Lightweight Landscape architectural workshop


Lightweight Landscape architectural workshop
Lightweight Landscape
architectural workshop
Politecnico di Milano _ Leonardo Campus
Lightweight landscape for a sustainable built environment
Minimal mass buildings for an energy-saving environment
Scuola di Architettura e Società
With the contribution of:
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Dipartimento DiAP
Dipartimento BEST
Supported by:
Serge Ferrari Textiles
TSI company
Cluster ClusTEX
Cariplo Foundation
Scientific committee:
Alessandra Zanelli, Carol Monticelli - BEST
Luigi Spinelli, Paolo Pedrali - DiAP
DESIGN GOES SOFT: software, soft form and soft energy
Sheila Kennedy, MIT Boston
Agenda of wednesday
22nd February 2012
S 1.4
Setting up of the exhibition
10-10.20 Introduction: The “soft-pv” project
Alessandra Zanelli, BEST Department
The MIT SOFT Rocker leverages its environment in a dynamic manner by using the human
power of balance to create an interactive 1.5 axis 35 watt solar tracking system.
10.20-12 Design goes soft: software, soft form and soft energy
Sheila Kennedy, MIT Boston
12 - 12.30 Innovative and recyclable composite textiles
Cecile Wilquin, Serge Ferrari Textiles
14 -18
Opening Exhibition
with: Andrea Angeli, Paolo Beccarelli,
Roberto Maffei, Salvatore Viscuso,
Paolo Pedrali, Luigi Spinelli, Alessandra Zanelli
Sheila Kennedy Professor of the Practice of Architecture at MIT,
Boston, and principal of KVA MATx (, is an expert in
the integration of solar cell technology in architecture, changing the
way buildings receive and distribute energy. Her solar textiles are
made of flexible photovoltaic materials: these membrane-like surfaces
are draped like curtains, but can also be used on roofs and walls.
The SOFT HOUSE project in Hamburg, Germany is a winning competition entry designed by the KVA Matx Team for the International BauAustellung (IBA).
Through the conceptual reframing of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ materials and the integration of architecture, mobile textiles and clean energy infrastructure the SOFT
HOUSE transforms the German PassiveHaus typology, offering a much more flexible living experience. The Soft House demonstrates how domestic infrastructure
Lightweight Landscape
architectural workshop
Politecnico di Milano _ Leonardo Campus
Lightweight landscape for a sustainable built environment
Minimal mass buildings for an energy-saving environment
Scuola di Architettura e Società
With the contribution of:
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Dipartimento DiAP
Dipartimento BEST
Supported by:
Serge Ferrari Textiles
TSI company
Cluster ClusTEX
Cariplo Foundation
Scientific committee:
Alessandra Zanelli, Carol Monticelli - BEST
Luigi Spinelli, Paolo Pedrali - DiAP
DESIGN GOES SOFT: software, soft form and soft energy
Sheila Kennedy, MIT Boston
Agenda of wednesday
22nd February 2012
S 1.4
Setting up of the exhibition
10-10.20 Introduction: The “soft-pv” project
Alessandra Zanelli, BEST Department
10.20-12 Design goes soft: software, soft form and soft energy
Sheila Kennedy, MIT Boston
12 - 12.30 Innovative and recyclable composite textiles
Cecile Wilquin, Serge Ferrari Textiles
14 -18
Opening Exhibition
with: Andrea Angeli, Paolo Beccarelli,
Roberto Maffei, Salvatore Viscuso,
Paolo Pedrali, Luigi Spinelli, Alessandra Zanelli
Sheila Kennedy Professor of the Practice of Architecture at MIT,
Boston, and principal of KVA MATx (, is an expert in
the integration of solar cell technology in architecture, changing the
way buildings receive and distribute energy. Her solar textiles are made
of flexible photovoltaic materials: these membrane-like surfaces are
draped like curtains, but can also be used on roofs and walls.
The SOFT House, under constrction in Summer 2012, demonstrates how domestic infrastructure can become ‘soft’ - engaging flexible living concepts, carbon
neutral solid wood construction, and wireless building controls with responsive and performative textiles which create the public identity of the architecture.
Lightweight Landscape
architectural workshop
Politecnico di Milano _ Leonardo Campus
Lightweight landscape for a sustainable built environment
Minimal mass buildings for an energy-saving environment
Scuola di Architettura e Società
With the contribution of:
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Dipartimento DiAP
Dipartimento BEST
Supported by:
Serge Ferrari Textiles
TSI company
Cluster ClusTEX
Cariplo Foundation
Scientific committee:
Alessandra Zanelli, Carol Monticelli - BEST
Luigi Spinelli, Paolo Pedrali - DiAP
DESIGN GOES SOFT: software, soft form and soft energy
Sheila Kennedy, MIT Boston
Agenda of wednesday
22nd February 2012
S 1.4
Setting up of the exhibition
10-10.20 Introduction: The “soft-pv” project
Alessandra Zanelli, BEST Department
10.20-12 Design goes soft: software, soft form and soft energy
Sheila Kennedy, MIT Boston
12 - 12.30 Innovative and recyclable composite textiles
Cecile Wilquin, Serge Ferrari Textiles
14 -18
Opening Exhibition
with: Andrea Angeli, Paolo Beccarelli,
Roberto Maffei, Salvatore Viscuso,
Paolo Pedrali, Luigi Spinelli, Alessandra Zanelli
Sheila Kennedy Professor of the Practice of Architecture at MIT,
Boston, and principal of KVA MATx (, is an expert in
the integration of solar cell technology in architecture, changing the
way buildings receive and distribute energy. Her solar textiles are
made of flexible photovoltaic materials: these membrane-like surfaces
are draped like curtains, but can also be used on roofs and walls.
The MIT SOFT Rocker leverages its environment in a dynamic manner by using the human power of balance to create an interactive 1.5 axis 35 watt solar tracking system.