
Pellone M, Iob I, Salar G, Ori C: Differential carotid ligation for cerebral aneurysms. Technical notes. Journal of
Neurosurgical Sciences 25: 113-115, 1981
Iob I, Salar G, Mingrino S, Giordano R, Ori C: Valore prognostico dei potenziali evocati corticali in patologia
vertebromidollare. Studio di un caso clinico. Rivista di Patologia Nervosa e Mentale 102: 205-210, 1981
Ori C, Pittoni G, Paccagnella F, Michelutto V, Paolin A, Rusca F, Iob I: Ipotensione controllata in neurochirurgia
mediante uso sequenziale di trimetafano e trinitroglicerina. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 33: 537-543, 1982
Iavicoli R, Zuccarello M, Pardatscher K, Fiore DL, Ori C: Ematomi sottodurali acuti ad origine arteriosa. Quaderni
di Radiologia XLVII: 1-5, 1982
Carollo C, Marin G, Scanarini M, Ori C, Drigo P, Casara GL, Laverda AM: CT and ACTH treatment in infantile
spasms. Child's Brain 9: 347-353, 1982
Scanarini M, Ori C, Pittoni G, Longatti PL, Gerosa M, Carteri A: Chloral hydrate and intracranial pressure at
pediatric age. Monographs in Paediatrics 15: 67-69, 1982
Longatti PL, Scanarini M, Gerosa M, Ori C, Carteri A: ICP monitoring and function of CSF shunts. Monographs in
Paediatrics 15: 144-146, 1982
Ori C, Carollo C, Drigo P, Iob I: Su un caso di arresto respiratorio da aspirazione di idrato di cloralio. Acta
Anaesthesiologica Italica 34: 87-89, 1983
Ori C, Salar G, Troletti G, Paccagnella F, Paolin A, Iob I, Carollo C, Rusca F: Condotta anestesiologica in corso di
termocoagulazione percutanea del ganglio di Gasser. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 34: 613-620, 1983
Ori C, Troletti GF, Paccagnella F, Paolin A, Salar G, Iob I, Rotilio A, Zanardi L: Droperidolo ad elevato dosaggio
negli interventi chirurgici in fossa cranica posteriore. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 34: 805-811, 1983
Drigo P, Degan E, Laverda AM, Zorzi C, Casara GL, Ori C, Zampieri P, Carollo C: Reperti tomografici cerebrali
in bambini affetti da spina bifida. Acta Paediatrica Latina XXXVI: 323-333, 1983
Ori C, Paccagnella F, Michelutto V, Troletti GF, Manani G, Morando M: L'anestesia analgesica potenziata con
protossido d'azoto e la neuroleptoanalgesia nella chirurgia delle malattie intracraniche espansive. Studio
comparativo. Anestesia e Rianimazione 24: 121-129, 1983
Salar G, Ambrosio F, Alati GL, Iob I, Ori C: La termocoagulazione del ganglio di Andersch nel trattamento della
nevralgia sintomatica del nervo glossofaringeo. Il Dolore V: 133-135, 1983
Schiavon R, De Tofano N, Ori C: Gli effetti delle manovre di nursing delle vie aeree sulla pressione intracranica.
Infermieristica Neurochirurgica 32: 18-21, 1983
Iob I, Scanarini M, Salar G, Ori C: Traumatic cerebral aneurysm in pediatric age. Case report. Journal of
Neurosurgical Sciences 27: 187-190, 1983
Ori C, Pittoni G, Paccagnella F, Michelutto V, Paolin A, Zuccarello M, Giron GP: Head injuries and their early
management. An account of one year's experience. Acta Neurochirurgica 69: 23-30, 1983
Pittoni G, Ori C, Paccagnella F, Troletti GF, Zuccarello M, Giron GP: Admission chart as a protocol for reception
and first management of head injuries. Acta Neurochirurgica 69: 31-36, 1983
Ori C, Salar G: Is anaesthesia for trigeminal thermocoagulation ever necessary? Anaesthesia 38: 1228-1229, 1983
Ori C, Salar G, Giron GP: Percutaneous glossopharyngeal thermocoagulation complicated by syncope and
seizures. Neurosurgery 13: 427-429, 1983
Salar G, Ori C, Baratto V, Iob I, Mingrino S: Selective percutaneous thermolesions of the ninth cranial nerve by
lateral cervical approach: report of eight cases. Surgical Neurology 20: 276-279, 1983
Ori C, Paccagnella F, Troletti GF, Drigo P, Salar G, Iob I: Il primo trattamento del traumatizzato cranio-encefalico
in età pediatrica. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 35: 631-636, 1984
Iob I, Salar G, Ori C, Bartolomei L: Surgical versus medical treatment of brain stem lesions: clinical review. Acta
Neurologica 6 (XXXIX): 426-427, 1984
Rotilio A, Salar G, Dollo C, Ori C, Carteri A: La stenosi non neoplastica dell'acquedotto di Silvio in età pediatrica.
Acta Paediatrica Latina XXXVII: 219-230, 1984
Ori C, Salar G: L'anestesia generale negli interventi di termolesione dei nervi cranici. Minerva Anestesiologica 50:
33-34, 1984
Salar G, Baratto V, Ori C, Iob I, Mingrino S: Percutaneous thermolesion of the glossopharyngeal nerve: results and
anatomo-physiological considerations. Acta Neurochirurgica Suppl. 33: 515-520, 1984
Ori C, Iob I, Diani MM, De Zotti MA, Mazzotta R, Dam M, Pizzolato G, Zanardi L, Salar G: Effetti clinici della
somministrazione endovenosa o intratecale del naloxone nei pazienti in coma. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 36:
159-165, 1985
Zanardi L, Ori C, Rusca F, Posteraro CM: Su due casi di aritmia cardiaca indotta dalla somministrazione di
atropina. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 36: 179-181, 1985
Ori C, Iob I, Cirillo F, Dam M, Pizzolato G, Cassetta M, Innocente F, De Zotti MA, Mazzotta R, Ferla S, Battaggia
C, Salar G: Effetti degli anestetici generali per via endovenosa sull'analisi spettrale dell'elettroencefalogramma.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 36: 377-391, 1985
Ori C, De Zotti MA, Innocente F, Cassetta M, Farnia A, Iob I, Salar G, Rotilio A, Rigobello L: Sull'impiego della
ketamina nei pazienti neurochirurgici in età pediatrica. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 36: 719-724, 1985
Ori C, Pizzolato G, Freo U, Dam M, Innocente F, De Zotti MA: Anestesia generale e metabolismo cerebrale. Nota
I: La metodica del ( C)-2-Desossiglucosio. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 36: 759-769, 1985
Salar G, Ori C: La nevralgia trigeminale: attuali possibilità terapeutiche. Giornale Veneto di Scienze Mediche 37:
33-35, 1985
Facco E, Ori C, Pittoni G, Zanardi L, Giron GP: L'edema cerebrale. Le Basi Razionali della Terapia XV: 633-678,
Pittoni G, Ori C, Facco E, Rusca F, Zanardi L: Traumi cranio-encefalici: sintesi di un anno di esperienza e proposta
di una cartella-protocollo. Le Basi Razionali della Terapia XV: 679-683, 1985
Ori C, Pittoni G, Cirillo F, Rusca F: Fattori di aggravamento evitabili e ruolo dell'anestesista-rianimatore nel primo
soccorso ai traumatizzati cranio-encefalici. Le Basi Razionali della Terapia XV: 685-687, 1985
Rotilio A, Salar G, Dollo C, Ori C, Carteri A: Aqueductal stenosis following mumps virus infection. Case report.
The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences VI: 237-239, 1985
Ori C, Salar G, Giron GP: Cardiovascular and cerebral complications during glossopharyngeal nerve
thermocoagulation. Anaesthesia 40: 433-437, 1985
Paccagnella F, Ori C, Ceccherelli F, Volpe A, Pozza V: The treatment of chronic benign pain by means of low
frequency pulsating magnetic fields. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 14: 241-244, 1985
Ori C, Dam M, Pizzolato G, Freo U, Ganceff L, Farnia A, Battistin L, Giron GP: Anestesia generale e metabolismo
cerebrale. Nota II: Effetti degli anestetici endovenosi. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 37: 693-704, 1986
Ori C, Manani G, Paccagnella F, De Zotti MA, Innocente F, Farnia A, Cirillo FM, Bonaccorso G, Camporese C:
Premedicazione orale con diazepam e deidrobenzperidolo ed ipnosi da cloralio idrato. Acta Anaesthesiologica
Italica 37: 805-811, 1986
Ori C, Dam M, Pizzolato G, Farnia A, Freo U, Ganceff L, Innocente F, Della Puppa A: Anestesia generale e
metabolismo cerebrale. Nota III: Effetti degli anestetici inalatori. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 37: 985-994, 1986
Iob I, Salar G, Battaggia C, Peserico L, Ori C: La neurorrafia: modelli sperimentali. Rivista Internazionale di
Chirurgia Vertebrale e dei Nervi Periferici I: 1-11, 1986
Iob I, Salar G, Ori C, Mattana M, Casadei A, Peserico L: Accidental high voltage electrocution: a rare
neurosurgical problem. Acta Neurochirurgica 83: 151-153, 1986
Ori C, Dam M, Pizzolato G, Battistin L, Giron GP: Effects of isoflurane anesthesia on local cerebral glucose
utilization in the rat. Anesthesiology 65: 152-156, 1986
Salar G, Iob I, Ori C: Combined thermocoagulation of the 5 and 9 cranial nerves for oral pain of neoplastic
aetiology. Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery 14: 1-4, 1986
Ori C, Salar G, Iob I, Peserico L: La nevralgia del glossofaringeo: attuali possibilità terapeutiche. Giornale Veneto
di Scienze Mediche 39: 29-32, 1987
Innocente F, Farnia A, Manuali A, Iob I, Salar G, Ori C: Complicanze postoperatorie degli interventi in fossa
cranica posteriore. Minerva Anestesiologica 53: 329-334, 1987
Salar G, Iob I, Ori C, Fiore D, Mattana M, Battaggia C: The treatment of hemifacial spasm with percutaneous
radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the facial nerve. Acta Neurochirurgica Suppl. 39: 132-135, 1987
Salar G, Ori C, Iob I, Fiore D: Percutaneous thermocoagulation for sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia. Acta
Neurochirurgica 84: 24-28, 1987
Ori C, Su TP, Weissman AD, London ED: Extraordinary postmortem stability of kappa opioid receptors in guineapig brain. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 39: 951-954, 1987
Ori C, Innocente F, Tiberio I, Farnia A, Iob I, Salar G: Effetti della infusione percutanea di nitroglicerina sulla
stabilità emodinamica in corso di interventi neurochirurgici. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 39: 269-275, 1988
Ori C, Innocente F, Farnia A, Tiberio I, Iob I, Salar G: L'ipotensione controllata con isoflurano e con nitroglicerina
nella chirurgia degli aneurismi endocranici. Studio comparativo. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 39: 345-351, 1988
Ori C, Innocente F, Farnia A, Fiore D, Iob I, Salar G: Condotta anestesiologica in corso di cateterizzazione
superselettiva delle arterie extra- ed intracraniche. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 39: 489-497, 1988
Iob I, Padoan A, Mottaran R, Giordano R, Salar G, Ori C: Rupture followed by acute thrombosis of a cerebral
aneurysm in a child. Acta Neurologica 10 (XLIII): 137-142, 1988
Iob I, Salar G, De Luca GP, Battaggia C, Padoan A, Ori C, Carollo C: Le instabilità traumatiche del rachide
cervicale alto: approccio terapeutico. Ricerca Neurochirurgica II: 127-130, 1988
Innocente F, Tiberio I, Iob I, Salar G, Da Re D, Didonè M, Decastello M, Ori C: Il controllo della tachicardia e
dell'ipertensione arteriosa in corso di interventi per via trans-naso-sfenoidale. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 40:
143-149, 1989
56. Giron GP, Ori C: Tecniche di cannulazione della trachea nel traumatizzato vertebro-midollare a livello cervicale.
Studio comparativo. Minerva Anestesiologica 55: 81-85, 1989
57. Iob I, Salar G, Mattisi G, Ori C, Rampazzo A: Diencephalic syndrome following cervical spinal cord trauma. Acta
Neurochirurgica 97: 123-127, 1989
58. Ori C, Ford-Rice F, London ED: Effects of nitrous oxide and halothane on mu and kappa opioid receptors in
guinea-pig brain. Anesthesiology 70: 541-544, 1989
59. Ori C, Dam M, Pizzolato G: Effetti del propofol (Diprivan ) sull'attività funzionale cerebrale: correlazioni tra
metabolismo, flusso ematico, attività elettrica e stato energetico tessutale. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 41: 1-23,
60. Ori C, Caputo P, Innocente F, Tiberio I, Carlot A, Didonè M, Salar G, Iob I: Indagine sull'incidenza delle
complicanze infettive in pazienti critici. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 41: 693-699, 1990
61. Schiavon R, Schiavon S, Innocente F, Ori C: La microchirurgia trans-naso-sfenoidale. Considerazioni
anestesiologiche di interesse infermieristico. A.I.C.O. 2: 109-117, 1990
62. de Caro R, Parenti A, Capitanio G, Ori C, Bracco F, Ricchieri GL: Basilar arterio-venous pseudoparallelism due to
persistence of embryonal venous pattern. Acta Neurochirurgica 104: 73-76, 1990
63. Innocente F, Ori C, Giron GP: Tracheal intubation under fluoroscopic control. X ray-guided orotracheal intubation
in three cases of impossible direct laryngoscopy. Anaesthesia 45: 675-677, 1990
64. Ori C, Dam M, Pizzolato G: Epileptogenic foci and local cerebral metabolism. Anesthesia and Analgesia 71: 708,
65. Dam M, Ori C, Pizzolato G, Ricchieri GL, Pellegrini A, Giron GP, Battistin L: The effects of propofol on local
glucose utilization in the rat. Anesthesiology 73: 499-505, 1990
66. London ED, Wilkerson G, Ori C, Kimes AS: Central action of psychomotor stimulants on glucose utilization in
extrapyramidal motor areas in the rat brain. Brain Research 512: 155-158, 1990
67. Tiberio I, Innocente F, Ortalli GL, Carlot A, Meneghini L, Habicher K, Ori C: Anestesia con tiopentale e anestesia
con propofol per la cardioversione elettrica. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 42: 315-320, 1991
68. Schiavon R, Ori C: Cure mediche pre-ospedaliere di pazienti politraumatizzati. A.I.C.O. 3: 227-234, 1991
69. Ori C, Tiberio I, Innocente F, Theiner A: Anestesia totalmente endovenosa con midazolam in neurochirurgia
stereotassica. Impegno Ospedaliero-Sezione Scientifica, n. 1 Anno X, 1991, pp. 41-44
70. Iob I, Mattana M, Marcelli M, Dalla Pietà G, Ori C, Salar G, Peserico L: Stabilizzazione delle fratture del rachide
cervicale: problemi diagnostici emergenti. In “Neuroradiologia 1991”, Edizione del Centauro, Udine 1991, pp.
411- 413
71. Salar G, Ori C, Iob I, Costella GB, Battaggia C, Peserico L: Cerebral blood flow changes induced by electrical
stimulation of the Gasserian ganglion after experimentally induced subarachnoid haemorrhage in pigs. Acta
Neurochirurgica 119: 115-120, 1992
72. Ori C, Innocente F, Tiberio I, Apollonia G, Habicher K, Saltori M, Manfio A, Ceschin C: La valutazione
soggettiva del risveglio dall'anestesia: confronto tra neuroleptoanalgesia e anestesia inalatoria. Acta
Anaesthesiologica Italica 44: 217-223, 1993
73. Innocente F, Tiberio I, Fiore D, Habicher K, Mazzaro A, Manfio A, Ceschin C, Ori C: Sull'incidenza delle
complicanze del trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi cerebrali e delle malformazioni vascolari intracraniche.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 44: 233-237, 1993
74. Tommasino C, Graziano DV, Ori C, Parma A, Urciuoli R: Gruppo di studio SIAARTI di anestesia e rianimazione
per la neurochirurgia e la neurologia. Presente e futuro. Minerva Anestesiologica 59: 55-59, 1993
75. Innocente F, Tiberio I, Manfio A, Padoan A, Ori C: Prognosi dell'emorragia subaracnoidea da rottura di aneurisma
cerebrale in relazione al timing dell'intervento. Minerva Anestesiologica 59: 689-691, 1993
76. Tiberio I, Innocente F, Manfio A, Habicher K, Ori C: L'ossigenazione apneica nell'intubazione difficoltosa.
Minerva Anestesiologica 59: 693-695, 1993
77. Ori C, Mazzucco MG: Anestetici e metabolismo regionale cerebrale. Minerva Anestesiologica 59: 697-702, 1993
78. Segatto A, Manani G, Lipomani S, Dal Ferro M, Morossi M, Zanette G, Ori C: Variazioni della SaO e della P CO
dopo preanestesia con clordemetildiazepam per os con e senza fentanile. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 46: 99110, 1995
79. Ori C, Salvaterra F, Papi S, Ermani M, Spagna A, Pietrantonio V, Rigobello A, Zanette G: Analisi
dell’occupazione dei posti letto intensivi negli ospedali della provincia di Padova. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica
46: 133-142, 1995
80. Zanette G, Ori C, Pittoni G, Manani G, Meroni M, Tiberio I, Giron GP: Aritmie perioperatorie dopo intervento
chirurgico in regione cervicale. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 46: 181-186, 1995
81. Ori C, Spagna A, Salvaterra F, Rago C, Fabbris M, Bettin C, Zanette G: Aspetti clinici e medico-legali del
soccorso extraospedaliero nell’overdose da oppiacei. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 47: 71-79, 1996
82. Ori C, Salvaterra F, Spagna A, Zanette G: Manifestazioni neurologiche focali in un caso di iponatriemia da
polidipsia in paziente psichiatrico. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 47: 187-191, 1996
83. Manani G, Pagnacco O, Franchini D, Civran E, Paniz P, Ori C, Zanette G: Valutazione di una miscela di anestetici
locali usati in anestesia topica. La crema EMLA vs la lidocaina 10% spray. Giornale di Anestesia Stomatologica
XXV: 13-18, 1996
84. Iob I, Della Puppa A, Vindigni M, Ori C: Sinus pericranii, una rara emergenza clinica. Rivista di Neurobiologia 42:
349-353, 1996
85. Zanette G, Manani G, Giusti F, Pittoni G, Ori C: Respiratory depression following administration of low dose
buprenorphine as postoperative analgesic after fentanyl balanced anaesthesia. Paediatric Anaesthesia 6: 419-422,
86. Zanon A, Da Pian PP, Pinciroli L, Picchi GF, Avruscio GP, Ori C, Andreozzi GM, Lise M: Legatura endoscopica
sottofasciale delle vene perforanti incontinenti nel trattamento delle ulcere degli arti inferiori: nostra esperienza su
sette casi. Flebologia VIII: 81-83, 1997
87. Zanon A, Faggionato L, Pinciroli L, Picchi GF, Ori C, Lise M: DRGs nella terapia chirurgica delle varici degli arti
inferiori. Flebologia VIII: 85-87, 1997
88. Ori C, Cavallini L, Freo U, Ruggero S, Ermani M, Pizzolato G, Dam M: The effects of propofol on cerebral high
energy metabolites, lactate, and glucose in normoxic and severely hypoxic rats. Life Sciences 60: 1349-1357, 1997
89. Zanette G, Ori C, Zadra N, Giusti F, Pittoni G: Hangman’s fracture in a paediatric patient: considerations for
anaesthesia. Paediatric Anaesthesia 7: 473-475, 1997
90. Ori C: Iponatremia nei pazienti con ESA. Minerva Anestesiologica 64: 235-237, 1998
91. Manani G, Segatto A, Morossi A, Rusca F, Barbieri S, Ambrosio F, Zanette G, Ori C, Maggi L: L’infiltrazione con
anestetico locale prima della penetrazione di aghi attraverso la cute. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 50: 161-167,
92. Burra P, Dam M, Chierichetti F, Tedeschi U, Senzolo M, Sale E, Cagnin A, Ori C, Naccarato R, Ferlin G,
Pizzolato G: F-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography study of brain metabolism in cirrhosis: effect
of liver transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 31: 418-420, 1999
93. Veronese S, Innocente F, Cogo P, Ori C: Anestesia generale e metastasi cerebrale misconosciuta. Caso clinico.
Minerva Anestesiologica 66: 163-166, 2000
94. Zattoni J, Rossi A, Cella F, Ori C, Facco E, Giron GP, Stocchetti N, Chieregato A, Serioli T, Zuccoli P, Parma A,
Trazzi R: Propofol 1% and propofol 2% are equally effective and well tolerated during anaesthesia of patients
undergoing elective craniotomy for neurosurgical procedures. Minerva Anestesiologica 66: 531-537, 2000
95. Freo U, Ori C, Dam M, Merico A, Pizzolato G: Effects of acute and chronic treatment with fluoxetine on regional
glucose cerebral metabolism in rats: implication for clinical therapies. Brain Research 854: 35-41, 2000
96. Bonifati MD, Ori C, Rossi CR, Caira S, Fanin M, Angelini C: Neuromuscular damage after hyperthermic isolated
limb perfusion in patients with melanoma or sarcoma treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Cancer Chemotherapy
and Pharmacology 46: 517-522, 2000
97. Vianello A, Arcaro G, Gallan F, Franco R, Ori C, Benettin C, Bevilacqua M: La ventilazione meccanica a lungo
termine nella regione Veneto (1994-1998). Rassegna di Patologia dell’Apparato Respiratorio 16: 7-14, 2001
98. Cogo PE, Carnielli VP, Ori C: Pulmonary surfactant in ARDS. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 53: 31-39, 2002
99. Freo U, Ori C: Opioid pharmacology of ketamine. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica 53: 149-163, 2002
100. Veronese S, Cutrone C, Innocente F, Ori C: Ostruzione del tubo endotracheale e dell’albero tracheobronchiale da
parte di un voluminoso coagulo. Caso clinico. Minerva Anestesiologica 68: 561-565, 2002
101. Vianello A, Arcaro G, Ori C, Andretta M, Minuzzo M, Bevilacqua M: Trattamento dell’insufficienza respiratoria
cronica nelle malattie neuromuscolari in fase avanzata. Saggi Child Development and Disabilities XXVIII: 49-54,
102. Ori C, Freo U, Pizzolato G, Dam M: Effects of acetyl-L-carnitine on regional cerebral glucose metabolism in
awake rats. Brain Research 951: 330-335, 2002
103. Freo U, Pizzolato G, Dam M, Ori C, Battistin L: A short review of cognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
of cholinergic drugs: implications for therapeutic potentials. Journal of Neural Transmission 109: 857-870, 2002
104. Rossi CR, Pilati P, Mocellin S, Foletto M, Ori C, Innocente F, Nitti D, Lise M: Hyperthermic intraperitoneal
intraoperative chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from gastric adenocarcinoma. Atti del
Symposium on Multidisciplinary Treatment of Gastric Cancer, Aviano 11 Maggio 2002. I Supplementi di Tumori
2: S54-S57, 2003
105. Freo U, Ori C: Effects of anesthesia and recovery from ketamine racemate and enantiomers on regional cerebral
glucose metabolism in rats. Anesthesiology 100: 1172-1178, 2004
106. Vianello A, Arcaro G, Gallan F, Ori C, Bevilacqua M: Pneumothorax associated with long-term non-invasive
positive pressure ventilation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscular Disorders 14: 353-355, 2004
107. Pilati P, Mocellin S, Miotto D, Fitta C, Casara D, Ori C, Scalerta R, Nitti D, Lise M: Hypoxic antiblastic stop-flow
limb perfusion: Clinical outcome and pharmacokinetic findings of a novel treatment for in transit melanoma
metastases. Oncology Reports 12: 895-901, 2004
108. Cogo PE, Zimmermann LJ, Verlato G, Midrio P, Gucciardi A, Ori C, Carnielli VP: Dual stable isotope tracer
method for the measurement of surfactant disaturated-phosphatidylcholine net synthesis in infants with congenital
diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatric Research 56: 184-190, 2004
109. Pilati P, Mocellin S, Rossi CR, Ori C, Innocente F, Scalerta R, Ceccherini M, Da Pian PP, Nitti D, Lise M: True
versus mild hyperthermia during isolated hepatic perfusion: effects on melphalan pharmacokinetics and liver
function. World Journal of Surgery 28: 775-781, 2004
110. Vianello A, Corrado A, Arcaro G, Gallan F, Ori C, Minuzzo M, Bevilacqua M: Mechanical insufflationexsufflation improves outcomes for neuromuscular disease patients with respiratory tract infections. American
Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 84: 83-88, 2005
111. Dalsasso M, Tresin P, Innocente F, Veronese S, Ori C: Low-dose ketamine with clonidine and midazolam for adult
day care surgery. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 22: 67-68, 2005
112. Freo U, Ori C, Weiss SR, Perini GI: Time- and dose-dependent effects of corticotropin releasing factor on cerebral
glucose metabolism in rats. Journal of Neural Transmission 112: 1447-1462, 2005
113. Baiocchi M, Grassetto A, Ori C: Un possibile ruolo dell’infusione continua di magnesio nel prevenire il
vasospasmo e i conseguenti deficit ischemici correlati all’emorragia subaracnoidea. Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica
57: 131-145, 2006
114. Carron M, Innocente F, Veronese S, Miotto D, Pilati P, Rossi CR, Ori C: Subarachnoid anesthesia for locoregional antiblastic perfusion with circulatory block (stop-flow perfusion). Minerva Anestesiologica 72: 37-45,
115. Micaglio M, Parotto M, Trevisanuto D, Zanardo V, Ori C: Glidescope /gastric tube guided technique: a back-up
approach for Pro-Seal LMA insertion. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 53: 1063-1064, 2006
116. Micaglio M, Ori C, Bergamasco C, Trevisanuto D: Use of the LMA CTrach in unexpected difficult airway: a
case report. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 23: 445-446, 2006
117. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Michieletto E, Ori C: Recombinant factor VIIa in intractable bleeding due to severe
mediastinitis. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 20: 761-762, 2006
118. Micaglio M, Doglioni N, Parotto M, Zanardo V, Ori C, Trevisanuto D: Training for neonatal resuscitation with the
laryngeal mask airway: a comparison of the LMA-Pro Seal and the LMA-Classic in an airway management
manikin. Pediatric Anesthesia 16: 1028-1031, 2006
119. Armellin G, Baccaglini U, Castoro C, Ori C: Deep sedation and local anaesthesia: a safe and suitable association
for outpatients undergoing vein stripping. Ambulatory Surgery Journal 13: 111-113, 2007
120. Carron M, Freo U, Innocente F, Veronese S, Pilati P, Jevtovic-Todorovic V, Ori C: Recovery profiles of general
anesthesia and spinal anesthesia for chemotherapeutic perfusion with circulatory block (stop-flow perfusion).
Anesthesia and Analgesia 105: 1500-1503, 2007
121. Carron M, Freo U, Veronese S, Innocente F, Ori C: Spinal block with 1.5 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine: not
successful for everyone. Anesthesia and Analgesia 105: 1515-1516, 2007
122. Mocellin S, Pilati P, Da Pian P, Forlin M, Corazzina S, Rossi CR, Innocente F, Ori C, Casara D, Ujka F, Nitti D,
Lise M: Correlation between melphalan pharmacokinetics and hepatic toxicity following hyperthermic isolated
liver perfusion for unresectable metastatic disease. Annals of Surgical Oncology 14: 802-809, 2007
123. Freo U, Carron M, Micaglio M, Ori C: ProSeal laryngeal mask airway for laparoscopic gastric banding in a
myasthenic, morbidly obese patient. British Journal of Anaesthesia 99: 921-922, 2007
124. Vida VL, Angelini A, Ausoni S, Bilardi A, Ori C, Vlassich F, Zoso V, Milanesi O, Sartore S, della Barbera M,
Zaglia T, Thiene G, Stellin G: Age is a risk factor for maladaptive changes in rats exposed to increased pressure
loading of the right ventricular myocardium. Cardiology in the Young 17: 202-211, 2007
125. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Bertamini F, Michieletto E, Ori C: Economy class syndrome: still a recurrent complication
of long journeys. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 14: 100-103, 2007
126. Carron M, Gagliardi G, Michielan F, Freo U, Ori C: Occurrence of pneumothorax during noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation through a helmet. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 19: 632-635, 2007
127. Micaglio M, Ori C, Parotto M, Zanardo V, Trevisanuto D: The ProSeal laryngeal mask airway for neonatal
resuscitation: first reports. Paediatric Anaesthesia 17: 499, 2007
128. Feltracco P, Ori C: A new look at the paravertebral block: a percutaneous video-assisted technique. Regional
Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 32: 538-539, 2007
129. Vianello AM, Arcaro GM, Braccioni FS, Gallan F, Greggio CM, Marangoni A, Ori C, Minuzzo M: Management
of tracheal intubation in the respiratory intensive care unit by pulmonary physicians. Respiratory Care 52: 26-30,
130. Cogo PE, Toffolo GM, Ori C, Vianello A, Chierici M, Gucciardi A, Cobelli C, Baritussio A, Carnielli VP:
Surfactant disaturated-phosphatidylcholine kinetics in acute respiratory distress syndrome by stable isotopes and a
two compartment model. Respiratory Research 21: 8-13, 2007
131. Micaglio M, Trevisanuto D, Doglioni N, Zanette G, Zanardo V, Ori C: The size 1 LMA-ProSealTM: Comparison
with the LMA-ClassicTM during pressure controlled ventilation in a neonatal intubation manikin. Resuscitation
72: 124-127, 2007
132. Feltracco P, Michieletto E, Barbieri S, Serra E, Rizzi S, Salvaterra F, Cillo U, Ori C: Microbiologic contamination
of intraoperative blood salvaged during liver transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 39: 1889-1891, 2007
133. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Salvaterra F, Rizzi S, Furnari M, Brezzi M, Rea F, Ori C: Anesthetic concerns in
lung transplantation for severe pulmonary hypertension. Transplantation Proceedings 39: 1976-1980, 2007
134. Serra E, Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Forti A, Ori C: Transesophageal echocardiography during lung transplantation.
Transplantation Proceedings 39: 1981-1982, 2007
135. Barbieri S, Feltracco P, Delantone M, Spagna A, Michieletto E, Bortolato A, Ori C: Helicopter rescue and
prehospital care for drowning children: two summer season case studies. Minerva Anestesiologica 74: 703-707,
136. Freo U, Dam M, Ori C: The time-dependent effects of midazolam on regional cerebral glucose metabolism in rats.
Anesthesia and Analgesia 106: 1516-1523, 2008
137. Ceccherelli F, Gagliardi G, Casale R, Roveri A, Ori C: The role of the intensity of low frequency
electroacupuncture stimulation on the modulation of capsaicin-induced edema in the rat paw. A blind controlle
study. Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics Research 33: 157-167, 2008
138. Armellin G, Nardacchione R, Ori C: Intra-articular sufentanil in multimodal analgesic management after outpatient
arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded study.
Arthroscopy 24: 909-913, 2008
139. Rizzi S, Carter LB, Ori C, Jevtovic-Todorovic V: Clinical anesthesia causes permanent damage to the fetal guinea
pig brain. Brain Pathology 18: 198-210, 2008
140. Carron M, Ori C: Thrombolysis for massive pulmonary tumour embolism in a patient with cavoatrial renal
carcinoma. British Journal of Anaesthesia 101: 285-286, 2008
141. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Lunardi G, Milevoj M, Ori C: Pulmonary hypertension and lung transplantation.
Current Hypertension Reviews 4: 17-29, 2008
142. Baratto F, Michielan F, Meroni M, Dal Palù A, Boscolo A, Ori C: Protein C concentrate to restore physiological
values in adult septic patients. Intensive Care Medicine 34: 1707-1712, 2008
143. Freo U, Merico A, Ermani M, Ori C: Cerebral metabolic effects of fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and
sertraline in the conscious rat. Neuroscience Letters 436: 148-152, 2008
144. Micaglio M, Zanardo V, Ori C, Parotto M, Doglioni N, Trevisanuto D: ProSeal LMA for surfactant administration.
Paediatric Anaesthesia 18: 91-92, 2008
145. Parotto M, Ori C, Freo U, Micaglio M: Difficult proseal laryngeal mask airway placement in a child: made easy by
bougie guided technique. Comment. Paediatric Anaesthesia 18: 1246, 2008
146. Cogo PE, Simonato M, Toffolo MG, Stefanutti G, Chierici M, Cobelli C, Ori C, Carnielli VP: Dexamethasone
therapy in preterm infants developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia: effect on pulmonary surfactant disaturatedphosphatidylcholine kinetics. Pediatric Research 63: 433-437, 2008
147. Gucciardi A, Cogo PE, Traldi U, Eaton S, Darch T, Simonato M, Ori C, Carnielli VP: Simplified method for
microlitre deuterium measurements in water and urine by gas chromatography-high-temperature conversionisotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22: 2097-2103, 2008
148. Feltracco P, Rea F, Ori C: Drotrecogin alpha (activated) in septic shock after lung transplant. The Journal of Heart
and Lung Transplantation 27: 815, 2008
149. Feltracco P, Brezzi ML, Barbieri S, Serra E, Milevoj M, Ori C: Epidural anesthesia and analgesia in liver resection
and living donor hepatectomy. Transplantation Proceedings 40: 1165-1168, 2008
150. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Salvaterra F, Marulli G, Ori C: Noninvasive ventilation in adult liver
transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 40: 1979-1982, 2008
151. Feltracco P, Bortolato A, Rizzi S, Barbieri S, Furnari M, Serra E, Milevoj M, Ori C: Activated recombinant protein
C in septic shock early after liver transplantation: a case report. Transplantation Proceedings 40: 2070-2072, 2008
152. Fodale V, Volta CA, Baratto F, Ori C, Alvisi R, Santamaria LB: Utilizzo dei simulatori nel training in anestesia e
rianimazione. Anestesia Forum 1: 12-20, 2009
153. Cavinato M, Freo U, Ori C, Zorzi M, Tonin P, Piccione F, Merico A: Post-acute P300 predicts recovery of
consciousness from traumatic vegetative state. Brain Injury 23: 973-980, 2009
154. Freo U, Dam M, Ori C: Cerebral metabolic effects of acetyl-l-carnitine in rats during aging. Brain Research 1259:
32-39, 2009
155. Parotto M, Micaglio M, Ori C, Trevisanuto D: Pharyngo-laryngeal discomfort after breast surgery: comparison
between orotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask. Breast 18: 1, 2009
156. Carron M, Stefano V, Ori C: Bilateral vocal cord paralysis and oedema after placement of a ProSealTM laryngeal
mask airway in a patient with spinocerebellar ataxia. British Journal of Anaesthesia 102: 890-891, 2009
157. Micaglio M, Bonato R, De Nardin M, Parotto M, Trevisanuto D, Zanardo V, Doglioni N, Ori C: Prospective,
randomized comparison of ProSeal and Classic laryngeal mask airways in anaesthetized neonates and infants.
British of Journal Anaesthesia 103: 263-267, 2009
158. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Subanaesthetic sevoflurane by a helmet for bronchospasm after tracheal extubation.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 103: 307-308, 2009
159. Carron M, Marchet A, Ori C: Supreme laryngeal mask airway for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patient with
severe pulmonary fibrosis. British Journal of Anaesthesia 103: 778-779, 2009
160. Sartori MT, Imbergamo S, Zanon E, Bonaccorso G, Pittoni G, Feltracco P, Ori C, Pagnan A, Cella G: Effect of
recombinant activated Factor VII in critical bleeding: clinical experience of a single center. Clinical and Applied
Thrombosis/Hemostasis 15: 628-635, 2009
161. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Persona P, Rea F, Loy M, Ori C: Non-invasive ventilation in prone position for
refractory hypoxemia after bilateral lung transplantation. Clinical Transplantation 23: 748-750, 2009
162. Di Gregorio G, Schwartz D, Ripper R, Kelly K, Feinstein DL, Minshall RD, Massad M, Ori C, Weinberg GL:
Lipid emulsion is superior to vasopressin in a rodent model of resuscitation from toxin-induced cardiac arrest.
Critical Care Medicine 37: 993-999, 2009
163. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Bronchoscope-guided intubation through a laryngeal mask airway Supreme in a patient
with a difficult-to-manage airway. Journal of Anesthesia 23: 613-615, 2009
164. Freo U, Pitton M, Carron M, Ori C: Anesthesia for urgent sequential ventriculoperitoneal shunt revision and
cesarean delivery. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 18: 284-287, 2009
165. Micaglio M, Ori C, Parotto M, Feltracco P: Three different approaches to fibreoptic-guided intubation via the
Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 21: 153-154, 2009
166. Cogo PE, Ori C, Simonato M, Verlato G, Isak I, Hamvas A, Carnielli VP: Metabolic precursors of surfactant
disaturated-phosphatidylcholine in preterms with respiratory distress. Journal of Lipid Research 50: 2324-2331,
167. Dalsasso M, Grandis M, Innocente F, Veronese S, Ori C: A survey of 1000 consecutive epidural catheter
placements performed by inexperienced anesthesia trainees. Minerva Anestesiologica 75: 13-19, 2009
168. Parotto M, Micaglio M, Armellin G, Ori C: The new air-Q intubating laryngeal airway for tracheal intubation in
children with anticipated difficult airway: comment. Pediatric Anesthesia 19: 1028-1029, 2009
169. Feltracco P, Serra E, Brezzi ML, Milevoj M, Rizzi S, Furnari M, Barbieri S, Salvaterra F, Ori C Hemodynamic
profile of portopulmonary hypertension. Transplantation Proceedings 41: 1235-1239, 2009
170. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Furnari M, Rizzi S, Rea F, Marulli G, Ori C: Noninvasive ventilation
in postoperative care of lung transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings 41: 1339-1344, 2009
171. Ceccherelli F, Gagliardi G, Roveri A, Meneghetti MR, Ori C: Evaluation of the effect of metoclopramide on
acupuncture and electro-acupuncture analgesia. A blind and controlled study in rats. Deutsche Zeitschrift für
Akupunktur 53: 11-16, 2010
172. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Sensory nerve damage after the use of the LMA Supreme. Anesthesiology 112:10551056, 2010
173. Rizzi S, Ori C, Jevtovic-Todorovic V: Timing versus duration: determinants of anesthesia-induced developmental
apoptosis in the young mammalian brain. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1199: 43-51, 2010
174. Freo U, Merico A, Ermani M, Ori C: Chronic treatment with fluoxetine decreases cerebral metabolic responses to
the 5-HT(1A) agonist 8-hydroxy-2(di-N-propylamino)tetralin and increases those to the 5-HT(2A/2C) agonist 1(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane and to the dopaminergic agonist apomorphine. Brain Research
1335:24-34, 2010
175. Carron M, Veronese S, Ori C: Tetraplegia following thyroidectomy in a patient with spinal meningioma. British
Journal of Anaesthesia 104: 786-787, 2010
176. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Usefulness of spirometry in air leak evaluation during laparoscopic surgery in an obese
patient with laryngeal mask airway Supreme . British Journal of Anaesthesia 105: 387-389, 2010
177. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Ori C: Simultaneous epidural blood patches at different intervertebral spaces
for spontaneous intracranial hypotension. British Journal of Anaesthesia 105: 868-869, 2010
178. Vianello A, Donà A, Salvador V, Ori C: Extubation of patients with neuromuscular weakness: a routine step or a
challenging procedure? Chest 138: 1026, 2010
179. Ceccherelli F, Gioioso L, Casale R, Gagliardi G, Ori C: Neck pain treatment with acupuncture: does the number of
needles matter? Clinical Journal of Pain 26: 807-812, 2010
180. Gaudio RM, Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Tiano L, Alberti M, Delantone M, Ori C, Avato FM: Traumatic dental injuries
during anaesthesia: part I: clinical evaluation. Dental Traumatology 26: 459-465, 2010
181. Carron M, Freo U, Zorzi M, Ori C: Predictors of failure of noninvasive ventilation in patients with severe
community-acquired pneumonia. Journal of Critical Care 25: 540.e9-540.e14, 2010
182. Gaudio RM, Barbieri S, Feltracco P, Spaziani F, Alberti M, Delantone M, Trevisiol P, Righini F, Talarico A,
Sanchioni R, Spagna A, Pietrantonio V, Zilio G, Dalla Valle R, Vettore G, Montisci M, Bortoluzzi A, Sacco A,
Ramacciato G, Pasetti A, Mognato E, Ferronato C, Costola A, Ori C, Avato FM: Impact of alcohol consumption
on winter sports-related injuries. Medicine, Science and the Law 50: 122-125, 2010
183. Carron M, Freo U, Michielan F, Ori C: Effects of tracheal intubation on ventilation with LMA Classic for
percutaneous dilation tracheostomy. Minerva Anestesiologica 76:181-187, 2010
184. Feltracco P, Ori C: Anesthetic management of living transplantation. Minerva Anestesiologica 76: 525-533, 2010
185. Pittarello D, Bonato R, Falasco G, Tiberio I, Gasparetto M, Ori C: Effects of fenoldopam on myocardial function
(strain rate) in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing cardiac surgery. Minerva Anestesiologica 76: 707713, 2010
186. Lunardi N, Ori C, Erisir A, Jevtovic-Todorovic V: General anesthesia causes long-lasting disturbances in the
ultrastructural properties of developing synapses in young rats. Neurotoxicity Research 17: 179-188, 2010
187. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Furnari M, Milevoj M, Rizzi S, Galligioni H, Salvaterra F, Zanus G, Cillo U, Ori C:
Central nervous system infectious complications early after liver transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 42:
1216-1222, 2010
188. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Serra E, Michieletto E, Carollo C, Rea F, Marulli G, Ori C: Thoracic epidural
analgesia in lung transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 42: 1265-1269, 2010
189. Saraceni E, Rossi S, Persona P, Dan M, Rizzi S, Meroni M, Ori C: Comparison of two methods for cardiac output
measurement in critically ill patients. British Journal of Anaesthesia 106: 690-694, 2011
190. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Salvaterra F, Tiano L, Gaudio RM, Galligioni H, Ori C, Avato FM: Unusual displacement
of a mobilised dental bridge during orotracheal intubation. Case Reports in Anesthesiology ID: 781957, 2011
191. Gaudio RM, Barbieri S, Feltracco P, Tiano L, Galligioni H, Uberti M, Ori C, Avato FM: Traumatic dental injuries
during anaesthesia: part II: medico-legal evaluation and liability. Dental Traumatology 27: 40-45, 2011
192. Feltracco P, Falasco G, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Serra E, Ori C: Anesthetic considerations for nontransplant
procedures in lung transplant patients. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 23: 508-516, 2011
193. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Occurrence and care of an obese patient during a serious adverse event with propofol for
an endoscopy procedure. Obesity Surgery 21: 410-411, 2011
194. Freo U, Carron M, Innocente F, Foletto M, Nitti D, Ori C: Effects of A-Line Autoregression Index (AAI)
monitoring on recovery after Sevoflurane anesthesia for bariatric surgery. Obesity Surgery 21: 850-857, 2011
195. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Succinylcholine in morbidly obese patients: another interesting advantage. Obesity
Surgery 21: 1981-1982, 2011
196. Simonato M, Baritussio A, Ori C, Vedovelli L, Rossi S, Dalla Massara L, Rizzi S, Carnielli VP, Cogo PE:
Disaturated-phosphatidylcholine and surfactant protein-B turnover in human acute lung injury and in control
patients. Respiratory Research 12: 36, 2011
197. Feltracco P, Brezzi M, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Galligioni H, Cillo U, Zanus G, Vitale A, Ori C: Intensive care unit
admission of decompensated cirrhotic patients: prognostic scoring systems. Transplantation Proceedings 43: 10791084, 2011
198. Feltracco P, Milevoj M, Alberti V, Carollo C, Michieletto E, Rea F, Loy M, Marulli G, Ori C: Early tracheostomy
following lung transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings 43: 1151-1155, 2011
199. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Galligioni H, Michieletto E, Carollo C, Ori C: Intensive care management of liver
transplanted patients. World Journal of Hepatology 3: 61-71, 2011
200. Carron M, Freo U, Parotto E, Ori C: The correct dosing regimen for sugammadex in morbidly obese patients.
Anaesthesia 67: 298-299, 2012
201. Carron M, Veronese S, Gomiero W, Foletto M, Nitti D, Ori C, Freo U: Hemodynamic and hormonal stress
responses to endotracheal tube and ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway™ for laparoscopic gastric banding.
Anesthesiology 117: 309-320, 2012
202. Feltracco P, Serra E, Ori C. Intra-operative transfusion management: the usefulness of point-of-care coagulation
monitoring. Blood Transfusion 10: 398-399, 2012
203. Carron M, Guzzinati S, Ori C: Simplified estimation of ideal and lean body weights in morbidly obese patients.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 109: 829-830, 2012
204. Carron M, Parotto E, Ori C: The use of sugammadex in obese patients. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 59: 321322, 2012
205. Carron M, Freo U, Ori C: Sugammadex for treatment of postoperative residual curarization in a morbidly obese
patient. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 59: 813-814, 2012
206. Behr A, Freo U, Ori C, Westermann B, Alemanno F: Buprenorphine added to levobupivacaine enhances
postoperative analgesia of middle interscalene brachial plexus block. Journal of Anesthesia 26: 746-751, 2012
207. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Ori C: Postoperative care of patients undergoing lung resection.
Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research 4: 288, 1-9, 2012
208. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Galligioni H, Pasin L, Gaudio RM, Tommasi A, Zucchetto A, Trevisiol P, Ori C, Avato
FM: A fatal case of anaphylactic shock during paragliding. Journal of Forensic Sciences 57:1656-1658, 2012
209. Parotto M, Valenza F, Ori C, Spieth PM: Minimally invasive versus open oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer.
Lancet 380: 884, 2012
210. Carron M, Parotto E, Ori C: Prolonged neuromuscular block associated to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in
morbidly obese patient: neostigmine versus sugammadex. Minerva Anestesiologica 78:112-113, 2012
211. Boscolo A, Starr JA, Sanchez V, Lunardi N, Digruccio MR, Ori C, Erisir A, Trimmer P, Bennett J, JevtovicTodorovic V: The abolishment of anesthesia-induced cognitive impairment by timely protection of mitochondria in
the developing rat brain: the importance of free oxygen radicals and mitochondrial integrity. Neurobiology of
Disease 45: 1031-1041, 2012
212. Lunardi N, Saraceni E, Boccagni P, Segato M, Bortolato A, Manara R, Rossi S, Ori C: Posterior reversible
encephalopathy syndrome in the Intensive Care Unit after liver transplant: a comparison of our experience with the
existing literature. Minerva Anestesiologica 78: 847-850, 2012
213. Feltracco P, Biancofiore G, Ori C, Saner FH, Della Rocca G: Limits and pitfalls of haemodynamic monitoring
systems in liver transplantation surgery. Minerva Anestesiologica 78: 1372-1384, 2012
214. Trevisanuto D, Parotto M, Doglioni N, Ori C, Zanardo V, Micaglio M: The Supreme Laryngeal Mask Airway™
(LMA): A new neonatal supraglottic device: comparison with Classic and ProSeal LMA in a manikin.
Resuscitation 83: 97-100, 2012
215. Feltracco P, Serra E, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Michieletto E, Carollo C, Rea F, Zanus G, Boetto R, Ori C:
Noninvasive high-frequency percussive ventilation in the prone position after lung transplantation. Transplantation
Proceedings 44: 2016-2012, 2012
216. Feltracco P, Ori C: Missed citation? Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 57: 674, 2013
217. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Rizzi S, Ori C, Groppa F, De Rosa G, Frigo AC, Padrini R: Brief report: perioperative
analgesic efficacy and plasmaconcentrations of S(+)-ketamine in continuous epidural infusion during thoracic
surgery. Anesthesia and Analgesia 116: 1371-1375, 2013
218. Boscolo A, Milanovic D, Starr JA, Sanchez V, Oklopcic A, Moy L, Ori C, Erisir A, Jevtovic-Todorovic V: Early
exposure to general anesthesia disturbs mitochondrial fission and fusion in the developing rat brain.
Anesthesiology 118: 1086-1097, 2013
219. Carron M, Freo U, Bahammam AS, Dellweg D, Guarracino F, Cosentini R, Feltracco P, Vianello A, Ori C,
Esquinas A: Complications of non-invasive ventilation techniques: a comprehensive qualitative review of
randomized trials. British Journal of Anaesthesia 110: 896-914, 2013
220. Carron M, Ieppariello G, Ori C: Sugammadex in a patient with Sjogren’s syndrome and polymyositis. British
Journal of Anaesthesia 111: 1034-1035, 2013
221. Boscolo A, Ori C, Bennett J, Wiltgen B Jevtovic-Todorovic V: Mitochondrial protectant pramipexole prevents sexspecific long-term cognitive impairment from early anaesthesia exposure in rats. British Journal of Anaesthesia
110 Suppl.1: i47-i52, 2013
222. Pappalardo F, Pieri M, Greco T, Patroniti N, Pesenti A, Arcadipane A, Ranieri VM, Gattinoni L, Landoni G,
Holzgraefe B, Beutel G, Zangrillo A, Italian ECMOnet: Predicting mortality risk in patients undergoing
venovenous ECMO for ARDS due to influenza A (H1N1) pneumonia: the ECMOnet score. Intensive Care
Medicine 39: 275-281, 2013
223. Freo U, Ori C: Ganglionic blockade alters behavioral and cerebral metabolic responses to corticotropin releasing
factor in the rat. Journal of Neural Transmission 120:267-274, 2013
224. Feltracco P, Gaudio RM, Barbieri S, Tiano L, Iacobone M, Viel G, Tonetti T, Galligioni H, Bortolato A, Ori C,
Avato FM: The perils of dental vacation: possible anaesthetic and medicolegal consequences. Medicine, Science
and the Law 53: 19-23, 2013
225. Della Rocca G, Di Marco P, Beretta L, De Gaudio A, Ori C, Mastronardi P: Do we need to use sugammadex at the
end of a general anesthesia to reverse the action of neuromuscular blocking agents? Minerva Anestesiologica 79:
661-666, 2013
226. Carron M, Behr A, Ori C: Cauda equina syndrome following combined spinal and epidural anesthesia with
levobupivacaine. Minerva Anestesiologica 79: 1445-1446, 2013
227. Carron M, Veronese S, Foletto M, Ori C: Sugammadex allows fast-track bariatric surgery. Obesity Surgery
23:1558-1563, 2013
228. Feltracco P, Serra E, Milevoj M, Carollo C, Barbieri S, Vitale A, Gringeri E, Cillo U, Milanesi O, Ori C: Liver
transplantation in children with congenital cardiac defects: a case report and a short literature review.
Transplantation Proceedings 45: 2769-2773
229. Feltracco P, Carollo C, Barbieri S, Pettenuzzo T, Ori C: Early respiratory complications after liver transplantation.
World Journal of Gastroenterology 19: 9271-9281, 2013
230. Feltracco P, Brezzi M, Barbieri S, Galligioni H, Milevoj M, Carollo C, Ori C: Blood loss, predictors of bleeding,
transfusion practice and strategies of blood cell salvaging during liver transplantation. World Journal of
Hepatology 27: 1-15, 2013
231. Simonato M, Baritussio A, Pioselli B, Ori C, Catinella S, Carnielli VP, Cogo PE: Surfactant protein C metabolism
in human infants and adult patients by stable isotope tracer and mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry 406: 6225-6233, 2014
232. Feltracco P, Galligioni H, Barbieri S, Ori C: Transient paraplegia after epidural catheter removal during low
molecular heparin prophylaxis. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 31: 175-176, 2014
233. Freo U, Rossi S, Ori C: Wernicke's encephalopathy complicating gestational hyperemesis. European Journal of
Obstetric Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 180: 204-205, 2014
234. Carron M, Meneghetti M, Gagliardi G, Ori C: Severe hyponatremia: A physician’s nightmare. International
Journal of Case Reports and Imaging 6: 694-697, 2015
235. Carron M, Rossi S, Carollo C, Ori C: Comparison of invasive and noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
delivered by means of a helmet for weaning of patients from mechanical ventilation. Journal of Critical Care 29:
580-585, 2014
236. Gasparetto N, Scarpa D, Rossi S, Persona P, Martano L, Bianchin A, Castioni CA, Ori C, Iliceto S, Cacciavillani
L. Therapeutic hypothermia in Italian Intensive Care Units after 2010 resuscitation guidelines: still a lot to do.
Resuscitation. 85: 376-80, 2014
237. Feltracco P, Carollo C, Barbieri S, Milevoj M, Pettenuzzo T, Gringeri E, Boetto R, Ori C. Pain control after liver
transplantation surgery. Transplantation Proceedings 46: 2300-2307, 2014
238. Vedovelli L, Padalino M, Simonato M, D'Aronco S, Bertini D, Stellin G, Ori C, Carnielli VP, Cogo PE.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Increases Plasma Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Only in First Stage Palliation of
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 32: 355-361, 2015
239. Vasques F, Behr AU, Weinberg G, Ori C, Di Gregorio G. A Review of Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Cases
Since Publication of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia Recommendations: To Whom It May Concern.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 40: 698-705, 2015
240. Persona P, Facchin F, Ballin A, Puma G, Ori C, Rossi S. Anticoagulation with citrate for hemodiafiltration in an
acute bleeding trauma. The International Journal of Artificial Organs 38: 343-344, 2015
241. Carron M, Toniolo A, Ori C. Prolonged cholinergic effects after the reversal of neuromuscular blockade with
neostigmine. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 28: 85, 2015
242. Feltracco P, Galligioni H, Barbieri S, Ori C. Thoracic Epidural Blood Patches in the Treatment of Spontaneous
Intracranial Hypotension: A Retrospective Case Series. Pain Physician 1: 343-348, 2015
243. Feltracco P, Barbieri S, Cillo U, Zanus G, Senzolo M, Ori C. Perioperative thrombotic complications in liver
transplantation. World Journal of Gastroenterology 21: 8004-8013, 2015
244. Carron M, Ori C. Magnesium-induced recurarisation after reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block
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