Christian Höhn - christian hoehn photography


Christian Höhn - christian hoehn photography
Christian Höhn
Tiziana Valieri
Megacities – Christian Höhn Spazi urbani e architettura, questi i soggetti di Christian Höhn. Da cinque
anni lavora alla serie “Megacities” mettendo in scena paesaggi urbani e sottolineandone gli aspetti
monumentali. Ed ecco il risultato del suo lavoro: paesaggi tracciati in modo netto delle metropoli del
mondo che con il loro perfezionismo assolutamente chiaro, presentano l’elegante realtà di una società
che ha fiducia nel progresso e nella tecnologia. Le decise sfumature di colore e le prospettive trascendono l’estetica di città ben definite, che fanno delle superfici, dello stile e del design la loro massima,
e che alla fine risultano inevitabili.
Christian Höhn nelle sue opere fa propria questa tendenza, sottolineando il suo punto di vista tramite
i mezzi della fotografia moderna, come la possibilità di digitalizzare e di rielaborare le immagini. Nondimeno queste sono immagini autentiche che, grazie al processo Diasec della stampa retro illuminata,
assumono una lucentezza con un effetto particolare. Queste immagini, totalmente prive di persone,
esprimono di più di quello che si nota al primo sguardo. Milioni di persone vivono in questi mondi urbani– Chicago, Hong Kong, New York, Parigi, Singapore, Dubai, Cape Town, San Paolo, Seul. L’osservatore non può evitare di trarre certe conclusioni sulle persone che vi vivono, sul loro ambiente, il loro
stato d’animo, i loro bisogni, ed anche le loro paure. Così – sebbene invisibili– gli esseri umani con le
loro vite diventano il vero soggetto.
La serie “Megacities” comprende attualmente 30 motivi di metropoli internazionali. Una selezione verrà messa in mostra alla Image Art Fair di Milano.
Christian Höhn, è nato nel 1968 a Bayreuth. Dopo aver studiato educazione fisica ed economia, ha
lavorato come assistente fotografo per svariati anni. Nel 1993, ha pubblicato il suo primo volume di
fotografie. Da allora ha pubblicato con regolarità così come ha realizzato numerose mostre personali e
di gruppo, sia nel proprio paese che all’estero. Oltre al lavoro come freelance e ai progetti di fotografia
artistica , Christian Höhn e il suo team hanno lavorato su commissione in giro per il mondo, nel campo
dell’architettura, dei ritratti e della fotografia d’auto, così come per campagne nazionali ed internazionali. E’ membro della BFF (Association of Freelance Photographic Designers) e della DGPh (German
Association for Photography). Dal 2010, Höhn tiene cicli di conferenze presso Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule (Università delle Scienze Applicate), a Nuremberg.
Megacities – Christian Höhn Urban spaces and architecture, these are Christian Höhn’s topics. For
five years now, he has been working on the series “Megacities” staging cityscapes and highlighting
their monumental aspects. The result of his work: sharply drawn views of world metropoles which in
their crystal-clear perfectionism present the stylish reality of a society with its naïve trust in progress
and technology. Purposeful colour nuances and perspectives transcend the clear-cut city esthetics
which make surface, style and design their central maxim, and which are ultimately inescapable. Christian Höhn takes up this tendency in his works, underlining his point of view with the means of modern
photography, such as the possibilities of digitalising and image processing. Nevertheless these are
authentic images which, due to the Diasec process or mounting in a light box, have a particular effect
and brilliancy. These images, completely devoid of people, express more than you would notice at first
sight. Millions of people live in these urban worlds – Chicago, Hong Kong, New York, Paris, Singapore,
Dubai, Cape Town, Sao Paulo, Seoul. The viewer cannot help reaching certain conclusions about the
people living here, about their environment, their moods, their needs, and also their fears. Thus – although invisible – human beings and the issue of their life ideologies become the real topic.
The series “Megacities” currently comprises 30 motifs of international metropoles. A selection will be
on show at the Milan Image Art Fair.
Christian Höhn, born 1968 in Bayreuth, After studying PE and economics, he worked as a photographer’s assistant for several years. In 1993, he published his first volume of photographs. Since then
he has published regularly as well as implemented numerous individual and group exhibitions, both at
home and abroad. In addition to freelance work and art photography projects, Christian Höhn and his
team have been working on commissions world-wide, in the fields of architecture, portrait and transport
photography, as well as for national and international campaigns. He is a member of BFF (Association
of Freelance Photographic Designers) and of DGPh (German Association for Photography). Since 2010,
Höhn has held a lectureship at the Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule (University of Applied Sciences),
2009 - 148 x 198 cm - 5/7 + 1 - Lightjetprint, Diasec mounted - all copyright and courtesy of the artist
Paris II
2010 - 148 x 198 cm - 3/7 + 1Lightjetprint, Diasec mounted - all copyright and courtesy of the artist
New York II
2006 - 180 x 258 cm - 2/7 + Lightjetprint, Diasec mounted - all copyright and courtesy of the artist
Dubai I
2007 - 104 x 132 x 15 cm - 2/5 + 1 - Lightjetprint in acrylic light box - all copyright and courtesy of the artist
Dubai III
2007 - 104 x 132 x 15 cm - 1/5 + 1 - Lightjetprint in acrylic light box - all copyright and courtesy of the artist
1990 - 1994
academic studies and assistence
freelance photographer
admittance to the BFF (Association of Freelance Photographic Designers)
avocation to the DGPh (German Association for Photography)
teaching assignment at Georg Simon Ohm,
University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg
publications and projects
1998 - 2002
since 2006
since 2007
Cityportraits, illustrated book
Scotland, illustrated book
Menschen in Franken, illustrated book
Nürnberg - Die Stadt, illustrated book
stage design International human rights award
stage design International human rights award
Polaroid series Italy
Renault Avantime
New York Architecture
Urban Landscapes
Eurovisions – European Faces
German cities
2002 2002 2002
1993 - 2010
European Commission, Brussels
Museum for Industrial Culture, Nuremberg
Maximilianeum, Munich
Die heilige Kuh, Photokina, Cologne
Foto Bild, Berlin
Galerie Voigt, Nuremberg
several exhibitions in China, Ukraine, Poland
group exhibition Galerie LandskronSchneidzik, Nuremberg
Horizonte, Zingst, Germany
Urban Worlds, w. Günter Derleth, Galerie LandskronSchneidzik, Nuremberg
Galerie Schneider, Düsseldorf
Megacities, Goldbachcenter, Zurich
Megacities, Municipal Art Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
several group exhibitions