Antonia Bertocchi - Marks of The People of the Sun by f Heliopolitan


Antonia Bertocchi - Marks of The People of the Sun by f Heliopolitan
XXIII Valcamonica SYMPOSIUM 2009 Arte Preistorica e Tribale-28 ottobre – 2 novembre
“Produrre storia dalla preistoria: il ruolo dell'arte rupestre”
Marks of " The People of the Sun" by f Heliopolitan Theology impressed on
Ello's menhir?
Antonia Bertocchi
Ello's Menhir (Lecco-Italy) is engraved by very charming figures similar to others discovered in
the Alpine Arch. The presenter reports of her first results of a research, utilizing an innovative
method drawn by integrations between Sistemic and Comparative History of Religions, bringing
out the theory of presence in Alpine Arch of the "Sun People", coming by Ancient Egypt,
starting from Proto-Historic Period.
This paper is a synthesis of a more wide work having the goal to validate the hypothesis of a
frequentation of Northern Italy by migratory waves coming out to the Nile Delta, getting up
Adriatic See and reaching Alpine zone by the tributaries of the Po River.
The interest of Prehistoric Art Studies and the results, make necessary and urgent an EcoMuseums Project of Alpine Prehistoric Art , which are to-day leaved to inclemency of the weather
and to the vandalism.
In fact, this precious and complex Cultural Heritage needs also appropriate methods of decodifications, and the author of this paper begins to explore.
Traduzione Italiana:
Impronte del "Popolo del sole" della teologia Eliopolitana incise sul Menhir di Ello?
Il menhir di Ello (Lecco - Italia), rece incise figure molto affascinanti simili ad altre scoperte
nell'Arco Alpino.. La relatrice presenta i primi risultati di una ricerca per la quale ha utilizzato un
metodo innovativo che, attraverso l'integrazione fra la Sistemica e la Storia Comparata delle
Religioni, porta alla teoria della presenza nell'Arco Alpino dei "Popolo del Sole" presente
nell'Antico Egitto a patire dal periodo Proto-storico.
Lo studio costituisce la sintesi di più ampia opera, avente lo scopo di dimostrare l'ipotesi della
frequentazione nell' Italia del Nord di ondate migratorie provenienti dal Delta del Nilo che
passando dall'Adriatico, raggiunsero le zone alpine risalendo gli affluenti del Po.
L'interesse per gli studi sull'Arte Preistorica e i risultati ottenuti, rendono necessario ed urgente il
Progetto di un "Ecomuseo dell' Arte preistorica Alpina " che è tutt'ora abbandonata alle
inclemenze del tempo e ai vandalismi.
In effetti, questa preziosa e complessa eredità culturale necessita anche di appropriati metodi
decodificazione che l'autrice comincia ad esplorare e ad applicare
XXIII Valcamonica SYMPOSIUM 2009 Arte Preistorica e Tribale-28 ottobre – 2 novembre
“Produrre storia dalla preistoria: il ruolo dell'arte rupestre”
Marks of " The People of the Sun" by f Heliopolitan Theology impressed on
Ello's menhir?
Antonia Bertocchi
Ello (Ell - dialect ) is an urban district of 1.110 inhabitants in Province of Lecco (Lombardia-Italy )
and a farmer and industrial centre of Brianza) placed on green western lopes of Mount Regina
(817 mt.) to SE of Annone Lake. It is known in the field of Pre.historic Art, because in the place
of Boggia has been discovered a mysterious rock, an historiated menhir on which are engraved a
solar disk with three rays and an human figure with a crown and an axe, and a solar disk pointed
into its centre (Copper age: IV°-III° b.C.) (
This discovery is happened within a part of an builtnup area which has given back Square Mouth
Pottery( Neolithic Age: VI°- IV° mill. b.C.) and many others bronze weapons, the most ancient in
Norhern Italy..
Table 1: Hello Menhir
Casini S. and Fossati A 81994 p.93), have supposed that "disks and circle should precede the
anthropomorphous and axe : in fact disk with three raies and axe are present on monuments as
Cornal, Caven 3 and Valgella.
Table 2
Caven 3
(Teglio Valtellina)Valgella
These ancient steles has been attribute to "an ancient period of the evolutionary process of
monumentl compositions which is carried out in copper age and which forsees the progressive
passage from an almost abstract symbolism to the anthropomrphous representation (De Marinis
1988 pp.143-144): ; Poggiani-Keller R. 1989 fig.23; 3-5)
During this work I am not interested to the anthropomorphous, because it has been observed that
"The type of stone of Ello's menhir isent' suitable for a careful piece of work , and then the quality
of historization , particularly those regarding human figure results very rough (Casini- Fossati quoted )
Table 3 Rock of sun (Paspardo) and Borno Rock
Gaspani A. (2008) has put to comparaison the three tailed disck of Ello with the cycle-morph
symbol (in the same way mysterious ) engraved on the rock surface near "Capitello two pines"
at Paspardo (Valcamonica: on the left ) and with the rock of Borno (Valcamonica: on the right)
hypothesizing that these representations should to keep the historical memory of the dawn fall of
an asteroid (perhaps that of Koefels or the direct observation of its falling., Padani mysteries
Table 4 Gaspani Reproductions od Ello menhir
In fact also previously Gaspani (2000) ascertaining the strong resemblance between Camunians
'symbols and Valtellina's ones, had thought that it should may be a theomorphous symbol
representing something of extraordinary really observed in the sky "by peoples geographically
distant between them and endowed with a different culture . They were gave evidence of the
same event : perhaps the appearance of a very l bright comet passed between two stars which
can be seen with the naked eye". In reason of the fact that anthropomorphous should represent a
praying figure. The impression is that of a praying man turned to a sky in which stands out a three
talled symbol between the two others : this suggests by itself the idea that the symbolized object
could and be seen high in the sky and than it were an astronomical object"
And it is just on this symbol I have focalized my attention , but preliminarily, it ought to make
clear that we dont' to exclude that Raetic Alps peoples should be characterized by cultural
homogeneity or common cultural roots, dating back to proto-historic age. On the contrary,
Camunis (or Camunnis' ) don’t be limited to Camonica Valley (perhaps their latest haunt )
having been described by ancient authors as a "Raetic Culture" because regarding Raetic Alps
enclosing Valtellina. ( )
Classical sources have been considered reliable within academic framework by De Marinis R.
(1988b) and Fedele F. (1988) which have connected Camuni to Raetic environment, on the basis
of common heritage of manners and social accessories of a region conteined between Italian Alps
and the hight region of Reno. cartina
Obiouvsly the first communities of neolitic farmers coming out from Delta of Nile River and
from Palestina's and Danube Region , completed one-another with those of hunter- gatherers ,
which were starting from Superior Paleolithic , forming settlements scattered as leopard spots.
(Castelletti L 2009. personal correspondence)
Table 5 Raetic Region
Please tale also notice of Table 6 Language Homogeneity of Raetic Region
Linguistic map of Italy in the 6th century BC. Gallic tribes (in dark blue) had already colonised
the region of Piedmont. By 400 BC, they had overrun much of the rest of the Po plain in the North,
and Gaulish dialects had displaced Lepontic, Raetic, Etruscan and N. Picene in that region. Raetic
survived in the Alps and Etruscan in its heartland, Etruria south of the Appenines. Note the tiny
area occupied by the original Latins. Clour scheme: green shades Italic languages; red EtruscoRaetic; blue Celtic; mauve Illyrian; yellow Greek
Also Gaspani has been appealed by this symbol "formed by a series of three concentric disks by
which emerge three series of divergent rays directed toward the lower part " because it "is
engraved also on others nine rocks and rock-steles, discovered in Camunian Valley and Valtellina.
The analysis conducted by refined Information Technology of "pattern processing", has revealed
that the ten symbols are highly correlated between them, even if they are engraved on finds
discovered to several kilometres of distance between one another, and more that very probably
" -It is a very charming symbol, about which it was advanced the hypothesis that the three solar disks
may to represent the sunset on the horizon in front of the lying below landscape, during Solstices
and Equinoces (.Codebò M., Barale P., Castelli M., De Santis H., Fratti L., Gervasoni E. (1999)
In this case the metaphorical process had work both on the evident dimensions and on the life
force of the sun, considered sacred, immanent and magic , because it culminates both during
Summer Solstice and midday. In fact we cannot exclude that the three solar disks being concentric,
may to mould and emulate circadian cycle during its three daily phases: as to say :little at the
daybreak, greater at the midday and maximum to the sunset.
These interpretations are reinforced by the very satisfactory explication of the strange "U" furrows
engraved on the theomorphous petroglyph of Caven 3 Stele , Cornal, Borno 1 , Osimo C side, and
others sites.
In fact, on these petroglyphs, is faithfully engraved a way to furrow the fields still practised at
Folk level and photographed by the authors into the fields (of bottom of he valley lying below )
furrowed by several curved and parallel marks , having the form of an "U"(alphabetical letter ).
Brunod G. ( 1997 p.58) has found correspondences in the way of furrow fields in Spain(Brunod G. -1997 p.58'astronomia.htm)
On the basis of evidences I am showing by this paper, I think that the symbolic conteiner of the
three tailed disk is one among many proof, I am gathering (Bertocchi A. 2008 a); Bertocchi A.
2009 a ) about the presence of cultural marks brought by peoples coming out from Nile Delta
in Proto-historic age, previous or contemporary to the age of immigrations of farmers and
breeders coming out by Middle eastern countries and Balcan ones' .
These problems may be placed correctly by an ethno-anthropological and historical-religious
approach, able to frame them into ideology of solar cults, (being inscribed into the arched form of
furrows) which has been utilized for expressing myte-rite systems of agrarian type, having the goal
to sustain practical needs by magic-religious aims and elaborated with the intent to obtain
optimum conditions in capturing sun rays by ears of corn and to obtain their better maturity and
the best crop, made possible by ploughing technics: that at "U", probably suitable to the wheat
cultivation in the steep alpine highlands .
It is well true that these type of forrows dont' appear into this three tailed sun, but it, being
engraved by three sun , very probably belongs to an agrarian myte-rite system , of which the others
steles offer to us the frame.
At the light of Comparative History of Religion , we can deduce that into it, it is operating a
process of codification belonging to a methaphorical type and process, regarding the cycle: lifedeath -resurrection and the world of the dead into its' relationships with fields fertility.
Since the most ancient and important finds of solar cults connected to agriculture into
Mediterranean area, were coming from Ancient Egypt, it is necessary to start from egyptian solar
symbols and cults. We start from the solar disk pointed into its centre which in Egypt language
is expressed by the hierogliph determinative pointed into the centre formed by syllable of two
letters , to be pronounced "Ra" and is the name of the god of Sun. Well then it is possible to
recognize some isomorphism between egyptian hierogliphs of the sun and the Proto-camuno
period one.
Table 7: Isomorphisms
egyptian hierogliph of sun and
Isomorfismi tra il geroglifico egizio del sole e
quello proto- camuno
. Grande alce colpito, Crape roccia 6
period (Datazione del Potocamuno : 8.500-5.500
a.C). This means that peoples coming out from Nile delta up to Alpine area, brought myte-poietic
and ritual systems having a solar-agrarian character ,elaborate since Predynastic period, starting
from saharian beginnings.
Table 8:Virtual Museum of Camunian Rock Art
Antropoarcheologici Datazione
SubProto- naturalistica Epipaleolitico
Prima del
6000 a.C.
5500 a.C.
55004000 a.C.
Di transiz.
40003200 a.C.
Idoliformi Aratri
Carri Strutture
Table 9: Ramses II° Title Riga:
SA RA: Ra MS SW MR AMON (Sun of Ra (Ra has given birth to him- loved by Amon)
Table 10 : Concordances egyptian camunian
Concordanze geroglifiche egizio-camune
nel sole che sorge all’orizzonte
Ra nella Duat
Frase in geroglifico con determinativo indicante il sole che
sorge all’orizzonte, dalla struttura identica a quella delle
steli camune.
In these Hierogliphs conconrdances egiptian/camunian regarding the image of the sun rising at the
horizon and the sentence in hieroglyph with determinative pointing out the sun, rising at the
horizon, whose structure is exactly alike that of Camunian steles. In this compative frame it is
particulary meaningful its contextual placing into the representation of the "Aker": the double
lion, symbolizing the doors of earth ,every morning the sun is walking through , and into the
representation of "Ra into Duat" which brings again us to agrarian cults of death and resurrection.
About Aker symbology see also.
Regarding symbology (home page)
Moreover, for exemple of the sentence with determinative
means wbn ra m 3xt:il "sun rising to the horizon ,we can observe: G43-D58-N35 wbn
,verb " to rise" with determinative N8 mark which indicates the rising of the sun ; D21-D36 ra =
sun with determinative of the god Ra A40 ( please to remember that son aster was really
identified with the divinity of Sun, as to say: Ra); G17 is for "over ,on "; at least N27-X1&Z1 3xt
indicates the horizon mark (N27), X1 is a phonetic complement and Z1 is the diacritic mark
that in this case
N27 assumes just
the function
of ideogram
( GardinerA:1957)
However the most final prove consists into the careful investigation of this symbol by Betrò
M.C.(1995) who, explaining the meaning of the symbol , quotes the gloss of Carlsberg Papyrus 7
in which the three-tailed sun is pointed out ad the mark of identity of a mysterious "Poeple of
Sun" of Heliopolitan Theology as to say "The people of God Atum " hnmmt" (associated to p't
and to rhyt ) which quotation is very ancient and of which Egyptologists Gardiner and Gunn
have underlined the meaning of "People on which the sun shines " and their connection with the
rising sun and the new king ... This expression seems to be used for identify the egyptians
their-same ( Betrò M.C. quot. p.152
As it is ascertaining in the course of this research, I am putting to disposition of researchers an
innovator method of ethno-anthropological type, able to integrate the several field of human and
natural sciences. I have elaborate it on the basis of epistemology and systemics regarding the
symbolic conteiners produced by myth-rites systems. In this way it is possible to lay a scientific
foundation of problems of research and interpretation regarding immaterial culture, which cant'
be understood and decoded by human sciences tools only.
Table 11 : sun with rays
Table by Betro M.C.1995 p..152
Determinative or ideogram into substantives connected with solar radiation ..3hw" Light,
splendor!,psd=to splend, stwt=raggi. From wbn"rise" phonetic value wbn. . It is also the
ideogram (or phonema ) for hnmmt, the name of the mysterious (People of Sun" of Heliopolitan
Theology.,( It is also the ideogram (or phonema ) for the name of the mysterious (People of Sun"
of Heliopolitan Theology" (Comment to the table by Betro-Table 12 )
I think that this word " hnmmt " formed by 5 consonants about which we dont' know intervocalical
phonetics , could have some relationships with the name of Camuni or Camunni (Ka Amun:
people of Amon? ).
Until recently, the Sumerians of Babylon have been credited with the earliest writing, sometime
before 3000 B.C. But according with Betrò M.C. 1995 pp 11-13) in 1998, German archaeologist
Gunter Dreyer found tablets in southern Egypt that carbon dated to 5300 B.C. Those writings were
line drawings of animals, plants and mountains the first signs of hieroglyphics which Gunter
believes are records of taxes for linen and oil deliveries during the reign of King Scorpion I."
The Japan Times, December 17, 1998
Table 12 Hieroglyphs as first example of a phonetic writing , by King
Scorpion tomb. (Abydos IVth.° millennium b;C
415 x 239 - 26k - jpg -
Dreyer G. (1992 ): Inardi M, (2006).
Further Anati E. (1966 p. 88) in his monography on"Borno rock" came to the conclusion that it,
"like many other similar monuments was the expression of a prehistoric religion of an enormous
expansion starting from Neolithic age and persistent up to Bronze Age gradually penetrating into
the most hidden corners of European continent".
He reproduces Lagundo stele 3 and 4 ( from Alto Adige) , very interesting because show a kind of
a dagger known in ancient Egypt and used into Pyramid Texts in the 3rd millennium b.C. The
name of this Hieroglyph was " t p y" meaning "dominator" "owner", the fist"( Gardiner A. 1954
p.511 n. T,8)
Table 13: Lagundo Stele by Anati E. (1966 fig.43 p.81))
Table 14: tpy hieroglyph d (
to breathe
At first sight these correspondences lay us bewildered, because Alpine marks are chronologically
precedents to the hieroglyph egyptian system , but this problem may be clarified at the light of the
fact that the hieroglyph egyptian system presupposes an ideological system of a magic-religious
kind, very complex and coded since an Archaic age
Betrò, having setting aside the theory of a derivation of egyptian hieroglyphs by the sumerians
one's has demonstrated that "hieroglyphs writing breaks into history as an divine gift..the
repertory of hieroglyphs in a grate part documented into archaic inscriptions, drew to the
autochthon heritage: the study of the most ancient version of classical hieroglyphs, is a mine of
anthropological informations regarding the more ancient phases of the formation of egyptian
civilization and often Paleography and Archeology illuminate each others: It is possible that the
anonymous scribes who made to point into a definitive way the hieroglyph code, should have
drown to the stylistic tradition of predynastic painting which had made perfect since precedent
centuries elaborated rules of representation (Betrò M.C. 1995 pp 11-13).
One prove is this pottery fragment of a vessel belonging to the II° Dynasty (2.800 B.C )coming
from the Tomb of Peribsen -(Donanoni-Roveri A.M. and Tiradritti F.-a cura di- 1998) into which
the hieroglyphs of the sun pointed , clearly shows the phonetic syllabus "Ra".We also must to pay
attention to the fact that Bernal M. (1994 p .XVI°) has retrodated the Second Dynasty to the, 3.200
b.C. and this means that we can deduce hat the presence of this symbol in Alpine area can ascend
again only to precedent ages, even if, obiouvsly in this specific case it could be engraved in a
posterior period, being the well known ethni-resistence of Folk traditions trough space and time
Table 15: Pottery fragment of a vessel belonging to the II° Dynasty (3.200 b.C
By consequence the three-tailed Sun is a symbolic conteiner which keeps an iconological
continuity extended from saharian abysses of Pre-Dynastic and runs across dynastic ages
identfying the mysterious people of the Sun , about which there is still all to be discovered : That
mades sensible the hypothesis that ethnical groups coming from Nile delta (since pre-dynastic
age) carrying out agriculture in Italy and in Europe, (together with their myte-rites systems )
should prefer during their first migratory processes to go up again the Po river and others
padanian rivers with the aim to settle into mountain zones rather than onto the Padan Plain
very hazardous being full of marches, forestes , whirlpools. which made Po River navigable with
difficulty and the field always submitted to the risk of inoundations. only in bronze age the
development of egyptian and sumerian hydraulic engineering will allow.
The centre of the egyptian cult of the Sun, were Heliopolis (suburb of Cairo city called by
egyptians Huno Heliopolis (or On) (Greek: Ἡλίου πόλις or Ἡλιούπολις), meaning sun-city, was
one of the most ancient cities of Egypt, and capital of the 13th Lower Egyptian nome. The city's
Egyptian name (shown in hieroglyphs, right, transliterated ỉwnw), is often transcribed as Iunu
(literally "[place of] pillars"), and was often written in Greek as Ὂν On, and in biblical Hebrew as
‫ןא‬Ôn and ‫ ןוא‬Āwen.(
This centre were very important above all at the beginning of the egyptian history: Perhaps it was
the capital of the country during pre-dynastic age., because its theology were the more ancient.
.Instead its priests were very important during the Ancient Kingdom. The tutor God of Heliopolis
was Ra who had a great prestige above all during the First Dynasty when pharaohs used to
enclose into their names the term "Ra" .
The God Ra assimilated to Atum, being embodied into the Phoenix and into Mnevis bull. In
Heliopolis. just in honour of Ra , kings of the V Dynasty build their temples . The clergy of
Heliopolis was, during the wole history of the Egypt, one of he most important and influential.
(www. sapere_it eliopoli.mht)
Its religious importance ascients to Predynastic period results by the pre-eminence of the local God
Atum, primordial divinity of Heliopolitan . Ennead . Atum is followed by four divinity : Shu
8air) and Tefnut (water) Geb (earth) and Nut (sky), by which descend the four generations of
Gods: Osiris. Iisis, Seth and Nefty (www.sapere_it eliopoli.mht).
Table 16 : Heliopolis hierogliph
Eliopoli in scrittura geroglifica
ỉwnw - Iunu - la città dei pilastri
pic=1 Eliopolis belongs to the 13° nomo and is translated in egyptian as " Iunu"
Iunu, the egyptian name of Heliopolis brings a linguistic bases enclosed in many toponimous of
Tanspadanian regions of a probable egyptian or accadic-sumerian origin , I am interested to,
in order to substain the hypotesis of an egyptian presence in Padanian Valley (Bertocchi A. 2008;
2009).For example. Saronno (into Varese province ) seems to descend by Sa-Ra-On (Hun-on) and
to mean : "son of Ra", as to say "the city of Sun" ( with Saronni = italian surname, Sharon = female
inglish name and jewish name: " Sharon (Hebrew: ‫ ָׁשרֹון‬, Tiberian Hebrew: Šārôn, Spanish: Sharòn,
Portuguese: Sharão) can be a female or male name which can be spelled with one "r" or two
(Sharron] It also refers to several places in the world.":-
These etymologies will stop to seem rash to the light of those at last accepted by academics as .it.
Onofrio from Unnefer (english :Humphrey)= the good the perfect person; Susanna from Sashen =
she of the Loto and Isidoro (from Isis has done- doro being greek word meaning gift) (( Jacq. C.
1995 pp137-138; Capart J. 2008 p.56.
In the same way it is possible to draw Matilde from Maat, Ramon from Ra.Amon and Orazio,
from Ra-Harakhty( horakty):Please see on this topic
forum of )
Regarding "Ello" (Dialect Ell), it may derive from Ellu, which Semerano G. (1984 p, 632) derives
from accadic "high", meaning " superior" and god (quoted p.693); word indicating also acropolis
(elu-elium (ivi p. 516)(as Ilio-Troia):
In fact Ello is to an altitude of 817 m on sea level .Very significant is the fact that Atum, born
from the primordial ocean (the Nun, similar to the Po Valley always invaded by water ) in order
to give beginning to the creation, went up an hill : is the greek voice "Helios" the God of Sun called by the Romans "Elio" derived by
that of the semitic God "El" (Hebrew: ‫ ;אל‬Greek: Ελ) or Eli is the Northwest Semitic word and
name either translated into English as "god" or "God" or left untranslated as El, depending on the
context) , which has correspondence in Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Accadic and
Camunian rose , an agyptian symbol?
The presence, in Lecco's province and in Val Camonica of egyptian communities could be further
confermed by the comparative study of the egyptian determinative for "city" expressed by the
ideogram , it is also into the coat of arms of Heliopolis, meaning "city", to be read Niwt ( Niut )
( )
It has a very surprising resemblance with the camunian rose, which has been found for 92 times
among the 300.000 rock art engravings.( .
According to Brunod G.- Ferreri W.- Ragazzi G.( 1999) the most ancient exemple of "rose"
belongs to the Vucedol culture : the artist has enclosed four "little cups" within a curve line
(which seems a "camunian rose", whereas those outsides are represented by images having form
of stars . It is very similar to that of "Nadro Foppe", and let us to think that camunian roses could
be an
indicators of living centers
so as the egyptian
determinative for "city".
Table 17 : Comparaison among Vucedol rose (at the left) and camunian
Vucedol culture developed between 3000 e il 2.400 b..C. was very able to work the copper has
been documented near Vukovar, to the present at the eastern confine of Croatia and Serbia into
a middle way
between Hungary and Bosnia, where Danube River and Vuka are meeting.
I could not to be astonished if further careful investigations will bring out decoding quoted
roots (and others paleolanguage roots as Annone Lake "Cur-one" Pak and so on, bringing to the
dentification of Camuni (hnmmt ?)" and Raetic peoples ( rhyt?)with ethno-cultural groups coming
out from Egypt
Is it the question of the mysterious "People of the sun of Heliopolitan Theology?"
Here some evidences. into others maps engraved on rocks, with topographic composition into
Archeological Park of Bedolina-Seradina -Capo of Ponte (Brescia) (Morretta A. 2006 pp 30-40
Table 18: Rock Bedolina : topographic map flanked by a camunian rose
(Morretta A. 2006 p.31)
Table 19 : Rock Bedolina : topographic map with pointed sun
Morretta A. ( 2006 p. 34)
Table 20: Camunian rose with pointed sun
720 x 470 - 146k - jpg -
compared with
Heliopolis written by hieroglyphs
Please to observe how Tehenu palette is similar
Table 21 :Tehenu palette Cairo Mus. C.G. 14238
684 x 1174 - 197k - jpg -
side of the Libyan Palette containing seven 'cities' identified by their hieroglyphs, shown within
each city wall. Above each city is depicted an animal ( )
Unfortunately the very important heritage of Rock Art, is leaved to inclemency of the weather and
to many forms of vandalism in vain denounced by several organizations and experts
ta=&rlz=1W1GPEA_it&aq=f&oq= Cerca con Google.mht )
not only in Val Camonica
but also all over the world
by Seglie D (2004); Seglie D.(2008): ( and
Seglie D.(2009)
How to save our precious but wounded and enjured memory f
Fortunately by this point of view Ello's Menhir is a good example of conservation and tutelage ,
because it is preserved into the Archaeological Museum of Lecco
Table 22 : Ello Menhir preservd into Archaeological Museum of Lecco
but this form of conservation is practicable only for little objects
By consequences it is very necessary and urgent to elaborate an Eco-Museum Project
by which to succeed not only in protecting this Rock Art valuable heritage, but also into
studying it by appropriated method of decoding coming out from a new hitherto unknown alliance
between Anthropology and Ecomuseology, I named “Eco-Museums Antropology”. It must to be
considered as an emergent transdisciplinary field of Theoretical and practical investigations which
can regenerate both of them; in It is
founded on the new Paradigm: the “Anthropology of Environmental Culture”,centred on the
innovator concept of “Eco-source (Bertocchi A. 2003; 2007; 2009 c)
With the purpose to gather necessaries collaborations, I propose
-to found " a new Society: the “ECO MUSEUM ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY” aiming the
goal to gate not only to find Ecomuseums having a naturalistic tipology , but also to transform
"every DEA Museum in a network of Integrated Eco-museum of environment, inside which an
innovator LAB of “Anthropology of Environment Culture” could take up in Eco-sources study,
Then the Cultural History (Ethnohistory), will be recognized as an integral part of Natural History,
and man will be able, while is correcting pathologies of Epistemology, to correct the serious errors
of behaviour, which have bring him to the present crisis and, succeeding to pass through it, to be
good at re-open to next generations, the horizon of the future."(Bertocchi A. 2003)
- The ecomuseums approach is also characterized by a strong involving of local population
students and teachers of school o every degree and University and cultural institutions operating
on the territory This paper proposes to the reflections of the Conference rapporteurs, some result of the
application of the principle of my new systemic method which can demonstrate to be able to
investigate into profound meanings of immaterial culture which has over all an ecomuseums
importance ( Bertocchi A. 2009 b)
I hope to be succed into demonstrating the validity of my systemic approach, putting in evidence
recursive relationships between egyptian determinatives of three-tailed sun and camunian and
retich symbol engraved on Ello Menhir and in more others places of Alpine Arc .
I have also shown a model of the method intedisciplinary and scientific of my research, the
hypothesis it brings out, being of a scientific type , because it demands, both to be confirmed
and to be contradicted the utilization of scientific tools
In any case, it is necessary to assemble into an équipe , several expert coming by many fields of
knowledge (for example: in our case. by Archaeology, Egyptology, Prehistoric Art, Paleo-
Language Sciences , Comparative History of Religion, and Oral Traditions Ethnohistory ,
Genethics of Population, Archaeoastronomy, Evolutionary Biology, History of Agriculture and
In this way we could take action in corrected investigations of a precious Heritage, and validate the
hypothesis of a frequentation of Northern Italy by migratory waves coming out to the Nile Delta,
getting up Adriatic See and reaching Alpine zone by the tributaries of the Po River.
The interest of Prehistoric Art Studies and the results, make necessary and urgent an
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