
Liceo Scientifico “Ippolito Nievo” - Padova
Prof. Cristina Rossetto
Anno scolastico 2014/2015
A. Dal libro di testo FCE Result (Students’ Book and Workbook), Davies e Falla,ed. Oxford :
1.Student’s Book:
Unit 2: “Wild” grammatica: verb patterns; lessico: describing natural landscapes
Unit 3: “What’s so funny?“: grammatica: talking about the past; lessico: extreme adjectives
Unit 8: “A matter of taste”: grammatica: the present and the past; lessico: food
Unit 9: “Going to extremes”: grammatica: relative clauses; lessico: compound adjectives
Unit 10: “All in the mind”: grammatica: Comparatives and superlatives; lessico: mental activities
Unit 11: “Man and machine”:grammatica: Conditionals; lessico: gadgets and their parts
Unit 12:”Make a difference”: grammatica: Causative verbs have, make, let, get; lessico: achievement
and success
2. Workbook: sono stati svolti, in classe e a casa, quasi tutti gli esercizi e le attività relative alle unità
studiate (v. 1)
B. Dal libro di letteratura Millennium, vol. 1, di Cattaneo, De Flaviis, ed. Signorelli Scuola
La poesia rinascimentale e metafisica
- Key concepts (p. 51); History and Society: the first Tudors and the Reformation (p. 52-53), Elizabeth
and the conquest of the seas (p. 54); the Stuart dynasty: James I (p. 56)
- Culture: Renaissance and Humanism (p. 62-63); “Life in Renaissance England” (p. 60-61)
- Renaissance poetry (p. 66-67); The sonnet (p. 68-69); the Petrarchan and English sonnet (p. 70):
Shakespeare’s Sonnets (p.84-85)
- Dai Sonetti di Shakespeare:
- Sonnet XVII Shall I compare Thee (p. 88)
- Sonnet CXVI Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds (p.90)
- Sonnet CXXX My Mistress’ Eyes (text store)
- Caratteristiche della Poesia Metafisica (p. 67); J. Donne (p. 121); Songs and Sonnets (p. 122-123)
-Visione integrale del film Shakespeare in Love, diretto da J.Madden
- J. Donne, The Sun Rising (p. 124)
Gli Stuart e l’epoca puritana
- The Civil War and the Commonwealth (p. 58-59)
- J. Milton (p.126), da Paradise Lost (p. 127):
- Satan takes Possession of Hell (p. 128-128)
Il ritorno alla monarchia, l’Età Augustea e lo sviluppo del romanzo
- The Restauration and the Eighteenth Century: key concepts (140-141),
- History and Society: The Restauration and the last Stuarts (142-144), The first Hanoverian Kings (145146); Social and family ties in the 18th century (p. 147-148).
- Journalism: The Periodicals (listening p. 153)
- The rise of the novel (p. 158-160): caratteristiche del romanzo moderno
- D. Defoe (164), brani da Robinson Crusoe (p. 165-166)
- Robinson after the Shipwreck (text store)
- Robinson and Friday (p. 167-169)
- Visione integrale del film Cast Away ,diretto da R.Zemeckis, con analisi e confronto con il romanzo
- J.Swift (174), brani da Gulliver’s Travels (175-177)
- Beloved Horses, Hateful Men (178-179)
- S.Richardson (p.181): brano da Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (182-183)
- Pamela Refuses Mr B.’S Advances (p.184-185)
L’inizio della sensibilità romantica: il sublime e il romanzo gotico
- E. Burke: The Sublime as the Source of Gothic Horror (text store 45)
- Painting: “The Great Fall of the Riechenbach” (p. 213)
- Pre-Romantic literature (p. 216)
- The gothic novel (p. 218 e p. 222)
- M. Shelley, Frankenstein (p. 297-298). Brani da Frankenstein:
- The Creation of the Monster (p. 299-300)
- An Outcast of Society (p. 301-302)
- H.Walpole,The Castle of Otranto (p.224)
- A Midnight Escape through the Castle Cellars (p.225-226)
-Jane Austen (p.260-261), brani da Pride and Prejudice (p.262)
- ”Hunting for a Husband” (p.262-263-264)
-Visione integrale del film Pride and Prejudice, diretto da J.Wright
La sensibilità romantica in poesia
-The Romantics: key concepts (198-199);
- History and society: The American Revolution (200); the French Revolution (202-203); The Industrial
Revolutions (p. 204-205); Culture: The Romantic Revolution (p. 212); Romantic themes and
conventions (p. 214-215); Romantic poetry (220-221)
- William Wordsworth (p. 237-238):
- Lyrical Ballads (p. 239-240)
- I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (p. 241-242)
- Lines composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (245-247)
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge (p.250-252)
- selezione da The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (p. 253-257, text store n. 41)
- John Keats (p.288-289)
- Ode on a Grecian Urn(p.290-291)
- La Belle Dame Sans Merci (p.294-295)
Padova, 30 maggio 2015
I rappresentanti degli alunni
Cristina Rossetto