Riferimenti Bibliografici Great Expectations


Riferimenti Bibliografici Great Expectations
8 Riferimenti Bibliografici
Bloom, H. “Introduction”, in Charles Dickens, Bloom, H. (ed.), New York: Infobase Publishing 2006,
pp. 1-26.
Bourneuf, R. – Ouellet, R. L’Universo del Romanzo. Torino: Einaudi Editore, 1976.
Brooks, P. “Repetition, Repression, and Return: Great Expectations and the Study of Plot” in New
Literary History, (Spring, 1980),pp. 503-526.
Dickens, C. Great Expectations, London: Penguin, 1996.
Houston, G. T. “Pip and Property: the (Re)Production of the Self in Great Expectations” in Studies in
the Novel, Vol. 4, N. 1, University of North Texas (Spring 1992), pp. 13-25.
Morgentaler, G. “Meditating on the Low: A Darwinian Reading of Great Expectations” in Studies in
English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol. 38, No. 4, Nineteenth Century (Autumn, 1998), Rice University,
pp. 707-721
Pagetti, C. “Addio, Estella Crudele: Pip a Teatro” in La Città
e il teatro: Dickens e l'immaginario
vittoriano, Chialant, M. T. e Pagetti, C., 1988, Roma: Bulzoni, pp. 171-192.
Perosa S. “Introduzione” in Teorie Inglesi del Romanzo: 1700-1900, Milano: Bompiani, 1983, pp. 9-52.
Trotter, D. “Introduction” to Dickens, C. Great Expectations, London: Penguin, 1996, pp. VII-XX.
Williams, R. “Introduction” in The English Novel from Dickens To Lawrence, London: The Hogarth
Press, 1984, pp. 9-27.
Williams, R. “Charles Dickens” in The English Novel from Dickens To Lawrence, London: The
Hogarth Press, 1984, pp. 28-59.