scheda di descrizione progetto clil


scheda di descrizione progetto clil
pag. 3
pag. 5
pag. 7
pag. 9
pag. 15
pag. 26
pag. 28
pag. 43
pag. 52
pag. 67
pag. 76
pag. 82
quarta A , nelle date: 18/4,20/4,22/4,27/4 29/4 e 2/5
quarta D, nelle date: 18/4,19/4,22/4,26/4,29/4 2/5.
per fisica, nelle date: 18/4,2/5, 19/5,26/5.
Abbiamo scelto di presentare il modulo dal titolo “WAVES PHENOMENA
AND THE DEEP NATURE OF EARTHQUAKES”, articolato in due unità didattiche,
in una classe quarta liceo linguistico e in una classe parallela di liceo scientifico,
entrambe con livello linguistico medio di L2 B1+.
Le discipline coinvolte sono state scienze naturali per la parte relativa ai terremoti e
fisica per la parte relativa alle onde.
Le lezioni sono state svolte interamente in L2 (inglese) e senza l’ausilio di un
insegnante madrelingua.
Abbiamo previsto di “intersecare” le due unità in modo tale che la fisica fornisse gli
elementi concettuali di base per poi comprendere nelle scienze naturali i fenomeni
sismici e di conseguenza le scienze fornissero la possibilità di rintracciare nel mondo
naturale quanto appreso teoricamente in fisica.
L’unità didattica proposta nasce dunque dalla necessità di presentare in modo
organico i terremoti e di far capire agli studenti le interazioni tra la fisica e la
sismologia, in modo che la conoscenza dei fenomeni naturali e dei loro modelli di
spiegazione diventi bagaglio personale e culturale di ogni studente. Per evidenziare
maggiormente la correlazione tra gli argomenti, le due unità didattiche sono state
proposte agli studenti in maniera parallela e coordinata, perché gli studenti trovassero
un immediato riscontro concreto alla parte teorica studiata.
L’argomento presentato risulta essere denso di contenuti, di informazioni e di
materiale linguistico su cui è possibile lavorare in L2.
Al fine di coinvolgere maggiormente gli studenti si è cercato di utilizzare soprattutto le
metodologie laboratoriali e le tecnologie informatiche, avvalendosi degli strumenti
presenti a scuola.
Poiché la lingua inglese si configura come lingua fondamentale per la trasmissione di
contenuti scientifici, l’utilizzo della L2 nello svolgimento dell’attività didattica,
dovrebbe, nel nostro intento, avviare tra l’altro gli studenti alla lettura di testi scientifici
in lingua madre.
Al centro del percorso abbiamo mantenuto i contenuti disciplinari, che però sono stati
proposti attraverso la lingua straniera e soprattutto attraverso le metodologie apprese
durante il corso, rendendo gli studenti il più possibile protagonisti del proprio
apprendimento. In questo modo l’apprendimento della L2 e dei contenuti si sono
integrati, facendo sì che gli studenti si impadronissero della lingua “naturalmente”, tanto
che nello svolgimento delle lezioni gli attori coinvolti (docenti e studenti) sono stati in
grado di utilizzare in maniera automatica la L2.
Le attività programmate per gli studenti sono state progettate con le finalità
generali del CLIL e tenendo conto dei seguenti aspetti:
interdisciplinari: collegamento tra le due diverse discipline per
l'interpretazione dello stesso fenomeno
disciplinari: approfondimento delle discipline scientifiche attraverso
metodologie differenti;
linguistici: conferma e rinforzo delle competenze linguistiche;
cognitivi: potenziamento di strategie di apprendimento individuale e
cooperativo tese a valorizzare i differenti tipi di intelligenza.
Le due unità didattiche sono state sperimentate sia durante l’attività di tirocinio
che al di fuori di essa nella classe quarta linguistico e la scelta fatta di lavorare in modo
interdisciplinare è stata molto apprezzata dagli studenti, che hanno compreso e
apprezzato il senso della nostra scelta, poiché “è risultato più semplice comprendere
alcuni nuclei tematici afferenti alle scienze naturali avendo già un bagaglio di
conoscenze nel campo della fisica”, secondo le parole utilizzate da alcuni studenti.
Al termine della sperimentazione è stata proposta una prova di verifica
interdisciplinare, strutturata attraverso varie tipologie (scelta multipla, vero-falso,
completamento, risposte aperte, ecc.) per dar modo a tutti gli studenti di esprimersi al
meglio. Si è scelto di non indicare il punteggio di ogni singolo quesito per stimolare gli
studenti a confrontarsi con la prova nel suo complesso.
Particolarmente interessante dal punto di vista didattico è stato il materiale
prodotto dagli studenti al termine del modulo attraverso l’utilizzo delle TIC: anche gli
studenti più riluttanti all’utilizzo della L2 si sono messi in gioco dimostrando un grado
di coinvolgimento superiore al loro standard. Da notare anche come sia stato
perfettamente colto l’aspetto interdisciplinare. Il materiale prodotto verrà allegato al
Dall’autovalutazione condotta al termine delle unità didattiche, emerge che gli
studenti hanno valutato positivamente sia la disposizione temporale dei temi trattati che
la loro interconnessione; inoltre la ricchezza di attività laboratoriali proposte e l’uso di
siti interattivi hanno stimolato motivazione ed interesse, seppure a livelli diversi, con
l’acquisizione della consapevolezza che i temi trattati sono parte del loro vissuto
Per quanto riguarda noi docenti del gruppo di lavoro, la possibilità di articolare,
integrare e coordinare in modo così strutturato le lezioni, è stata un’esperienza molto
positiva di pratica didattica che abbiamo intenzione di utilizzare stabilmente, ove
possibile, nella nostra attività di insegnamento.
1. Nome Istituto :
Liceo Scientifico “N.Copernico” Verona,
2. Docente/i responsabile/i del progetto :
Caterina Migale
Eugenio Garista
Chiara Pinazzi
3. Finalità e obiettivi :
Finalità : comprendere come le diverse discipline scientifiche contribuiscono e interagiscono nella comprensione dei fenomeni naturali.
Obiettivi misurabili :
- sapere interagire in L2 nelle discipline coinvolte, utilizzando il lessico scientifico
specifico delle discipline coinvolte,
-comprendere le leggi fisiche alla base dei fenomeni sismici e applicabili ai fenomeni
4. Livello di competenza linguistica della classe :
Livello B1 per la maggior parte degli studenti.
5. Discipline coinvolte :
Scienze Naturali, Fisica.
6. Metodologia :
brain storming per saggiare le conoscenze disciplinari in possesso degli studenti
proiezione di video
brevi lezioni frontali con l’utilizzo di sussidi multimediali
lettura e analisi di testi in LS
attività interattive on-line
attività di laboratorio
possibile uscita didattica laboratoriale presso Immaginario Scientifico di TRIESTE.
7. Destinatari del progetto:
classi quarte liceo scientifico e linguistico.
8. Rapporti con altre istituzioni :
eventualmente Immaginario Scientifico presso TRIESTE
9. Le fasi del progetto :
Descrizione fase operativa
1)Progettazione e coordinamento tra docenti,
ricerca del materiale,
2)presentazione agli studenti dell’attività
Aprile maggio 2016: 20 svolta in classe
ore di 55 minuti, 8 ore di
lezione di fisica, 8 ore di
lezione di scienze, 2 per la
verifica comune e 2 per la
correzione e il rinforzo.
10. Strumenti di valutazione :
test a risposta aperta e test a scelta multipla
verifica dell’acquisizione delle keywords
verifiche sia cooperative che individuali
11. Risorse umane
Nominativo docente
Caterina MIGALE
Docente di scienze
Docente di matematica e fisica
12. Beni e servizi :
Spazi: Classe
Laboratori: laboratorio scientifico, laboratorio informatico
Strumenti: libri di testo in LS, LIM, materiale audiovisivo, internet.
Titolo del modulo :
Autori : Caterina MIGALE.
Classe : IV LICEO linguistico e scientifico
Discipline coinvolte : Scienze Naturali e Fisica
Prerequisiti disciplinari e linguistici :
- disciplinari:
1) matematica e fisica : conoscere la definizione di velocità, gli stati di aggregazione della materia, il concetto di energia e le sue forme, i logaritmi.
2) scienze naturali: conoscere le caratteristiche delle rocce, conoscenza del modello
della struttura interna del pianeta Terra.
- linguistici : livello B1
Obiettivi didattici disciplinari (sapere e saper fare):
- sapere:
 conoscere le grandezze fondamentali dei fenomeni ondulatori
 conoscere il meccanismo di propagazione delle onde longitudinali e
 leggi della riflessione e rifrazione
 acquisire la terminologia geofisica appropriata
 conoscere la relazione tra onde e struttura interna della Terra
 saper leggere una carta sismica
- saper fare:
 saper leggere e interpretare grafici
 saper interpretare un sismogramma
 saper valutare la magnitudo di terremoto
Obiettivi linguistici (sapere e saper fare) :
 saper comprendere semplici dialoghi inerenti alla disciplina
 memorizzare le nozioni e i termini specifici
 interagire oralmente
 saper leggere i simboli matematici e le equazioni che descrivono le leggi alla
base dei fenomeni
Obiettivi trasversali comuni a diverse materie: ad es. abilità cognitive, abilità di studio... (sapere e saper fare)
riconoscere/individuare le parole chiave
suddividere il testo in paragrafi
sottolineare il concetto chiave di ogni paragrafo
ricercare informazioni specifiche seguendo le indicazioni del docente
Contenuti (specificare titolo e articolazione generale delle unità didattiche)
 Fisica dei fenomeni ondulatori
 Scienze della Terra : fenomeni sismici
Tempi complessivi : mesi di febbraio-marzo con l’utilizzo di dieci ore di fisica e dieci di
scienze complessive, possibile uscita didattica
Metodologia (lezione frontale, partecipata, cooperativa, autoformazione,ecc.)
lezione frontale,
lezione laboratoriale
lezione cooperativa
lezione partecipata in LS
Strumenti (testi, materiali, attività, risorse)
 testo in lingua inglese,
 dizionario monolingua
 sussidi audiovisivi
Modalità verifica (orale, scritta, relazione in plenaria)
 orale
 scritta
 relazione in plenaria
in itinere
in piccoli gruppi
discussione guidata tra alunni
correzione verifiche in classe.
Titolo modulo:
Unità didattica n°2: WAVES PHENOMENA
Ore previste per le unità didattiche : 20 (8 h di fisica, 8 h scienze, 2 h verifica, 1 h correzione, 1 h rinforzo/recupero), più eventuale uscita didattica.
Eventuali note sulla pianificazione e realizzazione:
Testo di scienze della Terra : J.TARBUCK, F. LUTGENS, “Earth
Testo di Fisica: Kirk- Hodgson“Physics”, Oxford.
Filmati – attività interattive :
n1p_intl_ot_w#finished (onde sulla corda)
riferiPrerequisiti disciplinari e linguistici
Obiettivi di raggiungere :
rispetto al contenuto disciplinare:
Conoscere il meccanismo di propagazione delle onde longitudinale e trasversale
Conoscere le grandezze fondamentali dei fenomeni ondulatori
Conoscere leggi della riflessione e rifrazione
Acquisire la terminologia geofisica appropriata
Conoscere la relazione tra onde e struttura interna della Terra
Saper leggere una carta sismica.
Saper leggere e interpretare i grafici
Saper interpretare un sismogramma
Saper valutare la magnitudo di terremoto
rispetto al contenuto linguistico:
Saper comprendere semplici dialoghi inerenti alla disciplina
Memorizzare le nozioni e i termini specifici Interagire oralmente
Saper leggere i simboli matematici e le equazioni che descrivono le leggi base
delle frazioni.
Rispetto al lessico: B1 (listening, reading, writing)
Riconoscere /individuare le parole chiave
Saper formulare correttamente semplici frasi
Saper comprendere semplici testi e/o filmati in lingua.
Rispetto alle abilità di studio coinvolte:
Riconoscere /individuare le parole chiave
Suddividere il testo in paragrafi
Sottolineare i concetti chiave di un paragrafo
Ricercare informazioni specifiche seguendo le indicazioni del docente.
Numero attività
Attività 1
Attività 2
Descrizione attività
Visione filmato sui terremoti (2’29’’)
Brainstorming (waves, earthquakes, seismograph)
Keywords (evidenziano le keywords emerse dal filmato e da
Numero attività
Descrizione attività
Attività 1
Lavorare sul testo:divisione in paragrafi, semplificazione
Attività 2
Individuazione parole chiave
Attività 3
Costruzione glossario, a casa e a scuola
Numero attività
Attività 1
Attività 2
Attività 3
Attività 4
Descrizione attività
Correzione del glossario
Lezione frontale
Evidenziazione nodi concettuali
Lezione per affrontare i nodi concettuali:
Le cause dei terremoti
Le onde sismiche
Gli strumenti di rilevazione
Le scale sismiche
Numero attività
Descrizione attività
Attivita’ 1
Determinazione dell’epicentro di un terremoto a partire dall’analisi di tre sismogrammi (in gruppo)
Attività 2
Completamento di schemi
Attivita’ 3
Interpretazione esercitazione di laboratorio
Numero attività
Descrizione attività
Attività 1
Attività 2
Esercizio sul calcolo dell’ipocentro
Attività 3
Lettura e interpretazione di immagini
6.FASE di rinforzo e recupero
Numero attività
Attività 1
Attività 2
Attivita’ 3
Descrizione attività
Recupero in itinere in piccoli gruppi
Discussione guidata
Correzione in classe di verifiche ed elaborati
Numero attività
Attività 1
Attività 2
Attività 3
Descrizione attività
Verifica orale
Verifica scritta
Relazione guidata
Attività 4
Attività 5
Verifica delle keywords
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson1 /Unit n. 1: Title : Earthquakes introduction. Duration:1 period
Introduction to the nature of earthquakes.
Getting to know with specific words related
to earthquakes. Listening, comprehension and
speaking skills.
Watching a short movie,
listening, comprehension,
Activity 1 : watching a short movie (2 minutes and 40 seconds) on earthquakes from
National Geographic website.
Activity 2 : (15 minutes) supplying every student with a copy of the movie text. In the
written text some keywords are missing so every student has to fill up the empty spaces
while watching the movie twice. At the end of the exercise students have to guess the
meaning of any word that they don't know and then check them up in their dictionary.
Movie text :
April 18th 1906. California's San Andreas fault snaps shaking San Francisco for nearly
sixty terrifying seconds. When the trembling stops the disaster is only beginning. Gas
lines rupture, setting off massive fires. Some seven hundred people died, most of the
city is reduced to ruins. This trembling of the ground, caused when masses of rock
suddenly shift below the Earth's surface, is called an earthquake.
Hundreds of little earthquakes shake the planet every day but most pass unnoticed. They
usually occur along the boundaries of the thin plates that cover the Earth, like an egg
shell, driven by the heat deep within the Earth's core, the plates grind against each other
along lines called faults. When the plates' motion is blocked, stress builds up. Finally,
the fault gives way. The released energy races through the Earth in the form of seismic
Scientists record these waves on a device called a seismograph. These zig-zag lines
show the strength of various seismic waves. Using the lines scientists grade earthquakes
on the Richter scale. For a quake to measure one number higher on the Richter scale it
must release about thirty times as much energy as the number below it.
Every year about hundred thousand earthquakes rumble through the ground hard
enough for people to feel them. Of these, only about a thousand are strong enough to
damage property.
But a powerful earthquake can be devastating, on average about ten thousand people die
each year as a result of earthquakes.
The greatest recorded earthquake ever to hit North America measured a massive nine
point two; The tremor struck Alaska on march 28th 1964.
A camera on board a ship docked in Valdez recorded the draining of the entire harbour
as a chasm opened up on the sea floor.There's no stopping the surface of the Earth from
changing and moving so engineers are focusing on ways to create better buildings,
highways and bridges, structures that will remain safe and stay in one piece the next
time the Earth begins to shake.
Activity 3 : (15 minutes) class correction of activity n°2.
Activity 4 : (20 minutes) brainstorming class activity, students have to report their
personal experience and knowledge about earthquakes focusing on keywords written on
the black board such as : earthquake, waves, plates, Richter and Mercalli scales,
epicentre, hypocentre. Students’ ideas will be written on a file and saved, to be reviewed
after the study unit.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes.
Lesson2 /Unit n. 1. Title : The nature of earthquakes.
Duration: 2 periods
Understanding earthquake nature and causes.
Introduction to the Earth structure.
Getting to know specific words related to
earthquakes. Reading, writing and comprehension
Reading a text, comprehension through images,
activities for concept reinforcement.
Activity 1 : (30 minutes) reading the text on earthquakes in pairs and finding the
meaning of the highlighted words using dictionaries or internet. Correction of student
To shake = (verbo transitivo) agitare, vibrare, oscillare
wave = (nome) onda
layer = (nome) livello, strato
block = (nome) blocco
plable = (aggettivo) flessibile, pieghevole
boundary = (nome) limite, confine, frontiera
to overlay = (verbo transitivo) ricoprire, rivestire
to sink = (verbo intransitivo) affondare, colare a picco
to slide = (verbo intransitivo) scorrere
locus = (nome) luogo, sito, località
to stretch = (verbo transitivo) allungare, allungarsi
Activity 2 : (30 minutes) answering questions for text comprehension: Revision
activity, corrected answers :
1.Earthquakes are short-lived episodes, they typically last for a few seconds to
several minutes
2.Earthquakes produce seismic waves that propagate through the Earth.
3.The surface layer of the Earth is broken into blocks that move horizontally with
respect to one another.
4.Plates move at about 1-10 cm/year
5.Yes it is, rocks can flow if they are very hot.
6.Oceanic lithosphere.
7.Almost all earthquakes occur along plate boundaries.
8.Earthquakes usually do not occur in locations far from plate boundaries.
Activity 3 : (40 minutes) students work in pair and write a description of all the figures
of the text, then every pair compare its descriptions with another pair. Group correction.
Fig. 1 : Division of the Earth's surface into a mosaic of moving plates, according to
plate tectonic theory.
Fig. 2 : Structure of the Earth's crust and top most layer of the upper mantle.
Fig. 3 : The three main Tectonic Plates boundary types.
Fig. 4 : World Seismicity Map and location of earthquakes.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson3/Unit n. 1. Title : Rock behaviour and earthquake causes.
Duration : 2 periods
Plate boundaries, Earth structure,
rock deformation, elastic and ductile
To get in touch with specific words related
comprehension skills.
Interactive activities to reinforce studied
concepts. Reading text and comprehension
Activity 1 : (20 minutes) lesson n°2 homework correction :
- earthquake = episode of ground shaking produced when blocks of Earth suddenly shift.
- plate tectonics theory = According to this theory, the surface layer of the Earth, the
lithosphere is broken into blocks that move horizontally with respect to one another
over a soft, pliable region of Earth, the asthenosphere. The lithospheric blocks are called
- lithosphere = It's the surface layer of Earth, it consists of a thick slab of mantle overlaied
by a cap of crust. There are two different kinds of lithosphere: continental and oceanic.
Continental lithosphere is thicker and less dense than oceanic lithosphere. asthenosphere
= It's a soft, pliable region of earth under litosphere. It's made of fluid rock
plate boundaries = The boundaries between tectonic plates. There are three types of
boundaries (1) convergent [plates coming together], (2) divergent [plates separating]
and (3) transform
- subduction zones = They are a type of convergent plate boundary where one side,
always an oceanic plate, slides beneath the other side (either oceanic or continental) and
into the mantle.
Activity 2 : (30 minutes) on-line group activity on the web page “Interactive Dynamic
Answers :
The African plate contains both continental and oceanic crust.
The Eurasian plate contains both continental and oceanic crust.
The Pacific plate contains only oceanic crust.
The Antarctic plate contains both continental and oceanic crust.
- Boundaries pictures : n°1 = divergent, n°2 = convergent, n° 3 = transform.
- Synonyms exercise :
diverging, deviating, variant, conflicting = divergent synonyms
converging, meeting, confluent = convergent synonyms
modify, mutate = transform synonyms
- Interactive map exercise :
divergent boundary
convergent boundary
transform boundary
divergent boundary
convergent boundary
Test skills web page and results review.
Activity 3 : (30 minutes) read in pair a text on earthquakes causes and rocks behavior,
find out the meaning of the highlighted keywords:
strain = (nome) stress, sforzo
deformation = (nome) deformazione
to recover = (verbo transitivo) recuperare
brittle = (aggettivo) friabile, sgretolabile
to fail = (verbo intransitivo) fallire, non riuscire, mancare
weak = (aggettivo) debole
irrecoverable = (aggettivo) irrecuperabile
to revert = (verbo intransitivo ) ritornare, tornare
depth = (nome) profondità, spessore
to slide = (verbo intransitivo) scorrere, scivolare
to propagate = (verbo intransitivo) propagarsi, diffondersi
rupture = (nome) rottura
Activity 4 : (20 minutes) comprehension exercises
Elastic materials
rubber band
Ductile materials
Choose the correct answers:
1) C
2) D
3) A
4) A
5) C
6) B
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes.
Lesson4/Unit n. 1 : Title Seismographs and seismic waves Duration: 1 period
Seismographs, seismograms, p and s
waves Locating earthquake’s epicenter
Vocabulary, grammar tools : use of comparatives
Reading skills
Asking for explanation
Work in group with exercises and problem solving
Answering short questions
Activity 1 : (15 minutes)
Horizontal seismograph
Vertical seismograph
Teacher : Look at the figure on the whiteboard, you’re watching a seismograph.
Could you describe the instrument? Work in pair and write a short description. (5’)
Teacher collects the group’s description of seismograph and writes them on the
What’s the meaning of the arrows in the first figure?
What’s the difference between the two seismographs?
Work in pair and answer the questions.
Activity 2 : (15 minutes)
Watch the video carefully
Short description of the functioning of the seismograph, watching a video.
Activity 3 : (40 minutes)
1. Fill in the missing words
How a seismograph works
A seismograph is an instrument used to measure the movement of earthquakes. A
weight is suspended in a way that allows it to remain still when the ground moves. Most
modern instruments use an electromagnetic mechanism for this. A writing instrument is
attached to the weight allowing it to record the movement as it happens. The word graph
refers to the writing action. Most modern earthquake’s monitoring uses seismometers
not seismographs and record the movement of the earth digitally or output the data to a
seismic ground a printed version of the wavelength on a large drum. These wavelengths
that represent earth movements are so small that in order for scientists to study them
they have to be amplified.
2. Vocabulary. Check and write a definition of:
Seismograph = any of various instruments for measuring and recording the vibrations of
Seismometer = a seismograph equipped for measuring the direction, intensity, and
duration of earthquakes by measuring the actual movement of the ground.
Exercise 1
Observe carefully the figure and in group, answer the questions:
1. Why P waves are felt in some surface points and not in other?
Shadow zone: the core must somehow hinder the transmission of P waves in a manner
similar to the light rays being blocked by an opaque object that casts the shadow. However, rather than actually stopping P waves, the shadow zone bends them.
2. Identify the epicenter
Read the text and complete the sentences.
Have you ever heard a thunder just after seeing a flash of lightning?
Light travels at a very high speed. The extra time it takes for the slower sound waves to
reach you is an indication of how far away the lightning was.
MODULE N. 1. Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson5/Unit n. 1 : Measuring the size of
earthquakes Duration : 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: Learn about the intensity scales of earthquakes
Vocabulary, reading skills.
Asking for explanation
Reading a graph
Use of logarithms
Work in group with problem
solving Answering short questions
Activity 1 : (30 minutes)
Measuring the Size of Earthquakes
Historically, seismologists have employed a variety of methods to obtain two different
measures that describes the size of an earthquake – intensity and magnitude. The first of
these to be used was intensity : a measure of the degree of earthquake shaking at a given
locale based of an amount damage. With the development of seismographs, it became
clear that a quantitative measure of an earthquake based on seismic records rather than
uncertain personal estimates of damage was desirable. The measurement that was
developed, called magnitude, relies on calculations that use data provided by seismic
records (and other techniques) to estimate the amount of energy released at the source of
the earthquake.
Intensity Scale
Magnitude Scales
In order to compare earthquakes across the globe, a measure was needed that does not
rely on parameters that vary considerably from one part of the world to another, such as
construction practise. As a consequence, a number of magnitude scales were developed.
Richter Scale is based on the amplitude of the largest seismic wave (P, S, or surface
wave) recorded on a seismogram. Earthquakes vary enormously in strength, and great
earthquakes produce wave amplitudes that are thousands of times larger than those
generated by weak tremors. To accommodate this wide variation, Richter used a
logarithmic scale to express magnitude, where a tenfold increase in wave amplitude
corresponds to an increase of 1 on the magnitude scale. Thus, the amount of ground
shaking for a 5-magnitude earthquake is 10 times greater than that produced by an
earthquake having a Richter magnitude of 4.
In addiction, each unit of Richter magnitude equates to roughly a 32-fold energy
increase. Thus, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 release 32 times more energy
than one with a magnitude of 5.5.
Students activity
1. Read in group the text and
a. underline the key words,
b. check the meaning of unknown words.
2. Discuss in group, and write a short definition of :
Magnitude = the total amount of energy, released during an earthquake
Richter scale = a scale of earthquake magnitude based on the motion of a seismograph
Mercalli scale = a 12-point scale developed to evaluated earthquake intensity based on
the amount of damage to various structures
Wave amplitudes = a measurement from the lowest point that the wave hits to the
highest point the wave hits
Seismogram = the record made by a seismograph.
Activity 2 : (50 minutes)
Exercise in pair.
On line exercise with a virtual lab to determine the epicenter of an earthquake
exercises on line
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson1/Unit n. 2: Title: The nature of waves
Duration: 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: Introduce the subject making the students familiar with the main
Waves and wavelike motion
Reading skills, use of keywords
Asking questions, giving opinions, reading, using a
Study Skills and Strategies
dictionary, listening, drawing a mind map
Activity 1 : (15 minutes) Brainstorming. What do the students know about waves?
Waves are everywhere...
Activity 2 : (40 minutes) The teacher invites the students to read the text “The
nature of a wave”, divide it into paragraphs and find the meaning of the unknown
Activity 3 : (15 minutes) The teacher invites the students to find the keywords and
to check them.
Activity 4 : (20 minutes) The teacher invites the students to make a glossary.
Activity 5 : (30 minutes) The teacher checks the comprehension of the text, giving
the students the opportunity to compare their ideas joining another group and focusing on the most important features, building at last a mind map with the previous
group, connecting the keywords.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson 2/Unit n.2: Title: What is a wave? Duration: 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: To make the students familiar with the concept of a wave as an energy transport phenomenon.
Waves and wavelike motion
Reading skills, use of keywords, use of past tense.
and Work in group, problem solving, virtual lab activities.
Activity 1 : (10 minutes) Simple lab activity: the teacher invites the students to produce a wave with a rope in different ways.
play with the lab activity on producing wave.
to enter the
Activity 3 : (30 minutes) the teacher invites the students to make some qualitative
observations about the lab activity and to write them in a short report. For instance
“What happens when amplitude is varied? And frequency?...What is the difference
in the wave when the end of the rope is fixed? And loose? …”
Activity 4 : (15 minutes) the students are invited by the teacher to read in groups
the text “What is a wave?” in the student sheet below.
Activity 5 : (10 minutes) the teacher invites the students to find the new keywords.
Activity 6 : (15 minutes) the teacher invites the students to go on with the glossary.
Activity 7 : (20 minutes) the teacher invites the students to answer questions about
the contents of the first two units in order to check their insight into the matter.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes.
Lesson3/Unit n. 2: Title: Longitudinal and transverse waves Duration : 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: To make the students confident with the concept of different
categor- ies of waves and prepare the physical basis for S and P waves in geology.
Longitudinal and transverse waves
Improve specific discipline language, reading and comLanguage
prehension skills.
and Work in groups, listening, asking and answering quesStrategies
tions, find information.
Activity 1 : (10 minutes) the teacher introduces the main concepts resuming the
con- tents of the previous lessons.
Activity 2 : (15 minutes) the teacher invites the students to read and understand the
text “Categories of waves”.
Activity 3 : (15 minutes) the teacher divides the class in two halves: one has to explain to the other the main features of a longitudinal and transverse waves finding
examples or activities.
Activity 4 : (15 minutes) the teacher invites the students to find animations on the
website :
Activity 5 : (15 minutes) the teacher invites the students to check their comprehension by explaining the contents of the animation found and answering the questions
proposed by the teacher.
Activity 6 : (15 minutes) the teacher invites the students to find and explain in a
short written text the difference between P and S waves.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson4/Unit n. 2: Title: wave equation, wave physical quantities, reflection and refraction phenomena
OBJECTIVES: To make the students confident with maths implied in wave
phenomena and to introduce them to reflection and refraction laws and their
consequences in earth- quakes
wave equation, wave physical quantities, reflection and refraction
phenomena (2 hours)
improve the abilities necessary to read and explain equations, new
SKILLS Work in groups, listening, asking and answering questions, find inAND STRATEGIES
formation, draw graphs, solve simple equations
Activity 1 : (10 minutes) warming up activity: what do the students know about
wave quantities such as frequency, wavelength, amplitude, velocity? find out examples from everyday life.
Activity 2 : (15 minutes) the teacher introduces the physical quantities implied in the
wave phenomena in a rigorous way, but always recalling the knowledge already possessed by the students.
Activity 3 : (15 minutes) the teacher invites the students to read the text “The wave
Activity 4 : (10 minutes) the teacher invites the students to check their understanding of the wave equation, by filling the empty spaces in the given exercise.
Activity 5 : (10 minutes) brainstorming about reflection, refraction: what are they?
find examples from everyday life.
Activity 6 : (15 minutes) the teacher explains the laws of reflection and refraction.
Activity 7 : (15 minutes) the students are invited by the teacher to watch the video: , discuss their observations with the teacher and ask questions
Activity 8 : (20 minutes) the teacher invites the class to divide in two parts. One has to
find out information on the Internet about the endoscope as a an application of reflection and the other about the P-S wave shadow zone in an earthquake as an example of
Activity 9 : (10 minutes) the two groups explain each other the results of their
research through a short oral report.
Homework group activity: each group has to realize a product (Video, ppt presentation, …) as a homework to explain the main aspects of waves phenomena to a parallel class in English.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson1 /Unit n. 1. Title : Earthquakes introduction.
Duration : 1 period
Introduction to the nature of earthquake.
To get in touch with specific words related to
speaking skills.
Watching a short movie, listening,
comprehension, brainstorming.
Activity 1: viewing of a short movie (2 minutes and 40 seconds) on earthquakes from
Activity 2: watch the movie again, while listening to the audio, fill up the following
text with the missing words. You can watch the movie twice. (10 minutes)
Activity 3: class correction of activity n°2. (15 minutes)
Activity 4 : report your personal experience and knowledge about earthquakes
focusing on keywords written on the black board. (15 minutes)
Homework : Please study the movie text script focusing on its relevant contents – be
ready to discuss the text in class.
Activity 2: Fill in the missing words
Movie text
“ April 18th 1906. California's San Andreas
snaps shaking San Francisco
for nearly sixty terrifying seconds. When the
stops the disaster is only
beginning. Gas lines rupture, setting off massive fires. Some seven hundred people
died, most of the city is reduced to ruins. This trembling of the ground, caused when
shift below the Earth's
, is called an
Hundreds of little earthquakes
the planet every day but most pass
unnoticed. They usually occur along the
of the thin plates that
cover the Earth, like an egg shell, driven by the
deep within the Earth's
core, the
grind against each other along lines called
the plates'
is blocked, stress builds up. Finally, the fault gives way. The
released energy races through the Earth in the form of
Scientists record these waves on a device called a
zag lines show the
of various seismic
. These zigUsing the lines
earthquakes on the Richter scale. For a quake to measure one number higher
on the Richter scale it must release about
energy as the number below it.
Every year about hundred thousand earthquakes
through the ground
hard enough for people to feel them. Of these, only about a thousand are strong
enough to
But a powerful earthquake can be
, on average about ten thousand
people die each year as a result of earthquakes.
The greatest recorded earthquake ever to hit North America measured a massive
; The tremor struck Alaska on march 28th 1964.
A camera on board a ship docked in Valdez recorded the
harbour as a chasm opened up on the sea floor.
There's no stopping the
of the entire
of the Earth from changing and moving so
are focusing on ways to create better
, highways and
bridges, structures that will remain
and stay in one piece the next time the
Earth begins
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson2/Unit n. 1 : Title : The nature of earthquakes.
Duration: 2 periods
Understanding earthquake nature
and causes. Introduction to the
Earth structure.
To get in touch with specific
words related to earthquakes and
earth structure. Reading, writing
and comprehension skills.
Activity 1:
(30 minutes) Work in pair : read the following text on earthquakes and work out the
meaning of the highlighted words from the context. Check them with your dictionary, or
an on-line dictionary and then with your teacher.
Earthquakes are short-lived episodes of ground shaking produced when blocks of Earth
suddenly shift. They typically last for a few seconds (small earthquakes) to several
minutes (largest earthquakes) and produce several types of seismic waves that propagate
through the Earth. Most earthquakes are caused indirectly by plate tectonics. Plate
tectonics is the theory that the surface layer of the Earth (the lithosphere) is broken into
blocks that move horizontally with respect to one another over a soft, pliable region of
Earth (the asthenosphere).
The lithospheric blocks are called plates. Plates move at 1-10 cm/year (about how fast
your fingernails grow) and have moved vast distances in the Earth’s 4.6 billion year
Plates can and usually do contain both continental and oceanic material. There are
approximately 7 major and 12 minor plates.
The boundaries between plates often do not coincide with the boundaries between
continents and oceans. Lithosphere and asthenosphere are both rock, but asthenosphere
is so hot it can flow like gooey tar. The lithosphere is relatively cool, rigid, and strong.
Lithosphere consists of a thick slab of mantle overlaied by a cap of crust. There are two
different kinds of lithosphere: continental and oceanic. Continental lithosphere is thicker
and less dense than oceanic lithosphere.
There are three types of boundaries between plates: (1) convergent [plates coming
together]; (2)divergent [plates separating] and (3) transform [plates sliding past oneanother].
The movement of plates is driven by the sinking of dense oceanic lithosphere at
subduction zones. Subduction zones are a type of convergent plate boundary where one
side, always an oceanic plate, slides beneath the other side (either oceanic or
continental) and into the mantle.
Almost all earthquakes occur along plate boundaries because plate boundaries are the
loci of horizontal forces that push and stretch rocks, causing them to break and produce
earthquakes. Earthquakes are produced at all three types of plate boundaries. Locations
far from plate boundaries experience few earthquakes.
Activity 2:
(30 minutes) In pair answer the following questions helping yourself with the text on
top :
1. How long time does an earthquake last?
2. What is produced by earthquakes and is able to propagate through Earth?
3. How does the surface layer of the Earth move?
4. How far do the plates move?
5. Is it possible for rocks to flow? How?
6. Which kind of lithosphere is more denser and thinner?
7. Where do earthquakes usually occur?
8. Where do earthquakes seldom or never occur?
Correction with teacher supervision.
Activity 3 : (40 minutes) work in pair, with your partner and write a description of all
the pictures in the text, then compare your descriptions with another pair.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes.
Lesson3/Unit n.1. Title : Rock behavior and earthquake causes.
Duration: 2 periods
deformation, elastic and ductile materials
Study Skills and Strategies
To get in touch with specific words related to
rocks behavior. Reading and comprehension
Interactive activities to reinforce studied concepts.
Reading text and comprehension activities.
Activity 1:
(20 minutes) lesson n°2 homework correction.
Activity 2:
(40 minutes) on-line group activity on the web page “Interactive Dynamic Earth”
- In pair : examine the world map which shows the 15 major tectonic plates, read the text
and answer the following questions :
1) What does the African plate contain?
2) What does the Eurasian plate contain?
3) What does the Pacific plate contain?
4) What does the Antarctic plate contain?
Look at the web page animation showing the 3 types of boundaries plates movements :
convergent, divergent and transform. And fill up the following figure with the right
names of boundaries :
Try to think about the meaning of these 3 adjectives and decide which one of the
following could be their synonyms :
Synonym of divergent Synonym of convergent Synonym
of transform
- Use the interactive map on the web page to see where the three different types of
plate boundaries are found throughout the world. Answer the following
questions :
1) Which kind of plate boundary there is between Pacific and Nazca plates?
2) Which kind of plate boundary there is between South American and Nazca plates?
3) Which kind of plate boundary there is between South American and Scotia plates?
4) Which kind of plate boundary there is between Indian and African plates?
5) Which kind of plate boundary there is between Pacific and Philippine plates?
Play on the web page with “Plates and Boundaries challenge”, to see how many of the
tectonic plates and boundaries you can identify.
Do the test skills on the web page, see your results and review your answers.
Activity 3 : (30 minutes) read the following text and find out the meaning of the
highlighted keywords:
Rocks deform in response to stress, which is force divided by area. Strain is a
quantitative measure of deformation. An elastic material has recoverable strain. The
material deforms in response to a stress, and then recovers its initial shape when the
stress is removed. Rubber is an example of an elastic material.
There is a limit to how much elastic deformation can occur. Beyond a certain level of
stress, called the elastic limit, elastic materials break. This is called brittle failure.
Strong materials fail at a higher elastic limit than weak materials.
A ductile material has irrecoverable strain; the material deforms in response to a stress,
and the deformation is permanent. The material does not revert to its prior shape when
the stress is removed. Play dough is an example of a ductile material.
Rocks can be either brittle or ductile. Earthquakes occur when rocks break, and thus
only occur when rocks are brittle.
There are four factors that determine whether a rock is brittle or ductile: (1)
temperature; (2) pressure; (3) rock type; and (4) strain rate. The most important effect is
Rocks are brittle at low temperatures (i.e., surface of Earth) and become ductile as
temperature is increased. Some rocks remain brittle over a wider range of temperatures
than other rocks.
Both pressure and temperature increases toward the center of the Earth. Both of these
effects tend to make rocks more ductile with depth. Most rocks are brittle above 15-20
km depth and ductile below this depth. This boundary is called the brittle-ductile
transition (BDT), and corresponds to a temperature of 300-450ºC.
The vast majority of earthquakes occur above the BDT, because below this depth rocks
bend, not break, and thus cannot produce earthquakes.
Most deep earthquakes (greater than BDT depth) occur at subduction zones. The downgoing plate in a subduction zone can remain cool because it descends faster than it heats
up (heat flow is very slow). This permits temperatures below 400ºC to occur nearly 200
km below the surface,
which is below the BDT temperature for many rocks. Below 200 km the rock is too hot
to behave in a brittle fashion.
Earthquakes occur when rocks suddenly slide along a surface called a fault plane. The
movement starts at the hypocenter (also called focus) and propagates outward at the
speed of sound to form a rupture surface. The epicenter is the location on the Earth’s
surface directly above the hypocenter.
Earthquakes produce various types of seismic waves that cause rocks to vibrate or shake
as they propagate through the Earth.
Activity 4 : (30 minutes) do in pairs the following exercises
Fill up the following table :
Elastic materials
Ductile materials
rubber band
Choose the correct answer :
1) The difference between elastic deformation and plastic deformation of rocks is that
plastic deformation (is) :
- a) permanently alters the shape of a rock layer.
- b) always occurs just before a rock layer breaks.
- c) returns to its original shape after the pressure is removed.
- d) all of the above.
2) Whether a rock layer subjected to stress undergoes elastic deformation, plastic
deformation, or rupture depends on :
- a) the temperature of the rock.
- b) the confining pressure on the rock.
- c) how quickly or how slowly the stress is applied over time.
- d) all of the above.
3) The force that can change the size and shape of rocks is called :
- a) stress
- b) magnitude
- c) elasticity
- d) friction
4) The place where slippage first occurs is called the earthquake's :
- a) focus
- b) epicenter
- c) magnitude
- d) intensity
5) In the following figure the point A, where slip initiated during the earthquake, is called
the :
a) dip
b) epicenter
c) focus
d) scarp
Point B, on the top figure, is called the earthquake :
a) dip
b) epicenter
c) focus
d) scarp
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes.
Lesson4/Unit n. 1 : Title : Seismographs
Duration: 1 period
OBJECTIVES: Learn about recording earthquakes waves’ instruments : seismograph
Study Skills and Strategies
Seismographs, seismograms, p and s waves
Locating earthquake’s epicenter
use of comparatives
Asking for explanation
Work in group with exercises and problem solving
Answering short questions
Activity 1:
(15 minutes)
These are seismographs.
Working in pair describe the instruments. (5’)
Work in pair and answer the questions. (10’)
What’s the meaning of the arrows in the first figure?
What’s the difference between the two seismographs?
Activity 2 : (30 minutes)
Watch carefully the video
1. Fill in the missing words
How a seismograph works.
A seismograph is an instrument used to …………………………. the movement of
earthquakes. A ……………………….is suspended in a way that allows it to remain still
when the ground ………………………. Most modern instruments use an
electromagnetic mechanism for this. A …………………. instrument is attached to the
weight allowing it to ………………………..the movement as it happens. The word
graph refers to the writing action. Most modern earthquake’s monitoring uses
seismometers not seismographs and record the movement of the
…………………….. or output the data to a seismic ground a printed version of the
…………………………………. on a large drum. These wavelengths that represent
earth movements are so small that in order for scientists to study them they have to be
2. Vocabulary.
Check and write a definition of
3. Observe carefully the following figure and in group answer the questions:
a. Why P waves are felt in some surface points and not in others?
b. Identify the epicenter
MODULE N.1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson5/Unit n. 1: Title: Measuring the size of earthquakes
Duration: 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: learn about the intensity scales of earthquakes
Seismograms, Mercalli and
Vocabulary, reading skills
Study Skills and Strategies
Asking for explanation
Reading a graph
Use of logarithms
Work in group with problem solving
Answering short questions
Activity 1: (30 minutes)
Read in group the text and
a. underline the keywords,
b. check the meaning of unknown words.
Measuring the Size of Earthquakes
Historically, seismologists have employed a variety of methods to obtain two different
measures that describes the size of an earthquake –intensity and magnitude. The first of
these to be used was intensity – a measure of the degree of earthquake shaking at a
given locale based of an amount damage. With the development of seismographs, it
became clear that a quantitative measure of an earthquake based on seismic records
rather than uncertain personal estimates of damage was desirable. The measurement that
was developed, called magnitude, relies on calculations that use data provided by
seismic records (and other techniques) to estimate the amount of energy released at the
source of the earthquake.
Intensity Scale
Magnitude Scales
In order to compare earthquakes across the globe, a measure was needed that does not
rely on parameters that vary considerably from one part of the world to another, such as
construction practise. As a consequence, a number of magnitude scales were developed.
Richter Scale
Is based on the amplitude of the largest seismic wave (P,S, or surface wave) recorded on
a seismogram. Earthquakes vary enormously in strength, and great earthquakes produce
wave amplitudes that are thousands of times larger than those generated by weak
tremors. To accommodate this wide variation, Richter used a logarithmic scale to
express magnitude, where a tenfold increase in wave amplitude corresponds to an
increase of 1 on the magnitude scale. Thus, the amount of ground shaking for a 5magnitude earthquake is 10 times greater than that produced by an earthquake having a
Richter magnitude of 4.
In addiction, each unit of Richter magnitude equates to roughly a 32-fold energy
increase. Thus, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 release 32 times more energy
than one with a magnitude of 5.5.
Discuss in group, and write a short definition of:
Richter scale
Mercalli scale
Wave amplitudes
Activity 2: (30 minutes)
Exercise in pair.
On line exercise with a virtual lab to determine the epicenter of an earthquake
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson1/Unit n.2: Title The nature of waves. Duration: 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: Introduce the subject becoming familiar with the main features
Waves and wavelike motion
Reading skills, use of keywords
and Asking questions, giving opinions, reading, using a dicStrategies
tionary, listening, drawing a mind map
Activity 1 : (15 minutes)
What do I know about waves?
Waves are everywhere...
Activity 2 : (40 minutes)
a. Read the text below,
b. Divide it in paragraphs with a subtitle
c. Find the meaning of the unknown words (look for them in a dictionary)
The Nature of a Wave
Waves and Wavelike Motion
Waves are everywhere. Whether we recognize it or not, we encounter waves
on a daily basis. Sound waves, visible light waves, radio waves, microwaves, water
waves, sine waves, cosine waves, stadium waves, earthquake waves, waves on a
string, and slinky waves and are just a few of the examples of our daily encounters
with waves. In addition to waves, there are a variety of phenomena in our physical
world that resemble waves so closely that we can describe such phenomenon as being
wavelike. The motion of a pendulum, the motion of a mass suspended by a spring,
the motion of a child on a swing, and the "Hello, Good Morning!" wave of the hand
can be thought of as wavelike phenomena. Waves (and wavelike phenomena) are
We study the physics of waves because it provides a rich glimpse into the
physical world that we seek to understand and describe as students of physics. Before
beginning a formal discussion of the nature of waves, it is often useful to ponder the
various encounters and exposures that we have of waves. Where do we see waves or
examples of wavelike motion? What experiences do we already have that will help us
in understanding the physics of waves?
For many people, the first thought concerning waves conjures up a picture of a
wave moving across the surface of an ocean, lake, pond or other body of water. The
waves are created by some form of a disturbance, such as a rock thrown into the water, a duck shaking its tail in the water or a boat moving through the water. The water
wave has a crest and a trough and travels from one location to another. One crest is
often followed by a second crest that is often followed by a third crest.
Every crest is separated by a trough to create an alternating pattern of crests
and troughs. A duck or gull at rest on the surface of the water is observed to bob upand-down at rather regular time intervals as the wave passes by. The waves may appear to be plane waves that travel together as a front in a straight-line direction, perhaps towards a sandy shore. Or the waves may be circular waves that originate from
the point where the disturbances occur; such circular waves travel across the surface of
the water in all directions. These mental pictures of water waves are useful for understanding the nature of a wave and will be revisited later when we begin our formal
discussion of the topic.
The thought of waves often brings to mind a recent encounter at the baseball or
football stadium when the crowd enthusiastically engaged in doing the wave. When
performed with reasonably good timing, a noticeable ripple is produced that travels
around the circular stadium or back and forth across a section of bleachers. The
observable ripple results when a group of enthusiastic fans rise up from their seats,
swing their arms up high, and then sit back down. Beginning in Section 1, the
first row of fans abruptly rise up to begin the wave; as they sit back down, row 2 begins its motion; as row 2 sits back down, row 3 begins its motion. The process continues, as each consecutive row becomes involved by a momentary standing up and
sitting back down. The wave is passed from row to row as each individual member of
the row becomes temporarily displaced out of his or her seat, only to return to it as
the wave passes by. This mental picture of a stadium wave will also provide a useful
context for the discussion of the physics of wave motion.
Another picture of waves involves the movement of a slinky or similar set of coils. If
a slinky is stretched out from end to end, a wave can be introduced into the slinky by
either vibrating the first coil up and down vertically or back and forth horizontally. A
wave will subsequently be seen travelling from one end of the slinky to the other. As
the wave moves along the slinky, each individual coil is seen to move out of place
and then return to its original position.
The coils always move in the same direction that the first coil was vibrated. A continued vibration of the first coil results in a continued back and forth motion of the other
coils. If looked at closely, one notices that the wave does not stop when it reaches the
end of the slinky; rather it seems to bounce off the end and head back from where it
started. A slinky wave provides an excellent mental picture of a wave and will be
used in discussions and demonstrations throughout this unit.
We likely have memories from childhood of holding a long jump rope with a
friend and vibrating an end up and down.
The up and down vibration of the end of the rope created a disturbance of the
rope that subsequently moved towards the other end. Upon reaching the opposite end,
the disturbance often bounced back to return to the end we were holding. A single
disturbance could be created by the single vibration of one end of the rope. On the
other hand, a repeated disturbance would result in a repeated and regular vibration of
the rope. The shape of the pattern formed in the rope was influenced by the frequency
at which we vibrated it. If we vibrated the rope rapidly, then a short wave was created. And if we vibrated the rope less frequently (not as often), a long wave was created.
While we were likely unaware of it as children, we were entering the world of
the physics of waves as we contentedly played with the rope. Finally, we are familiar
with microwaves and visible light waves. While we have never seen them, we believe
that they exist because we have witnessed how they carry energy from one location
to another. And similarly, we are familiar with radio waves and sound waves. Like
microwaves, we have never seen them. Yet we believe they exist because we have
witnessed the signals that they carry from one location to another and we have even
learned how to tune into those signals through use of our ears or a tuner on a television or radio. Waves, as we will learn, carry energy from one location to another. And
if the frequency of those waves can be changed, then we can also carry a complex
signal that is capable of transmitting an idea or thought from one location to another.
Perhaps this is one of the most important aspects of waves and will become a focus
of our study in later units.
Waves are everywhere in nature. Our understanding of the physical world is not complete until we understand the nature, properties and behaviors of waves.
Activity 3: (15 minutes)
Find the keywords and check them with the teacher.
Activity 4: (20 minutes)
Make a short glossary.
Activity 5: (30 minutes)
Text comprehension /a feedback:
1. explain the meaning of the keywords, compare opinions within the class joining
another group;
2. return to the previous group and draw a mind map under the guide of the teacher
connecting the keywords
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson2/Unit n.2: What is a wave? Duration: 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: Introduce the subject becoming familiar with the main features
Waves and wavelike motion
Reading skills, use of keywords; use of past tense
Work in group, problem solving, virtual lab activities
Activity 1: (10 minutes)
Simple lab activity: produce a wave with a rope and a slinky in different ways.
Activity 2: (15 minutes)
on the IWB enter the website:
and play with the lab activity about producing a wave.
Activity 3:
(30 minutes): make some qualitative observations on the animation (activity 2) and
write them in a report focusing for example on the following questions: “What happens when amplitude is varied? And frequency?...What is the difference in the wave
when the end of the rope is fixed? And loose? …”
Activity 4:
(15 minutes) in your groups read the text below and complete the activities on the text:
What is a wave?
The news moves through the media. The media doesn't make the news and the
media isn't the same as the news. The news media is merely the thing that carries the
news from its source to various locations. In a similar manner, a wave medium is the
substance that carries a wave (or disturbance) from one location to another. The wave
medium is not the wave and it doesn't make the wave; it merely carries or transports the
wave from its source to other locations. In the case of our slinky wave, the medium
through that the wave travels is the slinky coils. In the case of a water wave in the
ocean, the medium through which the wave travels is the ocean water. In the case of a
sound wave moving from the church choir to the pews, the medium through which the
sound wave travels is the air in the room. And in the case of the stadium wave, the medium through which the stadium wave travels is the fans that are in the stadium.
Particle-to-Particle Interaction
To fully understand the nature of a wave, it is important to consider the medium as a collection of interacting particles. In other words, the medium is composed
of parts that are capable of interacting with each other. The interactions of one
particle of the medium with the next adjacent particle allow the disturbance to travel
through the medium. In the case of the slinky wave, the particles or interacting parts
of the medium are the individual coils of the slinky. In the case of a sound wave in
air, the particles or interacting parts of the medium are the individual molecules of
air. And in the case of a stadium wave, the particles or interacting parts of the medium are the fans in the stadium.
Consider the presence of a wave in a slinky. The first coil becomes disturbed
and begins to push or pull on the second coil; this push or pull on the second coil will
displace the second coil from its equilibrium position.
As the second coil becomes displaced, it begins to push or pull on the third coil; the
push or pull on the third coil displaces it from its equilibrium position. As the third
coil becomes displaced, it begins to push or pull on the fourth coil. This process continues in consecutive fashion, with each individual particle acting to displace the adjacent particle. Subsequently, the disturbance travels through the medium. The medium can be pictured as a series of particles connected by springs. As one particle
moves, the spring connecting it to the next particle begins to stretch and apply a force
to its adjacent neighbour. As this neighbour begins to move, the spring attaching this
neighbour to its neighbour begins to stretch and apply a force on its adjacent neighbour.
A Wave Transports Energy and Not Matter
When a wave is present in a medium (that is, when there is a disturbance moving
through a medium), the individual particles of the medium are only tempor- arily
displaced from their rest position. There is always a force acting upon the particles that
restores them to their original position. In a slinky wave, each coil of the slinky
ultimately returns to its original position. In a water wave, each molecule of the water
ultimately returns to its original position. And in a stadium wave, each fan in the
bleacher ultimately returns to its original position. It is for this reason, that a wave is
said to involve the movement of a disturbance without the movement of matter. The
particles of the medium (water molecules, slinky coils, stadium fans) simply vibrate
about a fixed position as the pattern of the disturbance moves from one location to
another location. Waves are said to be an energy transport phenomen- on. As a
disturbance moves through a medium from one particle to its adjacent particle, energy
is being transported from one end of the medium to the other.
In a slinky wave, a person imparts energy to the first coil by doing work upon
it. The first coil receives a large amount of energy that it subsequently transfers to the
second coil. When the first coil returns to its original position, it possesses the same
amount of energy as it had before it was displaced. The first coil transferred its energy to the second coil. The second coil then has a large amount of energy that it subsequently transfers to the third coil. When the second coil returns to its original position, it possesses the same amount of energy as it had before it was displaced. The
third coil has received the energy of the second coil. This process of energy transfer
continues as each coil interacts with its neighbour. In this manner, energy is transported from one end of the slinky to the other, from its source to another location. This
characteristic of a wave as an energy transport phenomenon distinguishes waves from
other types of phenomenon. Consider a common phenomenon observed at a softball
game - the collision of a bat with a ball. A batter is able to transport energy from her
to the softball by means of a bat. The batter applies a force to the bat, thus imparting
energy to the bat in the form of kinetic energy. The bat then carries this energy to the
softball and transports the energy to the softball upon collision. In this example, a bat
is used to transport energy from the player to the softball. However, unlike wave phenomena, this phenomenon involves the transport of matter. The bat must move from
its starting location to the contact location in order to transport energy.
In a wave phenomenon, energy can move from one location to another, yet
the particles of matter in the medium return to their fixed position. A wave transports
its energy without transporting matter. Waves are seen to move through an ocean or
lake; yet the water always returns to its rest position. Energy is transported through
the medium, yet the water molecules are not transported. Proof of this is the fact that
there is still water in the middle of the ocean. The water has not moved from the
middle of the ocean to the shore.
If we were to observe a gull or duck at rest on the water, it would merely bob up-anddown in a somewhat circular fashion as the disturbance moves through the water. The
gull or duck always returns to its original position. The gull or duck is not transported
to the shore because the water on which it rests is not transported to the shore. In a
water wave, energy is transported without the transport of water.
The same thing can be said about a stadium wave. In a stadium wave, the fans do not
get out of their seats and walk around the stadium. We all recognize that it
would be silly (and embarrassing) for any fan to even contemplate such a thought. In
a stadium wave, each fan rises up and returns to the original seat. The disturbance
moves through the stadium, yet the fans are not transported. Waves involve the transport of energy without the transport of matter.
In conclusion, a wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a
medium, transporting energy from one location (its source) to another location
without transporting matter. Each individual particle of the medium is temporarily
displaced and then returns to its original equilibrium positioned.
Activity 5:
(10 minutes) Find the new keywords
Activity 6:
(15 minutes) Go on with your the glossary
Activity 7:( Food for thought! )
(20 minutes) answer the following questions about the content of the first two units
and discuss your opinions with the class and the teacher, in order to clear your
Check Your Understanding
1. A transverse wave is transporting energy from east to west. The particles of the
medium will move
a. east to west only
b. both eastward and westward
c. north to south only
both northward and southward
2. A wave is transporting energy from left to right. The particles of the medium are
moving back and forth in a leftward and rightward direction. This type of wave is
known as a
3. Describe how the fans in a stadium must move in order to produce a longitudinal
stadium wave.
4. A sound wave is a mechanical wave, not an electromagnetic wave. This means that
a. particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction of energy transport.
b. a sound wave transports its energy through a vacuum.
c. particles of the medium regularly and repeatedly oscillate about their rest position.
d. a medium is required in order for sound waves to transport energy.
5. A science fiction film depicts inhabitants of one spaceship (in outer space) hearing
the sound of a nearby spaceship as it zooms past at high speeds. Critique the physics
of this film.
6. If you strike a horizontal rod vertically from above, what can be said about the waves
created in the rod?
a. The particles vibrate horizontally along the direction of the rod.
b. The particles vibrate vertically, perpendicular to the direction of the rod.
c. The particles vibrate in circles, perpendicular to the direction of the rod.
d. The particles travel along the rod from the point of impact to its end.
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of mechanical waves?
a. They consist of disturbances or oscillations of a medium.
b. They transport energy.
c. They travel in a direction that is at right angles to the direction of the particles of the
d. They are created by a vibrating source.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson3/Unit n. 2: Title: What are longitudinal and transverse waves?
Duration : 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: To make the students confident with the concept of different categories of waves and prepare the physical basis for S and P waves in geology
Longitudinal, transverse and surface waves
Improve specific discipline language, reading and comLanguage
prehension skills
Work in groups, listening, asking and answering quesStudy
Skills and
tions, find information, resuming in a written report the
main concepts
Activity 1:
(10 minutes) listen to the teacher explaining the main concepts and resuming the contents of the first two lessons.
Activity 2:
(20 minutes) read the text below and divide it into paragraphs with subtitles:
Categories of Waves
Waves come in many shapes and forms. While all waves share some basic
characteristic properties and behaviors, some waves can be distinguished from others
based on some observable (and some non-observable) characteristics. It is common
to categorize waves based on these distinguishing characteristics.
Longitudinal versus Transverse Waves versus Surface Waves
One way to categorize waves is on the basis of the direction of movement of
the individual particles of the medium relative to the direction that the waves travel.
Categorizing waves on this basis leads to three notable categories: transverse waves,
longitudinal waves, and surface waves. A transverse wave is a wave in which
particles of the medium move in a direction perpendicular to the direction that the
wave moves. Suppose that a slinky is stretched out in a horizontal direction across
the classroom and that a pulse is introduced into the slinky on the left end by vibrating the first coil up and down. Energy will begin to be transported through the slinky
from left to right. As the energy is transported from left to right, the individual coils
of the medium will be displaced upwards and downwards. In this case, the particles
of the medium move perpendicular to the direction that the pulse moves. This type of
wave is a transverse wave. Transverse waves are always characterized by particle
motion being perpendicular to wave motion.
A longitudinal wave is a wave in which particles of the medium move in a direction
parallel to the direction that the wave moves. Suppose that a slinky is stretched out in
a horizontal direction across the classroom and that a pulse is introduced into the
slinky on the left end by vibrating the first coil left and right. Energy will begin to be
transported through the slinky from left to right. As the energy is transported from
left to right, the individual coils of the medium will be displaced leftwards and rightwards. In this case, the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction that the
pulse moves. This type of wave is a longitudinal wave. Longitudinal waves are always characterized by particle motion being parallel to wave motion.
A sound wave travelling through air is a classic example of a longitudinal
wave. As a sound wave moves from the lips of a speaker to the ear of a listener,
particles of air vibrate back and forth in the same direction and the opposite direction
of energy transport. Each individual particle pushes on its neighbouring particle so as
to push it forward. The collision of particle #1 with its neighbour serves to restore
particle #1 to its original position and displace particle #2 in a forward direction. This
back and forth motion of particles in the direction of energy transport creates regions
within the medium where the particles are pressed together and other regions where
the particles are spread apart.
Longitudinal waves can always be quickly identified by the presence of such
regions. This process continues along the chain of particles until the sound wave
reaches the ear of the listener.
Waves travelling through a solid medium can be either transverse waves or longitudinal waves. Yet waves travelling through the bulk of a fluid (such as a liquid or a
gas) are always longitudinal waves. Transverse waves require a relatively rigid medium
in order to transmit their energy. As one particle begins to move it must be able to exert
a pull on its nearest neighbour. If the medium is not rigid as is the case with fluids, the
particles will slide past each other. This sliding action that is characteristic of liquids
and gases prevents one particle from displacing its neighbour in a direction perpendicular to the energy transport. It is for this reason that only longitudinal waves are observed
moving through the bulk of liquids such as our oceans.
Earthquakes are capable of producing both transverse and longitudinal waves
that travel through the solid structures of the Earth. When seismologists began to study
earthquake waves they noticed that only longitudinal waves were capable of travelling
through the core of the Earth. For this reason, geologists believe that the Earth's core
consists of a liquid - most likely molten iron.
While waves that travel within the depths of the ocean are longitudinal waves,
the waves that travel along the surface of the oceans are referred to as surface waves. A
surface wave is a wave in which particles of the medium undergo a circular motion.
Surface waves are neither longitudinal nor transverse. In longitudinal and transverse
waves, all the particles in the entire bulk of the medium move in a parallel and a perpendicular direction (respectively) relative to the direction of energy transport. In a surface
wave, it is only the particles at the surface of the medium that undergo the circular motion. The motion of particles tends to decrease as one proceeds further from the surface.
Any wave moving through a medium has a source. Somewhere along the medium, there was an initial displacement of one of the particles. For a slinky wave, it is
usually the first coil that becomes displaced by the hand of a person. For a sound wave
it is usually the vibration of the vocal chords or a guitar string that sets the first particle of
air in vibrational motion. At the location where the wave is introduced into the medi- um,
the particles that are displaced from their equilibrium position always moves in the same
direction as the source of the vibration. So if you wish to create a transverse wave in a
slinky, then the first coil of the slinky must be displaced in a direction perpendicular to
the entire slinky. Similarly, if you wish to create a longitudinal wave in a slinky, then the
first coil of the slinky must be displaced in a direction parallel to the entire slinky.
Activity 3:
(15 minutes) divide in groups: one has to explain to the neighbour the main features
of a longitudinal and transverse waves finding examples .
Activity 4:
(15 minutes) find animations about longitudinal and transverse waves on the website
Activity 5:
(15 minutes) check your comprehension discussing the animation with the teacher
and answering the following questions:
1. If you strike a horizontal rod vertically from above, what can be said about the waves
created in the rod?
a. The particles vibrate horizontally along the direction of the rod.
b. The particles vibrate vertically, perpendicular to the direction of the rod.
c. The particles vibrate in circles, perpendicular to the direction of the rod.
d. The particles travel along the rod from the point of impact to its end.
2. The sonar device on a fishing boat uses underwater sound to locate fish. Would you
expect sonar to be a longitudinal or a transverse wave?
Activity 6:
(10 minutes) find the difference between P and S waves and write a short written text
explaining it.
MODULE N. 1 Title: Waves phenomena and the deep nature of earthquakes
Lesson4/Unit n. 2: Title: wave equation, wave physical quantities, reflection and
refrac- tion phenomena
Duration: 2 periods
OBJECTIVES: To make the students confident with maths implied in wave phenomena
and to introduce them to reflection and refraction laws and their consequences in earthquakes
wave equation, wave physical quantities, reflection and refraction phenomena (2 periods)
improve the abilities necessary to read and explain equations
Work in groups, listening, asking and answering questions,
find informations, draw graphs, solve simple equations
Activity 1: (10 minutes)
warming up activity:
1. what do you know about wave quantities such as frequency, wavelength, amplitude, velocity?
2. find out examples from everyday life
Activity 2: (15 minutes)
listen to the teacher introducing the physical quantities implied in the wave phenomena in a rigorous way, but always recalling the knowledge already possessed.
Activity 3:
(15 minutes) read the text below:
The Wave Equation
A wave is produced when a vibrating source periodically disturbs the first particle of a
medium. This creates a wave pattern that begins to travel along the medium from
particle to particle. The frequency at which each individual particle vibrates is equal to
the frequency at which the source vibrates. Similarly, the period of vibration of each individual particle in the medium is equal to the period of vibration of the source. In one
period, the source is able to displace the first particle upwards from rest, back to rest,
downwards from rest, and finally back to rest. This complete back-and-forth movement
constitutes one complete wave cycle.
The diagrams at the right show several "snapshots" of the production of a wave within a rope. The motion of the disturbance along the medium after every one-fourth of a
period is depicted. Observe that in the time it takes from the first to the last snapshot,
the hand has made one complete back-and-forth motion. A period has elapsed. Observe that during this same amount of time, the leading edge of the disturbance has
moved a distance equal to one complete wavelength. So in a time of one period, the
wave has moved a distance of one wavelength. So in a time of one period, the wave
has moved a distance of one wavelength. Combining this information with the equation for speed (speed = distance/time), it can be said that the speed of a wave is also
the wavelength/period.
Speed = Wavelength • Frequency
The above equation is known as the wave equation. It states the mathematical relationship between the speed (v) of a wave and its wavelength ( and frequency (f). Using
the symbols v, , and f, the equation can be rewritten as :
1.75 m
0.90 m
1.19 m
0.60 m
0.95 m
1.82 m
2.0 Hz
3.9 Hz
2.1 Hz
4.2 Hz
2.2 Hz
1.2 Hz
Activity 5:
(10 minutes) brainstorming about reflection, refraction: what are they?
Find examples from everyday life.
Activity 6:
(10 minutes) listen to the teacher explaining the laws of reflection and refraction.
Bring examples from your personal experience.
Activity 7:
(15 minutes) watch to the video, and discuss with the teacher your observations
Activity 8:
(15 minutes) the class is divided in groups. One half has to find out information on the
web about the endoscope as a an application of reflection and the other half about the
P-S wave shadow zone in an earthquake as a consequence of refraction.
Activity 9:
(20 minutes) the two groups explain each other the results of their research through a
short oral report. As homework each student will prepare a written report.
Homework group activity: each group has to realize a product (Video, ppt presentation, …) to explain main aspects of waves phenomena to a same year class in English.
La valutazione terrà conto delle competenze linguistiche e disciplinari.
Valutazione del contenuto linguistico:
- reading and speaking
- question time
- listening and comprehension
Valutazione delle competenze specifiche della disciplina utilizzando una o più
delle seguenti modalità :
- risoluzione di esercizi (nell’unità predisposta sono forniti alcuni esempi).
- colloquio orale (valutazione sia del contenuto linguistico che del contenuto specifico della materia)
- esperienze di laboratorio (eventualmente virtuale): verifica della capacità di
effettuare i collegamenti fra quanto spiegato durante le lezioni e quanto
osservato in laboratorio
- realizzazione di prodotti multimediali.
Le modalità di valutazione sono state fissate tenendo conto della necessità di
verificare l’aspetto linguistico, la capacità espositiva e la conoscenza dei contenuti,
secondo la griglia di seguito riportata.
Conoscenze Applicazione
complete e ap-corretta, adeguata,sintesi,
autonoma anche l’argomentaa più complessi zione e la
con approfon-casi
e fluida
sono corrette,
zioni autonoSicurezza
me anche
a comoperativa
comunicativa valutazione parziali
in L2
in decimi
Corretta ed
Rielaborazione Chiara,
ecorretta, adeguata,critica,
pur qualche lieve
senza partico- imprecisione
lare originalità.
corretta, sicura adeguati colleLessico adeguato gamenti
fatti e concetti
Conoscenze Applicazione
Analisi e sintecomplete,
corretta delle
si corrette ed
conon sempre ap-noscenze
effettuate con
una certa diEsposizione logicasinvoltura
e lessico adeguati
con 7≤voto<8
che non compromettono
Conoscenza deiApplicazione delleEsegue un’acontenuti
modoed una sintesi
Utilizza una
termi- semplice,situazioni
ma appropriata
Con alcuni er- 6<voto<7
rori, che
Conoscenza deiSa applicare le co-Esegue un’acontenuti
essenziali in modo sostan-agli
corretto. una termi-ed una sintesi
ma appropriata
Con alcuni er- voto= 6
compromettono la
mini- mi
Applica le cono- Analisi par- Con frequenti 5≤voto<6
scenze minime, ziale e sintesi errori, taluni
ma con qualche imprecise
compromettoer- rore
no la comprensibilità
incer- ta, lessico
Conoscenze la-Applicazione mec-Analisi e sinte-Non
sempre 4≤voto<5
cunose e sco-canica, imprecisa esi parziali, conadeguata allo
con errori
qualche errore scopo, con numerosi e gravi
Nel lessico presenerrori
za di errori diffusi
e/o gravi
la- cunose con
er- rori gravi e
dif- fusi
Incapacità di applicare gli strumenti operativi
situazioni note.
e Inadeguata
sinte- si quasi allo
scopo, con
numerosi e
gravi errori
Conoscenze Incapacità o erro-Non sintetizzaCompleta2≤voto<3
gravemente er- nea applicazioneo non compiemente inadegrate e estrema- degli
strumentialcun tipo diuata
fram-operativi, anche seanalisi
guidato /
Non si orienta
Rifiuto di applicare gli strumenti
operativi anche se
Esposizione scoordinata o assente
Assenza di lessico
Si chiederà di riprodurre in gruppi di livello o individualmente gli esercizi proposti in
classe e quindi già risolti e si proporranno nuovi esercizi simili per comprendere in ma-
niera precisa le difficoltà incontrate e cercare di concentrare il recupero sulle singole lacune.
Interrogazione orale per valutare se le lacune sono state colmate.
Final Test
Surname :
Name :
Date :
Class :
1. Select the correct ending (one or more)
a. Earthquakes
a. mostly have the hypocentre located at a depth of no more than 70 Km
b. are randomly located on Earth’s surface
c. always occur at the same locations on Earth’s surface
d. are particularly frequent in the circum-pacific zone
b. The hypocentre of an earthquake
a. is the point inside the lithosphere from which L and R waves are propagated
b. is the point on Earth’s surface from which P and S waves are propagated
c. is the point inside the lithosphere from which P and S waves are propagated
d. is the point on Earth’s surface from which L and R waves are propagated
c. Aftershocks
a. are shocks that precede the main shock
b. are usually of lower intensity than the main shock
c. are shocks that follow the main shock
d. are also called foreshocks
d. Surface seismic waves
a. are divided in primary waves and secondary waves
b. are called body waves
c. are the first to be recorded by a seismometer
d. are slower than body waves
2. Determine if the statement is true (T) or false (F) and, in the latter case, write the
correct sentence.
Two earthquakes having the same magnitude will release the same
amount of Energy
A seaquake is an earthquake that has the epicentre on the seabed
Body waves cause the most damage to manmade structure
3. Select the correct ending (one or more)
a. The Mercalli scale
a. measures the magnitude of an earthquake
b. measures the intensity of an earthquake on the basis of the effects produced on buildings and people
c. is perfectly equivalent to the Richter scale
d. evaluates the entity of an earthquake on the basis of the energy released
b. The Richter scale
a. is based on a millimetre scale
b. is based on a logarithmic scale
c. measures the intensity of a seism
d. evaluates the damage sustained by buildings
4. Write the terms from the following definitions.
- Between one value and the next on the Richter scale the amplitude of the maximum oscillation on the seismogram increases
- For each unit increment of magnitude the energy released increases
- A type of forecasting that is able to precisely indicate the time and place in
which an event will happen
5. List the major differences between P and S waves.
6. Describe the principle of a seismograph
7. Write a short piece about earthquakes using the following terms : hypocentre, epicentre, elastic rebound theory, magnitude, intensity, transverse wave, longitudinal
wave, logarithm.
8. Describe from a physical point of view the following picture, with particular regard to
the wave propagation.
9. Make a review of the main physical quantities implied in wave phenomena and write
the wave equation
10. Write the laws of reflection and refraction
La correzione sarà relativa al solo contenuto disciplinare.
Gli errori ortografico-lessicali saranno segnalati ma non valutati.
I punteggi verranno consegnati agli studenti assieme alle prove corrette.
- scelta multipla: per ogni risposta corretta: 2 punti;
- esercizio n° 2 : 4 punti;
- esercizio n° 4 : 3 punti;
- esercizio n° 5 e 6 : 4 punti;
- esercizi dal n° 7 al n° 9 : 6 punti;
- esercizio n° 10 : 5 punti.
Soglia per la sufficienza: 30 punti.
1 . Select the correct ending (one or more)
a- d
b. – c
c. – b, c
d. – d
2 . Determine if the statement is true (T) or false (F) and, in the latter case, write the correct sentence
T, T, F
3. Select the correct ending (one or more)
a. b
b. b
- tenfold increase
- 32 fold energy
- prediction
5. List the major differences between P and S waves.
P waves, or primary waves, push and pull rocks in the direction the wave is travelling.
P waves are compressional waves and can travel through all materials.
S waves, or secondary waves, shake the particles perpendicularly to their direction of
travel. They temporarily change the shape of the material that transmits them They can
travel only through solids.
6. Seismograph
A weight is suspended in a way that allows it to remain still when the ground moves.
Most modern instruments use an electromagnetic mechanism for this. A writing instrument is attached to the weight allowing it to record the movement as it happens. The
“graph” suffix refers to the writing action.
8. In the picture above we can see the behavior of seismic waves travelling from the hypocenter through the earth. The longitudinal waves (P waves) can travel trough any medium, so they can cross the outer and inner core and in fact they can reach almost the
whole surface of the earth, except for a P shadow zone, which is the consequence of the
phenomenon of refraction at the core boundary, where there is a sudden change of
dens- ity. In the picture we can see that the longitudinal wave is both reflected and
refracted. Since S waves are transverse mechanical waves, they can travel only through
a solid medium and are so absorbed by the core. As a consequence there is a large S
shadow zone opposite to the hypocenter where no transverse waves ever arrive.
9. Amplitude (A): maximum displacement from the equilibrium position
Wavelength (): distance between two crests or throughs
Period (T): time in which a complete oscillation is performed
Frequency (f): number of complete oscillations or cycles in one second
Velocity (V): velocity of the disturbance travelling through the medium (displacement
over time)
Wave equation : V =  / T
Laws of reflection:
The incident ray, the normal to the surface and the reflected ray lay in the same plane.
The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
Laws of refraction:
 The incident ray, the normal to the surface and the refracted ray lay in the same
 n1sinq1=n2sinq2
Please answer the questions below. Circle one answer for each question.
1) Has your listening improved after taking this course?
Not Sure
Can't Judge
2) Has your pronunciation improved after taking this course?
Not Sure
Can't Judge
3) Has your speaking improved after taking this course?
Not Sure
Can't Judge
4) Has your writing improved after taking this course?
5) Were the lessons useful?
6) Were the lessons interesting?
Not Sure
Can't Judge
7) Did using internet help you to improve your English?
8) Write down the activities you found useful in the space below
9) How often did you find the lesson interesting?
Usually Sometimes
10)What were the good points of this course (select three from the following list).
Interesting texts
Good teacher
I could sometimes study using computers
The class helped me improve my English skills
Convenient lesson
times Lesson
interactivity Other
(write here)
15) Write down any changes that you think should be made to this course.
16) How much could you understand at the beginning of the year?
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
17) How much can you understand now?
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
18) The teacher was enthusiastic about teaching.
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
19) The teacher presented the lessons clearly.
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
- Tarbuck E.J., Lutgens F.K. (2004), Earth Science 11th Edition, Pearson. New York.
- Kirk T., Hodgson N. (2010), Physics Second Edition, Oxford university Press, Oxford.