Inglese (file pdf)


Inglese (file pdf)
CLASSI PRIME a.s. 2014/2015
Stampa questo test, esegui tutti gli esercizi durante le vacanze e portalo a scuola
all’inizio del nuovo anno scolastico.
A. Scrivi il PLURALE dei seguenti NOMI (attenzione alle regole ortografiche!):
1) table
2) watch
3) box
4) roof
5) potato
6) party
7) wife
8) church
9) bus
C. Cerchia il PRONOME PERSONALE OGGETTO che può sostituire le parole sottolineate:
1) I don't like coffee.
2) Can you give Mary and me some advice?
3) Mr Smith usually gives her students a lot of homework.
4) I am reading a novel to my brother.
5) John is writing an email to his sister.
D. Sostituisci il pronome personale con l’AGGETTIVO POSSESSIVO corretto:
1) (They) …………………………………...parents work in Brescia.
2) (We) …………………………………..…….. party will be a ton of fun!
3) When are (you) …………………………………..parents leaving?
4) There are two letters from (I) ………………………………….friend Alice.
5) Jenny lives in France with (she) ……………………………….…
6) (He) …………………………………… is very fast.
E. Completa con il PRESENT SIMPLE:
1) The children often …………………………(watch) TV when their parents ……………………… (be) at work.
2) John …………………………………..(have) got a fast scooter.
3) I …………………………………………..(be) at work now.
4) James ………………………………..(collect) stamps.
5) Jenny and Mary ………………………….(buy) a lot of CDs.
6) Aunt Jane ………………………….(go) to the supermarket every week
7) That boy often …………………………….(play) volleyball in the park.
F. Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla FORMA INTERROGATIVA:
1) She drinks coffee……………………………………………………..….………………………….……………..?
2) We are tired…………………………………………………………….………………………..…….…………….?
3) They help poor people…………………………………………………………..………………….…………..?
4) Peter can speak Russian……………………………………….…………………….…………..….………….?
5) The light is on………………………….…….…………………………………………….………………………..?
G. Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla FORMA NEGATIVA (usa le forme contratte):
1) They go to bed late. They ………………………………………..…….……………..late.
2) I walk to school. I ………………………………..……………………….to school.
3) Paul drives a car. Paul …………………………………………………..……..a car.
4) You are at the cinema. You …………………………….……………………………… the cinema.
5) We like fish. We ……………………………………….………………………….fish.
6) Peter is at home. Peter…………………………………….………………………….at home.
H. Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS (forma affermativa):
1) Paul ……………………………….…..………………. a DVD. (watch)
2) We ……………………….…………………………..…….. . (do) our homework
3) The dog ………………….……………………………..… a bone (bite)
4) Mary and Susan ……………………..…………….…..………….the piano (play)
5) I ………………………………………………………..………... to Peter on the phone. (talk)
6) You ……………………………………………………..………………..…. an email. (write)
Completa le frasi con il PRESENT SIMPLE o il PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
1) Peter and Paul never (go) …………………….……………….……………………to the cinema.
2) Mrs Smith (water)………………………………………………………..………….her plants every week.
3) I (count) ………………………………………………………………..……………..the money at the moment.
4) Listen! Aunt Jenny (sing) ………………………………………………..………………….!
5) My parents always (go) …………………………………….…………………….shopping together.
6) Look! Those little children (eat) …………..……………………..………… a huge ice-cream!
7) We normally (walk) ………………………..…………to school, but today our parents (drive) ……………………………
us there because it (rain) …………………………………..………………………. .
8) Mr Brown (close) ………………………………..……………………..the shop now.
9) The Post Office (open)………………………………………………….………..…………… right now.
In FAMIGLIA: scrivi la forma corretta di sesso opposto dei seguenti nomi:
1) Mother
2) Brother
3) Son
4) Uncle
5) Grandfather
6) Nephew
7) Wife
8) Boyfriend
K. Scrivi il PAST SIMPLE dei seguenti verbi irregolari:
1) teach → ……………………..….…………..
2) come → ……………..………..….…………
3) bring → …………………..…..……………..
4) have → ……………………………...……….
5) do → ……………………..…………..………
L. Trasforma le frasi al PAST SIMPLE:
1) Jenny works in the garden. → ………………………………………………..………………………………..……………
2) Michael doesn’t like beer. → ……………………………………..……………….………….……….……………………
3) Do you like the new boss? → …………………………………………………….…….…………….…………..…………
4) They close the window. → ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………..
5) You sing beautiful songs. → …………………………………….………………..………………………….…….………..
M. “WAS” o “WERE”?
1) We ……………………………………….. not in the garden.
2) Marilyn Monroe ………………………….…………..American.
3) Kate …………………………………………... at home.
4) Mary and Susan ………………………..……….very tired.
5) I ……………………..……………….in my office.
N. Utilizzando le WH-WORDS, formula domande che abbiano come risposta la/le parola/e
1) Susan starts work at nine o'clock.…………….…………………..………………………………….………..……………..….…………?
2) The baby drank all the milk. …………………………………….………………………………….……….………….………..……………?
3) The journalist wrote three articles…………….…………………………….………………….………….……………..…..……………?
4) Tom is drinking a glass of water. …………………………………..…………..……………………………………………………………?
5) My grandfather worked in the garden. ……………….…………………….……………………………………………..………..…..?
1) Parla di un’azione che stai facendo
2) Dammi un ordine
3) Presenta un amico ad un altro amico
4) Chiedi l’ora
5) Dai un’informazione stradale
6) Chiedi a un nuovo amico quanti anni ha
7) Dimmi che vieni dall’Italia
8) Chiedimi dove sono nato
9) Dimmi che sport ti piace
1) La mamma di Paul fa l’avvocato
2) C’è del formaggio frigorifero
3) “Hai comperato un paio di scarpe nuove sabato scorso?” - “Sì”
4) Hai delle caramelle?
5) Dove abita il signor Bianchi?
6) A che ora vai a letto?
7) Ieri ho mangiato la pizza
8) Dove è la mamma? E’ in cucina. Sta facendo una torta
9) Mi scusi, come posso raggiungere l’ufficio postale?
10) “Di chi è questo cellulare?” - “ E’ di Susan”
11) Non mangio mai l’insalata, non mi piace
Located on the two banks of the river Thames, London is the capital city of England and of the United
Kingdom. With almost eight million inhabitants, it is one of the most populated cities in Europe. Founded
by the Romans, who gave it the name of Londinium, London has a long history.
London is, with new York City, the world’s leading financial centre and also one of the most visited cities in
the world. It has a great range of people and cultures: more than three hundred languages are spoken in
this city.
Greater London – that’s to say the metropolis developed around the core – is split into Inner London and
Outer London.
Inner London includes the city’s most famous landmarks, such as the Tower Bridge, the Tower on London,
Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Hyde Park, St Paul’s
Cathedral, the London Eye, and so on.
Choose the right alternative.
1. London has about
a. four million
b. six million
c. eight million
2. London was founded by
a. the Anglo Saxons.
b. the Romans.
c. the Greeks.
3. More than
a. 100
b. 300
c. 1,000
4. London is split into
a. central London and
peripheral London.
b. Inner London and
Outer London.
c. East London and West London.
5. Inner London includes
a. the tallest buildings
in the city.
b. famous landmarks. c. rich and poor areas.
languages are
spoken in
Read this email from Peter:
Hi, my dear friend!
Here I am in New York, the Big Apple, and I’m having a great time. We’re staying in a wonderful hotel near
Central Park, with two swimming pools and a tennis court!
Now we’re having a rest in our rooms. Mum’s writing some postcards, dad’s studying the city map and
Mary’s listening to music. After lunch, we’re going for a walk in Central Park and in the evening we’re
having dinner in a Chinese restaurant in Soho.
Yesterday we did some sightseeing: we saw the Brooklyn Bridge and we went to the top of the Empire
State Building: the view over NY City was fantastic! We also saw Times Square and the Rockefeller Center.
The day before yesterday, instead, we went to Ellis Island and then visited the Statue of Liberty.
I’m really enjoying this great holiday here in New York!!
And what about you? Let me know.
Talk soon,
Now write an email to your English friend Peter. You are on holiday in Italy. Say where you are (seaside,
mountains, lake, historic city, little village, ect.), what you are doing at the moment and what you did
Hi Peter!
Talk soon,