Sit tibi terra levis: Funerary cultures in Ancient Rome


Sit tibi terra levis: Funerary cultures in Ancient Rome
Sit tibi terra levis: Funerary cultures in Ancient Rome
4-5 June, BSR and DAI
Foto: Behrens®DAI
This conference addresses the ways in which burials were ordered, organised and
commemorated in Rome in the imperial period. Our focus will be on Rome and the
suburbium. With a strong concentration on the topography of burials we will examine
collective burials, the imagery used in burials, and grave cult, and look at the whole
period from the early empire into the fifth century AD. Our intention is to analyse the
relationships between social groups and burial groups, the ways in which funerary
architecture and burial practice shaped and constrained relationships between the
deceased and the bereaved, and change over time. In particular we hope to examine
how far it is possible to differentiate between social groups from imperial burial
key note: Rita Paris – Annamaria Durante – Francesca Romana Paolillo – Fabio
Turchetta – Antonella Rotondi – Bartolomeo Mazzotta – Paola Catalano:
Contesti sepolcrali del suburbio sud-ovest
evening lecture: Giandomenico Spinola:
La necropoli vaticana lungo la via Triumphalis. Nuove scoperte e ipotesi sui rituali e
sulle pratiche funerarie dalle indagini archeologiche e antropologiche
Preliminary Programme (as 18th may 2015)
4 June, BSR: am
Foto: Behrens®DAI
9.00 Welcome: Christopher Smith, Ortwin Dally
9.10: Barbara Borg: In search of deceased senators: context matters.
9.50: Michael Heinzelmann: Zur Entwicklung der stadtrömischen Nekropolen im 2.
10.30: Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais:
Πά[τρων?] θαπτόμενος – Patron revisited. Das Grab des Patron von der Via Latina
11.10-11.30 Break
11.30 invited talk Soprintendenza - key note: Rita Paris – Antonella Rotondi –
Bartolomeo Mazzotta – Paola Catalano Carla Caldarini – Flavio De Angelis – Walter
Pantano – Federica Zavaroni: Contesti sepolcrali del suburbio sud-ovest
12.30 lunch
13.45 bus to Vatican
14.30-16.00 visit to the Vatican necropolis of via Triumphalis
16.30 bus to BSR
17.00: Alessio De Cristofaro: Tombe di nubende a Roma nella prima e media età
imperiale: considerazioni sul trattamento rituale di alcune sepolture di fanciulla dal
17.40: Daniela Rossi – Alessio De Cristofaro – Alessandra Delle Sedie – Jacopo De
Grossi Mazzorin: Riti funerari dal suburbio occidentale: la necropoli rurale del Pesaccio
tra norma ed eccezione
18.15 evening lecture: Giandomenico Spinola:
La necropoli vaticana lungo la via Triumphalis. Nuove scoperte e ipotesi sui rituali e
sulle pratiche funerarie dalle indagini archeologiche e antropologiche
5 June, Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
Foto: Behrens®DAI
9.00: Raffaella Giuliani – Dominique Castex:
Le sepolture multiple del settore centrale delle catacombe dei SS. Marcellino e Pietro
09.40: Thomas Fröhlich – Silke Haps – Maria Grazia Granino Cecere:
Il Colombario di Scribonius Menophilus: costruzione, decorazione e contesto sociale
10.20: Clarissa Blume: Individuum und Familia in Columbarium und Gräberfeld
11.00 break
11.30: Domenico Palombi:
Paesaggi funerari nel Suburbio orientale di Roma: il caso della cd. Villa dei Gordiani
12.10: Paola De Santis:
La basilica circiforme della via Ardeatina: i dati delle sepolture (indagini 1993-1996)
12.50 lunch
14.00: Norbert Zimmermann:
Grabverteilung und soziale Struktur von Bestattungen in römischen Katakomben
14.40: Donatella Nuzzo:
Le basiliche funerarie del suburbio ostiense: la basilica cristiana di Pianabella
15.20 break
15.30 – 16.30 round table: New aspects and new fields of research