curriculum completo


curriculum completo
CROSTA, Lorenzo Giovanni
Via Conciliazione, 79
22100 Como
Tel. (cell.)
E mail
[email protected]
Data di nascita
28 marzo 1961
Luogo di nascita
Italiano (madre lingua); Inglese e Spagnolo, ottimo livello.
Clinica Veterinaria Vaklcurone, Via Kennedy s/n – 23873 Missaglia (Lc).
Febbraio 1989, laurea a pieni voti in medicina veterinaria, presso la Facoltà di Medicina
Veterinaria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, Istituto di Anatomia Patologica con
Patologia Aviare, con la tesi: Aspetti ultramicroscopici delle lesioni tracheali in pulcini
infettati con IBV.
Libero professionista, consulente in medicina aviare, animali esotici e da zoo. Como,
Consulente di Loro Parque (Tenerife – Spagna), Zoomarine (Italia, Malta e Portogallo),
Parco dei Pappagalli (Ud).
Veterinario ufficiale dei programmi di recupero dell’Ara di Lear (Anodorhynchus leari) e
dell’Ara di Spix (Cyanopsitta spixii).
Dottorando in Scienze Cliniche Veterinarie, presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di
Responsabile per le Specialità veterinarie, Istituto delle Vitamine (Hoffman La Roche
Corp.) Segrate (MI). Giugno 1989 – dicembre 1990.
Veterinario LP, responsabile per le specie esotiche. Studio Veterinario Delli Carri.
Milano. Dicembre 1990 – novembre 1992.
Fondatore e comproprietario, Clinica Veterinaria Fiera. Milano. Novembre 1992 –
dicembre 1999.
Direttore veterinario, Loro Parque e Loro Parque Fundación, Tenerife, Isole Canarie,
Spagna. Gennaio 2000 – Febbraio 2005.
Il Loro Parque é la collezione di pappagalli che raccoglie il maggior numero di specie
diverse di psittaciformi al mondo, ospitando più di 350 diversi taxa. Il Loro Parque é
strettamente collegato alla Fondazione Loro Parque, attiva nella conservazione degli
psittaciformi e degli ambienti naturali ad essi collegati, in diverse zone tropicali e
Oltre a queste attività collegate ai pappagalli, il Loro Parque é anche un giardino
zoologico. Esso offre, fra l’altro, la visita ad uno dei più grandi pinguinari del mondo.
Il pinguinario ospita 4 diverse specie di pinguini, in due diverse aree ed anche un
gruppo di Pulcinella di mare (Fratercula artica).
Lo zoo mantiene anche mammiferi marini (delfini e leoni marini), mammiferi terrestri
(tigri, giaguari, leoni, gorilla, scimpanzé, piccole scimmie della famiglia Callithricidae,
pipistrelli frugivori) e rettili (alligatori, tartarughe delle Galapagos, iguane comuni ed
iguane rinoceronte). Infine il Loro Parque possiede uno dei migliori acquari europei.
Veterinario libero professionista, Consulente Aviare, per Animali Esotici e da Zoo,
Italia. Marzo 2005 – presente.
Esperto per la Commissione Europea (EFSA), membro del Comitato Animal health
and welfare risks associated with the import of wild birds other than poultry into the
European Union (EFSA-Q-2005-0). 2005 – presente.
Lezioni tenute presso Facoltà di medicina veterinaria, scuole di specializzazione e
scuole per infermier/tecnici veterinary, in Italia:
1. Facoltà di medicina veterinaria di Milano, anno accademico 1996-1997: lezioni sulla
medicina e chirurgia degli uccelli per la Scuola di specializzazione in Clinica dei
Piccoli Animali.
2. Scuola per Tecnici Veterinari, Bolzano/Bozen: 24 novembre 1998. Tecniche di base
in medicina aviare.
3. Facoltà di medicina veterinaria di Torino, anno accademico 1998-1999: lezione di
medicina e chirurgia aviare di base .
4. Facoltà di medicina veterinaria di Milano - Istituto Zooprofilattico: anno accademico
1999-2000. Lezioni sui problemi comportamentali negli uccelli, per la Scuola di
specializzazione in eulogia applicata e benessere degli animali da compagnia e da
Ricerche sul campo
1. Controllo medico veterinario delle Amazzoni di Saint Vincent (Amazona guildingii),
mantenute presso la stazione d’allevamento dell’Orto Botanico di Kingstown, Saint
Vincent & the Grenadines. Relazione presentata al meeting del Consiglio Direttivo
del Consorzio per l’Amazzone di Saint Vincent. Ottobre 2001.
2. Controllo medico veterinario delle Ara di Spix (Cyanopsitta spixii) mantenute presso
il Giardino Zoologico di São Paulo, Brasile. Novembre 2003. Relazione presentata a:
Fundaçao Parque Zoologico São Paulo (Brasile), IBAMA (Brasile), Loro Parque
Fundación (Spagna).
Association of Avian Veterinarians
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
European Association of Zoo and Wild Animals Veterinarians
Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia
Società Italiana Veterinari per Animali Esotici
Società Italiana di Fitoterapia.
Association of Avian Veterinarians 1992 - 1996 Italian Representative
Association of Avian Veterinarians 1999 – 2001 European Chairman
Association of Avian Veterinarians 2000 to present: Board Director
Association of Avian Veterinarians 2001 to present: past-European Chairman and
Chairman Elect
Association of Avian Veterinarians 2003 - 2005: European Chairman
Guest Editor per “Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine”, Ottobre 2002.
Journal of Avian Medine and Surgery: Associate Editor, 2005 to present.
Diverse conferenze in Italia, su vari argomenti inerenti la medicina e chirurgia degli
Varie apparizioni radio-televisive, circa argomenti di medicina e chirurgia degli uccelli.
Autore di più di 60 articoli divulgativi sugli uccelli ed altri animali esotici da compagnia.
Lista delle Pubblicazioni
Papers published on Veterinary Medicine Journals:
1. CROSTA L: Uccelli e inquinamento da petrolio e derivati (Birds and Oil Pullution).
Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari XIII (12):27-32, 1992.
2. CROSTA L: Impianto di uno stent in teflon per la risoluzione di una iperinsufflazione
cronica dei sacchi aerei in un'Amazzone farinosa (Amazona farinosa) - [Teflon stent
implantation in a Mealy Amazon (Amazona farinosa), for the resolution of a chronic
airsacs hyper-insufflation] Veterinaria 10 (4): 115-120, 1996.
3. CROSTA L: La visita clinica del paziente aviare: principali punti di repere,
contenimento manuale e farmacologico e dosaggio di alcuni farmaci di comune
impiego (Clinical Examination of the Avian Patient: Main Anatomical Sites, Manual
and Pharmacological Handling and Commonly Used Drug Regimens). Veterinaria 11
(2): 115-129, 1997.
4. CROSTA L: L’incannulamento dei sacchi aerei (Air sac cannulation). Exotic files
(Official Journal of the Italian Society of Exotic Animal Veterinarians) 1(3): 9-10,
5. CROSTA L: L’allevamento a mano degli psittacidi (Hand rearing of psittacine birds).
Exotic files (Official Journal of the Italian Society of Exotic Animal Veterinarians)
2(3): 16-19, 2001.
6. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, TIMOSSI L and KALETA EG: Unilateral Pentadactyly in a
Yellow-shouldered Amazon (Amazona barbadensis) J. Avian Med. Surg. 16(1): 2630, 2002.
7. CROSTA L, GERLACH H, BÜRKLE M and TIMOSSI L: Endoscopic Testicular Biopsy
Technique in Psittaciformes. J. Avian Med. Surg. 16(2), 106-110, 2002.
8. BÜRKLE M, CROSTA L and GERLACH H: Schilddrüsenveränderungen bei
heranwachsenden Papageien- und Pinguinkücken (Thyroid lesions in growing parrotand penguin chicks). Tierärztliche Praxis, 30 (K): 467-471, 2002.
9. CROSTA L: Alloplastic and Heteroplastic Beak Prosthesis in two Ramphastidae. J.
Avian Med. Surg. 16(3), 218-222, 2002.
10. CROSTA L, GERLACH H, BÜRKLE M and TIMOSSI L: Physiology, diagnosis and
diseases of the avian reproductive tract. Vet. Clin. North Am: Exotic Animal Practice
6 (2003), 57-83.
11. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M and TIMOSSI L: Endoscopy-assisted Resolution of Egg
Binding in an Emerald-collared Parakeet. Exotic DVM, vol. 6.1, 2004, pp. 19-22.
sequence analysis of a C1 gene fragment of psittacine beak and feather disease
virus amplified by a real-time polymerase chain reaction indicates a possible
existence of genotypes. Avian pathology (February 2004) 33(1), 41-50.
13. CROSTA L: A Journey to Brazil for the Spix’s Macaw. AAV Newsletter & Clinical
Forum – March-May, 2004. pp. 3-6.
14. CROSTA L, TIMOSSI L, BÜRKLE M and CECILIA TRÄGÅRDH: Sex determination in
two Flamingo species by measurement of tarsometatarsus length. AAV Newsletter &
Clinical Forum – March-May, 2004. pp. 19-20.
15. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: Two Tin Can Techniques for the Frugal Veterinarian.
Exotic DVM, vol. 6.5, 2004, pp. 21-23.
16. CROSTA L, TIMOSSI L, BÜRKLE M and NEVES L: Tube feeding an anorectic shark.
Exotic DVM, vol. 6.6, 2004, pp. 10-11.
17. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: La biopsia testicolare endoscopica negli uccelli
(Endoscopic testicular biopsy in birds). Exotic files (Official Journal of the Italian
Society of Exotic Animal Veterinarians) 5(3): 6-8, 2004.
semen collection using the massage technique and semen analysis in various
psittacine species. J. Avian Med. Surg. 19(1), 7-13, 2005.
Papers and Posters Presented at national
and international conferences:
1. SIRONI G, CROSTA L, RAMPIN T - Studio elettronmicroscopico delle alterazioni
tracheali in pulcini infettati con IBV (Electronmicroscopic study of tracheal lesion
in chicks experimantally infected with IBV). Zootecnica International
(Supplemento al n° 6, 1990) pp. 112-120. Atti del XXVIII Convegno della Società
Italiana di Patologia Aviare. Forlì, 1990.
2. CROSTA L: Oral treatment with Clindamycin in racing pigeons. Proc. of the 1st
Conference of the European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians.
Vienna, Austria, 1991, pp 293-296.
3. CROSTA L, RAMPIN T, SIRONI G AND PASCUCCI S: Paramyxovirus serotype 3
infection in Neophema parakeets. Proc. of the 2nd Conference of the European
Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Utrecht, The Netherland,
1993, pp 269-274.
4. CROSTA L, SIRONI G AND RAMPIN T: An Outbreak of Avian Pox in Neophema
parakeets. Proc. of the 3rd Conference of the European Committee of the
Association of Avian Veterinarians. Jerusalem, Israel, 1995, pp 23-25.
5. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Impiego dell'Endoscopia negli Uccelli (Endoscospy
applications in Birds). Proc. of the 31° Congresso di Aggiornamento Permanente
dei Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia. Riccione, Italy, 1996, pp 71-81.
6. CROSTA L: SIRONI G AND RAMPIN T: Polyomavirus Infection in Fringillidae.
Proc. of the 4th Conference of the European Committee of the Association of
Avian Veterinarians. London, England, 1997, pp 128-131.
7. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Le principali patologie e relative terapie dei Rapaci
(Main diseases of Birds of Prey and their treatment). 1st SCIVAC Course on Exotic
Animals: Part 2nd, Birds. Cremona, Italy, 1997.
8. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Veterinary Problems of Ostriches in Italy. Proc. of
the European Ostrich Association World Congress, Hengelo, The Netherlands,
9. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Emergency Care of Pet Birds. Proc. of the 4th
European FECAVA/SCIVAC Congress. Bologna, Italy, 1998, pp 151-153.
10. CROSTA L: Alloplastic Beak Prosthesis in an Aracari (Pteroglossus aracaris).
Proc. of the 5th Conference of the European Committee of the Association of
Avian Veterinarians. Pisa, Italy, 1999, pp 43-46.
11. MELILLO A, CARUBBI G, CROSTA L and CAPITELLI R: A study on the microbial
population of the cloaca of some Turdidae species, both in free ranging and
captive birds. Proc. of the 5th Conference of the European Committee of the
Association of Avian Veterinarians. Pisa, Italy, 1999, pp 96-97.
12. CARUBBI G, CROSTA L, CAPITELLI R and MELILLO A: Assessment of some
haematology and blood chemistry parameters in the Blackbird (Turdus merula),
Common thrush (Turdus philomelos), Redwing (Turdus iliacus) and Filedfare
(Turdus pilaris). Proc. of the 5th Conference of the European Committee of the
Association of Avian Veterinarians. Pisa, Italy, 1999, pp 98-100.
13. CAPITELLI R and CROSTA L: A survey on a six years experience with avian
haematology, biochemistry and microbiology. Proc. of the 5th Conference of the
European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Pisa, Italy, 1999,
pp 122-125.
14. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Endoscopia en Aves: Casos Clinicos. (Avian
Endoscopy: Clinical cases). Proc. of the IX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad
Española de Cirugía Veterinaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2000.
CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Ospedalizzazione del Paziente Aviare (Nursing of
the Avian Patient). SIVAE/SCIVAC Course on Avian Medicine and Surgery.
Cremona, Italy, 2000.
CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Radiologia negli Uccelli (Radiology in Birds).
SIVAE/SCIVAC Course on Avian Medicine and Surgery. Cremona, Italy, 2000.
CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Patologie della Riproduzione e dell'Apparato
Riproduttore (Diseases of the Avian Reproductive Apparatus). SIVAE/SCIVAC
Course on Avian Medicine and Surgery. Cremona, Italy, 2000.
18. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, SCHULZ J & TIMOSSI L: A orthopedic shoe for a Kea
(Nestor notabilis) with left foot paralysis. Poster presentation. 6th Conference of
the European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Munich,
Germany, March 2001.
Evaluation of the baseline TT4 in avian plasma/sera, with fluorescencepolarization- immuno assay (FPIA). Preliminary investigations mainly in
psittacines. Poster presentation. X WAVLD (World Association of Veterinary
Laboratory Diagnosticians) International Symposium and OIE Seminar on
Biotechnology. Salsomaggiore - Italy July 2001.
20. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Alloplastic Beak Prosthesis in an Aracari. Proc. Int.
Conf. on Exotics 2001, Ft. Lauderdale (FL)- Exotic DVM 3 (3), pp. 94 – 95, 2001.
21. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) A Birkenstock shoe for a paralyzed Kea. Proc. Int.
Conf. on Exotics 2001, Ft. Lauderdale (FL)- Exotic DVM 3 (3), pp. 86 – 88, 2001.
22. CROSTA L & BÜRKLE M: (Invited Speaker) New Perspectives in Avicultural
Medicine Including Testicular Biopsy. Proc. Int. Conf. on Exotics 2001, Ft.
Lauderdale (FL)- Exotic DVM 3 (3), pp. 75 - 76, 2001.
23. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M: (Invited Speaker) Nuevas Perspectivas en Medicina
Aviar: Examinación “Multi-Step” de una Colección de Aves, Enfocada en la
Selección de las Aves de Cría. Proc. AVAFES 1ª Congreso Nac. Estudiantes y
Jóvenes Investigadores de Fauna Exótica y Salvaje. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
24. GERLACH H, CROSTA L & BÜRKLE M: Entwicklungsstörungen bei Küken
Verschiedener Papageienarten (Disturbancies of the Development in Various
Parrot Chicks). Proc. Deutsche Veterinärmedizinsche Gesellschaft e.V. XIII.
Tagung der Fachgruppe “Geflügelkrankheiten”, pp. 1 – 5, 2002.
25. BÜRKLE M, CROSTA L & GERLACH H: Schilddrüsenveränderungen bei
Heranwachsenden Papageien- und Pinguinkücken (Thyroid Lesions in Growing
Parrot and Penguin Chicks). Proc. Deutsche Veterinärmedizinsche Gesellschaft
e.V. XIII. Tagung der Fachgruppe “Geflügelkrankheiten”, pp. 6 – 12, 2002.
26. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M: (Invited Speaker) Low Flock Performance: a logic
approach to the selection of the breeding birds. Proceed. 39th Conference of the
Israel Branch of the WPSA, Ashkelon, Israel, March 2002, pp. 70 – 72.
27. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Avian Reproductive Disorders and Diseases of the
Avian Reproductive Tract. Proceed. 39th Conference of the Israel Branch of the
WPSA, Ashkelon, Israel, March 2002, pp. 73-74.
28. TIMOSSI L, CROSTA L and BÜRKLE M: Management and general medical issues
of a mixed species penguin collection in closed environment. Proc. 3rd
Conference of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians.
Heidelberg, Germany, May 2002.
29. LENNOX AM, CROSTA L and BUERKLE M: The Effects of Isoflurane Anesthesia
on Gastrointestinal Transit Time. Proceed. 23rd AAV Annual Conference.
Monterey, CA, 2002, pp. 53 - 55.
30. CLUBB S, ZAIAS J, CRAY C and CROSTA L: Endoscopic Testicular Biopsies For
Evaluation of Fertility in Psittacine Birds. Proceed. 23rd AAV Annual Conference.
Monterey, CA, 2002, pp. 133 - 137.
31. CROSTA L and CLUBB S: State of the art in the evaluation of poor breeding
success in psittacine birds. Proceed. 5th International Parrot Convention. Loro
Parque, Tenerife, Spain, 2002, pp. 21-24.
32. CROSTA L: Rescuing two stranded Hooded seal puppies. Proceed. 31st annual
Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals (EAAM). 14-17
March, 2003, Loro Parque, Tenerife, Spain.
33. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Endoscopia en las Aves (Endoscopy in Birds).
Proceed. XII Intern. Conference if the SECIVE (Spanish Society of Veterinary
Surgery). León, Spain, March 21-23, 2003, pp. 436-446.
34. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Radiología en las Aves (Radiology in Birds).
Proceed. XII Intern. Conference if the SECIVE (Spanish Society of Veterinary
Surgery). León, Spain, March 21-23, 2003, pp. 447-453.
Het belang van de verdunningsgraad van nectarvoeder en fruitverstrekking voor
lori’s (The importance of the degree of dilution of nectar and fruit in the diet of
the lories). 28e Studiedag van Nederlandstalige Voedingsonderzoekers, Heverlee,
11 april 2003, pp.38-39
Sequence diversity in the genome of psittacine beak and feather disease virus
present in various psittacine species. Proceed. 7º European AAV Conf. Tenerife,
Spain, April 22-26, 2003, pp. 64-71.
37. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, GERLACH H and TIMOSSI L: Testicular biopsy in
psittacine birds: Technique and histological findings. Proceed. 7º European AAV
Conf. Tenerife, Spain, April 22-26, 2003, pp. 113-116.
38. TIMOSSI L, BÜRKLE M and CROSTA L: Medical and non-medical management
of a mixed species penguin collection in a closed environment. Proceed. 7º
European AAV Conf. Tenerife, Spain, April 22-26, 2003, pp. 219-222.
Electrophoresis in Psittaciformes – normal values and selected cases. Proceed. 7º
European AAV Conf. Tenerife, Spain, April 22-26, 2003, pp. 253-255.
the baseline TT4 in avian plasma with Fluorescence-Polarization-Immuno Assay
(FPIA). Preliminary investigations in unstressed healthy and in suspected
hypothyroid psittacines. Proceed. 7º European AAV Conf. Tenerife, Spain, April
22-26, 2003, pp. 283-291.
41. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) A Screening protocol
to Select Breeding Birds Proceed. Annual Conference AAV Australian Committee,
Sydney 2003, pp. 25 – 32.
42. CROSTA L, GERLACH H, BÜRKLE M, and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker)
Testicular Biopsy in Psittacine Birds: Technique and Histological Results. Proceed.
Annual Conference AAV Australian Committee, Sydney 2003, pp. 33 - 37.
43. TIMOSSI L, BÜRKLE M and CROSTA L: Medical and Non-medical Management
of a Mixed Species Penguin Collection in a Closed Environment. Proceed. Annual
Conference AAV Australian Committee, Sydney 2003, pp. 39 - 42.
44. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) Avian Neonatology
and Pediatrics. Proceed. Annual Conference AAV Australian Committee, Sydney
2003, pp. 127 - 130.
45. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) Hand Rearing Birds.
Proceed. Annual Conference AAV Australian Committee, Sydney 2003, pp. 171 178.
46. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Radiología en Medicina Aviar (Radiology in Avian
Medicine). Proc. Curso AVAFES de Medicina y Cirugía Aviar (AVAFES Course on
Avian Medicine and Surgery). Barcelona, Spain, 27-29 February 2004, pp. 56 –
47. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Endoscopía en Aves (Avian endoscopy). Proc.
Curso AVAFES de Medicina y Cirugía Aviar (AVAFES Course on Avian Medicine
and Surgery). Barcelona, Spain, 27-29 February 2004, pp. 109 - 115.
48. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Endoscopia aviare (Avian endoscopy). Proc. 2º
Congresso Nazionale SIVSANC (Società Italiana Veterinaria Studio Animali Non
Convenzionali) Turin, Italy, May 2004, pp. 21 – 29.
49. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Radiologia aviare (Avian radiology). Proc. 2º
Congresso Nazionale SIVSANC (Società Italiana Veterinaria Studio Animali Non
Convenzionali) Turin, Italy, May 2004, pp. 31 - 35.
50. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) Neonatologia Aviare
(Avian neonatology). Proc. 48th National SCIVAC Conference. Rimini, Italy, May
2004, pp. 119 - 121.
51. CROSTA L, BÜRKLE M, and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) Approccio ala
selezione dei riproduttori nell’allevamento aviare (The selection of breeding birds)
. Proc. 48th National SCIVAC Conference. Rimini, Italy, May 2004, pp. 122 - 124.
52. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Manejo veterinario da colação do Loro Parque
com foco na seleção de aves reprodutoras. Proc. VIII Congreso e XIII Encontro
da Associação Brasileira de Veterinarios de Animais Selvagens – ABRAVAS.
Jaboticabal (SP), Brazil, July 2004.
53. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) Physiology, diagnosis and diseases
of the avian reproductive tract. Proc. EVSSAR – European School of Advanced
Veterinary Studies 3º Course: Reproduction in Companion, Exotic and Laboratory
Animals, “Recent Advances in Reproduction”. Milan, Italy, Sept. 2004, pp. 212 –
54. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: (Invited Speaker) A screening protocol to select
breeding birds (or…how to get the best out of a bird collection). Proc. EVSSAR –
European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies 3º Course: Reproduction in
Companion, Exotic and Laboratory Animals, “Recent Advances in Reproduction”.
Milan, Italy, Sept. 2004, pp. 230 – 233.
and RITCHIE B: Feather Damaging Behavior in Lories and Its Disassociation with
Psittacine Circovirus. Proc. 25º Annual Conference of the Association of Avian
Veterinarians. New Orleans, 2004, pp. 319-320.
Characterization of Feather Damaging Behavior in a Large Parrot Collection. Proc.
25º Annual Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. New Orleans,
2004, pp. 321-332.
57. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: Imaging techniques in avian obstetrics. 8th European
Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Arles, Provence, France,
April 26th – 30th, 2005.
58. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: Avian Neonatology & Pediatrics. WSAVA World
Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, May 11-14, 2005.
59. CROSTA L: Avian Endoscopy. WSAVA World Conference, Mexico City, Mexico,
May 11-14, 2005.
60. TIMOSSI L and CROSTA L: Avian Radiology. WSAVA world conference, Mexico
City, Mexico, May 11-14, 2005.
61. TIMOSSI L and CROSTA L: Quarantine and preventive medicine in exotic birds.
WSAVA world conference, Mexico City, Mexico, May 11-14, 2005.
62. CROSTA L: Avian Endoscopy applied to bird recovery programs. Curso Taller “La
medicina veterinaria en función de la conservación de las especies aviares en
vida libre”. Cuba, February-March 2006.
63. TIMOSSI L. & CROSTA L: Quarantine and preventive medicine in exotic birds.
Curso Taller “La medicina veterinaria en función de la conservación de las
especies aviares en vida libre”. Cuba, February-March 2006.
64. CROSTA L: The recovery program of the Spix’s Macaw. Curso Taller “La
medicina veterinaria en función de la conservación de las especies aviares en
vida libre”. Cuba, February-March 2006.
65. CROSTA L: Avian Neonatology and Pediatrics. Curso Taller “La medicina
veterinaria en función de la conservación de las especies aviares en vida libre”.
Cuba, February-March 2006.
66. CROSTA L: The selection of breeding birds. Curso Taller “La medicina
veterinaria en función de la conservación de las especies aviares en vida libre”.
Cuba, February-March 2006.
67. CROSTA L: Il programma di recupero del pappagallo più raro del mondo: l'Ara
di Spix (Cyanopsitta spixii). Atti 3º Convegno nazionale SIVSANC (Società Italiana
Veterinaria Studio Animali Non Convenzionali). Teramo – Italy, May 2006, pp.
68. CROSTA L: Neonatology in Parrots. Proceed. 6th International Parrot
Convention. Loro Parque, Tenerife, Spain, 2006, pp. 153-155.
69. DORRESTEIN GM, CROSTA L et. Al. Usutu virus activity is spreading in Europe.
Proceed. 7th ECAMS Scientific Meeting, Zurich, Swizerland, 2007. pp. 7-8.
70. CROSTA L and TIMOSSI L: The recovery program of the Spix’s macaw
(Cyanopsitta spixii), four years of veterinary monitoring of the most endangered
psittacine species. . 9th European AAV Conference, Zurich, Swizerland, 2007. pp.
Instructorships and practical labs at national (Italian) and international conferences,
or other events.
1. CROSTA L: La visita clinica, note di semeiologia medica e dosaggio di alcuni farmaci
di comune impiego (Clinical Examination of Birds and Commonly Used Drugs). 1st
SCIVAC Course on Exotic Animals: Part 2nd, Birds. Cremona, Italy, 1997.
2. CROSTA L: Tecniche radiografiche negli uccelli. (Radiographic Techniques in Birds).
1st SCIVAC Course on Exotic Animals: Part 2nd, Birds. Cremona, Italy, 1997.
3. CROSTA L: Avian Endoscopy. Wet Lab at the 5th Conference of the European
Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Pisa, Italy, 1999.
4. TAYLOR M - CROSTA L: Avian Endoscopy. Wet Lab at the 6th Conference of the
European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Munich, Germany,
5. TAYLOR M - CROSTA L: Advanced Avian Endoscopy. Wet Lab at the 7º European
AAV Conf. Tenerife, Spain, April 22-26, 2003.
6. CROSTA L: Endoscopy in Birds. Short course at the Zoological Garden of São Paulo,
Brazil. November 2003.
7. CROSTA L: Avian Endoscopy. Practical lab and the Curso AVAFES de Medicina y
Cirugía Aviar (AVAFES Course on Avian Medicine and Surgery). Barcelona, Spain, 2729 February 2004.
8. CROSTA L: (Invited Speaker) Endoscopia Clínica e Cirúrgica em Aves (mini curso).
VIII Congreso e XIII Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Veterinarios de Animais
Selvagens – ABRAVAS. Jaboticabal (SP), Brazil, July 2004.
9. CROSTA L and Pericard JM: Avian Endoscopy. Wet Lab at the 8th European
Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. Arles, Provence, France, April
26th – 30th, 2005.
10. CROSTA L and Hernandez-Divers S: Avian Endoscopy. Wet Lab at the WSAVA world
conference, Mexico City, Mexico, May 11-14, 2005.
11. CROSTA L: Penguin medicine: it’s more than Malaria and Aspergillosis. Round table
discussion. 9th European AAV Conference, Zurich, Swizerland, 2007.
Book Chapters:
1. CROSTA L: chap. 2: Uccelli (Birds). In: Quintavalla F: Prontuario di Terapia degli
Animali da Compagnia (Handbook of Treatment of Companion Animals). Cristiano
Giraldi Editore, Bologna, Italy, 2000, pp. 169-242.
2. CROSTA L.: chap. 5: Gestione sanitaria (Health management) In: Massa R (ed):
Pappagalli Africani (African Parrots). Edizioni FOI, Piacenza, Italy, 2000, pp. 205 –
3. CROSTA L: chap. 12: Endoscopia (Endoscopy) In: Croce A (ed): Animali Esotici da
Compagnia (Exotic pet animals), Poletto Editore, Milano, Italy, 2002, pp. 458 – 464.
4. CROSTA L, TIMOSSI L and BÜRKLE M: Chap 7: Management of Zoo and Park Birds.
In: Harrison GJ, Lightfoot T, et al (eds): Clinical Avian Medicine. Spix Publishing, Inc.
Palm Beach Florida, 2006, pp. 991-1003.
5. CROSTA L: Chap. 54: Endoscopia em Aves. In: Cubas ZS, Ramos da Silva JC and
Catão-Dias JL (eds): Tratado de Medicina Veterinária de Animais Selvagens. Editora
Roca Ltda.. São Paulo, Brazil, 2007. pp. 866-878.