IFSI website - 2010-Farinella - INAF


IFSI website - 2010-Farinella - INAF
IFSI website - 2010-Farinella
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Luciano Anselmo (ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Carlo Bernardini (Dip. Fisica, Università "La Sapienza"; USPID, Roma)
Bruno Bertotti (Dip. Fisica, Università di Pavia)
Adriano Campo Bagatin (Dip. di Fisica, Università di Alicante)
Andrea Cardillo (ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Mario Carpino (OAB/INAF, Milano)
Alberto Cellino (OATo/INAF, Torino)
Priscilla Cerroni (IASF/INAF, Roma)
Angioletta Coradini (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Valerio Iafolla (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Corrado Lamberti (Giornalista Scientifico)
Francesco Lenci (IBF/CNR e USPID, Pisa)
David Lucchesi (IFSI/INAF, Roma; ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Andrea Milani (Dip. Matematica, Università di Pisa)
Anna Nobili (Dip. Fisica, Università di Pisa)
Paolo Paolicchi (Dip. Fisica, Università di Pisa)
Alessandro Rossi (ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Giovanni Valsecchi (IASF/INAF, Roma)
Cristina Baldetti (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Angioletta Coradini (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Livia Giacomini (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
David Lucchesi (IFSI/INAF, Roma; ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Roberto Peron (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Angela Rossetti (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Monia Rossi (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Silvia Zampieri (IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Description of the Workshop
This Workshop is devoted to Paolo Farinella 10 years after his death.
Paolo Farinella was an extremely talented, hard-working and knowledgeable scientist. As a planetary scientist, his work changed our view of the solar
system revolutionizing the way we understand the orbital and collisional histories of asteroids. More than most scientists, he understood the physics,
the mathematics and the data equally well. He used his talent and ideas within all aspects of space science, from measuring the Earth through very
accurate predictions of the motion of artificial satellites, to making precise gravitation measurements in space, to facing the problem of space debris
around our planet.
He saw the space age in the years of its great achievements, and as a scientist he was excited about it. Yet, he never forgot that it all happened within
the cold war and the arms race. He used his scientific tools to understand complex and crucial issues, bringing them outside the circles of concerned
scientists to the students and the ordinary people who were always willing to listen to his sharp arguments.
Paolo Farinella's influence extended well beyond his scientific accomplishments. Through his enthusiasm for his own research and his careful
mentoring, he nurtured the careers of many of the most distinguished young researchers. His scientific legacy continues through their work.
The Workshop will focus on:
- Planetary science: small bodies, collisions, satellites
- Space geodesy and fundamental physics
- Planetary science and space debris
- Science popularization, social committment of concerned scientists
To download the Program of the Workshop: Click here
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For any information about the Meeting, please contact David Lucchesi at [email protected]
Poster of the Workshop
Click on the image to download a big version
Invited Speakers
Luciano Anselmo (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie della Informazione ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Francois Barlier (Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur OCA/CERGA, Grasse)
Joe Burns (Department of Astronomy, Cornell University)
Adriano Campo Bagatin (Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Alicante)
Carlo Bernardini (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma)
Giuseppe Bianco (Centro di Geodesia Spaziale di Matera, ASI)
Alberto Cellino (Osservatorio Astronomico OATo/INAF, Torino)
Priscilla Cerroni (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica IASF/INAF, Roma)
Clark R. Chapman (Southwest Research Institute, Dept. of Space Studies, Boulder CO)
Angioletta Coradini (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Nicola Cufaro (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bari e INFN)
Donald Davis (Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona)
Marco De Andreis (Fondazione Ugo La Malfa, Roma)
Claude Froeschlé (Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur OCA, Nice)
Alan Harris (Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado)
Gert Harigel (Geneva International Peace Research Institute, Switzerland)
Zoran Knezevic (Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia)
Corrado Lamberti (Fisico e Giornalista Scientifico, Como)
Anne Lemaitre (Dept. de Mathématique, Univ. Namur, Belgique)
David Lucchesi (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario IFSI/INAF, Roma)
Patrick Michel (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur OCA, Nice)
Andrea Milani (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa)
Francesco Marzari (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Padova)
Alessandro Morbidelli (Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur OCA, Nice)
Anna Nobili (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa e INFN)
Paolo Paolicchi (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa e INFN)
Alessandro Rossi (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie della Informazione ISTI/CNR, Pisa)
Giovanni Valsecchi (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica IASF/INAF, Roma)
David Vokrouhlicky (Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Prague)
Information on the Workshop
The Workshop will take place in the town of Pisa, Italy, at the Faculty of Science of Pisa University (the conference rooms will be specified as soon as
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The Workshop will have a registration fee of 100 euro to be paid on site at registration.
During the Workshop, a social dinner and a touristic visit of Piazza dei Miracoli will be organized. The two activites are optional and will have an
additional cost that will be specified at registration.
To register, please fill in the form at this Link.
The deadline for abstract submission is the 15th of April.
The deadline for online registration is the 15th of May.
For any information about registration, please contact Roberto Peron at [email protected]
Pratical Information
To book your Hotel room, you can contact [email protected]
To find a list of Hotels and other useful resources (like restaurants and a map of local transportation) please visit this Link.
Please, book your Hotel as soon as possible, since June is High season in Pisa.
If you need help with your booking procedure, please contact [email protected]
Slides of the Conferences
Talk 1. Coradini
Why this conference?
To view the slides of the other presentations from the Congress.
Last update 05/10/2010: Slides added