Curriculum Vitae of Angelo Spognardi - ICSECURITY


Curriculum Vitae of Angelo Spognardi - ICSECURITY
Dipartimento di Informatica
3zo piano, Via Salaria, 113
00198 Roma - Italy
Phone N. +39 06 4991 8515
Mobile phone N. +39 347 5802987
E-mail [email protected]
Angelo Spognardi
Personal info
 Nationality: Italian
 Date of birth: 28 08 1978
 Place of birth: Roccasicura (IS), Italy
 Gender: Male
 Residence: Via dei Sabelli 100, 00185 Roma, Italy
Education and
From November 2004: phd student in Computer Science,
Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
May – December 2005: "Clusit" seminar Physical Security, VLAN
and LAN Security, Quantum Cryptography
September 2005: 5th International School on Foundations of
Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD '05), Bertinoro (FC) Italy
September 2004: obtained Laurea cum laude in Computer
Science, Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza". Thesis
title: "BaRT, Balanced Randomic Tree - Un protocollo scalabile e
distribuito per lookup in reti peer-to-peer"
November 2007: with M. Conti, R. Di Pietro and L.V. Mancini FastRIPP: RFID Privacy Preserving protocol with Forward
Secrecy and Fast Resynchronization. Paper presented at the
33th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics
Society (IEEE IECON 07), Taipei, Taiwan.
September 2007: with C. Castelluccia - RoK: a Robust Key Predistribution Protocol for Multi-Phase Wireless Sensor Networks.
Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Security
and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 07),
Nice, France.
March 2007: with M. Conti, R. Di Pietro and L.V. Mancini RIPPFS: an RFID Identification, Privacy Preserving protocol with
Forward Secrecy. Paper presented at the 4th IEEE International
Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Communication Security
(IEEE PerSec '07) held in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2007,
New York, USA.
March 2006:
presented at
with R. Di Pietro - A Formal Framework for the
analysis of P2P networks protocols. Paper
the 3rd International Workshop on Hot Topics in
Systems (Hot-P2P '06), Rhodes, Greece.
July 2005: with A. Lucarelli and R. Di Pietro - A methodology for
P2P file-sharing traffic detection. Paper presented at the 2nd
International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems
(Hot-P2P '05), San Diego, California.
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October 2004: with R. Di Pietro and L.V. Mancini - BaRT,
Balanced Randomized Tree: A scalable and distributed protocol
for lookup in peer-to-peer networks. Paper presented at the 1st
International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems
(Hot-P2P '04), Volendam, The Netherlands.
March – June 2007: “Programming Languages II”, Università
degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", “Advanced Informatics
Techniques”, Università degli studi Roma Tre
September - May 2006: “Programming Languages I”,
“Programming Languages II” Università degli studi di Roma "La
September - May 2002: “Programming Languages II”,
Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
March-April 2006: Cisco Course Completion CCNA1, CCNA2 and
September - December 2006: Claude Castelluccia, INRIA
Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble (FR)
July - August 2005: prof. Gene Tsudik, Dept. Computer Science,
University of California Irvine
Research interests
 Operating Systems
 O.S. Security
 Programming languages
 Cryptography
 Wireless Sensors Networks
 Network Security
 Anonymity
 Peer-to-peer networks
 Intrusion detection systems
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