Holy Rosary`s Historic Centennial Celebrations


Holy Rosary`s Historic Centennial Celebrations
Vol. 53 ▪ No. 1
Washington D.C.
January 2014
An Italian American Gazette of the Greater Washington D.C. Area
A colloquio con Giuliano Grisi,
direttore della Toscanini New
Symphony Orchestra
Holy Rosary’s Historic Centennial Celebrations
diAzzurra Carpo
Se riflettiamo su questo interrogativo, ci
accorgiamo che la musica è forse l’unico mezzo che
unisce tutti i popoli, di ogni luogo e etnia.Che sia
musica classica o di qualsiasi altro genere, ci troviamo
di fronte ad un mezzo di comunicazione potentissimo,
capace addirittura di unire tutti intorno ad un evento.
Pensiamo ad esempio al Capodanno: in quale luogo non
troviamo un concerto di musica classica? Dappertutto.
Addirittura in varie occasioni mi è capitato di essere
impegnato a Vienna nella preparazione del famoso
Concerto di Capodanno che siamo abituati a vedere
Continua a pagina 3
Lei è considerato il grande talento emergente della
musica classica italiana. Ha collaborato e diretto
opere e spettacoli nei più famosi teatri della lirica,
dalla Scala di Milano all’Opera di Roma dal Covent
Garden di Londra alla Tokyo Symphony Orchestra,
con artisti del calibro di Pavarotti, Placido Domingo,
Carla Fracci, e addirittura in Vaticano Aalla presenza
del papa Benedetto XVI. Qual è il messaggio che la
musica sa donare a questo nostro mondo inquieto?
Cardinal Donald Wuerl (center) was the principal celebrant of the Mass at Holy Rosary Church to mark the 100th anniversary of the parish, which was founded in 1913 to serve the Italian Catholic community in the District. Concelebrants
of the Mass included, (second from left) Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States; Deacon
William ("Bill") Gallerizzo; and (at right) Fr. Ezio Marchetto, pastor of Holy Rosary Church.
Maestro Giuliano Grisi
Celebrating the Mass with Cardinal Wuerl were,
among others, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò,
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop
Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for Military
Services, Fr. Ezio Marchetto, Holy Rosary Church
pastor, Fr. Lydio Tomasi, pastor emeritus, and
Fr. Alessandro Gazzola, general superior of the
Scalabrinians. Also in attendance were former Holy
Rosary pastors Fr. Charles Zanoni and Fr. Terry
Despite the inclement weather, the Church was
filled to capacity; the overflow crowd participated via
a television screen in Casa Italiana. Special guests at
the Mass included Supreme Court Justices Antonin
Scalia and Samuel Alito, and Italian Ambassador and
Mrs. Claudio Bisogniero.
Continued on page 2
The celebration of Holy Rosary Church’s first
100 years of service to the local Italian-American
community began with an afternoon Mass on Sunday,
December 8, 2013, followed by a gala dinner attended
by about 700 parishioners and friends at the National
Building Museum.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who was the principal
celebrant at the Mass, remarked that, “Holy Rosary
parish has made visible, audible and tangible that
embrace of God that is our faith and Christ’s church
in our nation’s capital. This anniversary is not just a
celebration of past accomplishments, but it is also an
opportunity to reflect on the present moment and to
look to the future, as we are called to pass on the faith
as our ancestors did a century ago.”
Cardinal Wuerl concluded his remarks with
greetings to the parish in Italian.
Celebrating the Centennial 3
New Year's Cheer 4
The Dying Gaul 7
Address service requested
Voce Italiana
Holy Rosary Church
595 Third Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-2703
PERMIT #8278