Fratelli Pettinaroli SpA
Fratelli Pettinaroli SpA
28017 S. MAURIZIO D’OPAGLIO (NO) ITALIA - VIA PIANELLI, 38 Capitale sociale Euro 5.100.00.= di cui Euro 3.000.000.= i.v. ed Euro 2.100.000.= ex art. 2420 Bis del Codice Civile Partita IVA, Codice fiscale e iscrizione al Registro delle imprese di Novara: 00237080031 - REA N° 49696 Telefono: 0322 96.217 - Telefax: 0322 96.546 Internet: - e-mail: [email protected] th Doc. CC-002/2015 dated July 17 2015 CONFORMITY DECLARATION Fratelli Pettinaroli S.p.A. with headquarters located in San Maurizio d’Opaglio (NO),Via Pianelli 38 (ITALY) manufacturer of ball valves and components for heating and generic hydraulic plants DECLARES UNDER ITS RESPONSIBILITY that the following product: F x F heavyduty fullway ball valve with lockshield drive 57 has been manufactured and assembled in Italy, according to the national and international standards and it is suitable for the application described in our Catalogue. The product has been designed and developed in accordance with the applicable requirements of EN 13828 “Manually operated ball valve for potable water supply”. The valve has been 100% tested at 6 bar pressure (with the ball in the closed position for the seat test, and partial opening for the body test). Any failure/leakage is automatically separate from the production. The valve is made of materials that are suitable for the contact with water + glycol mixtures (up to 30%). The valve is made of components and raw materials complying with the limits indicated into Annex II of the RoHS 2 Directive: • Lead (0,1 %) (*) • Mercury (0,1 %) • Cadmium (0,01 %) • Hexavalent Chromium (0,1 %) • Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0,1 %) • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) (0,1 %) (*) the lead content in brass shall not be considered. As indicated in annex III, item “6c” of the Directive, copper alloys containing up to 4% Pb are exempted from the restrictions. NOTE: the RoHS2 Directive is applicable to the above listed products only if they are used/assembled with electric or electronic equipment. Page 1 of 1 28017 S. MAURIZIO D’OPAGLIO (NO) ITALIA - VIA PIANELLI, 38 Capitale sociale Euro 5.100.00.= di cui Euro 3.000.000.= i.v. ed Euro 2.100.000.= ex art. 2420 Bis del Codice Civile Partita IVA, Codice fiscale e iscrizione al Registro delle imprese di Novara: 00237080031 - REA N° 49696 Telefono: 0322 96.217 - Telefax: 0322 96.546 Internet: - e-mail: [email protected] Fratelli Pettinaroli S.p.A. works according to a Quality, Environmental, and Energy Management Systems certified to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 50001:2011 by the British Standard Institute. All the quality records are kept inside the company and are available upon request Fratelli PETTINAROLI S.p.A. Quality Manager Lorenzo Manghetti Page 2 of 2