Work unit 5


Work unit 5
Work unit 5
The lesson develops in four parts
1. We do again the games of the lesson before.
2. Presentation of the reading.
3. Repeated aloud reading by every child of the text on which then the exercises were
going to be performed.
4. Crossword.
Software Materials: a copy for each child and therefore for each computer
Reading 5 (to subdue to the software in use)
Questionnaire 5 (to subdue to software in use)
Various materials:
Sheet with anagrams: a copy for each child
“Join the dots”: a copy for each child
Crossword: a copy for each child
The subject of this lesson was a new one. The last two exercises of the previous lesson had
been developed in too quickly; the questions set by the children during the execution led us
repeating them, thus leaving the children with time to reason about them with calm. One of
the questions was indeed “what do the hidden words means?” Consequently, we took the
same exercises; adding some other anagrams that the children had developed in class.
Therefore, this lesson was a lesson of consolidation of the previous ones and we left the
children the space and time to answer to Lectra exercises, to make drawings and,
subsequently, also drawings on the computer.
Reading of the text and discussion. The text introduces some characteristics of living
beings with different ways of feeding from ours.
• Working and exercising on Lectra after a single aloud reading (Reading 5 and
Questionnaire 5).
• Introduction of two crosswords. These games were individually developed by the children
on the sheets. The sheets with the crosswords done were withdrawn and analysed
This time, too, the children's questions were about the invented character. The drawings
representing this strange “being” represent it in a different way, certainly with extremely
particular characteristics.
Difficulties: for the first time we also introduced words different
from those studied in class, but of common use. This type of
crossword resulted, in this way, more complicated and difficult, even
if it turned out to be a good testing bench for the children.
In particular, we understood that crossword is a game the children
like a lot and it is surely effective.
At the end of the day we decided to review once more the readings done during the previous
lessons; every child has therefore performed on a computer an exercise about a further text
subdued to Lectra.
Reading 5
Ed oggi vi racconto di che cosa mi nutro. Non so se vi ho detto che non ho bocca, basta che avvicini
una parte del corpo a una cosa mmmmm… . che si può mangiare e la mia pelle la assorbe.
Comodo vero? C’è un unico problema, che il colore della mia pelle dipende da quello che
ingoio, cioè che mangio….
Da voi, sulla Terra, ci sono animali o piante che si comportano nello stesso modo?
Today I will tell you about what I feed on. Did I tell you that I don't have a mouth, but it is
enough that I approach a part of the body to a thing mmmmm…that can be eaten and my skin
absorbs it.
Comfortable, isn’t it? There is only a problem: the colour of my skin depends on what I
swallow, that is on what I eat…
Overthere, on Earth, are there animal or plants behaving in the same way?
Risky words: racconto (story), avvicini (approach), assorbe (absorbs) , ingoio (swallow)
Questionnaire 5
The Earth satellites
• one
• six
• two
Men’s nourishment includes
• only meat
• only vegetables
• a bit of every kinds of food
Hidden words
In the word atmosfera (atmosphere) is contained another word. The hidden word indicate
large amount of trees.
Atmosfera (atmosphere)
Foresta (forest), festa (party), sfera (sphere), show (mostra), mesta (sad)
In the word ossigeno (oxygen) there are many words hidden. Which can you find?
Ossigeno (oxygen)
Segno(sign), segni (signs), osso (bone), gesso (chalk), gessi (chalks)
In the word nutrimento (nourishment) there are many hidden words. Which do you succeed in
Nutrimento (nourishment)
Mento(chin), merito (merit), urti (bumps), urto (bump), tonti (stupid), muretto (little wall)
In the word satellite (satellite) there are many words hidden. Which do you succeed in
Satellite (satellite)
Stella (star), stele (stars), lesti (quick), leste (quick)
2 the man is a …
5 male singular article
6 the name of our planet
9 the word by which you can replace the dots in “… have you done?”
11 our atmosphere is a mixture of…
14 the word by which you can replace the dots in “…did it?”
15 the name of the star that shines upon the planet of the Alien that communicate with us.
18 on the seaside we made castle of ….
20 the oxygen is a …
22 male singular article
23 the sun gives us …
24 in order to breath
26 at the head of a kingdom
28 on the Earth the light of the Sun arrives, but also..
29 the plants come out from…
31 the second personal pronoun
33 sometimes the meat is in..
35 as the 24
1 the Earth is
3 it is a gas used in the lamps
4 a gas or an ancient name of the Sun
5 a fly, a mosquito is ...
6 there the seeds are planted
7 he studied the spontaneous generation
8 it is essential for life
10 it is necessary for making the bread
11 the verb of the “generation”
12 the name of the planet of the alien that writes us
13 it is a gas essential for life
14 we eat the...
16 it surrounds the Earth
17 the word by which you can replace the dots in"…did it?"
19 the cat do it…
21 you throw it in the water before throwing the pasta
25 it is another gas essential for life
27 another way to call the stones
30 they live in the hives
32 the first number
34 a musical note