la conversione del calore in energia
elettrica (Thermoelectric Materials for the Experimental Fatigue
Strength Assessment of Mechanical Components)
Dr. Monica FABRIZIO, Istituto per l’Energetica e le Interfasi del CNR
[email protected]
Introduzione e cenni storici. Principi fondamentali della termoelettricità. Le grandezze
caratteristiche (figura di merito, coefficiente di Seebeck) e le proprietà di conducibilità
elettrica e conducibilità termica. I materiali termoelettrici convenzionali. Nuovi materiali
D.D. Allred, An overview of thermoelectrics in "Short course on thermoelectric”, edited by
the International thermoelectric society (1993).
H. J. Goldsmid, Introduction to thermoelectricity, Springer series in materials science,
Springer 2010
8 ore
6 maggio: 10.00 – 12.00
13 maggio: 10.00 – 12.00
20 maggio: 10.00 – 12.00
27 maggio: 10.00 – 12.00
Aula Blu, Area della Ricerca del CNR, Corso Stati Uniti 4, Zona Industriale, Padova
(autobus n° 7).
Registration is required by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
La valutazione finale sarà basata su un questionario scritto che sarà compilato alla fine del
Modelling and testing for metal forming processes
Prof. Stefania Bruschi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di
Padova [email protected]
Dr. Andrea Ghiotti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Padova
[email protected]
Introduction to the analysis of the material response to the deformation during bulk- and
sheet metal working operations. Material and physical testing in different temperature,
strain and stress conditions. Modeling of material behavior with large deformations. FE
models structure and artificial intelligence techniques applied to the optimization of metal
forming processes.
The lecture will include laboratory with the description of the most important experimental
techniques used to study the material response to deformation.
1. K. Lange, Kandbool of Metalforming, McGraw-Hill. (available at university library)
2. K. Lange, H. Meyer-Nolkemper, Gesenkscmieden, >Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg New York 1977. (available at university library)
3. G.E. Dieter, Workability Testing Techniques, American Society for Metals.
(available at university library)
4. Bariani P.F., Bruschi S., Dal Negro T., Testing and modelling material response to
deformation in bulk metal forming, Key-note paper, STC “F”, Annals of the CIRP
53/2/2004, 2004, 573-596. (available at
5. Merklein M., Lecher J., Godel V., Bruschi S., Ghiotti A., Turetta A., Mechanical
properties and plastic anisotropy of the quenchable high strength steel 22MnB5 at
elevated temperatures, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 344, 2007, 79-86. (available
6. Bariani P.F., Bruschi S., Ghiotti A., Physical simulation of longitudinal welding in
port-hole die extrusion, Annals of the CIRP, 55/1/2006, 287-290. (available at
7. Turetta A., Bruschi S., Ghiotti A. Investigation of 22MnB5 formability in hot stamping
operations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2006, vol. 177, pp. 396400. (available at
8. Ghiotti A., Bruschi S., Bariani P.F., Determination of yield locus of sheet metal at
elevated temperatures: a novel concept for experimental set-up, Key Engineering
Materials, 2007, Vol. 344, pp. 97-104. (available at
12 hours
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
1st day: 2015 March 9:00-13:00
2nd day: 2015 March 9:00-13:00
3rd day: 2015 March 9:00-13:00
Sala Riunioni I Piano e Laboratorio di Metalforming, Dip. di Ingegneria Industriale, Via
Venezia 1, Padova.
Registration is required using the Registration Form.
To unregister, just submit the form again writing "UNREGISTER" in the Comments.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a case study.
Monitoring and diagnostics of machinery and structures
Prof. Roberto Basso, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
[email protected]
Introduction to Monitoring and diagnostics in mechanical engineering.
Monitoring by vibration analysis.
Vibratory signal processing:
- in the time domain (the mean value, RMS value, the mean absolute value, peak value,
and shape factor, Skewness; Kurtosis; asynchronous and synchronous average);
- in the frequency domain (autospectrum, cross spectrum, frequency response);
- in the quefrency domain (cepstrum);
- in the time-frequency domain (Short-Time Fourier Transform, Wigner-Ville distribution,
Interpretation of signals acquired from monitoring for the diagnosis of malfunction, or
defects, in
mechanical parts of machinery and structures.
Applications to the machinery and its components: gears, bearings, timing belts.
Applications to structures: identification of the presence, location and size of cracks in
structures of
simple geometry.
Practical demonstrations of laboratory: acquisition and processing of vibratory signals;
interpretation of results for diagnostic purposes.
Randall, R. B.; Vibration-based Condition Monitoring, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, UK, 2011.
Total 12 hours,
5 May: 8.30 -12.30
12 May: 8.30 -12.30
19 May: 8.30 -12.30
Venue: Classrooms of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Via Venezia 1, Padova.
Registration is required by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Minimum number of participants: 3
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on some cases study.
Multiphysics Finite Element Analyses
Prof. Giovanni Meneghetti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
Eng. Mattia Manzolaro, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica
[email protected]
Introduction. General aspects of Finite Element analyses. Structural analyses. Thermal
analyses. Electrostatic analyses. Coupled field analyses. Optimization.
Experimental measurements. Data analysis and comparison with experimental data.
Laboratory visit. Practical demonstrations.
- M. Manzolaro, G. Meneghetti, A. Andrighetto, Thermal–electric numerical simulation of a
surface ion source for the production of radioactive ion beams, Nucl. Instrum. Methods
Phys. Res., Sect. A 623 (2010) 1061–1069.
- G. Meneghetti, M. Manzolaro, A. Andrighetto, Thermal–electric numerical simulation of a
target for the production of radioactive ion beams, Finite Elem. Anal. Des. 47 (2011) 559–
- G. Meneghetti, M. Manzolaro, M. Quaresimin, INTRODUCTION TO THE STRUCTURAL
Padova, ITALY.
16 hours
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
November 2015 at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Viale dell'Università, 2 – 35020
Legnaro (PD).
You can register for the course by using the Moodle platform of the PhD Course (in order
to enter the Moodle platform click on “dettagli” of the course at the page
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a case study.
Non Ideal Behaviour of Components
Prof. Daniele Desideri, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
email: [email protected]
Components leads. Resistors. Capacitors. Inductors. Partial inductance. Conductor.
Common-mode and differential-mode currents.
Clayton R.P. “Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility”, Wiley 2006, 2nd ed., chapter 5
12 hours
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
16/01/14 9:00-13:00
22/01/14 9:00-13:00
27/01/14 9:00-13:00
Sala Riunioni “Saletta Gialla” – first floor, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Via
Gradenigo 6/a, Padova.
Registration is required using the Registration Form.
To unregister, just submit the form again writing "UNREGISTER" in the Comments.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on written questionnaire (multiple-choice items).
Numerical Analysis of Materials with Nonlinear Mechanical
Prof. Piero Pavan, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
Kinematics and alternative nonlinear strain measures. Principal of virtual work and
alternative stress measures at large strains. Isotropic hyperelasticity. Incompressible and
almost-incompressible hyperelastic materials. Fiber-reinforced hyperelastic materials.
G.A. Holzapfel, Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: A Continuum Approach for Engineering, Wiley,
8 hours
7 September: 9.30-12.30
9 September: 14.30-16.30
10 September: 14.30-17.30
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
Room: Sala Polivalente, Dipartimento ICEA
You can register for the course by using the Moodle platform of the PhD Course (in order
to enter the Moodle platform click on “dettagli” of the course at the page
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Oral examination
Statistics for Engineers 2015
Prof. Luigi Salmaso, DTG, Università di Padova (Coordinator) [email protected]
Prof. Philip Stark, Chair Dept. Statistics, Berkeley, USA
Total: 48 hours
6 February 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
26 February 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
27 February 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
29 June 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
30 June 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
1 July 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
6 July 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
7 July 6 hours 9-13 and 14-16
(subject to changes; check the Calendar of the School for updates)
ROOM: aula informatica (computer lab) B of polo meccanico in via Venezia - Padova.
Specific Topics:
The course is an introduction to statistical methods most frequently used for
experimentation in Industrial Engineering. Lectures are planned both in the classroom and
computer lab also for an introduction to the use of the following statistical softwares:
· <!--[if !supportLists]--><!--[endif]-->R (
· Minitab (
· Statgraphics (licensed to University of Padova)
General Topics:
1. Elements of univariate and multivariate statistical methods:
Elements of descriptive statistics: frequency, indices of synthesis (position, variability and
shape) and graphical representations (histogram, boxplot, scatterplot).
Elements of probability theory: discrete and continuous probability distributions.
Elements of statistical inference: sampling distributions, point and interval estimation,
hypothesis testing, simple and multiple linear regression.
2. Design and analysis of experiments:
One-way ANOVA, Multi-Way ANOVA, Factorial Designs and Optimal Designs. Response
Surface Methodology.
3. Cluster Analysis:
Introduction to Cluster Analysis. Types of clustering. Metrics. Diagrams in the cluster
analysis. Clustering of variables. Hierarchical techniques. Scissor techniques. K-means
method. Evaluation of the results. Determination of the number of clusters. Analysis of the
composition of the clusters. Scoring techniques.
4. Regression, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Factor Analysis:
Introduction to multivariate regression. PCA and its geometric interpretation; Choosing the
number of components, analysis of different case studies. Logistic Regression. Factor
Analysis and applications in management.
6. Nonparametric statistics:
Getting Started: parametric vs nonparametric statistical tests. Ranking Methods.
Resampling methods. univariate and multivariate permutation tests.
7. Elements of time series analysis:
Parameter estimation. AR models, MA and ARIMA models. Applications to problems in
industrial engineering.
1. Montgomery DC,Progettazione ed Analisi degli Esperimenti, 2005, McGraw-Hill.
[Reference book]
2. Montgomery DC,Controllo Statistico della Qualità, 2006, McGraw-Hill.
3. Lattin J, Carroll JD, Green PE, Analyzing Multivariate Data, 2003,Duxbury Applied
4. Johnson RA, Wichern DW, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis,1998, Prentice Hall;
4th edition.
5. Hollander and Wolfe, Nonparametric Statistical Methods, 2ndedition, 1999, Wiley Series
in Probability and Statistics.
6. Shumway RH, Stoffer DS, Time Series Analysis and Its Applications (With R Examples),
2nd Edition, 1998, Springer Texts in Statistics, NewYork.
7. Adhoc material by Lecturers.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on the discussion of a case study within the individual PhD
Stochastic methods for single- and multi-objective
Prof. Piergiorgio Alotto, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
[email protected]
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Objectives of the lecture, Origins, Basics, Terminology,Implementation (Matlab code),
Numerical experiments, The missing details, Conclusions
Differential Evolution (DE)
Objectives of the lecture, Hystorical notes, Basics, Implementation (Matlab code),
Improvement strategies, Constraint handling, Conclusions
Surrogate Modelling
Objectives of the lecture, Rationale, Surrogate modeling, 1D problem, Radial basis
functions (RBFs), A successive zooming algorithm, Conclusions
Multiobjective Optimization
Objectives of the lecture, Multiobjective optimization, Eating out as an engineering
problem, Objective weighting, Fuzzy optimization, Pareto optimization, A more general
framework, Front characteristics, General (abstract) algorithm, Conclusions
From Single-objective to Multi-objective
Objectives of the lecture, Multiobjective optimization, MO-PSO (Naive implementation,
Archive, Nondominated sorting), MO-DE (Naive implementation, Nondominated sorting,
Archive) Conclusions
Copies of all slides will be provided
12 hours
14 July: 9.00- 13.00
15 July: 9.00- 13.00
16 July: 9.00- 13.00
Sala riunioni grande, 3° floor
Dipartimento Ingegneria Industriale, Via Venezia 1, Padova
Students of the Doctoral Course in Industrial Engineering do not need to apply to attend
this course. Other interested persons must send an email to [email protected] at least
one week before the start date.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a colloquium.
Superfici bioattive per la medicina rigenerativa
Prof. Monica Dettin, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
Email: [email protected]
Introduzione. I biomateriali. Interazioni all’interfaccia tessuto-impianto. Materiali
biomimetici e superfici bioattive. Criteri per la progettazione di superfici bioattive.
Veicolazione delle molecole bioattive all’interfaccia tessuto-impianto. Applicazioni di
superfici bioattive in vitro e in vivo. Visita in laboratorio.
Cellular response to biomaterials Di Silvio L. ed. 2009 Woodhead Publishing Cambridge
Surfaces and interfaces for biomaterials Vadgama P. ed. 2005 Woodhead Publishing
Cambridge England
12 hours
15 April: 14.00 – 17.00
16 April: 14.00 – 17.00
22 April: 14.00 – 17.00
23 April: 14.00 – 17.00
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
Venue: room Ch02, via Marzolo 9
Registration is required sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on the discussion of a case study within the individual PhD
Technological Advancements in Electromobility
Profs. Manuele Bertoluzzo and Giuseppe Buja, Industrial Engineering Department,
University of Padova, [email protected], [email protected]
The course is divided into four 2-hour lessons. First lesson deals with the powertrains of
the electric vehicles. Second lesson deals with the energy storage devices on-board the
electric vehicles. Third lesson deals with the infrastructures for the wired charging of the
batteries of the electric vehicles. Fourth lesson addresses the wireless charging
Course notes (slides)
8 hours
(subject to changes - check the Calendar of the School for actual dates)
15/6/2015 14:30-16:30
16/6/2015 14:30-16:30
22/6/2015 14:30-16:30
23/6/2015 14:30-16:30
Seminar Room, 3rd floor, Building of Industrial Engineering, Via Gradenigo 6a, 35131
Registration is required using the Registration form. The form must be sent at least 1
month before beginning of the course to [email protected]. The course will be held
only if the number of attendees is not less than 3.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on a colloquium.
Tissue engineering: principles and applications
Andrea Bagno, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
1. Fundamentals of TE.
2. Engineering biomaterials for TE.
3. Biomimetic materials.
4. Regeneration templates.
5. TE of biological tissues (cartilage, heart valves, bone).
1. B. Palsson, J.A. Hubbel, R. Plonsey, J.D. Bronzino (Eds). Tissue engineering. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, 2003.
2. K.C. Dee, D.A. Puleo, R. Bizios. An introduction to tissue-biomaterials interactions.
Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2002.
3. J.B. Park, J.D. Bronzino, Biomaterials. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2003.
Other material and research papers will be available online for download.
Course of 12 hours (2 two-hours lectures per week), Classes on Monday and Wednesday,
10:30 { 12:30. First lecture on January 26, 2015. Meeting Room DEI/G (3-rd oor, Dept. of
Information Engineering, via Gradenigo Building).
Registration is required using the Registration Form.
To unregister, just submit the form again writing "UNREGISTER" in the Comments.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Homework assignments and final test.
Tutela della proprietà intellettuale
Avv. Luca Giove - Libero professionista
Ing. Gianluigi Zanettin - Patent Attorney, Jacobacci & Partners Spa
Dott.ssa Elena Pavan- Area Trasferimento di Tecnologia, Università di Padova
1. La tutela dell'innovazione tecnologica: brevetti, modelli di utilità, altre privative e segreto
industriale (Avv. Luca Giove)
2. Aspetti tecnici dei brevetti nel settore ingegneristico (Ing. Gianluigi Zanettin)
- Introduzione generale alla tutela della Proprietà Intellettuale
- Funzione e struttura del brevetto d'invenzione
- Esclusioni dalla brevettabilità: cenni alla brevettazione del software
- I requisiti di brevettabilità
- I diritti conferiti dal brevetto
- La valutazione dell'interferenza con diritti brevettuali di terzi
- Tutelabilità vs attuabilità, brevettabilità vs interferenza
- Esempi
- Le ricerche di anteriorità
3. I servizi dell'Ateneo ai dottorandi e ricercatori nel campo della proprietà intellettuale
(Dott.ssa Elena Pavan)
18 ore
14 settembre: 9.30
21 settembre: 9.30
23 settembre: 9.00
25 settembre: 9.00
30 settembre: 9.00
– 13.30
– 13.30
– 13.00
– 13.00
– 11.00
eventuali modifiche verranno pubblicate sul Calendario non appena disponibili.
Le lezioni dei giorni 14, 25 e 30 settembre si svolgeranno in aula M4, la lezione del 21
settembre si svolgerà in aula M7, mentre la lezione del 23 settembre si svolgerà in aula
Modalità di iscrizione:
E’ possibile iscriversi al corso utilizzando la piattaforma Moodle del Corso di dottorato (per
accedervi cliccare su “dettagli” in corrispondenza al titolo del corso alla pagina .
Modalità di valutazione :
Obbligo di frequenza per almeno 2/3 della durata prevista.
Prova scritta finale.
Yeld Criteria for Polymer Materials (Criteri di snervamento per
materiali polimerici)
Prof. Mauro Ricotta, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Padova
Introduzione. Curve tensione-deformazione per materiali polimerici. Meccanismi di
danneggiamento. Criteri di snervamento per materiali caratterizzati da snervamento
diffuso. Criteri per materiali caratterizzati da snervamento localizzato. Esempi di calcolo.
Bauwens JC. Yield condition and propagation of Luder’s lines in tension-torsion
experiments on Poly(vinil clhoride). Journal of Polymer Science: Part A-2, 1970, 893-901.
Bowden PB, Jukes JA. The plastic flow of isotropic polymers. Journal of Material Science
1970, 52-63
Bucknall CB. New criterion for craze initiation. Polymer 2007, 1030-1041.
Ottobre 2015
Sala Riunioni Piccola, III piano Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, sede di Via Venezia
1, 25131 Padova
You can register for the course by entering the Moodle platform of the PhD Course.
Attendance is required for at least 2/3 of the lecture hours.
Final evaluation will be based on the discussion of a case study within the individual PhD